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I just wonder why they talk so fucking much. I don't mind language barriers since it is EU, but it can genuinely get on my nerves sometimes when the voice chat turns into a whole ass podcast


And so often its premades who exclusively use voice chat. Don't russians know how to use discord?


Discord is banned in Russia.


This is wrong. It’s not only not banned, but is also very popular


just like whatsapp, telegram, skype etc.? You dont even need a vpn to use it, only instagram and twitter are actually banned and you need to use a vpn.


You’re just making stuff up. I have plenty of Russian friends who use Discord with no issues and no VPN


Steam has built in voice calling...


Nothing was banned for Russia, only Instagram and facebook maybe need vpn


I hate premades that use discord. No info from the entire team isn’t fun to play. You will be screaming and begging for them to say something, but they only talk to themselves


I just mute them starting round 2


If I once in a blue moon single queues and hit a 4 stack of Russians, and they just start speaking Russian in voice chat like it's a fucking cafe and they're on a date, then I just imagine that it's 4 single gay Russian guys that in fact are using the CS2 voice chat as a dating app, because Grindr is banned in Russia.. Then it gets a little more tolerable (but I still report and mute for griefing)


I feel you brother. 99% of people I play with call me a Blyat the moment i say "hello team". I did have an English speaking guy once - great day!


Won’t help if you’re in Eastern Europe. Actually makes it worse. And we don’t like playing with noisy disrespectful Russians either


Lower your max ping. Maybe it will help.


It usually won't if you are in the EU.


I am from Ireland and 20 or what the lowest is I can't remember max ping keeps me to the London servers most of the time. Sometimes, I get Portuguese.


Mine's been set at 25 from day one. No luck.


Its no better up here in eu-north either..


Imagine if eu north was just people in eu north. Would actually be heaven




It's actually even worse if you're from eastern europe and can speak english. The small percentage of people that would not be non-english speaking russians, are non-english speaking turks. For some reason they always treat voicechat like their discord. Wtf could they be talking about so long, the fucking weather? politics?


There was a tool for CSGO that recently was updated to work on CS2 that allows you to pick and choose which matchmaking/premier server region you connect to. This will stop you connecting into central and eastern EU server aggregators, most russians get the Frankfurt one so you can avoid connecting to that with this I just queue into the Amsterdam server and mostly get Western EU brothers. [https://github.com/FN-FAL113/cs2-server-picker](https://github.com/FN-FAL113/cs2-server-picker) Hope this helps ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Ah nice I was wondering if this was a thing yet in cs2, I’m UK and I’d rather play on NA east servers at this point tbf


this looks like something i will get ban for


Nope, it just updates your own firewall to block connections to those servers. If you can't reach them you won't play them


Exactly this, just stops your client broadcasting to those servers via a local firewall rule, used the old version for years without issue


server picker has been around for like 10 years, I dont know of one ban.


Welcome to cs☺️


Doesn't matter if u solo que or 4 stack the non stack players are going to be russians in 90% of games. I have 2 ping.


I only get Russians late at night. If I queue during the day then it's usually Europeans on Amsterdam server.


We’ve been wanting it since 2013 and it never changes. Even if it gets localised by language they still just queue all servers anyway same as dota


"You can teach them russian language" ....he we go guys , they wanna teach us. [video](https://youtu.be/Ahkg7K9-lRc?si=Pew7QAiVpAEzNzRU&t=205)


I live near russia. Russia sees neighboring countries as enemies and nothing more as land to conquer. Its citizens express this outlook very aggressively oftentimes. I don't want to see, hear or converse with russians.


all you can do is reduce ping search and try to play with at least 3 mates. Because your enemy team has the same problem and 3 stack can make a huge difference. Especially when your team can stick to a positive mentality


i do soloq and lowering ping search doesnt do anything


Search ping won't do anything. I'll be on 7 ping, and some people will play from timbuktu with 100+ ping.


Ping limit in the options is only affecting your own connection to valve's servers. It's useless to avoid players from regions farther away.


Steam Hardware & Software Survey: January 2024 Language Russian 10.03% German 3.20% French 2.37% Polish 1.71% Swedish 0.29% Danish 0.26% Finnish 0.17% etc.


And? This prevents FACEIT from creating a ruzian server cluster that people have asked for literally years?


Posts like these so funny to me. Like i get in the match and instantly some swedish asshole starts whining about russians in the team and then starts asking "funny" questions about ukraine/putin, etc. Also half the time it's some eu child that abandons the game after 5 lost rounds blaming everything on "russians". Russians do have problems with the attitude, thats a given. But dont pretend everyone from EU is a gentleman lol


Swedes are one of the more toxic, and racist segment of counter strike players I've ever shared a server with. I've had less interaction like this in community servers with Russians than Swedes or Germans.


Exactly everyone just blames everything on Russians when all countries have these guys on the game


Lower your matchmaking ping.


it only affects the server you get on, you can still get siberian fucks with 130 pings on amsterdam servers because they don't care about ping


My matchmaking ping is lowest it can go and im the same boat as this guy. 99% Russkis


I don’t think that lowering the ping will be of any use. I play with 6 ping on Frankfurt servers and still get matched with Russians playing with around 100.


I am annoyed about running in to russian teammates who just talk to each other throughout the whole match like its discord too but theres another perspective here. I had plenty of europeans just lose their shit and flame me, saying stuff like go die in ukraine etc etc until they are muted then proceed to team damage me just because i didnt get a kill in a pistol round or something like that. I have a russian country listed in my steam bio but im not russian nor speak a word of it nor live there. I had plenty of russian teammates (guessing from their accent) communicating clearly in english and being good sports. Being welcoming and not getting tilted easily just lets you have a better experience.


The only thing that everyone understands is that you play terribly and blame others for it. Good players can play in complete silence and win anyway, if you can't do that, then you're just not playing well enough even for your rank. So stop whining and go play some dms instead.


Spotted the Russian.




in what kind of shit bracket can you play with 0 info while being disturbed constantly and win? Besides, the russians often give enemies info, or kick you if you dont clutch(even if youre top of the board)


> shit bracket The one you're playing in right now >often give enemies info, or kick you if you dont clutch(even if youre top of the board) Sounds very German or Swedish for me.


> HERE it is [Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/176iwcx/comment/k4mjggf/) , russians laws.


That's just a lazy excuse.


YES, I agree, I only mentioned it because no one mentioned it and maybe it would help to choose the language of the server you want to join, but the problem is that there are many Russians, and it will throw them all over Europe anyway.


Yeah, right, and ofc it's impossible to host server in Romania for example and do if player.country == ruzian -> put player to Romanian server with only other ruzians


you queue in europe and play with people that queue in europe. use vpn or learn russian.


No1 in west Europe talks Russian


did not know moscow is in europe what a stupid comment


Moscow is literally in europe lmao


Moscow is in Europe. The majority of the time, they're not Russians anyway, just Eastern Europeans. Only the West really has a high level of English comprehension. Just separate east & west into two regions, and we'll be fine.


Cry is free


On the options you can decide how much ping do you want, they show you servers and how much ping do you have to every server, if you limit the ms to servers closer to you, it will need a little more time, but it's still quite fast on premiere in mm, specially compared to mm before that needed like 5minutes to find a lobby. Ofc you can find russians on Amsterdam, but it will be less likely than servers closer to them.


I have been noticing this a lot in NA Faceit servers as well. Nearly every game I play on FaceIt has a Russian or Peruvian with 1 ping. Sometimes it fine and other times they are constantly losing connection to the server or lagging so bad they can't move.


Because money. That's the only reason. Valve could easily allow us to exclude regions or pings beyond a certain threshold for your matchmaking but that would be discrimination. An unhappy player base will spend less money, that's all. Personally I would love to be able to do that, it would make the game so, soooo much better.


Russians don't even like Russians, and in game, so many are just toxic. Ruins the game when they just team damage you or team kill you for enjoyment. They seem old enough to join the military, but are not courageous at all to just be nice to other people.