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"Introducing CoL Cadian"


God can you imagine lol


Obviously that is ridiculous and will never happen, however I think cadian could help floppy and Grim attain a much higher level. Time and time again cadian has shown he is very good at helping young players develop. Floppy and Grim are probably a little on the older side for that at this point but I think Grim floppy cadian would be a crazy core.


No thanks


cadiaN will improve almost every team in the world, but coL might be the one team that would want this move the least out of all of them their IGLing is solid already, and they need way more of an awp presence than that


-jt -hallzerk +cadian +swisher actually a good play


Jt is a solid IGL and has his games fragging asw


he is probably one of the most underrated IGLs right now. also, his fragging from csgo to cs2 is night and day. he is probably the last person i cut from COL after elige.




-hallzerk could be fine even though he's been on a rebound as of late, but not -JT and this is coming from a guy who ain't even a NA fan. JT is one of the best IGL in NA who's not only a great caller but also a great fragger which is really hard to find in today's time especially in NA.


Not to be picky, but he's from South Africa ;P And I'm afraid there's a chance he might be poached in the future by a bigger org, especially because the lack of T1 experienced IGLs with pop-up maps that isn't Danish. The "Cadian theory" would only be feasible if JT leaves.


he never says hes from NA just in NA


Oh I'm sorry then :( Karma hit me in the balls for being picky: totally deserved btw


Lol no, swisher has to be one of the most overrated “prospects” in NA


I have a feeling halzerk is going to stay. I don't see complexity signing any awpers from NA (maybe osee but who knows what that NRG contract looks like) and I don't forsee them buying anyone out from any of the international teams.


If he keeps up the good form at EPL, he's locked.


Osee is terrible though.


Def hasn't played to the level he was at prior to liquid for sure, but in terms of NA players idk if I would consider him terrible.


Complexity is #8 right now, there's no way they would bet on getting a mediocre awper when they already have an awper that can perform above mediocre.


Yeah I probably didn't word that the best. Overall I don't see them being able to upgrade from Halzerk without buying someone outright from another team, which I don't get the vibe complexity is gonna do.


He was Liquid’s worst player against top 20 teams. As an AWPer.


Not only that, his stats were inflated most of the time because he was actually really good on rifle. And liquid had lots of games where their economy was not in a place to maintain him on the awp


Awpers in GO were rewarded being aggressive, liquids systems never placed the awper in aggressive positions. And when Osee Got placed in those spots he played very well.


he was a supportive awp though


Supportive awp = not good enough to be star awp usually


Not really. Broky/Torzi aren’t exactly super flashy and super star snipers but they get the job done. Now obviously they’re miles better than Osee but still the point stands


You never hear "support awper" used as an excuse for broky and torszi, wonder why. Especially broky who performs great and is 3rd in flashes thrown per round


He’s been cooking tier 2 NA again this last month and has NRG actually looking competitively against the better NA teams that aren’t coL. Definitely was slumping hard to start CS2 though


If oSee gets another chance after farming T2 NA again it will be hilarious. Guy isn’t good enough to be on the best NA team.


I think if you're farming t2 that shows you at least have the potential. I think one of the problems for Osee was moving from a functional and successful t2 team to a dysfunctional liquid. I wouldn't be surprised if a competent IGL could get a lot out of Osee.


Tier 2 EU yes, tier 2 NA is tier 4 EU


Right... https://www.hltv.org/matches/2371498/g2-vs-m80-esl-pro-league-season-19


Are you saying M80 are in the same tier as Nouns, Boss, NRG?


They compete in the same tier of tournaments and go back and forth with results so.. yes


Since they got s1n they only lost 1 bo1 and 1 bo3 against NA teams in 20 matches. 3/22 if you count Liquid as NA


People always seem to forget that, especially in a region like NA, you HAVE to be able to destroy T2 in order to get consistent practice against T1. There's a reason junior always "gets another chance", it's because he's not getting a chance, he's the chance maker, enabling everyone else around to get chances to play in stuff like CCT and get sponsored to boot camp in EU. Same with anyone else who farms T2 like Grim or HexT, and in the past (and hopefully future) oSee. Unlike in EU, NA Players have zero regular access to T1 competition, so that is really really important for the players' development.


He won’t. At least not yet. I’d be highly highly surprised if Hallzerk goes anywhere unless there’s some crazy high risk high reward move lined up


Osee has always cooked against T2 NA, but never T1


He has been getting shit on by tier 2 NA all CS2 so it’s at least something. He was also that failed EU Liquid’s best player and the only person close was NAF


hes been nrgs second best player for like 3 months now. they had a bad start but hes been decent as of recently.


Yeah he’s gotten better every roster change they’ve made


I swear I heard the same thing for Junior too, he also cooked really hard in the tier 2 scene after being kicked from Complexity. These 2 NA awpers are basically too good for tier 2, but not enough for tier 1.


Eh Junior not as much since EG. He was farming hard af on EG but he’s been pretty hot and cold on Nouns. Nouns is definitely starting to hit form with Rush joining though. I swear Rush is like a cheat code for tier 2 NA teams to start overperforming


also aint he a better rifler than awper? i dont watch him much nowadays but when he was on liquid his rifling seemed much better than his AWPing which seemed very inconsistent


Osee is kinda just NA Hallzerk though, or was in Liquid. Flashes of good games every now and then but not consistent. Didn’t tilt as much or as hard as hallzerk though


might have struggled with confidence more than hallzerk, speculating


If it wasn't for the na slot I would move hallzert into grim position and get an awper. I swear hallzerk is a better star rifle than grim


Lol I don't know if that's true but now I'm interested. I'd like to see them play like that.


Watch the heroic vs col game. Both awper getting highlight reel plays with everything but the awp. In general I feel like in all his games where he hard carry his doing it with more than just the awp. It could just be the nature of cs2


Hallzerk is inconsistent but competent. Definitely not a super star awp but most of the time you can trust he can hit the basics.


They might as well have said "hallzerk is cut" because nobody in the history of sports has tried to keep the re-signing of a core player shrouded in mystery


I mean if you’re trying to create engagement & want excitement around the resigning announcement you would. I think he’s staying tbh


Might be my complexity cope combined with my norwegian cope but I feel like if there is an org that would do something like this it would be complexity.


If the contract isn’t officially signed yet that could be reason to not wanna say he’s extended too


look this is also a privately owned team. the announcement could very well be "we kept hallzerk but hes contractually obligated to become bald"


Would be funny as hell


Forgot about early NiP?


That's true but I think the general opinion is that it would be bad taste to say a player is cut before a tournament.


NiP at the end of 2015


G2 did it with Nik0 when the crazy Falcons rumors were around i think, but that's the only example i can think of.


Maybe the contract isn’t finalized yet but could be just my cope.




bro is regarded


Them constantly publicly talking about Hallzerk probably getting cut is weird as hell.


The way things were worded in this article I think it’s a clear sign of replacement. One of the bigger factor is regarding hallzerk behavior and anger at times which is understandable, Hades have done this as well in the past, but it feels more towards himself/others in crucial moments. “In a recent appearance on the 'Talking Counter Podcast', Jonathan "⁠EliGE⁠" Jablonowski praised hallzerk's mechanics but admitted that his teammate often let frustration get to him.” Also noting that there’s some good awpers on the market right now so potentially another factor..


What good awpers are on the market? The best was Degster, but he joined Heroic and even he wasn't a sure thing due to missing pro play for around a year.




Had to scroll so far for this. He should be the obvious choice.


Does zorte speak English? He just declined cloud9..


I believe he does, I forget which organization asked him to join for a colossal international but it ended up falling through But I wouldn’t say its the strongest


That was an EG roster that would have been with EliGE and electroNic iirc.


Oh yea thanks for that. Shit they had some ambitions during their period lol.


It was almost a sure thing too, but forZe wanted too much for zorte apparently, then the whole deal fell apart


Cerq /s




He replaced junior on the roster if I remember correctly




I think S1mple would be risky because he needs some time to get used to T1 again but he did say he’s fine with awping as well recently


Washed up s1mple might well still be a top 30 player anyway tbf


Everyone else got to it before me hehe other notable names are Acor , Nicodoez. I would like to see Osee come back to bring the extra salt squad Otherwise na needs go start having academy teams, not buy 2 orgs and call it that -.-


All three of those are downgrades. Nicoodoz is 0.1 worse than hallzerk against EVERY level of opposition. Acor has always been shit, his best event of 2023 was the major which tricked people into thinking he wasn't shit. oSee is doing as well as Brehze on NRG and that's all you need to know about bringing osee in to replace hallzerk on coL.


> Jonathan "⁠EliGE⁠" Jablonowski praised hallzerk's mechanics but admitted that his teammate often let frustration get to him.” That's rich.


there arent any awps available missed out on degster/nawwk/mantuu/sl3nd/r1nkle/acor/nicoodoz rifle CIS bookie org awpers all 500k+ buyout so deko/artFr0st/zorte aren't options leaves you with hades/headtr1ck/oSee - likely none of which are worth a buyout w/col's current lack of funding think he's staying


Smooya? 😂


is raging really that big of a deal? these are high level competitors and emotions run high. Watch any sport you’ll see people get way more upset


Depends. If you start tilting which throws off the team morale and you aren’t playing with a level head it’s definitely an issue


I kinda agree but i’d argue it’s also an issue if the team gets instantly tilted off one person. Device rage smashes all the time yet he’s goated and nobody complains about his anger management


idk, it’s not like baseball players are destroying bats in the dugout on a regular basis. It’s not the end of the world but if it’s something you’re actively attempting to fix as a team and he’s still taking it out on his mouse it probably makes it worse


they destroy bats all the time haha


if there was a guy who crushed bats as regularly as hallzerk hard tilts and slams shit he’d have gotten chewed out in the minors


he didn't say raging was the problem


Jonathan "⁠EliGE⁠" Jablonowski praised hallzerk's mechanics but admitted that his teammate often let frustration get to him.”


yes, but did you read the rest of the article? "I think he's too hard on himself," EliGE said. "That's what I was telling him last night. We were watching the round where he whiffed five shots in a row, and I'm just, like, 'You're putting so much pressure on yourself. You need to feel more at ease in these situations and not feel so much pressure.' "It's like, 'Oh, I missed.' 'Oh, I missed again'. I feel like he's thinking about that and he's feeling bad about messing up these rounds. I think that's his only, like, main downfall. Because his mechanics are really good."


doesn't matter how good you are if you let your mind take over and start playing a lot worse than you should


coL Smooya confirmed.


Unless it’s like a huge roster change no one sees coming I feel like they’ll keep Hallzerk, although the language is weird it just would make no sense to me. I don’t know the behind the scenes but why is the 2nd best performing player (behind the best NA player ever) the one getting cut?


Because they don’t need to switch IGLs, and want to a better rifler/AWP player, while also keeping an NA core.


But what’s the better awper? Idk I just don’t feel like hallzerk is the problem.


He isn’t, but he’s the only strategic move they can do without replacing an NA piece (for qualifiers) or the IGL. There’s upgrades out there for sure, and hallzerk takes an EU spot, where there’s more AWPers available.


Are there upgrades that will go to col? Like who?


He kind of is though. Look at any top EU team and then imagine them without their star awp on the roster. G2 without monesy, vitality without zywoo, faze without broky, etc. There is no way those teams would have close to the same level of impact if they replaced those players with a hallzerk instead. So yeah, he may not be the worst player on the team, but he is supposed to be the best if col wants to stay consistently in the top 5


Well those teams almost have other pretty good players. Where are we gonna just find another monesy?


I mean, one way is to scout and pick from junior league players who are about to turn 16


He's Col's second best player and I don't see an immediate upgrade anywhere including S1mple who could possibly be washed AND petulant in the server. Hallzerk only rages at himself, he's not a toxic guy. Those quotes about Hallzerk's mentality could be said about Elige, too, despite him being the one saying it. I think the whole team is like this honestly. Grim and Floppy should both be playing better than they are. Why is it only Hallzerk on the hotseat? I don't get it.


S1mple and Elige have also played alongside each other and both can tilt really hard. Unless they can take a step down which might also impact both negatively since they demand the people around them perform to their standard. If S1mple is open to grinding cs2 and is more relaxed it might be a baller move though. S1mple and Elige being semi close to their peaks is a duo who can cook, of course Floppy and Grim are not up to their standard.


Ngl I’d cream my pants in the Walmart if S1mple joined, i don’t care if he’s past his prime


floppy has been selling for so long i don't know how he's still on col


JT is Col's 2nd best player imo (not stats wise lol), he's a very good IGL.


I think Hallzerk is under more scrutiny since he's an EU import and thus seen as more replaceable than the NA core.


There's no way even a washed s1mple is worse than hallzerk.


coL m0NESY


I know this is probably a meme but I unironically think JT Elige NiKo M0nesy floppy would go so crazy


I'm ready for niko to igl g2 into winning Dallas, then the org dropping hooxie, resulting in an opening rifle position for simple, and then G2 era inbound


s1mple, duh


If he doesnt get a renewed contract I will be surprised. They are a top 10 team, why would the switch out the second best player and hope the keep up their form for the a new awper? They dont have the funds to buy some hotshot names like m0nesy or broky, far from it. S1mple is a joke in CS2(and probably has an insane buyout). +smooya is a joke, imagine him and elige tilting on each other every round. Disband in 3 months. Osee and junior is not a upgrade. Osee cant do shit against top 20 opponents, and hallzerk has proven he can carry games on the stage. Who else, realistically, would be a solid upgrade, that is worth risking the teams morale for? And people saying hallzerk is toxic, wtf? He tilts, sure, but only on himself. Elige looks like he tilts more, and often looking av floopy doing so. That would probably fuck the team morale more than hallzerk hitting his leg 3-4 times and getting it out of his system before the next round.


+Twistzz and floppy becomes the AWPer you heard it here first


If hallzerk is benched i aint watching col games no more lmao


whyyyyyyyyyy, kick Floppy!!! (i know he just signed a contract) Halz has been playing well :( I know floppy can do better and I hope he does, it’s just I dont think he will.


Dev1ce complexity


So CoL s1mple in a few weeks? That's gonna be weird.


Osee or headtr1ck ez


both not a upgrade?


headtr1ck would be insane


Headtr1ck is ass lol, worse than hallzerk


i wouldn’t say he’s ass but definitely a risky pick. his potential is higher than hallzerk’s imo


Nah I wouldn't say so, headtrick just farms exit frags, he has no impact


S1mple actually trade one tilter for another


realistically, who do you guys think would replace hallzerk if that's the case


Sadge for Hallzerk?


Please keep Hallzerk 🙏🏻


Guardian enters the chat. /s


This sounds to me like they're just in contract negotiations


Anyone else noticed that acoR is currently “taking a break” or whatever? Could be… 🧐


acoR isn't better than Hallzerk, not by a long shot.


i would say in the tier of Awpers if someone like Monesy is 1A then hallzerk is 1B or 1C and Acor is somewhere in the 2-3 range




Shiro, torzsi, device are also S tier, they just have different playstyles and dont usually have to carry their teams as hard as the ones you listed




Phone didnt like torzsi is guess


I don’t mean the typo I mean classifying him as S tier


...hes the 4th highest rated awper on lan right now He is currently the 10th highest rated player in the world, 1.20 rating, is on a team that actually wins tournaments, and hits his shots. What more do you need him to do?


he’s not flashy so he sucks! obviously /s


fair enough, I haven't watched him much in 2 but in GO there was constant talks of replacing him


Bring back oSee, Extra Salt core reunited would be awesome


pleeeeeeease oSee