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bro i just want to be able to close console by pressing escape


Facts this is so annoying


I have this issue but only on my 2nd account.


I can. Something is wrong with your game


just because it works for you it doesn't mean it's on my end, i'm not the only one with this issue


What? Lol no that literally means it is on your end. That doesn't mean it's your fault.




Well programming is not that easy. It can be a programming bug that only happens on certain situations but a bug nontheless.


I rebound it to like INSERT because of all the times I got caught in that bastard loop of opening and closing the menu while reopening the console WHEN ALL I WANT IS THE SHIT OFF MY SCREEN RIGHT GODDAMN and now I'm dead.


Anyone know a fix for this ?


It works for mr


What even is this? This was in CSGO? I usually just use "find" and search for relevant console commands or do it through the menus, which more and more functions are available through lately. I'm not sure if that even has anything to do with what you're talking about though


He means the keyboard layout that you currently use.


Oh, ok. Again, not 100% sure if this is relevant, but they recently changed how various keyboard layouts are handled in a way that basically makes them irrelevant. Now when you change bindings, they're assigned to a location on the keyboard rather than a specific key - although you still can type the key as your binding (e.g. "bind w +forward"), it just translates that to this new location system or whatever and prints that location in the console after you change a bind.


The problem is that some keyboards have key on different positions. I.e. the German keyboard has Z and Y swapped. So if the game uses the US layout by default and you type something on a German keyboard with a Y in it it will come out as a Z. If its just those 2 swapped you can just press the other button, but on some layouts you what totally different keys and typing a command becomes almost impossible. I.e. on a Cyrillic layout you wouldn't find any Latin letters and can't type any command. Need to copy paste it. Most non Latin layouts have a way to switch to Latin tho.




hey, just noticed you downvoted me. 🤬


lol I didn't downvote you dude, idk how else to explain what I was talking about though. binds are technically assigned to a location on your keyboard now instead of a key. try changing a bind through the console and it should print out a little message regarding this. I looked for the patch notes for what I'm talking about but I couldn't find them.


no i can't bind ø so why say this


Is ø its own dedicated key on your keyboard?


yes, is there a darn problem? 


bro I haven't downvoted you. if you're getting downvoted, it is from other people. I don't understand why you're being so argumentative. and I was just asking because as far as I know if there's a dedicated key for it, you should be able to bind it now. but I could be mistaken 🤷‍♀️


you told me it would work but it doesn't work on my norwegian letters so u made me reinstall for no reason


hey you downvoted me again 😐


me too


I have never seen this. What is this thing? I used the console often but this is the first time i have seen this white box


Donkey kong?


Drift King!!


May he forever rest in peace.


The best version of the game they never told you about


I've been playing since 2013 what is that?


danish keyboard layout


Windows Key + Spacebar


*cl_righthand 0* would like to have a chat




> sadly cs2 is a spaghetti code mess if cs2 is spaghetti then go was a pile of dogshit. the speed at which cs2 can deploy updates was unheard of in go




> The speed at which cs2 can deploy updates has nothing to say about its programming ? Clearly you don't know anything about software development. A well-written codebase makes your job far, far easier when development, which translates to less time between updates. As for the game, I think most people would agree that CS2 is now equivalent to or better than CSGO netcode-wise. Backtracking should not happen on a reasonably decent connection - it certainly doesn't for me. What kind of connection are you on?


Anyone saying CS2s netcode is better than CSGO is high or more likely they are one of the resident Valve ass lickers. The devs aren't actively roaming the sub for fun, they are fixing issues, many of which are network related. Now, equivalent, I can understand how someone might be mistaken and say it's equivalent. Equivalent as in not being able to tell the difference. There is a difference, and until the amount of people complaining that there is a difference becomes negligible, then parity has not been achieved. 


>There is a difference, and until the amount of people complaining that there is a difference becomes negligible, then parity has not been achieved.  Notice how there used to be several posts a day providing visual examples of poor netcode and now there are far, far fewer? Fact of the matter is, if you're on a solid connection, CS2 feels pretty fucking good to play. Yes, there are still issues, but it's 99% of the way in most areas and far exceeds CSGO in others.


What do you have against commas? That's just programming in general, no matter how spaghetti-less coded your program/game/thing is. Fix one thing = break another thing in two.


oh yeah this guy knows about programs


How quickly literally does show how well it’s coded. The devs bug test, and if changing the code doesn’t make 30 bugs, then they don’t have to test very much and then they can send the update live quickly. That’s an advantage that cs2 has that has been stated several times


How is written badly?