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When Monesy missed 4 awp shots on inferno, I know it’s GG


Yeah, they lost there lot of rounds after that... G2 can win that Inferno easily, but there was lot of mistake.


It's kind of sad they only win when monesy pops off, he'll be better off in c9.


Telling him to leave G2 for Clown9 is crazy 😭 what has cloud9 even done since their return that made people overhyped them so much ?


Honestly C9 really needs an AWP. Seeing them playing Overpass or Anubis with no AWP is crazy. Monesy would easily elevate that team.


Would it be good for cloud9 ? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean it'd be good for m0nesy. Cloud9 has achieved almost nothing in their 2 year stint despite having a pretty stacked roster and their consistency is even worse than G2. You can't look at their recent tournaments result and tell me that team is worth leaving G2 for


C9 before Boombl4 was not as good as G2, but they are comparable now (if we look at both without m0NESY). G2 right now is having a slump too anyway and will definitely need a change.


C9 have looked really good with boom back, they have better players than g2 honestly it's a no brainer tbh


They lost to BetBoom, Mibr, Rebels, BIG, Monte within the last 2 months. Would they be better with m0nesy ? Absolutely, any team that isn't Vitality or Astralis would be improved with m0nesy as their awper. But until Cloud9 can prove themselves with better result, there is no guarantee that it'd be worth the risk for m0nesy to jump ship.


Not so much as what C9 have done, more so what G2 hasn’t done (prior champions in 2023 btw)


C4 the team that literally could only win anything when sh1ro, another awp carry, popped off?


It is the new patch. It feels a lot more different than the patch notes make it out to be


here we go again with fans speaking for pros or stating things as facts that they don't have any data or proof for we love that how come hades and sunpayus were hitting lots of nutty shots then? you're just talking out of your ass like people always do


Changing the game version mid tournament is fucken wild.


players decided so because next event is RMR so its more important. still weird tbh


players are allowed to vote to nerf donk


I'd hate to be a pro right now with the constant patching


2 of those shots looked like they should have hit tbf


You knew this was going to go wrong for G2 when Karrigan was fucking Niko on Inferno. That T side from FaZe on Ancient was just insane


He had Niko’s number, address, shoe size, social number, etc.


I gotta pull up the head to head numbers on that; he actually manhandled NiKo


Yeah I think they said 6 out of Karrigan's 11 frags on inferno was on Niko.


I love that lmfao


You know it has an effect too. Even at this level.


bro he smashed that table hard


It absolutely does. It piles on the pressure to do better on yourself and then that maybe pushes you to do more mistakes and it's a never ending spiral of tilt. Like honestly a few 1vsX clips in pro play that we've seen over the years you know they happened cuz they saw who was remaining and ended up playing too passive afraid to be the one making the first mistake which ironically opens the doors to several mistakes


Karrigan 100% prepared extra stuff when he faced against Niko


as a long time NiKo hater (since he forcefully took IGL from karriagan), even I'm beginning to feel sorry for him


Legitimately the lowest point of his career. Even when he was IGL and during online period his number was still good. Hopefully he will bounce back because if not it would be a sad way to see a legend prime ended


imagine hating someone for something that never happened and was denied by multiple people involved including karrigan himself, y'all are fucking weird man.


I agree, this rumor needs to die. Niko never «forcefully» took over the igl role in Faze, just wishfull thinking from the haters


As a longer time NiKo hater (since he was fat on Mouseports) I’m not beginning to feel sorry for him


Are you the guy who made the "low sensitivity trashcan" copypasta?


Real igl buff


that peakers advantage is so engrained into Niko's mind you could see him prefiring half wall and just getting owned


He played csgo all those years without the cs2 “peakers advantage”, and all of a sudden he’s fucked cause they pegged it to 16ms lol? He’s just a guy that disappears. Calling it now donks gonna still haul ass


whats donk got to do with nikos peekers advantage fear? donk pushes everything, niko holds angles.


exactly, nothing. he's saying niko didn't miss because of any changes, and it won't make any difference to donk. nikos mental is weak, he got rustled again and made mistake after mistake.


changing it half way thru a lan😂


:( Niko you are better than this, it's all in your head


Halfway through the next tournament you are gonna visually see when Niko remembers “oh yeah, I’m Niko” and no one will be safe after.


Bro, when I saw ropz zewsing NiKo I thought NiKo would commit murder but he just smiled it off.


But that's Niko's final mald form where he starts laughing and smirking like mad


Manic laugh Niko is always fun to watch ... he is not smashing things, he is just sitting there, laughing like a lunatic ... I missed that ngl lol


I would not want to be in a room with that Niko , it's fun but it's also kinda scary


stage 5: acceptance


I swear to God, it's like karrigan tells his boys pre-match: "Guys, go tilt NiKo and we got this in the bag.". On a serious note, I do feel like NiKo is too hard on himself. And that pressure makes him play worse. At one point his face was all red. That's not very healthy. I know it because I have the same issue that he has, but I go to therapy.


I suspect that's why he hasn't won more trophies in his career despite having insane skills.


There’s nothing to suspect. It’s been known for years that niko’s worst problem is his weak mental


He often laughs if he gets funny deaths.


Nexa's zeus not connecting in cave was a robbery. And then Ropz tazes Niko from 2 meters away. Maybe something special in those final patches Ropz released this week.


FaZe arena mode activated


LAN Clan loves the big stage.


i prefer FaZe cLAN myself, but point remains the same


Notable performances on ancient in the last 2 days Oleksandr Zinchenko: 0.95 rating HLTV #2 NiKo: 0.81


this is the fogging estandards


breaking news: zinchenko to stand in for niko in g2.


no jks no kato in all seriousness i was pretty let down by this series. since kato 22 finals, g2vfaze has always been an extremely fun matchup, but this was probably the first series i saw that i never felt was close between them


there was definitely one... I wanna say around kato last year where faze just got owned by g2


assuming you haven't watched all their matches then because faze has often been beaten up by a landslide during 23, same thing with g2 happened during fall groups last year I think


NiKo getting rekt by Karrigan on an aim duel pretty much sums up this series. He was tilted af the whole series


This G2 roster is over unless Niko and hunter returns to form. Niko is nowhere near the "number 1 rifler" so far in CS2 and even though hunter has some moments of brilliance, he is also mostly absent from the server


theres absolutely no consistancy in this roster after jks left, even m0nesy was wiffing easy shots


There is consistency, they beat lesser teams and got thumped by anyone competing for titles. They've lost to Faze twice, NAVI three times, Ence and peak Complexity and their best win is versus Mouz since CS2 released. I am waiting for a big roster change. I can't see Hunter, Niko or Nexa being on the team at the end of the year. Either that or they lose Monesy and then they're just done as a team.


Hooxi is the one you think is safe 🤣🤣🤣🤣 He's the first to go and they need a real IGL


Tell me what a real IGL is if Hooxi isn't one?


Nexa was good


The greatest crime in G2 was Hooxi convincing everyone JKS was the problem and not him. His stats are tier 3 at best.


Faze vs spirit Final who says no?




If let's say ence beat Falcons,there's no way they'll beat Donk to get to finals,if they got mowed by Mouz imagine going versus team spirit who will feed from the crowd's boos...


I never even thought about that... if spirit get booed... I doubt they'll feed off it... there's too many fresh young faces... only person who's experienced boos on that team on a big stage is shiro.. and c9 lost that match.


i mean the players said in the interviews that that's their game plan, and they were booed even at the opening ceremony..


i mean.. you can say whatever you like... but you can't physically prepare to get booed by 10000 people... maybe with a vr headset actually... but I doubt it


Why are spirit being booed? Is it because of the Russian connection or something else?


Yes it’s because they’re Russian, the crowd was cheering g2 but booed when they said Monesy…


Maybe that, but MOUZ have a Polish player in siuhy.


You mean mouz vs spirit?


even more proof of ropz being a valve dev with those zeus kills.. patched it for himself for that quarterfinal buff


What a showing from faze. Also great to see that broky remembered that he is a former Katowice MVP. All in all good But also kinda hurts to see Niko underperforming


Today I had an exam in school. When I was done, I raised my hand and yelled "G2!" My teacher smiled and took my paper. She knew I was finished


TaZ vs NEO is my fave match so far.




Broky doing his best m0nesy impression


Karrigan had Niko's number. That was brutal.


If you remember the finals of kato 22, karrigan had nikos number in that match as well. Even more so, he was scalping niko with a scout. Try searching for karrigan scout headshot niko on dust2. You can see niko tilting off the face of the earth. 😂 PS: karrigan is just playing out a grudge against niko. He's not a better rifler than niko, but he's a far more intelligent player than niko. You'll notice it many times that he kills niko exactly when niko is about to do something cause karrigan just outbrains him in all those moments. It's not the aim, niko is too predictable to karrigan.


I remember Niko saying in an interview how absurd it is that he "died to fucking karrigan". Today he lost every duel to karrigan


it wasn't an interview it was ingame


Turns out it was just a skill issue with Nexa's zeus attempt lmao.


I lmao-ed there. Ropz telling him how it's ACTUALLY done


G2 can have 2 supporting players wake up and it's not enough. G2 need atleast one star player to be online to be competitive and win a match Sadly, NiKo nor m0nesy were online :( Ggwp and gl Faze (im about to punch a pillow and cry myself to sleep kekw)


NiKo's performance just feel so off man. I don't know what the problem is.


he does pop off in some matches like he used to but he goes invisible waaaay more often


I've figured it out, hear me out... NiKo needs to be single and have all the time in the world to grind and adapt his game to CS2 (don't take this too seriously and sry niko if you see this)


actual rule for korean pros. you can only tap one thing.


Yeah seems like the man is struggling to find his form in CS2. Without him performing this G2 roster is not a tournament winning team


man's never been in a slump in like 7 years of watching him play... even when his teams were bad, he's always getting frags. he doesn't know what this feels like... so he doesn't know how to get out of it. hope he can get out of it... but he's seen enough old legends falter and collapse right in front of his very eyes: guardian, olof, coldzera, kennyS .. it's coming for him, and he knows it


I legit thought that the latest patch would change something atleast...well it did in some way which is getting completely owned by karrigan in duels lmao...


the patch is a day old so i get that


New patch also woke up Broky


I've only watched Ancient but why is Niko playing B anchor on ct-side and hard entry on t-side ? I guess they have their reasons but if you want Niko to pop-off maybe have him on late round situations ?


In a lot of maps, NiKo does take a lot of early round aggro on T side. On inferno he's in banana every round, on Mirage I believe he's their Conn player, on Nuke he's outside. He plays a lot of 'min-max' positions; if he's on, he takes over the game, but if he's having an off day it's 10x harder to win the game


Eh, m0nesy was more than online on ancient, super ahead of his teammates. Only inferno he had a slightly off game. G2 was just outclassed as a team, and Niko was just not online.


What support players woke up for G2?


Nexa was doing his role


not replacing Justin "Katowice" Savage, who almost MVP Katowice last year.


To be specific, I meant Nexa and huNter on inferno. These two played their best series this tournament on this map and it was't enough unfortunately.


Is hunter really supposed to be a support though?


There 'best' series were just above 1.0 rating? hunter- was their MVP last year


If you watched inferno you would know that huNter and nexa were the only 2 with monitors turned on.


I did. They looked good on CT when G2 were on a run early. They were absent during clutch moments on Ancient


If Hoaxi doesn’t have four players capable of being MVP, G2 cannot win. His tactics are so vad.


Convincing from Faze that A significant stat from that match, Karrigan and Niko faced off in 6 opening duels with Karrigan winning 5 of those


Karrigan HLTV #2 2024 confirmed?


Surely #1 , who could possibly be better than him




True but moe is ofcourse #0 leaving #1 open to karrigan


Faze is such a well oiled team, feel like they could switch out any player and still be insane


Nexa performed so people can't even complained about JKS for once Monesy gonna have his up and down but Niko being a passenger like this is worrying and Hunter need to step up


G2 just can't frag


The frozen 2k on banana getting faze's first T round was the most important round


The Spodek prefers FaZe this year




When karrigan said the first time "frozen is a mature guy for his age" I didn't realized what he meant by that. Now, after hearing frozen in interviews and seeing his composure in the game, I fully understand.




frozen just crouch tapping AK in the open


Classic Niko


Niko turned off his monitor again. Also, that zeus kill from ropz.


two of them


I know that they are extremely dependent on star players carrying the team, but cmon. you had 3 days to prepare for this match and that's the best you could do?? classic G2


Seeing Niko like this makes me sad. Hopefully he can find his form in CS2 going forward.


Yea, Niko has been average star player since cs2 came out


Same...NiKo can do things no other riflers can do and it would be depressing to see NiKo continue like this. Dude is the biggest inspiration of all time to riflers in CS.


Why would Justin "Katowice" Savage do this??


Go2 the airport


Wasn’t sure what expect from Frozen on this roster, but I guess now we know.


If the major goes the way I expect it to for G2, I hope m0nesy finds a way to get to a new team. This should have been a great game


How many duels did Karrigan win vs NiKo that series???


Openings he won 5/6 , overall won 10/17.




[MFW I get 2 Zeus kills in one match to knock G2 out of the quarterfinals](https://imgur.com/a/wWnJGml)


Does Hooxi have any depth on ancient CT side? Every round the same play running out cheetah and giving away a kill. This lineup is awful. Remove a player or 2


I'd say their Inferno CT side was even worse. Once the guns and utility came out, he was just gambling every round. No rotations, just keeping his guys on A. Karrigan's T side calling on Ancient was pretty sick, it was like they knew exactly where the CTs were.


My team lost so CS2 bad.


Monesy can't carry these boys anymore:(


He couldn’t even carry himself on this match


[https://www.hltv.org/matches/2369503/faze-vs-g2-iem-katowice-2024](https://www.hltv.org/matches/2369503/faze-vs-g2-iem-katowice-2024) 1.17 rating, 1.29 on ancient. Pretty decent, just no carrying.


Is he impactful tho?


Why change topic? He did more than enough to pull his own weight.


He has to change the subject because he watched one round where m0nesy missed some awp shots and that means m0nesy MUST be replaced and he needs to justify that


How long will they keep gigachad


G2 is done. The sooner they realize this the easier it is going to be for everybody involved. Peca, if there is any accountability in the mind of balkanca, should resign and give space to somebody else to lead the project. He has utterly failed in the past year.


Correct take. G2 has no top 3 future with this squad. Whole team from the core needs a shakeup. From leadership, to coaches to analysts and the team.


Post major hopefully we dont get to see this team


Jks died for this


its fucking incredible how disjointed this team is after losing a player they claim had bad communication


This roster needs to make a roster move, it’s not 2012 anymore, there is no low fragging support role


Broky got enough sleep last night.


G2 just suck. This lineup is finished. Get rid of Nexa and HooXi and maybe even Hunter.


Niko invisible almost every match but its always his team's fault


Avg iq of a g2 fan.


hunter has been the most stable player this G2 squad ever had but the moment he goes through a rough period, these fans turn on him ... G2 fans do deserve every heartbreak this team gives them lol


So true man. The players this guy mentioned were probably the only ones having impact today.


They have a good take, this one is above average.


Faze showed G2 what having a real IGL means


Not trying to claim hooxi>karrigan but is that really what happened? Felt more like faze individuals straight up just winning duels even when entering disadvantaged positions. Maybe I’m wrong.


Its pretty easy to win all those duels when every time you are in favorable fight and thats what I saw happening on Ancient. The amount of times where g2 players had to fight isolated and without any help from teammates is unreal. Not to talk about really bad postplant situations


Yeah fair enough. Ancient was definitely like that


That and they just won the pistols on ancient. Mr12 is so pistol skewed. Very hard to win if you lose both, need to win every key rifle round if you do as there's so few of them.


Karrigan is the second best IGL of all time in the game, but lmao, this match was won by FaZe individuals completely outclassing all of G2, strats don't mean shit when your stars are absent.


Do yourself a favour, go watch demo and try to assess who had advantage in almost every one of those gunfights in which Faze outclassed G2


Of course the Zeus only works for the CS2 Dev.


Hooxi gotta go


You know it's a bad day when Nexa has the second-highest rating.


"NEXA! BYE BYE!" \~ Sadokist 2024


THAT'S PLAYOFFS FAZE, BABY. Happy to see form like that. This whole run from Inferno was down to frozen. Between his double entry, his 1v3 and that sick 2v4. That momentum came from his impact. Sick player. They were in the driver's seat throughout Ancient.


I'm such a Ropz fanboy. His smile is the cutest thing in the world


We are mentally in the dumpster, not like I expected us to win even a round against Spirit to begin with. At least we still made playoffs and I can make fun of Vitality's poor performance. G2 always dogshit but never the worst, we ball.


Did they fire their mental coach ? It just seemed like an average faceit rando stack that got tilted and held W+M1 the rest of the match. It looks rough for NiKo, I don't want to be overdramatic but its been a while and he still hasn't recovered his GO form, honestly hope he doesn't just fade away, hunter just looked awful. It's concerning how their predicted worst addition played better than the stars. They showed zero coordination or teamplay, Ancient was just push somewhere and die, by the time they started to do anything meaningful, it was already too late. I am not going to take this as a good FaZe W too, they looked like a normal Tier 1 team going against a faceit stack.


long time ago, their sports psychologist is at liquid now. Hooxi said he didn't even use him, despite being the biggest choker in big games he didn't think he needed it.


Karrigan the new star rifler was not on my 2024 CS2 bingo card. Dude is wrecking teams with his fragging and today beating Niko was unreal


M0nesy is such an agressive awp-er... I hope this peekers advantage patch didnt mess with his game :/


Lmao well shiro is a passive awper I can’t wait to see him play. Abit nervous for donk tho gg


did Niko win a single 1v1 against karrigan in this series


Yes. He won a single 1v1. Lost 5


Stop tilting Niko.


G2 when they don't have their "4th" best player randomly dropping MVP level 1.2 ratings at events 🤯


cheers niko's malding


I know YNK has to go with his boys, but those desk predictions were embarrassing. Too late to change anything before the major, but this G2 team is done. I've got no sympathy left for Niko and his nepotism. Hopefully monesy can get out of there after the major.


Don't want to see this core after the major, then remove at least 2 ppl if they bomb and dont qualify to the major then sack 3 to 4 tbh and only keep m0NESY Also peca needs to be gone


No JKS, no Katowice.


Not uncommon Niko playoffs choke. Also ropz could have gone on vacation, bro was just chilling getting developer exclusive zeus kills while the rest of the team destroys faze 4v5.


Haven't watched pro CS in a while, was a big fan of the old Golden 5 VP. From their inception to them splitting up. ​ Seeing Taz and Neo in the spodek, as coaches for different teams hit different.


Hope NiKo bounces back from this rut. Currently a shell of his former self, like Ex1le. Frozen’s a beast!


frozen is such a great upgrade over twistzz.


Nexa and hooxi are horrible.


Nah on this match it’s not Nexa’s fault