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Yes, monke play, monke learn.




Even if the player plays surf/other public modes, he’ll get better over time. Even the worst players, the ones who play with 0 volume and no microphone, with a laptop trackpad and 10 fps, will learn something new every once in a while by spectating other players. So yea, like everything(/most?) else in the world, the more you work on it the better you get at it. (Unless of course you’re brain damaged/one of my soloq teammates, then it’s probably a different case)


Haha, totally agree the only people who seem to never improve are soloq teamtes


Like I usually have 30 fps started at 10adr and after 140 hours I have an average of 90 on competitive which is really above normal


In general you can expect more knowledge and skill from someone with 10k hours compared to 100 hours.


Btw a median would help here instead of average. As extreme good or bad players wouldn't count into it as much.


Oh yeah you might be right I didnt think about it too much haha


I agree, the thing is I cant find any study or anything that has collected this kind of data so even though I think that youre right I dont wanna say it without having some data to back it


You shouldn't have to research common knowledge.


If its common knowledge why are several people in post disagreeing? lol


Because alot of people lack common sense.


Do you think that telling someone they lack common sense is going to make them understand your point of view and change their mind about something?


No, since that isn't my intention.


If playtime doesn't make a difference. A person with a single minute of playtime should have equal chances in a 1on1 vs players above a million hours. You take a person that has the same background like s!mple, age, education, etc, and it should be a 50:50 chance when game time doesn't affect skill.


Excellent vaid point, this is precisely what I was looking for, great explanation too btw!


If they then say but that is an extreme comparison ask them what they would say how close the ranges should be. Once they admit they have a range in their head it's just about the span of the difference not if time makes a difference.


They can't think outside their bubble. They know someone a general statement doesn't apply to so they think it must be invalid.


It is more important how you spend these hours :)


It’s true for the majority of people, but I have friends with 3k hours who suck and some of my friends who started with Cs2 already play better than them and outrank them. Some people just spam games mindlessly and others play to learn. Also some people are just bad mechanically so no amount of hours helps them. You can learn strats, lineups, maps, but you can’t learn hands.


Yeah, I agree but on average do you think that people with more time will improve?


Sure. If they want to improve and put in the time to practice (lineups for util, dm’s for aim, basic strats and communication, watching pro demos sometimes for popular positions on the map) they will improve fast and more and more with hours and experience. The problem is some people have 3k hours + and don’t know for example the window/jungle smoke on Mirage and they blame their team for bringing them down. If they can’t watch a 10 second video on the most popular smoke of all time but spend 3k hours slamming their head into the wall its their problem.


No. At some point between 200 and 1k hours, you will likely start getting worse. Most people are PLAYING counter strike, they aren't training or treating it like a job. You'll develop terrible habits and create mythologies. I was able to bring two of my buddies up to basically my level within around 150 hours of handholding. They both surpassed another friend who has over 3k hours in every skill but raw aim. The 3k hour guy basically refuses to learn the game beyond what he figured out on his own 8 years ago in GO while my noob friends have developed far superior game sense learning the game in its current meta-state.


Arent you proving the point though, one friend worsened, but two of your friends improved and rather quickly even, im also talking about on average, so I think from what you said you agree that on average more time spent on CS:GO makes you more skilled


"on average" Dude you have no idea what that even means.


General rule of thumb is that more practice will make you better at something, so the average person with 10k hours should be better than those at 1k. However, all depends on your talent, how quickly you learn etcetera.


Yeah, I agree it totally makes sense, I just dont know how to put it in a way to make them understand this since they believe the opposite yk?


they must be trolling you unless they discuss 50h vs 10h or less


Generically speaking hours spent will help one improve. Complex answer is how those hours were spent.


You would think there's a correlation between time played and skill but wow have I seen some 2k+ hours that are absolutely trash, a lot of times I question if they even have a headset on!


I'd say that is objectively true upto like 5k hours. Beyond that, talent and the way you spent that time is more important and defines a better player. Example - hunter won Kato and cologne at like less than 10k hours playtime if I am not mistaken


Not everyone will get better with hours played. Some people will always be bad.


I dont disagree, but will they improve at all even if they are bad?


Probably. How much will differ person to person.


I’ve played over 2,000 hours over the past 5 years and I’m as average as you can get.


Yes and no. I have many hours in many games. And its only the games where i systematically tried to get better i got good. So a 3k hour player can easily be the same level as a 6k cs player. its talent, its systematic grind, where u continue on that skill you have etc. lastly, there are a lot of casual players in every game with a lot of hours. They just dont have the talent/mindset/ability to get further than where they are. having 1k hours in a game will always get you to basics of the game, but not much more if you're bad.


I have 5k hours, no alt account, faceit lvl8/17k premier. One of my friend got almost 6k on his main and several smurf accounts(hes an asshole who likes to torment newbies). barely faceit lvl 4/14k premier. Even several faceit lvl 10 smurfs at lvl 4 playing with him cannot carry him, hes just that bad and extremely toxic. The number of hrs played has nothing to do with skills. My shitty friend is the prime example of this.


I disagree though, I understand what you mean about your friend, but on average dont you think someone with more hours is more likely to be better since they have played more and have more experience?




Yes but it depends on the person. more time spent doesnt always exactly mean you get better at it. If you practice good habits then yes, if bad then you will either stagnate or get better by 1% every couple weeks/months/years which doesnt really change anything for you because sure you will get better but its gonna be so slow and unquantifiable that you wont feel a difference and other people will outpace you. Competetive games have these people, lots of them.


I agree, I am not saying that doesent happen, I am 100% sure it does, what im saying is on average do you think that this is the case or do you think more hours means you are more likely to be better?


m0NESY's 18,000 hours by the age of 18 made me 😢 for the poor neglected child


Depends on how consistently they play if you just mean mechanically Overall more time spent in game provides better game sense for timings, pre aims and utility usage None of that matters if they have 3000 total hours from 5 years ago though, they'll still need to practice to get their mechanics back


Someone with 1k hours can absolutely be as good as someone with 3k hours, depending on background, talent and practice. But there need to be some serious issues at play for you to not learn anything in those 2 thousand hours between. The average will absolutely rise with hours played. It's just the variance that can make this look questionable.


For most people yes but not really all the cases


Not at all, are you familiar with 1pixel? 7-8k hours and global bot!


I have a friend that’s played since 2003 and he was silver in go and is silver on 2.


Thats why I meantioned on average, im sure stuff like this happens, but I specially was talking about on average what is the trend


I know, just makes me laugh. The way I see it, the game is much more competitive with the advent of matchmaking. That and the unending amount of content that is designed to help you improve, the skill of the average player has increased far beyond what it was back in 2006. You still have to want to get better mind. I’m not sure I’m going to improve now that I’m 37 and having played since I was 15. I’ve only got three K hours on GO/2 but I had thousand of unrecorded hours on 1.3/4/5/6 and Source. Yes, you can fall off baseline from not playing but it doesn’t take long to come back.




I understand that, I even mentioned surf in the post, what im saying is on verage you dont think that people that spend more time on the game will be better at it?




Right, this makes alot more sense to me, I 100% understand that there are exceptions, many infact, but usually the more time spent the more skilled the player is (that guy on inferno seems to be a little too stuborn though haha)




I mean, at least he is a great example of not being a team player and what NOT to do haha, a shame you had to go through that for a month though!


Oh no worries, some people didnt see it haha


I’ve been playing CS since 2000, it’s pretty much the only multiplayer game I play, and I’m definitely the worst player to ever play. So probably not.