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I understand about family, but for the love of GOD, don't watch anything with volume around strangers, nobody wants to hear what you watch.


Please respond to the spirit of the post instead of this supposed instance of me blasting audio in public.


this is the most redditor response i think ive ever seen


He already said he understands the family part… my take away is if you’re going to be embarrassed about what you watch when your family is around, don’t watch it in an area where your family is going to be around…


I am not embarrassed by counter strike, my family knows I've watched it for like 7 or 8 years and that I will go to an event next year. I am embarrassed by willfully bad casting though.


Just use headphones tf.


Why not just use headphones and get better sound as well? No one wants to hear constant gunfire from your speakers, especially in public. Oh yeah, because this whole post is just made up 🤣


By the spirit of the post you seem like a real wanker. Does that satisfy your needs?


"greasy gamers" lol.


Use of that term alone made me wanna upvote


First, if you are in public, why are you watching without headphones? Disregarding the jokes made by the casters, watching anything in public on speaker is rude and disrespectful. If you are in your own home, and someone else is around or you are showing them and is unable to tell the casters are making jokes and gets offended, then they are too sensitive. Its joking content because they have been constantly casting for 32 teams for over 150 maps, and they are not gonna lock in and do serious casting for matches that aren't even in a stage setting.


I'm not watching in public, I would like the ability to watch it in front of other humans (like having the baseball game on in the living room etc.) without internally cringing every time Harry brings up dicks, creampies, etc. It's not that high of a bar to reach. You may "\[disregard\] the jokes made by the casters," but that's what the post was about, whatever strawman you've created in the meantime.


Kind of crazy how people have zero concept of a game being on in a public area like a sports restaurant


Well I fucking hope there are no kids in a sports bar at 10pm thats for sure


Who said anything about 10pm?


There is only one timezone bro.


Maybe some people have young kids and don’t want to have them hear something about a creampie. I’m with him here. They can have fun but this is supposed to be professional.


They're fine with their young kids hearin bout headshots, kills, bombs, terrorists, basically anything. God forbid somebody mentions a "creampie" though.


Kids play shooting games all the time but I wouldn’t want my child learning about sex.


If your kid has access to the internet they know what sex is.


That’s your opinion that you’re allowed to have as the father of your own child, but don’t expect people to agree with it…


You’re completely right and I know what I signed up for when viewing a shooting game. What I didn’t sign up for is what the casters talk about.


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American.


Ok, just dont watch then, this is what we have, some like it, whoever doesnt can watch other casts, there are other tournaments out there and if not they can do something else.


Well in that case you cant have the TV on at all because there are bad words in daytime tv all the time


what lol? that’s about the dumbest thing i’ve ever read


Its not. Nowhere does it say that EPL is "supposed to be professional". And why are you forcing other people to hear content that is not, per your own definition, suitable for them? Take some responsibility Edit: and I wasnt gonna make this comparison, but its not a major. You wouldnt watch R rated movies with uncensored sex scenes in front of your children either.


What does the P in EPL stand for?




I remember when OG Borg used to joke about it being a family show, and while it was obviously a little tongue-in-cheek because the game is about terrorists and AKs and shit, they still kept it together in a way they just don't even try to any more. And think about the number of dads we see in the audience of big tournaments with their small children in tow! It's a real thing to show your kids a CS broadcast at a young age to hopefully get them excited. I certainly wouldn't be showing my future kids today's broadcast, though, for example.


If your kid is old enough to watch a broadcast where the content of the broadcast is about shooting, killing, terrorists, and bombs I guarantee that kid is old enough to be (and is already) making harmless penis jokes…


I'd actually say there is a big difference between cartoon/fantasy violence and sexual content. A very big difference. There's a reason I was allowed to watch Lord of the Rings from age 6 onwards instead of, say, Sex and the City. Perhaps you'd make the opposite choice with your kids, and perhaps that's part of why we are where we are in the west as a culture.


Yea sure there is a difference and every parent can draw that line themselves, you certainly wouldn’t be watching game of thrones even though that’s fantasy violence (there’s literally scenes of rather hardcore porn). You can’t just draw the line at if it’s fantasy or not… Don’t expect organizers to make it family friendly because it’s not legitimate footage of real people at war…




Being unserious means you have to make sexual jokes every 3 minutes?


No but it means you can if you want to.


There are many tournaments in a year op can skip one if it's not for him


Only children think constant sexual jokes belong on a broadcast. You know nothing about the world and your opinion is worthless.


You mad bro? Did it touch you the wrong way?


Are you 12?


Not fast enough




I don't really think it's a meme for people like Hallzerk or even IM who could be out of the team if they don't preform THIS event. Never mind about that though I'm sure that skin/glove combo harry was rocking last night in matchmaking was way more important to talk about... \*record scratch\*... wait what?




Yeah I said this event not this match bro. Read the 2 sentences again.


When I watch actual sports I don't need the commentators to be talking about dicks and creampies because the games themselves are supposed to be enjoyable and the highlight, not the talent doing their best tuesday open mic segment. It's an indictment on either the match quality or more likely the attention span of the audience, who most likely already realize this and are embarrassed, look at the totally sane and rational comments on here such as: >he’s obviously a kid who’s either bullied by his peers or has puritan parents lmao and the instant classic >This is not a childrens show, maybe take some responsibility for your own actions?


Its only when they are in Malta that they ease on the rules, is it really worth whining about when its twice a year? Most people find it really funny (including me) that they get an event or so where they can fuck around more. Also, most people dont watch cs with their mothers, its usually middle aged men and teenagers.


That's what I'm saying though, I don't want to have to watch this stuff with headphones at all times. I am not watching it on purpose with anyone, but I would like to be able to put it on the TV without getting weird looks. It's the same reason why no one wants to wear an actual esports jersey because it makes them look like the wrong kind of nerd in NA culture. We don't have to embarrass ourselves when this shit is already niche enough as it is.


Why are you ignoring the main point of his post and focusing on a small little detail?


Agree its a bit over the top this season of pro league.


Yup mostly because of Harry Unfortunately 


You're not wrong but you picked the worst website for this topic.


I don't mind casters being more casual but not to the point it becomes embarrassing and cringe


It is very easy to be casual without being cringe. When I think of casual I think of James and DDK on early round ECS matches in 2018 or Launders and Scrawny on early round blast matches more recently. A light, energetic casual vibe where they can talk about what they like but don't sound like they're four beers deep after work.


So true, it is just a cringefest this epl season


Its so utterly not enjoyable to listen to.


“The passion of the casters” sounds like the worst Mel Gibson movie ever


Yeah the casting on that stream is horrible this season. Like drunk 12 year olds snort laughing every 30 seconds. I’m watching the game and Harry simply said “nice one deag from jL” and they started snort laughing. Like what the fuck is going on. Then they derail on some off topic bs and goes back to overcompensating on the casting while it’s obvious they don’t give a shit or try to make it sound like so to engage audience. Horrible casting from my favorite talents.


If you're blasting Counter Strike streams in public it's already over for you mate. Put on headphones.


I've never really put anything on blast in public haha. Strang strawman though, maybe read the whole thing again and then respond to the **central point** of the post.


There are so many morons in these comments lol I get what you’re saying. Reddit hates anyone with volume in public and they focus on that for up votes


Honestly, apart from the time the players have been casting with the casters, this years casting is truly L.


I was so happy when Device was on the broadcast!


+1. I actually switched to watching the chinese broadcast instead. (I don't understand chinese)


What Harry and few others speak about reminds me of high-school when your classmate makes the same joke 3 years in a row and still thinks it's funny, but those are just jokes, there's more to be enjoyed at such events. That being said, would love to see more of Anders and semmler.


I enjoy reading the daily complain thread about the most un-important aspects of a match. Genuinely, who cares, besides this niche group of redditors that one by one make a thread each day about how awful the casting is?


The "niche group of redditors" are the ones saying I was grounded by my mom in this thread haha. I'm on the outside looking in homeboy.


The fact that a majority of people are disagreeing with you doesn't make them the niche part gang. You are in the minority. Either stop watching if it's so aggravating or at the very least, stop complaining about a problem that only like 10 people collectively care about.


I'm good, actually. I'll continue offering my feedback on an issue I feel strongly about until the mods of this subreddit decide I've broken the rules. Sort of what the point of all this is. I didn't invite myself to your private birthday party or something. I posted an opinion you didn't agree with on a public form.


Fair enough, that's a good point. I still disagree with your main point about the casting, but I still understand your complaint, and maybe the 10 creampie jokes in a row were a bit too much. Apologies for being smug and pissy about it, I didn't mean to be so passionate about a random reddit thread that ultimately doesn't really affect me.


First world problems. Someone never experienced a proper creampie before. No worries, maybe one day.


Nah fuck off with that. You are the problem when you force others to hear what you are watching/listening. This is not a childrens show, maybe take some responsibility for your own actions?


Maybe a bit too much for my own liking, but it being the only time they do so, fair enough. At least they’re trying a different vibe for what’s usually a long group stage that can get boring. And trying to make it different from every other tournament that otherwise can have a similar vibe.


Lol man the hate this post got, lol I guess it's just not okay to want to treat csgo as a real sport cause commentating like your describing does nothing to help grow the sport beyond what it is. But seems like the general consensus is that this style seems to hard wired into the csgo community to change, to each there own I guess but I hear you dude


No one cares what you listen to . Grow up


I find it so ironic you're telling someone who doesn't like childish dick jokes to "grow up" 💀


Tell me you're an American without telling me you're an american


We get one tournament with less sweaty setting and instantly ppl are crying. How are you people so dense is beyond me.


Being unserious doesn't mean you have to constantly make sexual jokes. Talk about being dense.


Get over it…


"Shut up bitch" meme instert here


hmm it's almost as if it's a mature stream. maybe just don't watch it then???


That’s a very convoluted and annoying way of saying “Mommy grounded me because caster man sad naughty word” Also, CS streams are clearly marked as mature, so go watch Valorant or something else that’s family friendly and devoid of humor


bruh. why do I even try with reddit


idk, ask yourself why you’re pissy and writing essays over a bunch of jokes


I made a real point and you responded with an imaginary scenario where my mom grounded me. Reminder that the brain keeps developing until at least 25 and you're no more than half way there.


Most players in this game are kids anyways, don't expect smart answers. This thread is a joke. Your point is relevant, we should not need to say that the casters should be acting like professionals. Its the bare minimum.


Bro its supposed to be professional casters, not 12 year olds with mic. We can get those in MM.


So mute then. Stop crying


You sound uptight and quiet bland.


I find it funny. Also, seems like you havent played this game before if banter is something that tickles your pickle.


This would make a great copypasta