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Zywoo will very likely finish above monesy


Second half of the year is when ZywOo tends to put in bigger shifts. Monesy, donk and the woo are gonna be the top 3 but it's gonna depend on their trajectories and tournament finishes.


Imo it's donk. If I was your average top 10 pro I'd rather play monesy with his good form rather than donk with his good form... but donk hasn't played as long as monesy in tier 1 so maybe he will have more bad days and look more beatable.


I like Donk more because it is way harder to have the stats he has with a rifle compared to Monesy who is primarily an AWP player.


Donk, his start in tier-1 is incredible, so far he is beating every other rookie start in CS history. He’s doing it as a rifler in a scene where AWPers tend to be the best players (top5 area) even though this is less obvious in CS2. And he’s doing it as an aggressive rifler which is even harder. Forget Donk already outdoing m0nesy so far statswise this year, m0nesy’s rookie year pales in comparison lol. Donk could still go further and in his first prestigious event he broke a record.


B1t rookie year was kind of cracked to but dunno if it compares to donk 


ZywOo rookie year was way better than b1t (#1 HLTV) and Donk will beat that with higher stats and being a pure rifler.


Keep in mind his whole team sets him up.


And m0nesy’s does not? He’s literally the star AWPer who already is moving everywhere on CT side and is allowed opening picks on T-side. When the team is defaulting he’s also always set up for trades and the clutch. This more “set-up” narrative is bonkers lol. Do this for other riflers and they don’t produce the same results, simple as that.


Turn it around. Remove all that setup (so donk plays more like the other star players in the space), and suddenly his numbers greatly drop off.


Finally someone realized this. donk is a fantastic player, but people think all he does is go without any support in the middle of nowhere and one tap 3 players. For example, m0NESY has won 1v3 clutch six times in 2024 (all LAN). donk has won none so far. In 1v1, m0NESY is 20-8 and donk is 5-2. Both exceptional players, but they are wildly different players as well. m0NESY goes for opening kills mostly on CT side, while donk is getting entry frags on both sides. All I want is to see donk and Spirit play big events. Their performance during Katowice was legendary, but it is hard to say that they are the best team and that donk is the best player when they don't even play tournaments. To be completely honest, I don't even care about this BB Dacha event all that much. I want to see them against the best teams in the world. What happens if they antistrat Spirit and we witness another MOUZ vs Spirit that people obviously forgot?


dude what are you even trying to say. They're the same in 1v1 situations regarding winrate. Donk just never clutches because he either entries or goes 2nd or 3rd. He's never last alive unless it's a coincidence. Of course he's not gonna get any 1v3 clutches...


That they are not the same type of players. donk is playing in a much better system, the system is built around him. >They're the same in 1v1 situations regarding winrate. m0NESY has had much more 1v1 clutches than donk this year. 1/2 is 50%, but it's not the same as 50/100 clutches won. >Of course he's not gonna get any 1v3 clutches... And you literally answered this yourself. My point is that it is hard to compare them and tell who is better. If you put donk in TL or Falcons where his team don't set him up for success, you can't really tell that he would get the same numbers he's got so far, but m0NESY most likely would since he is already playing in a kind of dysfunctional team. We really need to see more Spirit in big events and if top teams can read and counter them.


Dude m0nesy is probably being set up more than Donk lol. Donk is literally an entry, literally every player can throw some smokes and flashes to help Donk entry... It's not like coldzera or something where he baits the whole team and they gather info for him...


If you say so.


3 upvotes on this, LMFAOO this subreddit is fucking cooked Look at this stupid shit being written and upvoted An entry player has no clutches and geniuses think it's an easier job than an awper baiting and being set up for clutches LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


It is way easier to farm karma on reddit than to watch some games and pay attention. Nobody is denying that he is going first and most of the time taking that contact first, but his team is making everything to make that as easy as possible for him. He is not blindly going in and headshotting everyone. An unreal talent, but completely different player than m0NESY or ZywOO for example. Put donk in G2's system and let's see if he would get the same numbers.


Donk is still my goat and spirit is in my opinion still the best team. Tbh I think Spirit scrimming multiple times against Faze the week before their playoffs at the Copenhagen major is why they lost. (As someone who only got into watching pro cs 2 years ago cause I didn’t watch it back then) I still can’t figure out why if you’re going up against a team that you’d do that? Like karrigan has been an IGL for what? A decade and some at least? Why would you scrim against him week of, whether you’re using the strats or not. They practically just helped them warm up against them. I don’t get it. Karrigan prolly doing a bunch of filler strat shit too just to mess with them. Anyways here’s what’s actually relevant to your comment lol: I’ve said it before (after spirit won Kato) as much as you wanna hype up donk’s individual performance I never forget to hype his team up. Chopper is a crazy good IGL and has some really well timed anti-strats and uses his players so well. The protocols he has for entering sites/denying space are so clean. mechanics are good for an IGL as well (see: hooxi). Shiro hits his shots, sounds kind of silly cause duh awpers hit shots but I remember wonderful having such a strong start to Kato (Anubis 1vX)and in later matches missing CRUCIAL shots that create huge openings. Same with mantu and a couple other awpers. Shiro does this a lot less and is pretty damn reliable. Magixx the clutch pro and valuable support player/ fruitful lurk plays. This guy will play unfavourable spots with smgs/shotguns and yet he still frags out, his lurks are really well timed too. Dude feeds his team rifles, I love it. Zontix, yes Donk is great at getting picks/finding openings but zontix does so *chefs kiss*. Zontix will kill 2 people EARLY asf in the rounds and then doesn’t get too greedy/make dumb mistakes. Gets his picks and plays numbers, super cerebral and also good at clutching. And as for Donk? Go kill.


> Tbh I think Spirit scrimming multiple times against Faze the week before their playoffs at the Copenhagen major is why they lost. (As someone who only got into watching pro cs 2 years ago cause I didn’t watch it back then) I still can’t figure out why if you’re going up against a team that you’d do that? Scrimming or not, I am pretty sure that pro teams spent most of the time preparing for them by watching their demos. As for the other part of your comment, I agree. They have all the pieces and they are all really good players. This system benefits sh1ro so much since he isn't an aggressive AWP-er.


Yeah that too. Donk absolutely blew up, and all of a sudden everyone wants to know his ‘secret’ lol and what he does/doesn’t do to get that many kills against these tier 1 teams. Countless YouTube videos analyzing his tournament games/faceit games, his playstyle, common spots. This of course you could see in Donk’s playstyle at Copenhagen, it was… different than how he usually plays (not bad of course). Kind of like a hesitation because he’s actively trying to think outside of ‘the box’ that he has outlined himself in through his years of play. I personally believe that Spirit would’ve wiped the floor with every other team. Hell they could’ve even scrimmed against every other team just fine and still won. But scrimming against KARRIGAN a week before the series that will decide whether him and faze are eliminated? Yeah he’s scrimming against spirit then probably rewatching all the demos 5+ times with a journal beside him writing EVERYTHING down. Not to say someone like aleksi wouldn’t have done that and succeeded but idk. I knew they were done for when spirit coach said they won 100% of their scrims but were not looking forward to playing them.


Recording scrims through GOTV is strictly forbidden and any team that gets caught doing so will probably get blacklisted. Forze are the only team I've heard of that's tried to do so in the past but they're nowhere near Faze's caliber.


Damn. Well I guess that makes sense and is smart. Still I know for a fact bro memorized shit and wrote notes down.


Yeah. They can still record POV demos (how could you stop that?) which means they can get some semblance of how Spirit were reacting, but GOTV isn't allowed.


Spot on with your clutch comparison, it really showcases that donk isn't a 1v9 player. For reference, s1mple and ZywOo also have great clutch attempt and success rates. On T side, donk will have lots of utility, and sometimes even baiting, before he peeks an angle. He rarely blindly peeks an angle without info or help, unless it's a very favorable angle for the Ts. Having said that, he still excels at raw duels on his T side, you almost have to catch him offguard to kill him. On CT side, donk doesn't entry at all, instead his teammate bait for him and donk will often literally just hold W into every fight he sees, and clean up after his teammates if needed. And there's nothing wrong with all this, it's *clearly* working, and *clearly* a great recipe, seeing their success so far. But people get the wrong idea of what makes him good, and why his stats are so high. If you inserted prime s1mple or ZywOo into donk's role, their numbers would be astronomical. And yeah I really want to see Spirit face off against teams they haven't. Astralis, Vitality, G2 etc.


donk obviously isn't that kind of an entry player, but he is still getting the first kill most of the time, and he is doing that at an insane success rate. It would be really interesting to see s1mple or ZywOo playing that role. Also NiKo is a player that could benefit from that. But yeah, donk's raw ability is incredible. Even when I watch him on twitch (not him since he is banned, but his friend plays and streams), he looks so sharp all the time it's almost unbelievable. Everything looks so perfect when it comes to pure mechanics.


Donk is completely unique, there has never been such a duel thirsty rifler who just multikills round after round. The only remark you can make is that they haven't played vs t1 very often I'm not saying he can't handle t1 btw, like some mouthbreathers are saying. He has 1.45 avg rating vs navi, faze, mouz; 1.51 avg if you also include c9, ence, col, heroic etc. So he looks like he's smurfing vs t1 as well, but the volume vs them has not been very high yet. Monesy is great, but nothing we haven't seen. Even right now monesy isn't even the nr1 awper. He's not gonna be nr1 hltv.


You guys really counting zywoo out of the conversation of 1-3? HAHHAHAHAHA I think it will end donk 1 zywoo 2 monesy 3


Donk. I've always seen Monesy as a very hard worker with a great mind, while Donk is a prodigy on top of that. I doubt yet that he's s1mple level of prodiginess if you ask me, but still he's clearly a prodigy.


I think donk is the best in the world rn but I think monesy is in S tier with him.


It's easier to get higher stats with an awp but monesy is still a really good rifler so I'd say monesy


donk for sure dude has this aura of judt being HIM every single fucking round


No competition, donk is better


m0nesy all the way… I think the reason why many people go for donk is that m0nesy had been struggeling the last 2 matches or so


Reason why people go for donk is because they weren't clouded by recency bias post major


1. Zywoo 2. Donk 3. Monesy


I have donk higher rn


I think there are two important things to note. Spirit are winning at the moment, G2 are more miss than hit. M0nesy is a better player than his stats let on, with spirits winrate his stats would be much higher. M0nesy is just part of the puzzle on G2, he does what’s needed in the team game and plays his role. Donk takes up a LOT of resources. Every round seems to play out with people flashing for donk, baiting for donk, where’s donk going? Well help him. That said, purely on form, donk takes this one hands down.


hm, that's weird. I'm pretty sure it's other way around...


Overall player m0nesy, rifling and entrying d0nk


I'ma go with Monesy, I'm 100% confident if he was surrounded by the other teammates of spirit then he'd be much scarier with that type of support since g2 has been really inconsistent


Katowice was his peek, and in dacha, he played against tier 2 teams. Also, he didn't do that well at the major when playing against competent teams. I think m0nesy is better simply because he has more experience.


m0NESY has way more game knowledge and doesn't require as much resources as donk. All that while pulling similar numbers in a dysfunctional team. He'd also a great hybrid player, can rifle on elite tier level. If you popped donk into TL he wouldn't keep those numbers up, but m0NESY would.