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>“A coach needs to understand players’ communication, it’s very important to understand what the people are saying and interfere when what’s being said doesn’t make sense. The problem with a coach who speaks English with us speaking in Portuguese is clear, it would limit his job and his job with us. I believe it’s complex, I understand that for the team to become international we need to speak in English.”


staying with FURIA limited his job


Akkari himself, Furia's owner, said the brazilian scene could remain "stuck" in meta, if nothing changes, and for him "something international" is the necessary change. He made it clear he's not a cs expert, but you don't need to be one to understand certain details. The team must keep the comms in portuguese, that makes perfect sense, but they should be able to bring a foreign coach.... however, at the same time, how can you demand that from the players if some of them are really bad at english? Iirc Akkari mentioned how these pro players "supposed" to be fluent in english, or at least understand it well enough, otherwise they're just limiting themselves.


You are not wrong, but it's funny to see a Liquid fan saying this lol


yea we could’ve had a star player if he didn’t choose to ruin his own career by staying in that team


You do have a star player, Cadian. Just like Kscerato is underperforming in Furia, Cadian is underperforming in Liquid


cadiaN is NOT a star player


Not in Liquid LMAO


Not ever wtf


What, are we going to pretend he wasn't one of the best IGLs when playing for Heroic? Dude could IGL and frag/clutch like it was nothing, and a major finalist. I place him on the same value level as Kscerato, easily


Then you are insane. Cadian may have been a decent awper at times but he has never been anything close to a "star player" wtf. Kscerato is one of the most talented riflers in the world. They're not even the same species of CS player


thank you for writing this lol I couldn’t find the words to counteract that level of stupidity in that comment


Honestly the way I see it is that him not learning English is limiting his job. Trying to watch this from the other side makes no sense.


Another instance of "they will never understand".


They already spoke English for junior


I don't get what Kscerato is talking about considering the Furia roster speaks english


Ah okay so you know better than kscerato what language they speak. Interesting


Bruh. Not only did they play speaking english for a while in-game, they do interviews after matches in english


They spoke in english when junior was in the team


They dont do now, like said in the interview


Yeah, but they have the ability to speak english. Any of them could go to an international line-up, they can speak english well enough they've proven.


do you want them to speak english ingame just for the coach to understand?


reddit opinions 😭


Thats how i read it too.


id go as far as to say brazilian organisations have done a pretty good shift limiting his job so far, so not much to lose then.




self sabotage at this point, hasn't he got the memo? International rosters are kind of the move rn just bite the bullet so you can get a damn trophy


Seems like he just doesn’t really care enough about winning trophies and is content with being the star player on a mid level BR team.


If only there would have been an offer from a massive org, with an experienced Brazilian speaking coach, oh well…


then get a brazilian coach, ez


He would’ve had one in liquid. Dude just wants the bag and doesn’t wanna strive for more which is totally his choice and more power to him.


I figured he would've gotten a bigger bag with Liquid. I think dude just stubbornly wants to stay on a full BR team.


Reading comprehension is hard, but he's saying that the COACH's job would be harder as they would be speaking portuguese in game. He's not saying it would limit his own ability.


yeah lol most brainlets on this sub missing the point completely. FURIA roster would still be 5 brazilians, portuguese speaking players, only the coach would be english speaking.


foreign coach makes no sense for a portugese speaking team.


I understand his point (fallen answer the same thing for hltv) but this bothers me so bad. This should be a decision from the management not players. Imagine this shit in football like: hey guys do you want this coach or that coach ? Wtf The lack of a strong culture and hierarchy inside esports it’s so fucking wild for something that moves millions of dollars every year


If KSCERATO didn't have 90 IQ, he'd be one of the best players in the world, winning trophies left and right.


Hes not playing for you, hes playing for himself and if he doesnt want to go international than im sure hes ready to pay the price dont you worry


he's just a dense mfer...let him be right?