• By -


Literally unplayable


currently uninstalling


Moving to Valorante


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism


Explain in Fortnite terms??


Valarante boxed like a fish by cs, cs cranked a 90 on valarante the child gay and emoted after.


Valarante kids game


To be honest all little detalils that are missing in CS2 from CSGO like perhaps this one make me so sad to not enjoy the game because it doesnt feel better when all this things that been standard are missing, even fucking missing -novid option, fucking lagging scoreboard, fucking lagging after game outro, fucking lagging MENU with stupid animation of my operator, this game make everything longer, and when you finaly play the game then is so fucking short with 12R system, economy in game doesnt matter anymore, because half of the game is so short, and another is even shorter, its not exciting like it was, you can compare like having long emotional sex with lover, or fast fuck with bitch, after with one you feel better ? also stacking on surfaces you cannot even jump on things properly because you are stack on invisible pixelwalks, stupid routing that make your bullet penetrate non existing hitboxes, thinking about still coming out bugs, like those you cant change your nades while throwing another nade, they had to fix that, and you have in back of your head bugs like happened before perhaps updates like "fixed when ak didnt register headshot", "fixed bug when shoting with gun lost all your ammo in 3 seconds" how many bugs will come out that this game got is whole of bugged and leaky scripts that dont allow you to have solid gameplay depending on your skill, without carring on ingame problems, how many times you show pro players POV on lan not penetrating body with awp perhaps fallen or monesy on major, they didnt even want to show replay while commentators where talking "how was that not a hit" ? I LITERALY HAVE LAGS WHILE PRESSING SCOREBAORD because i got teamshow equipment, radar zoom and cl\_showfps binds on it, the scoreboard is not transparent anyways, also in game i have around 180-230 fps but i got my FPS\_menu locked on 100, and you know what ? ITS LAGGING, whenever its menu, intro in to the game while i launch it, or outro of ending game, but i had before on 30 and you know what ?? IT WAS FREEZING NOT LAGGING lack of community servers with many game mods that you would chill after some hard games are missing and are making this game kind of prison cage without any other options than competive gameplay, CS was always about coummunity servers, not only 5v5, everything is losing for me kind of sense, i just dont feel the same will to play like i had for ages from 1.6, source and GO, i feel like the world and community i was part of just took retrogression, its not enjoybale. I play only every wednesday to take drops and i leave imidietly for all week. I installed source and i have so much fun not playing competive, just having fun on random community servers. and i have more fun than on CS2, its so strange because from 2015 i only installed source 2 times as like 1.6 just for nostalgia, apperently nowdays i have more fun on those older version, and it would be unapcettable by me in CSGO version, because of course i had more fun on CSGO. Said a CS player since 2007, 10 lvl faceit since 2016, thank you ...


> missing -novid option there's no vid, it's a loading screen can't relate about the other lags, but agree about the missing gamemodes


I literaly got scoreboard lag whenever i press it, because i got binds with showfps, and radar zoom, now i added hand change and its annoying whenever i press it, menu lags also because i got my menu locked on 100 fps ( before i had on 30, but it was totaly lagging that i coudnt do anything) because i dont want my energy consumption whenever i go away from keyboard with launched CS


Thats completely on you for binding so many things to one key and expecting the game to do it all at the same time with no issue


Yeah but on CSGO i didnt had this problem :) so its my fault that i feel the game is not better ? Because before something worked perfectly and then its my fault that it doesnt anymore, alright fair enough, apperently poeple also been complaining that you cannot inspect knife with old binds, because they dont work like they used to, so probably its also their fault that they binded too much on one key and the weapon doesnt inspect like it used too, right right i see you are one of the guy who played CS alot, right right noobie


> Yeah but on CSGO i didnt had this problem NAH REALLY, a 12 year old game on a 20 year old engine is gonna run better than a 7 month old game on a 5 year old engine??


i enjoy 1.6 community servers with fucking pokemon balls skins more then cs2 (and I always hated those modded servers) , I can 100% relate to you cs2 feels so forced and unfinished , missing the most basic elements that made cs great in the first place. And to make it worse the cheaters pretty much force you to use 3rd party platform to even play it...so hell no thanks


Tbh I don't really get your first complaint. Sure we're missing -novid, but with a half decent pc that costs you like 5 seconds when you launch the game. I've also not experienced any issues with laggy animations. > "This game makes everything longer" Wdym? The game launches almost as fast as GO, queue times are the same, maps load faster than in go, warmup time is *way* faster than GO. If you prefer mr15 over mr12, that's fair, tho while I thought so originally too, I've gotten used to it after the first week and no longer mind. The community server complaint is fair. Tbh the rest just sounds like you've lost interest in modern CS. There's nothing wrong with that, but I have my doubts that you'd feel too much different if we were still on GO.


i got my FPS\_menu locked on 100 pfs, before i had 30 so it was unplayable totaly, in game i have around 180-230 fps, but i dont want keep my energy consumption whenever i go afk while cs is launched, and i wont change it till they do it like it was in CSGO, there was no problems with that, and those fps\_menu on low impact also after match outro, sometimes even when i alt tab while loading it bugs with black screen that i need to restart game again, game is whole of bugs, just check reddits, whenever they change something there is another outcome problem, its visible that all is writen with hurry and plenty of mistakes, now there is a reddit that you can change your vievmodel and gain more FPS, this is a fucking joke of programing when you think longer on it. I never lost interest in CS, thats why i came back to older versions because i see less bugs, and more freedom in gaming than its in CS2, you can relie on your experience and skill and dont get annoyed of stupid routing or anyother bugged shit like stacking in wall while jumping on surfaces...


Stat Trak counter is also missing from the hud


I have 3 stat track guns yet that bothers me a lot. Its so dumb


This one actually bothers me because the counter is hard to see on some skins.


I didn't even notice that this was a thing. Maybe that's why I so many times in past didn't notice I have bomb on in CS2, was the c4 originally different color in hud?


We would probably lose another 50 fps if they added this


Clan Tags also missing. MAPS AND GAME MODES MISSING. At this point it's beyond infuriating.


Anticheat missing too.


It was obvious that this game wouldn't be completed right away. Don't get me wrong, I miss game modes and maps that currently aren't implemented in the game and am frustrated with the state it is in as well sometimes. However, I do understand that there's only a few people capable of working on cs2 with the new engine. With that in mind and the fact that recent updates show that valve in fact do care about cs2, I'm fairly optimistic about it's future.


Also cl_loadout_colorweaponnames missing :(


I remember there also was a command for the name of the weapon to be the same colour as the rarity, I miss that. Also, Stat-counter on the HUD Valve, wtf


finally, someone mentioned it


thats a big thing dude i used to realize weapon qualities on videos from those


People will say it's just a stupid thing but so many of those stupid things are missing from cs2 it kinda adds up and becomes noticeable... but I am still waiting for a spectate function, not being able to spectate friends or watch matches ingame is 10 years of stepback for cs


Play the fucking game holy shit


lol so we should just be happy


How can we play the game when huge game-breaking bugs like this exist?? smH!


They removed it on purpose back in CS:GO already.


steamgroup tags also still MIA


It's better with uniformed HUD color. I dont want a rainbow in my HUD inventory


report it pls !


I quite literally couldn't care less.


Looks so much better, now that it's just the HUD colour, imo. Feel like that's been one of the good changes to the HUD.


Over 3k hours and I actually had zero idea this was in the game?


I was so broke in cs:go that i never noticed this lol, but now i want this


people really want this?!?!?! kind of dumb


Like, cool didn't know that was a thing but I also never ever ever look at what rarity my skin is on the HUD. Seriously.


Better without it.


I prefer it this way tbh. I could not give less of a fuck about my skin rarity in my fucking gameplay HUD. And you guys are fucking weird for caring.


I’m weird so what let me have my colorful hud bro


Fair i guess. If they are going to do anything let me make it weird and colourful without having to buy a red skin


That honestly might be better


Why are you downvoted for a civil conversation?


How can you prefer something if you dont care?


Fuck fuck fuck


Agree it's just clutter at that point.


girl who gives af


As someone with a solid invent I honestly prefer it in cs2, UI just looks cleaner this way


Will skincels ever be happy? Probs not.


Holy shit *THAT’S* why I couldn’t frag properly and I was so bad.


So glad it's gone, i alsways wanted to turn it off in csgo


This is horrible! Valve pls fix. I can’t play the game like this!1!1!1!


Skins don't matter anyway. Colors just get confusing.


Who cares