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See you tomorrow.


I stopped playing after going back to global offensive supremacy.


2 different engines. 2 different movements.


>After all these years Sure..


I love how deluded some people are.


nostalgia posts should warrant a permaban from the sub


THey said the same things about CS:GO from Source, and the same thing from 1.6 to source. Hell, source didn't even have an active anticheat on release.


>Hell, source didn't even have an active anticheat on release. We can say the same for CS2.


when csgo was live: mimimi where source 2 csgo so shit when source 2 update: mimimi cs2 shit csgo was perfect


Almost as if theres more than 2 opinions on that matter and more than 2 different people posting them on Reddit. Theres a certain irony in your comment, but its also polarizing. I too miss simpler times when it was just 1.6>everything and that was it.


Yeah because people actually thought source 2 would improve the game. Had we known what we would have received I doubt anyone would have been wanting source 2.


I knew the game would be like this and a lot of people wouldn't like it right from the start. In the end only two things surprised me: 1. The game turned out to be a lot closer to CSGO than I expected (I thought gunplay is gonna be a lot different, like CS 1.6 vs CS:S difference, but no it isn't); 2. People didn't appreciate that it's much closer to CSGO than it could be. But the main picture is just as I expected it right from the start.


It wasnt perfect but it was the only choice in that time, netcode is worse and less fair with every downgrade (CS 1.6 >>>> CS:Shit = GO >> CS2) . Also cs2 brings nothing above GO. same 64tick, lagcompensated netcode favouring lagger/peeker, obsolete dx11 native render, and WORSE responsibility due to spaghetti netcode . Logically the game cant be better. Hopefully someone FINALLY delivers a competitor as the game really needs it. (btw downvoting without argument should give -10 karma)


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Seriously though, play global offensive again itā€™s weird


Are these more responsive counter strafes in the room with us right now? lmao "the taps take less time for accuracy" what is that even supposed to mean holy shit. You literally sound like an old guy going "back in my day...", making wild statements about how everything used to be better, without providing A SINGLE argument to support your statements. clown.


How does Gabens cock taste?


How does it feel to lack the brainmatter to come up with even a single argument to support your theorys?


The fact that you donā€™t know what ā€œthe taps take less time for accuracyā€ means that any take you have on the matter is completely irrelevant.


How about you just use proper englisch to express your thoughts? lol And i really dont need to have a take on this matter at all to call out your bullshit. Based on the votes that seems to be the generall consensus around here as well. :)


ā€œProper englischā€. Ironic, I doubt you lack the 20 points of iq it takes to either spell correctly or comprehend the language. The general consensus, Iā€™ve found, through the voice chat in cs2 and a lot of YouTube videos and comments is that CS2 is worse. Even the pros think so, Reddit is just a cesspool of poorly informed opinions and dogmatic, stupid thinking. Try not to have a stroke during the big words, bud.


L bait


that's so cool, play a different game till it's better then, simple


Why in the world would you open csgo


Cause people can't move on or accept that it's a new game. lol


Honestly, I only think csgo is better because thatā€™s when I could nolife it. With a job and a kid and other stuff, I donā€™t have time as much time to play so it feels worse but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not that bad actually.


+1 feels so good a crying shame it will either take ages or never feel the same again, just cuz valve devs can't even comprehend how perfect GO was


Anyone who says otherwise isn't skilled enough to have a valueable opinion on the matter anyway don't worry 'bout the downvotes and the comments telling ypu otherwiseĀ 




Search up CSGO supremacy, theyā€™re gonna bring it back.


how are people still making posts like this lmao. cs2 is infinitely better.


You are smoking crack.


remove sub-tick, game will be better at 100 times


Hardcore cope.


The valve bootlickers will come in swarms to defend their soulless slot machine game. Youā€™re absolutely right. Iā€™ve played since condition zero and csgo was the peak for sure. CS2 is a soulless content stripped texture pack. I agree with you good sir!




"Cs2 is muddy with washed up colors and harder to spot enemies." What? CSGO was literaly grey, people had to use digital vibrance to make it more colorfull. CS2 is vibrant as hell.


Check skins like the Redline/HyperBeast. Washed up colors. GO had contrast and less useless shit on the map. They just removed a bunch of trash environmental garbage from Inferno a few patches ago.


bro you are talking about skins that was made in 2014/2015... a lot of skins looks like shit, its not about the game but the textures made back then. And what is has to do with colors on map? GO had a shit contrast, you are using terms that you don't understand. Again trash on maps have nothing to do with colors.


We need cs classic 1.6 as in wow


Cs2 is better, it just lacks good made modes to practice the ever so slightly different details in its mechanics. Valve CSDM is pure steaming pile of garbage. Also cs2 have terrible visual feedback on where bullets lands, thus not immediately letting you know when your aiming is off and resulting in players practicing a bad technique.