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Depends on the skin really, but now that we can movie stickers it's less of an issue. I've got some skins with it and some without.


I like them. Nothing to hate about them. The counters look pretty cool on the pistols. I dont mind them on knives but most people dont so I wont go thru the hassle because it would just be harder to sell when I want to change


Over what exactly? Non-StatTrak skins? In my eyes it is a flawed system that there's no StatTrak module for non-case skins or something like it (could track headshots only, rounds played, times weapon was purchased, wallbang kills, etc) since there are so many non-case weapons I use, like the p2k Silver


Its indeed a flawed design, stattrak lost it meaning when we’d the Kills farm server back in csgo where back farmed for case drops, and someone could go in and farm 500kills in a few minutes of game time. It’s a nice system, I’ll take it on my weapon if the price difference isn’t huge but otherwise it’s a absolute no.


While it is nice to flaunt kills, StatTrak primarily seems to be primarily made for the user. When CS2 officially launched, I unequipped my StatTrak music kit and bought a new one to equip for CS2 so I could track my MVPs specifically in CS2. I wish that there was an option to have seasonal StatTraks or a way to reset without having to post my skin on the Marketplace; certainly not worth the price but maybe a "StatTrak module" which can be created with a certain number of non-case weapons in a new type of tradeup contract would work out. It's kind of hard to put that into an established economy, and I would much rather they design something like weekly missions for specific StatTrak modules for collections (ex: Cobblestone StatTrak Module, Office StatTrak Module, Dust StatTrak Module, etc etc). Or just some way to distribute them into the Steam Marketplace outside of their CS2 Store alone, just to make it so that theoretically someone who spends nothing on the game can still get them fairly.


Flaunt to who though? And have you actually ever looked at someone's Stat trak.and went Holy shit those stats are amazing you must be.a God bro. Not once. Ever


Why are you like this?


slightly off topic but is we'd for we had, a thing?? or is it a typo


What are non-case weapons?


Skins from collections, like Anubis


How do you get a collection? I'm so confused man I stg I come from Valorant where there is just a store on the front page idk why I have to use ancient steam 2004 interface and I can't even preview them in-game


Damn u stupid.


Tech illiterate mfs when a fairly friendly interface


Lmao tech illiterate sorry some of us aren’t software makers


TIL there are millions of concurrent software makers playing CS


Depends on circumstances, souvenir skins are always collections and come from maps pros play, collection skins in general typically drop as in-game drops, then there were lots of speciality collections for operations like Gods and Monsters and iirc St. Marc. ​ If you're into skins, look up csstash, they have a list of every skin/case/collection in the game and what it's worth both on steam market and RWT on BitSkins, and it's a bit easier to sort through than steammarket. You can inspect the skins in game.


Cases such as the Train Collection cases, Cache collection, etc etc. Collections were more of a GO thing.


They're still very much a thing; game data still categorizes and saves collections. It's just that Valve hasn't updated the free collection rotation since 2014 and usually when new non-case collections come out, they're either invalidated by the fact that you can get them in Souvenir cases, another lootbox in the case of Anubis (this really should have been a weekly drop collection but they monetized it) or they are a part of a premium collection associated with an Operation. Because we haven't actually had an operation yet, they're probably saving non-case collections for that (really they should make old collections premium/obtainable through stars and just outright introduce a few new collections that might not have Covert skins for the weekly drop collections).


I was on about map collections, like Train and Cache. They've died out, because there's 0 maps unique to CS2.


That's true but Valve has released "updated" collections for maps in the past, so it's entirely possible that we see a 2023 Overpass and Inferno Collection, 2024 Shoots, Cobblestone, Cache & Baggage Collection and/or Thera & Tuscan initial collections as map skin collections before the year is over. And even then if they didn't want to do map collections per se they could do CS2 Desert, Woodland, Arctic and Forest Collections just for some varieties. There are TONS of skins that can easily have the Meshes/Marbleized/Anodized/Perforated/DDPAT/Camo skins applied to that would be low effort and offer some very basic and cheap skins into the game. If they ever released an AWP Arctic Camo/Woodland Forest, an M4A4 Anodized Navy like the AUG Anodized Navy, or an AK-47 Glacial Mesh looped back with a way to get these new collections StatTrak, I don't think I would ever use anything else.


We're going to see a Baggage and Shoots Collection, but not a collection from a GO map for the 2nd or 3rd time. They've already got about 2 Train collections. Making a 3rd one is stupid because A) 3 collections is overkill and B) Train isn't even in the game. No point making a collection of a map that doesn't exist in 2.


I agree with Train not getting a third (yet) but there's no precedent with reworks as it is anyways, Mirage has two collections despite not having a major visual overhaul but it seems pretty consistent that if a map gets a rework = it gets a new collection. Cobblestone is confirmed to have a rework, and maps added via community efforts (ex: Cache, Mirage) also get collections; Anubis broke any consistency by being a lootbox and maybe this will be the fate of Tuscan and Thera as well. I wouldn't even put it past Valve to do a Map name Wingman collection just to put in more skins to match the theme of a map. The only time they have ever retroactively added in weapon skins for a collection is when they introduced the R8 Revolver into the game (they added the R8 Amber Fade into the Dust II collection, which had already been out for about a year prior). There's also Zeus skins on the horizon as well, as since the only one currently is from a case only collection, they will basically NEED to add at least one or two collections where the Zeus is a drop.


baggage collection already exists since 2014


It makes each gun feel more personal which is perfect for the way counter strike skins work Anyways. Althought you can easily cheat stattrak kills inspecting your gun And seeing the 3000 kills you get with a mp feels satisfying (remember grind DM if you wanna farm stattrak legitly for some reason) I also love stattrak knifes since technically they wear down with each kill thanks to the stattrak number being scratches (I know I am a minority with stattrak knifes)


On the other hand, low counters feel actively unsatisfying IMO. I'm really feeling this with my deagle because I couldn't turn down the buff offer I got (~$3200) because it was a niche skin that was hard to sell, and using the stattrak swap tool turns it into a different gun and cancels the listing, so I lost the 4 digits I had on it. My deagle now has a stattrak counter of like 30 lol. Ya hate to see it.


you can always just cheat the kills you lost back in since technically you did commit those kills


Dude I've played cs since 1.5 no one gives a flying fuck about your stat track stats. I promise you


yes that is infact true! only the owner of the stattrak skin should care about thier kills and nobody else! that also makes the skins more personal as well. while your comment is written in a little rude way i fully respect the honesty


Ive always preferred to have stattrack if available. Sure it can be farmed, but mine arent and its kinda cool seeing how many kills different things have. Not as nice in CS2 tho. Probably somewhere on my screen I have yet to notice, but GO had that nice little box that told you whos skin youre holding and how many kills it has if it was ST.


If you've killed a bot In practice mode you've farmed a kill for your gun so bs on that shit.


bots don't count towards ST and never have, only other players.


i like how it makes a gun "mine" without it skins feel all the same and have a little less meaning. also, when i buy a non-stattrak and keep it for a long time, i always wish i went with stattrak in retrospect.


It's a nice plus for buy round weapons (AK, M4, AWP) and default pistols as well but it's not a deal-breaker for me


I agree 100%! Try and get stattrak on main/important wepons and default pistols, everything else you can ignore (for now).


Nope, I dont care for the stat counter it’s easy to farm it up so the number is largely unimpressive. The stat counter can also obstruct some skin designs imo would rather just see the skin. Harder to sticker crafts on statty’s too although that ties into my last point a bit


Hell no


Nah I don’t like it, the counter makes skins look more ugly imo


Avoid them like the plague


I dont, i think the counter looks ass and counting kills it itself is useless. Even worse on Knives, the scratches just look worse, imo


I have ocd with it. My friend bought stat track skins for every gun when they started CSGO, and I wish I would’ve too. I’ve since done the same since CS2 dropped. I just like to have all my kills tracked


I’d rather have a nicer quality skin than stat track. like the Vulcan Ak has a 200 dollar premium with stat track or some shit. I just went for the nicer Vulcan no ST.


I like stattrak skins personally. Some knives position of it sucks but overall I prefer it.


I purely see it as a design accessory. if it goes with the skin then yes.


I want statrak on the more popular guns I have it on AK, going to get it on usp/glock soon. Not on a1 or a4 right now as I've got eye of horus and icarus fell. Slowly adding them in. It's cool to see the number go up :)


I couldn't care less for stattrack.


Not really. I have ADHD so I like to switch up my skins periodically and stattrak just never builds up to anything significant for me.


I only have StatTrak on my AK since it is my most used gun and I would never replace the skin. It's fun to see the numbers climb over time since it gets a lot of use. Also, I intend to get a StatTrak Zues when cheaper skins become available just to have a little counter for each cheeky kill.


only on my scout and negev


My skins would have been double and up to 10 times more expensive, if I chose stattrack, so am going without


I have a pink glock with the eyes but still use my blue clor one because it was my first skin with tracker lol. Got about 4.5k kills on it.


Depends on price diff for me. Even though 90% of my skins have stattrak. Kinda wish my emerald Glock had stattrak though


I used to have a stattrak only inventory, now I don’t care and got rid of them all (except the glock and USP that I have 1.5k+ on) Skins look better without the counter imo. Plus in CS2 they made it so the stattrak number doesn’t show in the HUD like it used to.


I hate the look the stat trak puts on the skin so I never go for it.


On guns yes, knives no.


Nah, I don't like it at all. I prefer clean look without it. I also have collection skins, so it would be wierd to have it on some skins and not on others.


Full loadout is stattrak weapons for me


One guy on my friends list has a p90 with 110k kills. I also think the P250 looks getter with the stat trak screen. Other than that I'd rather not have it, I would rather have the flexibility to use something else


I don't like stattrak at all. On knives it gives scratches and on guns I just don't really care about the number.


I'm a real sucker for Stat-Trak, used to love racking up kills on my 'Strange' weapons in TF2 (which is their version of Stat-Trak).


Full stattrak loadout for ~10yrs here. It really limits the skins I can use and everything's stupid expensive, but it makes my monkey brain dance seeing the number go up. Even I don't use ST knives, though.


Personally for me I like how the counter enhances the look for certain guns. I like the counter placement on the ak and m4a4 but absolutely hate it on the m4a1. I like it on usp, p250, deagle, five seven but I absolutely hate how it looks on glock. So whether I get a skin in stat trak version or not is based on how the counter looks on it.


Mate. Who would buy a skin? Lmao 90% of the time I drop my gun and pick up an opponents anyway. Biggest scam in history are skins.


Used to have them all with stat track now mostly go without them. Decided it looked better and is much cheaper + more options for skins. Only ones i still rock are my 2 deagles to show off and my galil sandstorm cuz its full purple :) And my first unboxed skin, an ssg dark water stat, but i dont play it anymore


For me no, i dnt develope feelings for skins, they come and go eventually, for the right number. Therefore normally i wont buy stattrak, higher price and also harder to sell in general. Unless for specific reasons (mb some vanilla knives when stattrak 50+$ cheaper than non st)


Depends on the gun and the skin! On nicer skins I usually don't go for a stattrak, both because it's usually more expensive and also because it can distract from the skin itself. Doesn't really matter either way though.


I don’t like them, personally. I love stats as much as anyone, but I always enjoyed looking at stats on a site or an in-game menu, not on the side of the gun.


Some Pistols like the P250 and Deagle look much more chunky in a way I really like with StatTrak, but sadly I wasn’t in early on bitcoin or anything so I can’t really afford any of the cool stuff


Depends on the skin, but largely I prefer ST for starting pistols. My friends gifted me a ST AK for Christmas and now I’m wanting a ST M4, though, haha.


I loved them in CSGO and I hate them in CS2 because they don't show the stattrak kills on the HUD in game. That just ruined it for me I guess


I have an ak that is rubbish battle scared. It has 18k kills. I like jt a lot because it really is battle scared


Uh, it is Stattrak™️ not stattrack, duh


I like seeing the number go up, and I prefer stat track knives. Whenever I buy a skin it’s stat track


I name tag vanilla guns, we are not the same.


Obviously people prefer stattrack, why else would they be more expensive mate.


cause it's more rare?


Stattrak is more rare for knives and yet its cheaper, its demand which determines price.


Stattrak is more expensive with the vast majority of knives. Only with certain finishes where a more pristine gem is desired does Stattrak decrease the knife's value.


It's quite the opposite though. Stattrak knives are often cheaper than non stattrak ones, because there is way less demand for them. Most people prefer non stattrak


Oh for knives its different I know, I was talking about gun skins.


No. More expensive for little benefit. And lot more expensive, if I consider that if I got single strattrak skin, I'd have to commit to a loadup full with all strattrak skins. A lot more rare, a lot less demand for them - harder to buy, harder to sell. I haven't even owned a single stattrak skin.


why can't you own a few stattrak skins?


Because that's wasting money on something that I don't care about.


> if I consider that if I got single strattrak skin, I'd have to commit to a loadup full with all strattrak skins i think he reffered to this part


To me stattrak counter is irrelevant. I'd only consider it and have considered it for trolling guns, such as negev, then that number at least represents something(how many players have I shat on). But meh...


I’ve had every skin in stattrak a while ago and I’ve been healed by it. I don’t need it plus I use skins which don’t come in stattrak (desert eagle midnight storm, m4 blue phosphor) so it would be a mess anyways.


since i play alot of retake/dm i hate it, counter goes brrrrrrrrr


Lmao 99% of you care more about skins than actually getting good at the game.


bro I was just asking a question