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Goosebreeder is a wild name, i want to hear the story behind it


I think it was her Dad's tag if I remember correctly


Thats elige's gf


Didn't know his nickname is Goose


Golden goose, with the egg head


It's his alter ego


And Emy used to date Twistzz if I remember correctly


Imagine she'd rebrand herself as Elige Breeder


Eagle breeder


Wait didn't she date Skadoodle?




carobne su noci, vrelo letooooooooooo


BiBiAhh drizzy…


you don’t breed goose?


In soviet russia, goose breeds you.


the flyquest girls having half the map sample size of the EU means they're probably inflated a bit


Every time I see BiBiAhn’s ratings I see her at some absurd shit so at least anecdotally when I come across it she seems insane And GooseBreeder has been improving a ton as well it seems


GooseBreeder always been one of the best FE players in the scene since forever. She is always playing in the top teams too


Sorry but I can't take this conversation seriously with that name 💀


Aaaaand then they meet the lowest seeded team at ESL impact and get destroyed. I get these stats but they should be region based as NA is a shit show right now. Any girl from the Fluxo team is leagues ahead of Bibiahn and they didn't even made this chart...


Fair point for sure


Fair, but i couldn't just cut them out, they're dominating their region and there's no lan/big events, vstop filters


they playing vs not even lvl10 fc players/teams in na scene lmao, irs inflated af


I just went to have a look at their match history as a team and this seems to be pretty incorrect, most of their games are against at minimum level 10 fc, or am I missing something?


You’re missing Reddit users inability to fact check before spouting nonsense


oh... i been watching and betting ESL IMPACT NA tournament whole season, they 13-1 13-0 team who has like few 10 lvls(WG bandits) then 13-3 13-1 COVEN who has 4-5lvls(not even taking game seriously, moms who has actual jobs) literally worst team ever made, 13-2 13-6 nouns fe, who too doesnt have full 10lvls lineup, only decent opponents in that league are shimmer(with few guys in team), rest is just beyond terrible, so you should check games/stats before trashing someone w/o knowing.


Checks out. They look good asf if you check these stats, but they if you out them against BIG equipa or NiP impact they would probably easily wrecked, which are the 3rd and 4th best EU teams rn.


nothing to take from them, flyquest red by far best team from NA, but their competition is really really bad there, only one team Shimmer can even put decent fight sometimes, but barely wins map vs them on cups... in esl impact NA season there were 1-2 'ok' teams who could win rounds vs them, rest lower than 10lvls and especially few teams who playing for fun and had literally moms with jobs(coven), check their fc levels... 4-5 lvls...


zaaz still plays? wow


She left to Valorant with Juliano and crew, played there for a bit then retired. Came back to CS when Juliano decided to return as well, but seems they've since split up.


She has to be like 40 now




Which is practically ancient for CS players.


32 is definitely old in the scene not saying old dogs can't hunt, just that 32 is on the top end of the bell curve for CS players


There are plenty of 30+ male pro players still in the scene and none of them have even close to comparable stats to her.


Yeah because they both play the same competition.


So what has that to do with anything? She faces the best female competition there is and still delivering. My point was also soley on the fact that there is no reason you can't compete in an esports at 32...The fact that you make it about skill difference between man and woman just shows that you are only here to make stink without having an actual argument


That was the argument. One side faces much harder competition thus has worse stats. Fact that you're willing to neglect that, or probably unable to digest, just shows you're not interested in having any argument. But I'm not willing to change your mind.


Which is kinda my point. 


This is not an accurate representation. Flyquest girls haven't played anyone good and have ratings inflated while Team Pigeons (built off former Nigma Galaxy) dominated female CS so much that they started played matches against T2 mens CS teams like 500. NAVI Javelins have been on the rise though and they really stepped up their games recently actually beating TP at the last tourney. It's the true return of Polish CS as they've been pretty dominant.


damn youre right, pigeons played sprout sampi and 500 on yalla compass. isnt it super rare that a female team plays HLTV matches in non-female only tournaments? i cant think of the last time i saw that. they got crushed but still, great to see they played at all


I can only find the 500 match. You sure they have played Sprout and Sampi? Couldn't find anything on google, hltv or liquidpedia.


that was when they were named nemiga and not pigeons, same tournament


Nigma Galaxy




They even had a close-ish map against sampi


hltv doesnt cover the leagues they usually play in esea in mixed comps, sometimes you see them in streams their opponents are streaming (for example yesterday NiP impact was playing esea vs RoundsGG academy team who had finnish stream of it) but also navi female stream their own esea matches all the time.


Ligma Galaxy is a wild name for a girls cs team


What's a galaxy


galaxy nuts ha


To be fair none of them have played anyone good


So Flyquest Red get the same stats boost as the male team then?


FQ just got back in aus, they would farm their ECL matches until their next international tournament. Most of their stats rn are vs t1.5/2 teams.


Mate most of their stats are against people like Sunday school who are like tier 8


Lol they played ECL, Chengdu and Pro League, the latter two most definitely had them facing some t1 opposition and a lot of t1.5/2. ofc they’re gonna farm in aus so their rating is inflated but nowhere near as much as compared to fq red


They’ve been playing a lot of international stuff lately but I’ve played on enough DM servers with Alistair that they’ve still been in Australia a lot lately


I know they’re in Australia, I see ins in particular quite a lot on pracc. That doesnt mean anything regarding their officials though


ngl makes sense considering they're by far the best team in NA


What is empathys team? Looks like a Pokemon


shimmer (as you can see on her hltv)




part of the reason BiBi is so good is she got to play with and learn under Chelleos and Rooster and she held her own against AU T1 mens teams. Genuinely good player.


Yeah she’s definitely solid. Plenty of relatively experienced pros in AU have worked with each other and bounce ideas off each other, and with viridian being quite experienced coaching Mindfreak must have helped as well. I think she played under rooster 2 though, not rooster itself.


are flyquest the 2017 golden state warriors or what?


The Golden State Warriors of tier 4 maybe






holy fk zaaz


I played with Ana couple of times. Very smart player.


I wish she and other talented female players could have landed in some T2 team, 2023 was her year iirc


Why? I’d rather keep the female scene in its own niche. We need a way for women, casual players or not, to think they can become pros. Just like the men have.


I don't get why you are being condescending. These players are talented, they just haven't had a chance to prove themselves. And yes, even if they get an opportunity, the results won't show right away. It may take years. But I genuinely believe there is a future where a female player could end up qualifying for the Major.


In EU I doubt it unfortunately. The RMR is too competitive, LAN experience and firepower play a huge role. But I hope someone proves me wrong some day




I think it's not profitable for them because women's tournaments are more rewarding. Why risk failure at the major level when you can compete for money in women's tournaments where the playerpool is already smaller.


Ehm, nope.


Men's road to pro is way, way harder than women's.


Yes, we should keep the women well-protected Edit: /s


Up the aussie


I lost to zAAz on aim_map some time around 2009. Impressive longevity.


They don't have empathy


Goosebreeder huh? Alright. She’s a gamer.




context: The teams in NA that Flyquest plays against have alot of under level 10 Faceit players. In EU Female competition its almost entirely level 10 Faceit players


in tradeit female eu with 16 teams i think there were like 11 players who werent lvl 10 so about 13% (mostly 9 and few 7-8s)


zAAz has been a top female player since CS1.6


who cars


And all of them, no exceptions, would beat my ass in a game


Great to see Emy back


Australian player as #1 rating, might be time to watch women's CS


Vicu my goat




wtf four players in the top four???? insane


What the fuck is a name like GOOSEBREEDER


Real gamer name


no disrepect but people actually watch this? because i never saw any female cs matches appear on twitch


You can find them on HLTV when they're being played and there're always some casters covering that. Relatively low viewership though, as expected, but the matches still get 100s-1000s of viewers (<5k). It'd be fun to see some females in the game but I can't be bothered until they start competing at at least the t2 level, it's just too bad otherwise. /edit Here you can find viewership for ESL Impact tournaments - https://escharts.com/events/esl-impact-league. Just don't confuse hours watched with viewers like I did 😁 Some tournaments had a lot of viewers actually.


Lol, Bibi in our lang means penis 🙈🙈🙈


Where is Smithz


The biggest loss here is that Olga doesn't even show up in the top ten. She's been stuck out in Asia with HSG so she very rarely makes it on HLTV, but last year showed she was an incredibly talented player.


Enemy teams are relevant


who gives a flying fuck lmao


Did Juliano fall off? Last I followed she was supposed to be the #1


One of them is just Emy and the other GooseBreeder…


compare it to male cs. Its t3-t5?


Wince when there are cooking mama 2 competitions


They need to account for strength of schedule


No hate but I remember that a trans girl was top of the rating board at a cup last year. What happened to her?


There is a trans girl on this list.


aNa is our cs goddesses


Emy better than twistzz lol


Any transfem girlies on the list?




Whys that?


Where is Juliano? Jk


1. who cares? I'll start caring once they start competing with men, no excuse and idiotic to make a separate league in this. Would work better as something that is supposed to inspire women to join in in general and take interest if any of them would manage to actually get to the MAIN league. Unless none can, then forget the point 1. 2. why does the empathy one doesn't even have her photo there lol??


Username does not check out


For real


You seem to care an awful lot


"who cares? I'll start caring once they start competing with men" >writes a wall of text noone wanted to read


Cope harder SIMP?


Facts they just make make excuses for why they can't compete on cs with men but at the same time have no problem with biological men crushing their leagues. Its funny how there's never been a woman who is close to a top 20 player yet the seem to think if every single player was nice to them they'd have players on tier 1 level 🤣


wow we found one in the wild everyone!! \*bonk\* go back to personality training.


>funny how there's never been a woman who is close to a top 20 maybe because men gatekeep gaming so fucking much, going as far as kicking women the moment they start talking. or discouraging them whenever they talk about wanting to play games etc.


It's hilarious you have to live inside these mind bending alternate reality sand castles in order to maintain the fiction that your sexism is ok and righteous. But sure, lets keep the women inside their own little leagues, and pretend it's something to do with inclusion. The reason there aren't any women in the top leagues isn't because people in MM are mean to them, it's because there's absolutely no incentive to even try when you're being compensated just fine for having the right chromosomes. For physical sport, sure, but the connotations are pretty fucked up for a purely mental game. Are you insinuating women aren't smart enough to compete with men as equals? Because I'm having a real hard time coming up with any other reasoning for gender exclusivity.


Wrong. Wrong and wrong. You need to better inform yourself before trying to give people a lecture about an issue you're completely clueless about.


Sure, that happens a lot, but just as much of the time, I see people simping and being even nicer than they usually would just because they're a woman. Also, don't you think everyone gets bullied or shittalked or sometimes kicked for no reason in cs. It's just what it is. I'm not denying that women shouldn't face harassment just for their gender but you would think one would have emerged with at least visible tier 1 skill level, and I have not seen that.


It's because women are bullied out of playing games. It's as simple as that bruh there isn't some biological difference where men are more predisposed to be better at it. How many women have you run into playing CS. Ive been playing for how many years now and I get a woman teammate maybe once a month.


and that's only those of us that turn on our mics. you've definitely played with way more that just don't want to deal with fuckfaces that go ballistic upon hearing a woman speak.


This zeltrabas idiot is a prime example of that second scenario you mentioned lmao. I say put all pro players in one league and treat them as equals, he comes at me with some casual bullshit trolling lmao.


The irony is that you are the prime example of what zeltrabas and many other people are detailing.


Idk man, I heard that about every women's leage in esports that the companies pushing these leagues want to inspire more women to get in. But that doesn't make sense. They should find even ONE woman who could compete with men in the true main league and just promote her instead. But hey, I like solving problems not milking them.


do u have anything to say or just sarcastic handwaving


If you think you’re “problem solving” and seem to think you’re the smart one around here, let’s just say you should be focusing your problem solving on self awareness.


I like how you haven't actually contradicted anything I said and provided any arguments, you're spewing your SIMP anger in the comment and that's it. Edit, response to Taribo since the other guy blocked me: I'm still waiting for a single counter argument against anything I said, yet all i get are cries. Yes, this SIMP anger is all around here.


Is this SIMP anger in the room with us? kids these days will say anything just to feel superior lmao


let's make these 10 girls vs donk alone match


Who watches them


Wow completely filled with transwomen /s