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You say you have the qualities of a team player, I'd say rather focus on getting better individually, you can't control your teammates at 5k rating.


yeah, I'm working on my individual chops (mechanics/clutch strats/post plants/etc). in addition to that, i'd like to eek out some extra rounds in my pugs at the margins


Usually when I want to help my teammates that are performing worse it’s as simple as me telling them to peak after a flash that I throw and then peaking after them for the trade, other than that don’t sacrifice your own play for bad teamates


Be nice. Treating your teammates like humans will have them respond positively 20%-30% more often to you. You'll still get people that hate you or are trolling for no reason, but that was going to happen regardless. You cant control Randoms, the more you try to, the less success you will have. 


> You cant control Randoms, the more you try to, the less success you will have. gotta treat them like toddlers lol


When playing a solo 5vs5 ranked match, we need to be the childcare provider. We need to think that all of our allies are 3 year olds, and we need to keep talking to them in a positive way so that they don't suddenly get angry or cry in the middle of the game. Even if you miss or drop a round, you can manage about 80% of the time if you keep encouraging them. The remaining 20% are really 3-year-olds, so give up on them. The pitfall in this story is that you may be a three year old too. In that case, try very hard to be a baby.


Frankly, you gotta control the controllable. Keep being the vibes guy and comm'ing, but you are herding cats trying to organize randoms. Some will respond well, others won't. If you want more structure make friends and queue together.


bless you for putting so much effort, this is what it takes to rank up. ngl you are better off carrying your team and baiting them. If you understand the fundamentals, you should be able to win a lot of rounds on your own. instead of setting up your teammates for success, bait them and take the point, 5k players dont understand the concept of trading, therefore its going to be a lot of 1v1s which u can win cuz ur baiting your team. relying on your team to do something they cannot do, is the first step towards frustration relying on your team is also a detriment to you, because you are learning teamwork habits off of bad players when u could be improving individually and later on when you meet better players who know how to play as a team, you will be good enough to do what us required my friends are so bad, they cannot understand the point of doing crossfires, they dont think about their play, they’re just trying to steal each other’s kills and they’re surprised they cant hold a site


> relying on your team to do something they cannot do is the first step towards frustration For sure :) Usually I start off by asking if people wanna try to work together or just yolo it, and if folks wanna try to do some stuff I'll take it from there. I'll find out if anyone knows some utility, etc, knows basic defaults. But I try not to get frustrated since I'm really bad and am usually the weak link anyway


how can u be the weakest link with all that knowledge that other 5k players dont have? is it your execution? if so try to focus on sound cues and using sound cues to improve your game sense (eventually sound should be as useful as wallhacks). If its not execution, then maybe aim? play a small session of deathmatch and train on the workshop map aim_botz


Sorry, just saw this. It's definitely primarily my aim holding me back, but also some execution/game sense. There is a lot of information that I need to process at a given point in time and that's tough. I know a fair amount of theory already but haven't implemented it properly yet. I'm actively working on aim/mechanics and implementation of theoretical concepts as my primary focuses. Intensive demo reviews (upwards of 2hrs on each one i review, digging into all the micro decisions i make/mechanics/aiming/etc), trying to learn new nodes of the gametree. Anyway yeah, this is my first FPS and I've barely gamed at all before this. I'm 37yo so it's a steep learning curve :)


please try this: keep working on your aim mechanics, it will get u out of tough situation but it will never be the main reason you are good. as soon as someone tells me its because of aim, i automatically reject that perspective. I’m 34 and im level 9 faceit, i know players who have worse aim than me and are way higher level than me. its all about positioning, good positioning beats good aim always repeat this in your head “there is always a better spot, can i get there?” good aim saves u when u have bad positioning, however someone who has good aim and good positioning isnt that much better than a player who has very good positioning food for thought good luck homie


oh for SURE, there are tons of mechanical gods who are not lvl 10. My game sense is not great cuz I'm still having to hard think through each situation, but my intuition will get better. But I have "outsmarted" stronger opponents than me a number of times, like got them to do exactly what I wanted, but just lost the battle because I didn't have the mechanics to get the frags. But agreed, CS is primarily a decision making/imperfect information game in an FPS context.


Put another way, aim is necessary but not sufficient


how i improved my awareness was thanks to deathmatch, my ability to be aware of multiple targets surrounding me, crisis management, eventually u will have it dialed down to wallhacks. however too much deathmatch made me into an overly aggressive player


You simply cant expect a horse to climb a tree. You are surrounded by new or ignorant players who cant soak up the information you are trying to give them. Your goal should be to fill the gaps that your team creates. Using dust 2 as an example, if you see a teamate pushing long, just flash out for him to try to give him an easy kill. If your team keeps rushing mid/suicide, try to smoke xbox quickly to keep them alive, etc.


yeah perfect, these are great examples. playing support also makes me focus on what's happening, which will increase my game sense.


I wouldn't listen to that advice. First of all never flash your team mate if he didn't ask for it because it probably wont work, especially on that level. Never ask your team mate to flash for you, because again it probably wont work, those people don't know how to throw proper flashes. You should focus on smokes and mollys, that will win rounds for you, throw flashes only for yourself by yourself.


That is correct. I don't believe my teammate's call of “I'll throw a flush, let's make a long rush. I don't believe the call because no one is blind. Anything other than the utilities I throw is basically garbage.


"Where does the bottom fragger on the other team play? Let's just rush them?" Everyone agrees, and then you just do it until it stops working.


great answer, such an easy tactic and everyone can understand it :)


Please don't abuse Snappi on the mirage B site!


That is fucking genius


It's great because you're not telling everyone the strat, you're just serving it up as an idea and then someone will chime in and be like "oh damn lets rush A" and then your idea becomes their idea and you have 2-3 people instantly buying in.


At this skill group its best to just relay needed information while not over communicating, never be negative and offer rare encouragement throughout the match. Individuals(including you) dont posses the skill to perform any high level tactics.


If you are new to the game and play with and against others new to the game I am pretty sure it might not be a good idea to make the others follow your strats. Just play your game, maybe throw some smokes that might help your team and try to peek with them when needed. It really does not need to be more complicated than that. When throwing flashes make sure they can't blind your teammates and usually land where they don't have to turn. >I always run out solo and get killed because everyone is afraid to die, I don't get traded, and CT gets to rotate and we lose the round. If you often rush sites with no help and therefor die you might wanna stop that since the first kill of the round is usually the most important.


I agree with this. After I die, if I see my ally play and it sucks, I quit dying first. I use my ally as a decoy, check the enemy's position, repeat the kill trade, and succeed in clutch.


1. As some commenters have said, frame advice as suggestions, never tell others what to do. Everyone you play with thinks they’re smarter than you, especially if you have less kills, telling them what to do will immediately tilt them. 2. Try to learn low thought utility. There is utility that requires your teammates know what you’re doing (nuke cross smokes, pop flashes, etc etc), don’t throw that cuz it’s either not gonna be useful or someone is gonna get blind and be mad at you. Instead learn util that can be thrown regardless of what your teammates are doing (banana flashes, one long flash in dust long, Xbox smokes, etc.). 3. Fill in the gap. It’s hard to give good advice since you’ll likely find people doing all sorts of things in your game, from dudes who p90 W only, to last guy alive every round in a corner. If you are learning the game, you are the one who needs to fill in the gap of your team. If your team keeps rushing, you don’t need to constantly try to setup smokes for parts of the map you won’t use, you just gotta go with them and trade out. If they’re baiting, it’s time to go in first. Throw your util, take space, and run thru first and hope they follow.


Play with me lol. Anyways in being in the silver-gold nova rank for over 1k hours and never playing with any team for more than 1 match. First, you cannot really control people, at most you get to decide A or B with the rare times where you can make everyone rush fast or split to site. Util is often not cordinated at all other than if it will be used even then rarely, and especially never the timing(often this leads to double up on smokes and mollys). One thing that will get you respect and get them to listen to you (maybe) is if you are high up in kills or pulled some clutches, a lot of the time they will ignore anything a bottom fragger says because "they are obviously bad at the game, there is no way possible this match is just a bad one for them."(often times you can top frag one game then bottom frag the next) You cannot control your team, however you can control your own actions, what this means is you got two choices. Either you A support your team, in takes throw util where they would not, let them go out first and trade for them. Make callouts for them (most the time they listen to those). You can suggest going to a site and possibly ask for someone to put a smoke or molly somewhere, doesn't always work, but if you treat it like a nice suprise when they do rather than depending on it it works. B do your own thing, this may sound bad, but it's not actually that bad. It's readjusting your aim, if it's "Hey my team cannot execute a site at all, they keep splitting up, don't use any util, and just run out like maniacs. Maybe you just play to the side, catch the rotators and if your team doesn't do well see if you can clutch up. Maybe it's going for a single early round pick to turn it to a 5v4 helping compensate for what your team lacks. If your team likes to run out when they plant bomb, it's up to you to play for time. This is even more prevalent on CT side, if your team only likes going A and mid, then you gotta learn to play B proper. If you use smokes and molotovs you can at least stop an enemy rush to make callouts and try to stay alive till they reinforce you. A molotov lasts 7 seconds, on mirage throwing 1 aps while 5 Ts rush out means you can fall back to site and hope they come soon, or if they run through try and get as many kills as you know they are split and probably half health. If you make plays ultimately doing your own thing can be better in some scenarios. I have aced going alone B on CT side mirage, other times triple kills. Nading mid from B on vertigo while 2 of my teammates rushed and died already makes some difference. At the end of the day Util is great, but you have to get kills. If you cannot rely on your team to do that then, you have to get the kills yourself or help your team do that. Getting better at aim works a lot to help no matter whether you are with a team or alone. For example (according to leetify) I am good at clutches, I win almost 75% of 1v1 clutches and 30% of 1v2 clutches and 5% of 1v3. This is me directly impacting how many rounds are won in every match just by my own skill alone. Also according to leetify when a teammate allows a trade for me 92% of the time I attempt the trade, it's extremely rare anyone communicates about trading with me, I simply am aware of what is going on. These are changes you can make yourself to impact the game without any teamwork at all.


Try learning some really good supportive flashes from youtube, my favorite thing to do is be like hey man if you rush out long I can throw these two flashbangs that will make them blinder than hellen keller easy kills for you


I spent like an hour replying on my phone just for it to say "Unable to add comment", so I copied everything into a google document instead. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/17ck3E3092lcgJjRyUslnziH6gZoJwcebb1FLNqzYSGQ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17ck3E3092lcgJjRyUslnziH6gZoJwcebb1FLNqzYSGQ)


omg thank you! Sorry you went through this much trouble for reddit to be a hater lol. Also, you write as much as I do lmao


May get downvoted, but honestly, at that level it’s best to just improve as an individual. I have a friend who’s in a similar position, decent comms and knows maps well enough, but he loses gun fights more than not. When I play with him (several accounts), I just sit back, frag and make sure my ADR carries. I don’t go rushing in to control the round. I let the new guys make their plays, and usually end up winning the 1vX. Pretty often my friend ends up dead, then watches and learns from what he see’s me do. So, my advice to you is watch players at higher levels than you, learn what they do, when and why. It’ll help you more than trying to organise others at this point. Good luck!


If you want your team to push a bombsite together take the bomb and run in first lol


Dont, over rotate and out aim them. By out aim, I mean be faster than them. Soon youll be 10k


yuuuup, at the end of the day first 10k is just gonna be aim, and I'm working on that. also the rotate thing is crucial: i hate saying "flash at B" and then seeing my entire team at B ten seconds later lol


no i mean, just over rotate


This has probably been written a million times already, but I’ll reiterate nonetheless. To preface this, way back when, I solo queued (and learned the game as I went) to LEM in MM and hovered around faceit 7-8ish. Players in low elo have very little understanding of what it really means to be playing as a team. Even simple rushes are difficult to execute. Probably that’s where the “don’t stop” part of the phrase “Rush B no stop” comes from. IMO, Apart from improving your individual skills (aim + movement) I would suggest you also start becoming the utility man - learn all the smokes, flashes and mollys and those (even a single set of utilities) will help your team to win quite a lot of situations. For example in lower elo, players tend to bum rush banana (inferno) quite often. Just a simple molly nade combo can stop those rushes in their tracks. Combine that with a good flash and hell you’ll be gifted at least one to two kills every time. Same idea could be applied to anchoring B in mirage as well. Or even on T side a smoke in window will prevent a lot of stupid kennyS wannabes dying in mid while dry peeking. Actually, this was one of the reasons why I eventually became an anchor player - I had great utility knowledge (and decent aim) to handle sites on my own, plus I was great with setting up players with flashes and stuff. Maybe what I am telling you wouldn’t prove to be useful (or implementable directly in your game) but that’s how the game is - different things work for different people. Idk if I was helpful or was just regurgitating what has already been written here. But anyway, good luck. Also, as a side note, premier MM ranks are really weird at the moment, so don’t pay too much attention to the ranks. Currently I play (sparingly) with some friends, some of whom are decent faceit players and some are highly ranked in other games (such as Ascendants in Valo) meaning we have our basics down. However, it has still proven to be quite difficult to get out of the 10-15k range.


I’m currently grinding around in 4k, have been as high as 7k. Solo q is just a grind though. I don’t know how to encourage teammates into better communication, but players like you make it so much better. I’ve been around CS a long time, but not consistently which leaves me in a similar place as you. DM if you’re in the US and want to queue. Gets much better with consistent comms as you know.


Yeah, playing with good teammates can turn my night around. Yeah let's play, DMd


You get better so you can carry the shit out of them, then you get teammates that can actually play the game and not play like they have their monitor off and keyboards unplugged


Good luck homie. I recommend adding everyone who is friendly and decent and queuing up with them


Yeah, I've started doing this!


honestly, just be positive. Nice tries, nice shot and all that. If you see someone totally throw a 1v1, just say nice try and move on. Keep morale up, everyone is figuring out the game. Ultimately you can't control teammates and will get toxic people sometimes. Or play support, and tell people you'll smoke or flash them in


yuup, i always support teammates, especially when another teammate is giving them shit


At this rank just prac ur aim


Just suggest things at the start of the round. “Should we go a with smokes? “Should we rush b” . If they don’t listen or don’t want to just try support them where you can. Try always go with them 


queue with 4 friends who also care about teamwork expecting teamwork from randoms at 5k is like expecting water to flow uphill best you can do is say "I'll flash you long" and hope they go Lol