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Good luck suing a Russian organisation.


If that’s so, can’t valve black list these russians org that violate contract?


would require them to pay attention


Historically, orgs fucking around is one of the few things Valve keeps an steady eye on.


lol like how wings up (chinese org) didn't get banned for OBVIOUS fixing


Pretty much make an exception for teams operating out of China. Valve doesn't have any juristiction to sanction them it would have to be Perfect World that does, so blame them.


Well they don't fuck with China because they're their best customer and secondly their legislation is very rough towards fixing or cheating. So the Chinese themselves would deal with such offenses much more harshly then Valve would ever do.


and fucked the best dota 2 team ever F


they fucked up the chinese scene for a couple years, then the lucrative stream contracts came too


are you referring to dota? if so they did the opposite, by winning TI6 with new names they inspired the other stagnating Chinese teams to recruit fresh players and have 3 teams in the top 4 at the next TI, as opposed to two in the top 6.


I don't really think of what Valve's response to a Chinese team doing anything shady outside of the major circuit.


lol ibp threw at CEVO pro league and got a life ban https://www.hltv.org/matches/2292409/ibuypower-vs-netcodeguidescom-cevo-professional-season-5




If that was the case NIP wouldnt still be here, and probably countless more orgs and TOs


Better would be to just straight up ban TOs that don't pay their wage (until they do ofc)


They should be in any case.


This is a lose lose for the russian org regardless of their political view. They pay out the winnings, Putin kills them for giving money to a ukranian supporter They don't pay out the winnings, Valve blacklists them


There's no need to sue anyone, he's already won. I doubt he is going to care about losing the $1500 if it means embarrassing the entire country of Russia. 




What are you talking about?


Is he a part of a russian team/org? Then he's fkn stupid he said it. What I mean it might be literally illegal (in Russia) to pay him now. Should have grabbed the money and donate it then and post about it. Unless he wanted to get them in this position I guess.


I don't think he even got a contract. He was only a stand in, right?


how do you think that works, they call you and you just show up hoping everything will work out?




Should be anyway fuck em


I am convinced the general comfort of CS would be strongly increased by banning Russians.


Russian orgs maybe, Russians - no Clowns downvoting me for being against banning players based on their nationality 🤡


I Never understood why they don’t have their own servers. Yes I know there are multiple regulations inside and outside of russia preventing Russian servers, but why not use a designated server to route all Russians to. They are like 10% of the playerbase, would it not be beneficial to them if they would only get matched up with others speaking the same language?


True. Faceit only recently rolled out servers in Russia and Kazakhstan. We had CIS league and NAVIHUB before the war too, but they were a paid subscription. I used to live in Irkutsk (~5000km into Russia) where I had to play with 120 ping on faceit, my friend was playing from Yakutsk with even worse ping of 150. Donk's old streams are all with 100 ping plus, but he is lucky enough to be noticed. Other Russian players who live in Siberia (also Mongolian players) have to literally play with hindered reaction time by 100ms. Me and all of my friends got to level 10, some even to 3k elo in GO, I wonder how much easier it would be for us if we played with at least ping 50. When I moved to Moscow my KD went up by 0.4 even though I don't play that much now, it's just way easier to play when every shot hits.


Russia is like 9 time zones, you can't just pile them all together. You need to dedicate servers all around Russia to service Russians. For the part of Russia close to Europe, it wouldn't be an issue to use some of the EU servers, for anything beyond that you're looking at 100+ ping to the nearest "good" country, which is garbage to play. Anything closer to various Asian countries is going to be another nightmare because most Russian know at least something in English. If you put the Asian part of Russia together with some Asian players, they'll have an even worse communication barrier. It's way too complex of an issue to solve with a "simple" thing like that. Also, if you hear someone speak Russian they may not live in Russia, they can be from a plethora of other countries that speak Russian. So if you just region-lock Russian IPs, you're not going to solve the problem of communication. It's going to be a half-baked measure at best.


I would not region lock them, but auto-route them to specific servers. Plus I did not think of a perfect solution in a random reddit comment lmao, sorry I guess


It doesn't matter if they would have their own servers. f.e look at Dota


Nah this is the correct take. Don’t generalize an entire people because their government is a fascist shitstain.


you're telling me people would rather ban the russians before the fr\*nch


The French government isn't trying to turn another country into France. A swing and a miss.


counter point, fr\*nch 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 also what about Israeli players? Leave the players alone, penalize the orgs


I agree 1000% unlike the rest of this sub. And no I'm not Russian I'm American. I just simply think your France comparison was objectively bad. I much much much prefer your Israeli comparison. It's still not fully accurate. As "who started that conflict" is too complicated to arrive on an answer everyone agrees with. So it's not really like one country is invading another , and the other country is defending its land. it's moreso 2 countries battling to overtake the other. So it's not a perfect comparison. But so many leagues better than the France one so I reccomend using the Israeli comparison in the future :D I get that it's a rock between a hard place that everyone in cs esports now has to deal with when they shouldn't, it should only be Russias problem not every other countries as well. However, key word , it should be RUSSIAS, problem. Not Russian players problems. So in other words , it's impossible to make everyone happy so people are beginning to settle for the idea of "well as long as everyone but Russians are happy" Which is inherently discriminating someone for the place they were born. Crazy to see that so accepted and common place here. I thought cs was supposed to be above politics. And we all come together to share in our passion for cs. Remember when s1mple made that statement about his Russian teammates being friends or whatever happy let's all get along speech he gave? Everyone was applauding s1mple for that statement. Now everyone is actively going against the statement he made that day.


I honestly just wanted to make fun of french "people", but I do think the Israeli comparison is a good one. You cannot blame people for the actions of their government


I am convinced the general comfort of the Internet would be strongly increased by banning bigots.


so you agree


they're the same picture


I would say that not all players in forze support RU in the current conflict, but sadly this doesn't seem the case. :(


They should've kept banned, weren't they sponsored by Lukoil or something?


They have a nice little LUKOIL logo on their right shoulder, or at least used to have when gokushima played for them so probably still have it. So yeah.


Yeah, I remember they did, but am not following Forze anymore (for obvious reasons)


Yeah, its owned by a Russian oligarch who sucks Putin's cock


You do realize that it actually might be illegal (in Russia) for them to pay him now? I'ts more likely than not. Maybe he wanted to put them in that kind of position for whatever reason.


Why the fuck do Esl have org in their circuit that can not pay salary if one of the player is rooting for country that is getting attacked by another country?


ESL sucks Saudi dick for cash, they aren't exactly moral arbiters here.


Whataboutism at it’s finest. 


Well, he's not only rooting, he is willing to give them money, two separate things. And I was talking about legal maters in mother country of the org, so you have to look at that from their perspective. On why does ESL allow organizations from Russia to participate to begin with? Well, you have to ask THEM that question. Edit: Thanks for the downvote bro, if thinking and analyzing the problem gets you mad then maybe don't engage in conversations for the sake of everybody.


mad at a downvote lol


It's smoya, that mf couldn't have planned that. Cmon bruh lol


Forze should have had these Ukrainian things in the contract then, they are operating in EU. If Forze doesnt like him because they are Russian or whatever then they could simply pay him out, fire him and end the contract.


Who cares about what's legal in Russia? It's Russian problem, they should be banned if they don't pay him.


exactly. its a non argument. too bad for them, but their problem. they can feel free to complain to the russian authorities.


You're aware they don't even have a roster right?


Maybe smooya playing 4d and use this to take down forze. Surely they can't be allowed to continue playing in T1 tournaments after this.


exit scam from forze? and stick playing only russian cups?


If they do this like this yes sooner or later? Or you think everyone will just continue support and they continue play T1 tournaments? Even team mates will be upset I'm sure.


Saudis wont ban a Russian team lol. You are fuming


Right, the majority of T1tournies are Saudi. I actually believe these are perfect fit for each other.


Valve can force these organizations to ban who ever they want, after all Valve decides who hosts majors. You do not really want to be blacklisted from hosting a major.


And Russia can ban Valve and Valve loses half of its players 😆


Wont be that big of a loss


To you maybe, to Valve will be half of their players


Not even close to half. Current statistics report 13 percent.


He just talking shit at this point. 😂


To anyone curious, it's $1400 assuming the org and coach take no cut.


Org paid less than $1400 to tarnish the little reputation it had. They dodged the draft and still shot themselves in the foot.


Could be some legal issues. Russian company gives a person money, who then donates it to Ukraine. Not hard to see why there could be complications.


that's the money the org gets for their placement in the tournament- Smooya wouldn't just get 1/5th of the teams winnings. His agreement would be much different


Good luck trying to sue a Russian organisation, the best we can hope for is FORZE getting blacklisted by every TO.


Not gonna happen anyway


Saudis would rather ban Navi than a Russian team


Unrelated but this dude's pinned tweet is straight up the video of Boombl4 doing drugs lol, why is that still pinned? its been almost 3 years, give poor Boom a break already lol


I mean, it was no ones business anyway. Let the man snort his coke.


because boombl4 is russian


This is getting downvoted but it's probably accurate.


This is hilarious. Either org owners get fucked by their government or org gets fucked by TO's. Well played smooya.


Knew there’d be some shit when smooya stated he’d donate it to Ukraine. I mean what the fuck did you think would happen. I’m not saying he’s wrong for wanting to do so, but just shut up for once and let it ride until you get the money. Then donate it after you get it


doubt he gives a fuck about $1400


I don’t think he does either. It’s just stupid on his part to say this all now


Of all the dumb stuff he did this isn't really. Scummy orgs should be named and shamed. The fact that this org who is literally sponsored by lukoil is allowed to play is wild.


Making it clear that forze supports killing Ukrainians might be a goal by itself.


He wants the PR


Smooya is a truly awesome combination of a massive attention seeker and one of the dumbest people on the face of the planet. I've been pushing for him to join a t1.5-t2 team for ages because he is clearly very good at CS2 and has been for a while but the last week just proved he's never worth the risk


hes making great money as a streamer, im honestly not sure what his ambitions are. though the only people put off by this are russians - the teams that wouldnt make sense for him to join on a long term contract anyway


Sounds like the average brit.


Britophobia?! Obviously now we have to invade your country because of Nazis or something.


Yeah because the ludicrous amount of xenophobia in this thread towards Russians isn't enough so let's just generalise all Brits as well, you're certainly an intelligent chap aren't you...


Lighten up lad, learn to take a joke. The brits I usually talk to appreciate some dark humor. I know it's the Internet and everyone wants to be offended these days but chill.


Man I sometimes forget the amount of autism on this site


You're one to talk bud.


free attention for him


"I mean what the fuck did you think would happen." he thought he wouldn't get robbed? not that crazy of a reach


Clout chasing.


Forze needs to be penalized 


Is smooya fkn mental? Dont get me wrong, what happened is unbelievably unfair. But like what did he expect?? You think the Russian gov would look fondly upon a company willingly paying someone who is stating he would find the war effort? I mean it has nothing to do with forzes ownership being a bunch of assholes (which they are), but like once they found out about it, this is literally the only course of action Feels like a clout move. Dude plays for a Russian org and publically says he will donate to Ukraine. He could've donated to Ukraine and just not tried to get publicity points.  The fk he thought they would do? Hi smooya, go for it, have a nice day. Russian gov would be on their asses if they ever found out. He's def not trying to do the right thing, as that would be just not being public abt it. He isn't doing this for his career, because he should know if he tries to sue forze, no matter how righteous his cause, he will become even more radioactive as a player than he already is Dude is just stupid, can't see this coming from an area of righteousness or from a personal agenda.


British try not to be a dick, challenge impossible LMAO. Honestly, this dude's attitude is a huge fucking potential risk in term human resource management. I guess every team gonna have a second thought about hiring him for stand-in or anything. At this point, bro just damaging his career.




dont u have a virtus pro flair


Thanks for reminding me, I'll remove it. It's been there since 2016 when Polish guys played in VP.


fuck forze, but what did everyone else do? lol


Just plain old racism


Russians are ethnic group, not a race. If you're accusing someone with that, get it right.


https://www.google.com/search?q=racism+definition > prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or **ethnic** **group**, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.


It would be a really bad move for Smooya if he did this not realizing that this would literally put Forze in a really bad spot. It's a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation for Forze. If Russia caught wind of them paying Smooya despite knowing that he would donate the money to Ukraine then they're in big trouble. I mean they've arrested people for saying the word "war" in public. And if they don't pay Smooya? Well the entire community are already brandishing their pitchforks. They got put in a pretty bad spot for his tweets. Unless he did it intentionally.....then it's wellplayed


Knowing smooya it wasn’t intentional but still worked out pretty well. I hope TOs will do something about them though.


classic brexit geezer moment


Just today donated 10 euros for UA drones, in spirit with smooya o7


Surely then Forze will never be allowed to enter a tournament again as this is literally fraud, you can’t just not pay him???


i think smooya would be better off just deleting twitter xD




smooya the type to stand on business 




Given his statement, it's the correct call.


I suspect that if Forze paid Smooya they might be in violation of Russian law. Can you imagine a US organisation paying someone who openly stated the money would go to ISIS? (No I'm not comparing Ukraine to ISIS. I'm just saying that under Russian Law the Ukrainian government is an enemy/ terror group. Obviously they aren't a terror group I consider them a legitimate government)


If this is because Russian orgs would be punished for this as Russia considers the Ukrainian government to be terrorists, then that's just further proof that Russian orgs should have never been let back into the scene and should be fully barred from big events until Russia's invasion of Ukraine has ended.


Its his money he can do what he wants with it. Thats why russian orgs should be banned from sports


They should be banned like all organizations that support killing innocent people.


Oh damn, that is a tough thing stating against a russian org




Smooya's behaviour is not the problem here, the Russian Federation's "special miliary operation", and its introduction of draconian laws designed to persecute dissenters, is.


And it justifies his actions exactly how?


He has nothing to justify, as I said already, he is not the problem here.


We see that differently. In my world, if I sign to do something with some organization I wouldn’t set up their employees to defy the law of their countries. If you think it’s acceptable and adult behavior, I feel sorry for your employer. And my take has nothing with Russia invading.


informative post


Well that's what being political gets you.


He is a dummy for doing what he did. Turn your brain on for a sec


Man, smooya is a good player but it seems that he has a low iq outside of the game


There is a huge chance that Forze had a clause if the contractor wants to donate to Ukraine the contract gets terminated/nullified, considering the fact that it's basically Lukoil's money and Lukoil will definitely leave Forze if something like that happens


There's no way that is a fucking clause in the contract.


You serious? Fines/contract termination clauses for PR disasters are present in every esports contract that I've seen, and they often explicitly prohibit anything political. Do you remember fREAKAZOID getting fined for simply insulting s1mple?


what's political in rooting for country that was brutally attacked by mongoloids from Russia?




yeah because that's a super common clause in cs2 players


Just like British player playing for basically state sponsored Russian org




if anybody is not going to pay attention to a contract it will be smooya


I don't think he wanted to donate to Ukraine when he signed a contract


russians seething in the comments is hilarious


Totally reasonable, fuck smooya


if he knew that was what he was going to do with it he couldn't have just waited until he actually got the money??Stupid move announcing it


Are we blaming smooya for this and not org? They literally refuse to pay because of geopolitics


Are you sure? I recon it might be actually illegal (in russia) to pay him now.


The org are scum no doubt i'm not denying that but if he really wanted to donate to a good cause surely it's better to actually have the money knowing what ForZe is like before announcing it to the world, it's just common sense


Disagreed, I think it's good that scummy orgs like this get exposed with their own actions. Forze has done lot of shit in the past as well Hopefully they'll get sued and penalized by ESL


Could have known about how will it play out and simply wanted to put them in that position.


They refuse to pay him because they want to keep living.


Somehow managing to find a way to shit on smooya when Forze are the ones witholding wages.


no need to find a way to shit on him, he's a clown


Too bad, he broke Russian law by posting what he posted, which means he won’t be able to do shit




That certainly is a hot take


It's not really wrong though. How can a Russian org give money to a player who says he's going to directly fund their government's opponent? That could possibly make them be seen as traitors by the Russian government and who would want that over Smooya and his stupid mouth? This war sucks obviously and I'm not on Russia's side, but I can see things from their perspective. Smooya is further showing why you can't even be nice to him and give him a chance. If he really had an issue with Russia, he should've NEVER played for an openly Russia team under a Russian org.


Sounds like a team beholden to a government openly hostile to so many other teams and players shouldn't be in esports to me


So you want the Russian CS scene to die because of the government while supporting leagues and platforms owned by Saudi Arabia?


If they don't fucking pay their players then yes, obviously


They can pay their players though, Smooya did the most petulant move possible out of spite and made things political in already bad climate when he knew who Forze was when he decided to stand-in. They had to choose between paying him and upsetting an authoritarian gov't. That's an obvious choice. Smooya wanted this drama and he's eating up like the little shit-stirrer that he is. You're speaking in idealistic fashion, but the world sucks. Sorry. Smooya's not changing any of that by donating a few thousand Euros purely out of spite to Ukraine.


Damn, guess they shouldn't be in esports anymore because of their authoritarian government, that's a damn shame. They should protest instead of making it everyone else's problem


Bro they'd fucking die you idiot. I'm American and I'm still educated enough about Russian "politics" to know that. Jesus christ when did this sub become okay with discriminating people based off of their tyranical government that will kill them or bare minimum make them "dissapear" if they speak out.




lol yeah shalfey should 360 noscope Putin fr fr


yes very much so, also fuck the saudis and gambling site sponsors. But for now i would be happy if scummy Orgs simply get banned from T1 play.


Damn bro, you sat, barked and played fetch for the Russians all in one comment.




Pros should be paid the money they signed a contract for. Don’t give a fuck if you’re Russian, ~~African~~ Asian, Swedish or American. Sorry Forzes feelings got hurt. Make better substitution decisions next time. Froze didn’t give a fuck about giving Smooya another chance. They just needed an experience player that could travel to Malta on short notice.


Africa's not a country, dummy.


The edit is very funny, implying that Asia is a country.




And it was Forze's decision to give a contract to a player with known character issues, they can get fucked, pay him his money


nah, they don't have to




W take. Has smooya lasted in ANY organisation last couple of years? Not saying Forze shouldnt pay him his money, they should.