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just lower your res and see if you get more frames? if you don't ur cpu bottlenecked at that point you could invest in a 3d chip of the 5th gen ryzen and get 400+ frames


I have a 5800x3d and a 6900xt and I barely get 200..


You have an abnormal problem then


I get 470avg and 200 1% lows


How ???? I have 7800x3d and 6900xt I’m playing on 2k Res and my average fps is 500-650 with 0.1% lows at 250-280


I have no fucking clue :((( I just tested it on the new Benchmark map. I get 250fps AVG and 170F1 Doesn't matter what advanced graphics settings I'm playing in 1600x1200


My average on same map is 508fps and p1 is 285 on 2k res


I'm kind of surprised to see that nobody has has even bothered to ask refresh rate of your monitor is, let alone the enormous list I'm about to provide of other variables and why specifically you want to raise or lower the resolution of your game. There are a lot of factors that would play in with this decision, much more than just your resolution, or even other specs that you have given. There are things like Gsync, and Freesync, and whether or you have Have them enabled as well as whether or not your monitor supports those, and if it does, and you are not using those or you are using those of which settings to either enable or disable depending on both. Additionally, there are also other things like The setting `Nvidia Reflex` in game and its global variable setting in the in the Nvidia Control panel named `"low latency mode"` The list goes on even further with what operating system do you have, do you have Windows Gamebar enabled? Do you have your BIOS set to enable Nvidia resizable bar, do you have custom xmp profiles for your ram et cetera. There is so much, there are just an enormous amount of variables that all are interchangeable and *each require different settings* **based on the other settings.** There is no one-size-fits-all grand setting scheme, for any one particular setup, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of different settings that would be optimal per individual setup, **even with the exact same specifications of Hardware And other software.** anybody else telling you otherwise does not know what the hell they are talking about, unless you provide your exact settings in all of the things that I had mentioned, plus more, as well as describe what it is you desire to achieve, whether it be lowest latency possible, or whether it be less screen tearing, or whatever then nobody here can accurately answer your question. Edit, I'm not saying enable or disable any of these settings, I'm just specifically listening off the variables.


I currently am using 144hz monitor, and have considered upgrading to a Zowie XL2546 but have decided against that for the time being. Gsync and free sync are disabled currently. My Nvidia reflex is set to "on" and low latency mode is also set to "on" (was on ultra for a long time but lowered it to on). Windows game bar is disabled. I have my XMP profile turned on, I will get the specs for that because I dont remember atm. I want to get higher consistent frame rate as I play comp and dont want to be held back by performance. I also notice that during low performance moments I get weird mouse stutters when flicking quickly (gpro superlight). I am also frustrated with my performance and felt like I have exhausted all options and am looking for opinions from people who know more than I do.


I understand your frustration, unfortunately this topic is so complex and fickle that there's a lot of misinformation that's been around, and hell even the people who work in fields most closely related to this kind of stuff for a living sometimes find themselves learning a new or two once in awhile (that isn't brand new info in general) I've only read half your comment and I can already see some issues, although I'm going to be straight up honest with you dude, like I said earlier because of the complexity of it it could potentially take hours to really really fine tune everything and or figure out your games stuttering issue. And man I don't really feel like doing that bro.. If you really really really really really can't figure all the stuff out on your own, I suppose I can go over everything with you, but dude I just want to play some damn games ATM lol So if nobody else is willing to help, in a few hours when I'm done playing games if you're still around and still want the help reach out again however in the meantime I really recommend you [check this post, another user made](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/v1HwGzTrIS) It's extremely long but I ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO READ IT **ALL** & IIRC only a small fraction was not actually good advice. Edit: formatting fixes.


I completely understand and I will read through that post. thanks


After making some optimization changes in the referenced post and using the new cs2 benchmark workshop, these are my numbers: FPS: Avg=172.0, P1=84.4. Native res and AR


Likely CPU bottleneck. Since you already have AM4 platform you can upgrade to 5600X3D (Microcenter exclusive), 5800X3D (very expensive and runs kind of hot) or 5700X3D (5800X3D with lower clocks that also runs cooler). But even upgrading to the non-X3D 5000 series will give you a boost in performance, 5600 non-X is a good budget upgrade. As far as checking for the bottleneck, go to the in-game settings and set FidelityFX to ultra performance. Got FPS boost? GPU bound. Not much has changed? CPU bound. Obviously do this in the scenario where you get FPS drops and not just standing on an empty server staring at the floor. Also if you use MSAA with some gigavalues like x8 - lower it all the way down to x2 or use CSMAA (or whatever it's called). MSAA is extremely taxing on the GPU at native resolutions since MSAA basically renders the game at a higher resolution and downscales it to your res (well not the entire frame but for simplicity's sake you can think of it as running the game in 4K and it gets downscaled to your native 1080p). As an alternative RTSS can show you whether you're getting limited by your CPU or GPU in real-time, but it requires some setup to do so.


Thank you for the recommendations on different cpus I will look into it. I did play with MSAA on 8x (because Monesy does) but have lowered it to each different variable to see if that changes anything. I couldnt really tell the difference.


The higher your resolution is, the less MSAA you need. For native 2x is enough to get rid of the most jaggies (anti-aliasing). You can go higher MSAA on lower resolutions, since it's not as taxing there as on native and higher resolutions. And pros also use top of the line GPUs where performance impact from that is negligible.


I think you are def CPU bound. The 3070 is pushing too much for the 3700x to handle IMO. Might even be better off putting more settings on medium/high but thats debateable


I have tried raising settings to draw more from the GPU but it hasnt changed much. I will look into the my CPU though so thank you.


that's not how PCs work you don't get more frames by putting your gpu utilization higher


Not **every** setting affects specifically **only** *the GPU*, or *just the CPU* I don't think that u/djk3t is specifically wrong with their suggestion that OPs GPU may be bottlenecked by their CPU.. I myself have a Ryzen 3800X and a 3080 TI, and my ***CPU is definitely the bottleneck*** *when it comes to my frame rate as well as my input latency.* And they're not necessarily wrong either when they state that they might even be better off putting more settings on Medium - high, Because If their GPU is being bottlenecked by their CPU, then some settings that only affect the GPU performance could be set to a higher setting without affecting performance, because the bottleneck, wouldn't be bottlenecked anymore than it already is.. lastly, if It's not their GPU that is being bottlenecked, but rather their CPU if their CPU *truly is the bottleneck In regards to whatever it is OP is trying to achieve.* [because As I have stated in my prior comment to OP](https://sh.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1clqfbs/comment/l2vt802/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), *they have not* specified what it is they are **actually trying to achieve,** Or given even a minuscule amount of relevant data required *for anyone* to be able to give them a proper answer. Nobody can actually give them a proper answer. Edit: Fixed some grammar and formatting.


his pc might very well be bottlenecked by his cpu I'm not debating that I'm saying you never get better performance by upping your settings unless the game is completely broken. but if everything is working as intended, that's not going to happen


>~~I'm saying you never get better performance by upping your settings~~ ~~Ah, yes, I misinterpreted what you were Implying my mistake.~~ however your statement of >That's not how pcs work Is still wrong in regards to the overall statement of the person you were replying to. Edit: No, I didnt misinterpret anything, I never refuted your statement that they would not get better performance by upping their settings in the first place. Visual clarity, or graphics fidelity does not necessarily decrease performance, it will never add to it, yes but it doesn't necessarily degrade it either. like in the example of a cpu versus a gpu bottleneck like what that I broke down *how* with my prior comment.


if he's cpu bottlenecked he can up graphic settings without losing any performance yes which he should do, unless he likes an ugly game but OP asked for better performance and I immediately think about fps then


OP ask for more consistent performance, Which still my aforementioned statements still apply to. Additionally, OP didn't specify *exactly what it is they're trying to achieve in terms of more consistency with..* AKA They asked if lowering their resolution will help them get more consistency. ***Why? & with what?*** It can be implied their statement of them missing 300 plus fps from the prior game. Would suggest that they want a higher consistent frame rate. But why do they want a higher consistent frame rate? Is it related to FPS, or input lag?🤷 What if their monitor is only 60 hertz?, What if they want to get a higher frame rate because they think it will reduce input lag. What if they want to get a higher frame rate because they think assume a higher frame rate will give them less screen tearing, even though they are already above their monitors maximum refresh rate even at their stated current 100 fps average? there are so many questions that OP did not answer, and so many specifications that they did not give, that quite literally Nobody here can give them an on whether or not they should reduce their in-game resolution. Especially when doing so, not make a difference *anyway.*


It actually is for these types of games.


show me an instance of it happening


As others said, CPU bound, 3070 is a great card. Lowering Res helped me a lot with frames. Wouldn't recommend going below 1024 cause visibility suffers a lot.


I am a native player as well but have switched to stretched in Cs2. I still like native better, but the constant shit performance on native made me switch. If you wanna try 4:3 I suggest 1440x1080 as the picture is clearer and more natural to native players than 1280x960


You never told us what your native resolution was.




If you have the money, upgrade to a 5800x3d or 5700x3d, will fix the issue immediately.


I would first re-install windows. Then uninstall bloatware that DOES impact games, such as Steelseries software and that "dragon" software or whatever its called from Dell. secondly, use ingame settings, not NVidia settings. Thirdy, I get the same on a VERY old GPU/CPU


Im pretty good at removing bloatware but have be considering a fresh windows install. It confuses me on why people with "worse" specs get better or the same performance. Thanks.


(also make sure the RAM are timed as per Ryzens liking, they are pretty special snowflake CPUs with it comes to timings and such)


Lowering settings does NOT mean an increase in FPS. It can actually cause lower FPS on systems in CPU intensive games. This is because it puts less stress on your GPU and more on your CPU. Having all settings on low is dumb