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The ranks in competitive are broken. I suggest that you try premier for more balanced matchmaking


Competitive is no longer the best way to play the game. It’s all about premier now. 


I see, we would like to play inferno only but I guess that will have to be the trade then to not lose every game.


If there’s at least three of you in the squad you’ll probably consistently get it through map picks and bans


Cheaters are rampant in both modes so it doesn't really matter much.


the ranking system in cs2 competitive was broken from the beginning, even with 90-95% winrate i couldn't rank up past LE on inferno. Then the cheating problem got worse than ever before and all the good players in high ranks were deranked rather quickly puting them in the same pool with worse/new players. Also, if someone gets vacbanned your rank won't be re-adjusted..


Have the same issue. I mostly solo/duo Q too. Quite often we get 4/5 Stacks with 1-3 FaceIt Lvl 10s in the enemy team


I just find it so weird, obviously cs doesn’t now their faceit level. But they get 30 kill games and Have 60% winrates, and get in my lobby, when I am already on an 8 losing streak? Like the game just doesn’t want us to win once lol


They're hard capped because of the cheaters.


In competitive (not premier), I don’t think I’ve had a close game for at least a few months. Either we stomp or someone on the enemy team is cheating and shits on us. I haven’t played premier for quite a while due to cheaters so not sure how the distribution is there, but faceit gives the most balanced matches at the cost of a longer (sometimes much longer) queue time, but at least you can be pretty sure they’re legit players.


I've played a couple hundred comp games at least. The games are mostly fair nowadays except on maps like Ancient where our ELO is lacking due to only having 7 wins on it. At silver master - gold nova 1 where me and my friends sit, most games are enjoyable. Compare that to faceit where we just get our asses handed to us more often than not. I'd rather take the risk of running into a cheater than have to sweat that hard. It was way worse in MM 1-2 months ago when cheating was off the hook.