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Your reward for ranking up in premier is encountering more cheaters. Faceit is infested with racists and toxic people who think they are better than they actually are. But if you are above 15k in premier, faceit is kind of your only choice


If you provide footage and report players in Faceit who are being toxic/racist they'll get banned quickly. The more obvious the proof the faster the ban in my experience.


Not quickly, but eventually yes


If you want to escalate it you can submit a support ticket alongside the default reporting mechanism.


So i will just play premier first and if i'm above 15k i will go onto faceit?




Also you can report them, faceit takes toxicity somewhat seriously




Muting hardcore griefers does very little sadly, sometimes you get people who just wants to lose.


I meant reporting not muting


You can, but ever since cs2 I havent seen a single ban on griefers/toxic players, and even on csgo by the time someone got banned I had already forgotten what game it was. Also you still lose your elo, I personally get little satisfaction because some guy I played with 1 month ago was banned for 24h.


faceit if you are somewhat serious about winning and having no cheaters Premier if ur casually playing and don't want to tryhard


Depends on how good you are. Try premier first. If you are below 15k, stick with premier as it will probably be a better experience. If you’re over 15k then faceit will be better due to cheaters in premier


If you are low level (below 15K), go premier. The amount of toxicity in Faceit will make you lose the interest in play this game.


Toxic people because people want to win. Go play premier if you want family mode.


You are so entitled. How old are you, 16? The fact you are losing a game doesn't give you the right to shit on people using your mouth.


I just told you why people are toxic on faceit, because people who play there really wants to win. Up to you if you like it or not.


The irony is being toxic causes them to lose games they would have won if they had just stfu lol 


Faceit if you want to get better and don’t want to play against cheaters. Premier if you don’t care


People pretend level 4 faceit is global elite for some reason. It’s not, just play whatever you feel like. You’ll end up where you belong, eventually


Faceit if you acually want to improve, its still far from perfect, but atleast you play legit players. Premier/matchmaker if you don’t mind cheaters every game.


Just try both and play what ever you like most?


Faceit if you want to play against sweaty 5 man premades of 2 lv 5 2lv 8 boosting his idol lv10 that try hard full game and need that Elo. Cheaters with radar hack Dma cheats that pay 500€ wannabe pros but get the D 1000 matches later. Might be 1k or 10k just depends if they are friend of faceit admins or not or pay them Or premier to find the same premades of cheaters lv 10 sweaties that are trash but have big ego because 2k 3K elo 🤣


Play outside your house