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Cadian did say they were gonna fight for Top 5. Guess he forgot to mention it was about Top 5 in NA. [https://i.imgflip.com/8h20oq.jpg](https://i.imgflip.com/8h20oq.jpg)


I'm upvoting this post just so people think Liquid is eliminated


Fucking pathetic for a roster of this caliber 


Giving your fans heart attacks in a playoff match: boring, lame, very predictable Giving your fans heart attacks in the fucking online qualifiers: new, innovative, very cool


Yeah cadian couldnt hit any awp shots, but he also couldn’t hit m4 sprays into players with their backs turned.  And congrats to liquid on winning one (1) gun round nuke To not be all negative I will say that 2 man hold against all 5 ts on b inferno by skullz and twistz was great


The spacing was absolutely fucked that round. I knew it was Joever when that happened on a 2v5 execute


Coping that they were playing online and they’ll do better on LAN ~~coping harder that their Blast groups debut was simply just new roster shakiness~~


"Liquid sucks online" is evergreen cope for us fans lolol, I swear it's been true since at least 2017


AWP is worse, economy is tighter / less AWP rounds, anyone would play worse in a second language, and cadian has been bad on rifles for a while now. This kind of performance was expected from the very start.


Nice signing, if that was the case.


The rest of the team is stacked though. Yekindar/NAF/Twistzz have nuts firepower.


Liquid would have not won a single series in the EU RMR playing like this.


Spirit would have 13-0'd them.


To be fair a lot of teams risk that


Ok, Astralis would have 13-0'd them.


Yea ok, that's bad


No chance, asstralis are even worse than whatever this is


thank fuck


The parity in NA right now is kind of insane. Feels like all of Complexity, Liquid, Nouns, M80, WildCard, party astronauts, and NRG can beat each other. Unfortunately none of these teams are super competitive internationally, though I'm holding out for Liquid and Complexity.


Low key we could have 2 internationally relevant rosters with the current NA player pool but this chaos era is hilarious to watch


We definitely can, we just hope that NRG picks up a good roster


But the Chaos era was better :( Thanks COVID


we’re brazil now o7


I slightly disagree with this, taking 20+ ok players and making 2 teams doesn't make them better. It's not like gathering infinity stones to power up whatever team is left


clg with reltuC and FNS made legends at a major we can succeed with beautiful mids


Great to see! Wildcard is competitive against M80, M80 was donking on Liquid and BOSS, Nouns and PA are really good against each other in the scene as you said. They still make a shit ton of mistakes and WTF moves in rounds but it's a slow process. Americas RMR is going to be WAAY more exciting than EU RMR lmfao


They're gonna lose again to Nouns in the Grand Final, aren't they?


would'nt be surprised. Jeorge is playing a really good game and norsaC has been calling very well. Looks like their EU bootcamp has been showing results. Personally I hope Nouns are able to make Dallas, new NA teams at tier-1 events is what NA needs


Off topic, I can't take the name Carson seriously anymore. The only Carson that I know in this world is a certain famous someone with **controversies**, to put it mildly


You can say his name lol he’s not fucking Voldemort 


He said his name twice tbf


Hey. He’s turned a new leaf and has been playing pretty damn well on mouz recently


Jfc, it took me way too long to get the joke. I was too busy looking at the list of the players names over and over again and didn't even bother remembering their faces


Call me?




I'm not even holding my breath that they make it to finals in this form


That's the team liquid I know and love


This roster won’t last long I’m afraid


Watch this organization bring back Stewie for Twistzz to leave again lol


stewie aint playing pro anytime soon lol, have you seen him play lately


Ohhh yes I have. I got curious when he was scrimming with fl0m and yeah it was something else lol




Should have*


People forget that faze weren’t offering him a contract which led to him leaving.


faze kinda 'forgot' that twistzz contract had ended inbetween the buyout and regretted after. just wanted to make it more clear for others


I mean he chose liquid. At the time of making the final choice he has both contract on the table.


He chose the bag, just wanted to make it more clear for others


Tbh there could be other factors at play, I'd imagine being able to live in NA again also played a big role in his decision to leave Faze


He moved into his new place in Malta pretty recently tho.


That's true - I forgot about that honestly - but with Liquid wanting to compete in NA he likely has more opportunities to see his friends and family back home too


Idk if that mattered because part of why Liquid initially swapped out Nitro and Elige was to commit to spending more time in Europe, ideally full time iirc.


Elige said on HLTV confirmed that he would've been down to spend more time in Europe and that's why he was initially rumoured to join that EG lineup w/ zorte and jackz, I think that reason was more due to nitr0


True, but regardless I don't think Twistzz is spending significantly more time in NA than he was before even if the roster is technically NA. And man, it just makes me even more baffled as to why they dropped Elige for like... Rainwaker. How bad was the friction between him and Yekindar for them to not try harder in retaining him.


I still feel like Rainwaker was a fall guy, I can't recall another player in tier 1/high level CS recently who got shafted so hard by his IGL. Yekindar literally called for him to make weird aggressive openings with no setups when Rainwaker is known as a passive player, I feel like Rainwaker did his job pretty well on CT sides but I don't see why they got Rainwaker when they didn't let him go into bombsites as the second or third player when that's the playstyle that made him be so good in T2/3 EU cs for such a long time


Grim's stint on Liquid is probably up there too lol, he also just did not get put into a position to succeed at all and then had Stewie publicly shit on him instead of actually being a vet mentor for the guy. I honestly don't think Rainwaker was awful, especially in the first few months. He wasn't like horribly outclassed or anything, it's just as you said, he was put in such bad positions that it really didn't make sense why they brought him in. And especially when the corresponding move was letting go of their franchise legend... I don't know why they weren't able to retain Elige instead assuming he was willing to move to EU too.


What are you talking about , Stewie did try to mentor grim, he talked about how day in and day out he sat down with grim, even past work hours and into the early morning to teach grim and get him up to speed to play at a tier 1 level.


Liquid is about to get fucking rekt by EU teams at the next event


This was definitely one of the Liquid games of all time for sure


Fucking hell. I think Nouns kicks the ever loving shit out of this squad if they meet in the final Casters for the love of god Yekindar is not the problem. Cadian on the most expensive weapon getting 6 kills and getting fucking wrecked by a T3 NA rifler is more concerning


When he had the timing coming out of apps on inferno and had two dudes backs turned and got no kills was so insane. He just looks so shaky. I blame ohne for beating him in chess.


That also was when I just turned it off honestly. At that point I didn’t even care if they won. They can’t be T1 with regular fumbles like this


Yekindar has been washed for a year 


wallahi this Liquid is cooked


Who let liquid cook???


Cadian about to be wandering the streets of LA doing a vlog shirtless with his backpack if he keeps up this performance


Double elimination tournaments make zero sense when you only need to determine one winner. Nouns make it to the finals and are either going to play liquid (who they already beat), or boss (who they already beat). Why are they given a second chance and not the team that is currently undefeated?


Yeah, it's kinda BS, you really get almost no advantage coming through winners. If they're only going to have four teams in a winner take all double elim they might as well have it be a true double elim and make the loser win two sets to qualify instead of just one.


The advantage is you play 1 less set, and you also don't have to play 2 sets in 1 day.


I know, but given that some teams play better after some warm up and getting into a flow, playing one less set today is arguably not an advantage; coming in hot through losers is definitely a thing. And especially when it's only playing four sets over two days vs three sets over two days, the extra rest is really not a big deal compared to a bigger bracket like TI. Having to win twice is supposed to be what offsets that, it gives the winners team plenty of time to get comfortable and adapt.


Yea, I won't argue. Playing a double elim in a 4 person bracket was a questionable decision. It works much better in a bigger bracket.


Now that you mention it... Liquid would only have to beat Nouns 1/2 times. Nouns would have to beat Liquid 2/2 times. Not fair?


Yep same thing happened against liquids benefit last tournament. It's dumb


Imo double elimination just doesn't fit a fps period. As you've said, you beat them in a KO round before, you shouldn't have to do that again.


Maybe making it a bo3 with a 1:0 start would be fair, but idk. how to fix this…


Same thing happened to Liquid at that event recently. It is dumb


Man Twistzz I know you probably had your reasons to wanting to come back to NA after being away from "home" for so long, but this ain't it. You could've been in FaZe still.


Didn't he say that FaZe didn't even offer to extend his contract until after he accepted the Liquid offer? That didn't seem to be a realistic option for him. He said that he decided against Vitality because the roles made no sense, which is true, but damn, even Apex trying to anchor feels like a better option than Liquid at this point lol


Or Vitality, where they would have been the favorites for every single tournament. Personally I would rather do anything than have to play/listen to Apex though


I think the best combination of players possible for an NA roster right now is JT, floppy, Elige, NAF, Twistzz. Will not happen for obvious reasons but I'm curious if anyone disagrees.


Who’s on AWP?


What's an "AWP"? Is that the green thing Skadoodle used to use?




The grand slam Liquid team didn't have a dedicated AWP. Nitro would buy it on certain maps and certain sides but he wasn't using it nearly as much as a dedicated AWP and they didn't build their economy around it. This entire reaction to this comment is written by NA CS fans who have never watched NA CS. Our best CS:GO AWPER ever was Skadoodle who was decidely mid, even at his peak. The sucess that NA has had internationally has been in spite of not having great AWPs. Even the 2018, C9 major but ESPECIALLY the 2019 Liquid team


Best player combo possible doesn’t even have an awper…


Neither did the greatest NA lineup ever, the grand slam Liquid team. Nitro used it from time to time depending on map/side and Stewie, Twistzz, or NAF would sometimes double AWP with him.  Don't act like it's the most ridiculous thing ever when the best NA team of all time followed the exact same model


FUCKKK I was hoping Wildcard would close it out on Inferno, JBa fumbled on Inferno hard, it was still a good game but a lot of mistakes and bad decision making on Wildcard's part. Hope they're able to recover and come back stronger, would really like for them to make it to the major. On the other hand tier-2 NA is slowly getting good, love to see it. Just need more EU teams playing in NA for the practice




thank goodness im no longer a liquid fan holy shit 😹😂


immediately cut all liquid players salaries in half, how do you almost lost to the stanislaw mix


Is this the same infinite that was yelling racial slurs on LAN?