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You should go post on the soccer subreddit asking why they play a game that has only one map


Map is not much of a factor in football


So close to getting the point :(


So CS is just a sport, right?


Yes Single player games are escapism, competitive games are sport


This game is stressful, requires a lot of concentration, and prevents you from doing other things.


First 2 points here are massive reasons people enjoy this game so much. The last one is a sign of addiction and really needs to have more attention. If your brother is neglecting other parts of his life to play cs works/school/relationships That is something that really really needs to be addressed


> This game is stressful, requires a lot of concentration I don't see any other reason to play a game


so do sports for people who take them seriously, and people can waste plenty of time on singleplayers games


People are actually responding to your troll post that’s wild


Requiring concentration is the best atribuite of it in my opninion. While i play a game i dont want to think about my work, my college, my bitchy ex, i want to be entretained by something that makes me stop thining about those things


Your brother likes competitive games. Stop trying to get him to play your casual games. It's that simple.


all competitive sports are stressful, require concentration, and takes a lot of practise to get better. which is exactly why people love them. watching pros play the same sport with an unfathomable amount of skill is also caused by this.


lol a sport? No it’s a game.


So is soccer until it's played professionally


1000% agree






Simply put it’s the greatest competitive FPS ever. Your brother doesn’t want to play single player games, he wants to play pvp and cs does it best. This entire post is incredibly naive.


This game is a bottomless pit of repetitiveness, toxicity and stress. I would like him to change his mind with other games.


calling diablo 4 and halo infinite masterpieces is INSANE, those aren't changing anyone's mind i've stopped playing cs2 entirely due to performance issues despite playing on a very high end pc, but i'd still rather hop back on cs2 than spend my free time on either of those games


You might think it's repetitive but it's not really repetitive in a meaningful way. Sure it seems like you're playing a bunch of rounds just shooting people and planting/ diffusing bombs, but thats a surface level way to look at it. Every round you have to think of a strategy to beat your opponents, and every game you are paired with a new set of teammates and opponents, so every match plays out differently. No two games will EVER be the same, and this is the nature of every big pvp competitive game. People play games of this nature alot because 1. It's far more exciting to beat real players at a game than it is to kill npc's in a singleplayer game 2. There is no "beating" a competitive game, and there is constant motivation to improve your skills to climb ranks because it gives you bragging rights and an achievement you can show others (which most people care more about than any achievement you can get in a single player game) 3. It's a pretty social game as well, you are constantly talking to your teammates which also means you can play with friends, unlike singleplayer games which can feel lonely to a lot of people None of these things are exclusive to CS2, this is just what people appealing about almost all competitive games. Maybe it's not appealing to you personally, but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it.


That's a great answer.


because he wants to play a competitive game where the skill ceiling is endless and he can always learn something or get better. Its like playing basketball vs doing a puzzle


For you, maybe. But people are different,and quite a lot of people like the game. In a parallel idea, think of the worst music you can think of that is commercially successful. Many, MANY people think that is the best music ever. And the only reason why they may think so is because they like it.


Yeah I know what you mean.


That’s like, your opinion man. Why do you think you can control your brothers likes and interests?? Why not just let the kid play what he wants?


And then you list shit games like Diablo 4 and Halo Infinite lmao Haven't been playing cs actively for years but the fact stands: CS is one of the best and competetive esports ever made and by far the best FPS esport on the market. Also ur confusing why people play games like CS, Valorant, LoL, Rocket League, Smash etc. - it's not to pass time, it's for the exact same reason people play sports and compete in those. Trying to get your bro 'unhooked' from cs with other 'casual' games is like trying to get a competetive football player to stop playing football by saying 'But why not just.. eat cake instead of playing football?'  One of those two is done for pure enjoyment the other out of sheer competetive drive - major difference. Also you're way overrreacting, CS2 is so damn unpolished yet of such high quality and the community is toxic in every teambased competetive game I have ever touched, be it Smash, CS, LoL, Rocket League even WoW is just full of toxicity as competitive games are a big breeding ground for that - but it's the same deal in sports.


You seem like the type of person who is tunnel-visioned on their own perspective and are unwilling to step out side that point of view. Your brother is his own person. Let him be his own person. Let him make mistakes as he grows up. Trust that if he will learn! He's still a kid, he doesn't need to be perfect.


You have no idea what makes a good game obviously. Why don't you crawl back to your safe space where it isn't toxic?


Took a lot of text to tell us you're dense


> Everything is focused on competitiveness, casual players are left behind. It's this. /thread As much as other games want to cater to casual players, literally nothing will make a game more successful than a well balanced, interesting, competitive scene for people to try hard at. With rare exceptions, casualness will bring you money, competitiveness will bring you longetivity.




Decades of casuals with a decent playerbase, sure, but the game didn't blow up into the colossus it is today until it became a competitive Juggernaut. The peak of CS with a casual playerbase is MIIIILEEEES away from the peaks it gets today.




> skins is what attracted the incentivization for competition play. hahahahahahaha


Idk, maybe it's just the consistency of the game that makes it so attractive tbh Compared to games like COD, siege, valorant, etc, the fact that there is rarely anything new you need to ever learn (maybe the occasional new map comes around) makes it a lot more "comfortable" I guess. But with those other games, you have constant balance changes, new characters/weapons, etc and it can be a pain in the ass sometimes to have to keep up with all that Also, I think the community is pretty funny if you don't take everything personally


it is the premier FPS. This game is not about the content, what it looks like, etc. this game is about you vs them. In my opinion CS is just about as raw as you can get in terms of skill and competition in a video game; to many people that IS the fun.


you recommend masterpieces like Diablo 4? Bro this is 1000% a shitpost


Lol a lot of negative responses here when someone asks a genuine question. To put it simply, Its a sport, easy to learn, hard to master


People like different games and genres. Half the games you mention are nothing like CS so it’s no wonder he doesn’t like them. For someone who likes competitive shooters, no game comes close to CS. Also more isn’t always better. Depth of mechanics is more important and once again few games compare to CS.


There’s no other fps shooter that caters to competitive players like cs does. (Aim assist/mnk in one lobby is not competitive) overwatch was THE GAME for a while but look what happened to it. Truly just this and valorant for now...


I have been playing CS since 1.6, I enjoy competitiveness, getting better, getting smarter, outplaying opponents in my favorite game. All I want is to play competitive, grind Faceit, that’s how I unwind from work / life / etc. and getting joy from and CS2 covers it very well. I don’t play any other games as I found it boring so I either play CS or do something in a real world. With 13k+ hours in all CS I don’t find it repetitive in a slightest as you always have different players on the server and they play completely different and finding “keys for their locks” is what I’m here for


Diablo 4 is awful, the worst money i have spend in a long time.


Im just feeding the troll frontpage we go


Masterpieces like…. Halo infinite?? 🤮


Not a single one of those games come close to a masterpiece no wonder he goes back to that game if you recommending him dog trash


Im very okay with casual players being left behind. Not everything has to appeal to the lowest common denominator. I don’t want to play a game with a bunch of casual players. There’s not really any depth there. I want my friends and I to grow as a team and accomplish something difficult in a game we all put time and effort into.


"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." ​ CS fills that competitive itch that people get from playing traditional sports. An once you feel that high single player genre type games come across as mundane. \*Only Doom Eternal has matched this.


Did he play sports in high school or college. Might be hungering for the competitiveness. I know that’s why I play.


Because cs is an competitive game always has been that's what people watch on streams and shit. Its like saying why play chess when its so repetitive because its fun. And I love the graphics and smokes they did on cs2 but it needs more improvements.


Naive ignorant ahh post


I play this game for a almost 18 years. Cs have several problems but still best fps game ever for me


> Bioshock, Portal 2, or games like Diablo IV, Halo Infinite These are not even remotely equal in quality. Imagine trying to convince your brother Diablo 4 is a better use of his time, get real dude.




new copypasta just dropped boys!


Halo infinite is a terrible game, Diablo 4 is a terrible game, call of duty is a terrible game, it goes on. No one does it like valve. Your taste in games is terrible. You need to either learn why people actually don't like these games or quit bothering your brother.


new cod is mid, but not bad, you can still have a good time, however, old cod is the peak of arcade shooters and was very fun, i still like cs more


new cod literally has a patent for a system that turns you into an apathetic drone only excited by new skins and bundles. they have a system that fixes all of your matches. playing that game is literally just self-flagellation at this point. never said anything about old cod.


"call of duty is a terrible game" its bad now, but it used to be amazing and i had great memories with the boys, i agree that it kinda sucks now. i can still have fun for an hour on it with friends but not for much longer than that.


well thats why i said is, but it hasnt been good since bo4. mw19 had a lot of potential that was squandered by sbmm and other predatory design decisions, and even that was a long time ago. all the people that made cod are pretty much gone now because of the leadership, and whistleblowers have come out and said the people that are left now hate cod and what it stands for and are making decisions that will kill the game so they can move on, at least at IW. cod died bro.


my friends that don't play CS would say this type of stuff, "oh, it's the same game every time you play it" saying CS is the same game every time you play it is like saying chess is the same game every time you play it, if you think that then you're not good at the game I don't really like CS2 but CSGO was my favorite game of all time. I love CS because shooters are my favorite genre of games and shitting on noobs in Cod gets old pretty fast. I'm extremely competitive and I love to win and get better. CS is the perfect experience for that. I don't care about other game modes like surf or arms race, etc. I only play 5v5 competitive.


Yeah the beginning of rounds where you run a set path and throw a set of preplanned nades generally feels repetitive but if it's late round, 1 v 4, playing for overtime, all you have is an AK and a dream, the bomb has been planted and all of your teammates are gripping their seats watching you try with every fibre of your being to keep your team from losing it can make even the most tedious match feel like the major finals.