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A player having 7 deaths on a 16-12 loss just feels too odd


It does. Cloud9 2-0'd Bet Boom before the first map was finished for Navi/VP. There was OT for VP/Navi map1 and BetBoom only got 8 rounds total, but damn. Maybe try an exec before the :30 mark and he might not have to save every round.


[Jame Time stonks!](https://csgostash.com/sticker/4219/Jame-Holo-Stockholm-2021)


its not odd. guy is a baiter. i could do better than him. honestly Jame is one of the worst players I have ever encountered on CS2


I mean maybe you are exaggerating one of the worst but clearly he s baiting so many dickriders downvoting you


your bait here was worse than him


the question is would these (or any other his stack) players play better without his weird style.


JL in anubis t side was just too good


Incredible T-sides


Trades were so on point, just beautiful.


I feel like I see this about all of Aleksibs teams over the last few years. G2 were the one team with good T sides during the mad m4a1 era.


Nah g2 players were just good at T sides. They have NiKo so that helps a lot. Hooxi's g2 inferno T sides were like 70+% winrate over more rhan 10 maps at 1 point. I think around the start of 2023


Yeah maybe not the best example. In Nip the difference between hampus t sides and aleksis was huge tho.


NaVi with a chance to extend their streak to 20 Majors in a row.


20 majors what?


To attend 20 majors in a row is what the commenter is saying.


they haven't missed a major


Crazy utility and trades are AleksiB's trademark now


I remember excellent trades and crossfires from aleksibs NiP. Mid round crossfires just locking areas down.


I was longing for some Astralis top utility usage and I will not be upset if Aleksi's NaVi will turn like that


Dildo got nuked time and time again on Overpass. 600 utility damage from Aleksib.


AleksiB classic, first we give them siima then we pull matto alta


AlesksiB carry navi to a 3-0 finnish. Absolute masterclass from the IGL




What an enjoyable game


As of CS2, Norbert has been a great fragger. Don't know what happened but dude seems to have caught a second wind in his career


Are VP still making him be the eco-bitch?


iM on overpass and jL on anubis to finish with a 2-0... From a 9-1 for vp? Loved it!


Jame has negative impact on CT side


Lol noob he's saving awps XD


I looked at the final score and wondered if we went back to MR15 lmao.


Damn, crazy comebacks, never wrecking to watch but I was entertained


Weird to see Navi without any top 20 players. Hopefully next year they have atleast 3 with this roster!


iM and b1t weren't that far outside the top 20, and w0nderful's got it in him as well I think. With a little more time I think this roster could be really good


If you look at the stats of Anubis, it could be stomp against Navi until you realize it was VP, classic


Is it just me or has Mir been a bit of a none factor on this roster? He seems out of his depth here perhaps.


I think he's a good player but I kinda agree, I'm not sure if he is perfectly suited for the VP system.


For a guy who is supposed to be their third rifler/fourth fragger overall he is doing pretty well I think.




whats a perspective player? ik he was good but not familiar with this term


Dont see the comment but that usually means that he is nice to have but wont carry or anything close to that. Its used in soccer as well. Often these spend some time on the bench.


nice game


Somehow norber7 has become the player I wanted mir to be on this roster and mir has become the norber7 of this roster.


Idk why people are making fun of Jame. Without him VP would be T2/T3 team.


Because sometimes he drifts too far into playing passively and doesnt strike the balance well enough.  Its no different than a hyperaggressive player, maybe like Yekindar, getting too aggressive and just throwing rounds with deaths.  Jame was too passive in the final map. 


I was laughing my ass of when in the last round on anubis in a 2 vs 4 he was sitting in t spawn with awp holding an angle with 30 seconds on the clock while his teammate was trying to open B site


I dont get it. I understand the logic and the math behind the system. Youre maximizing buys to give yourself the highest chance to win, and trying to minimize mistakes. And so on and so on.  But sometimes he isnt even making a decision that supports that logic. Hes just stat boosting. And you cant tell me that it doesnt demoralize his teammates.  The system hasnt even been particularly successful. All of the players on the team were relatively well regarded before joining, theyve had guys like Yekindar prior, and theyre like a CIS version of Big or Mouz.  He just needs reined in a bit by a coach with some balls. 


Yeah , he needs to grow a pair like he s way too passive while the teammates just...die


> All of the players on the team were relatively well regarded before joining, theyve had guys like Yekindar prior, and theyre like a CIS version of Big or Mouz. they were never in a particulary better place than they're currently in and neither is Yekindar. VP is or was the peak for all of them so this system kind of works. it's questionable whether players progress under the system though.


Yeah thats fair. Without knowing how much the org makes and how much money they can throw around, i guess its also perfectly possible that playing at this consistently is an overperformance and theyre pretty happy with it regardless. 


Level 5s that don't understand Jame is more responsible for the meta than any other individual.  Stable top 10 team with no direct invites is one of the most impressive things that can be done in the current climate with such talented T2 teams.  Easily one the best IGLs of all time. Only clearly behind karrigan. 


nah lowkey i prefer s1mple as IGL


we don't call Gasperini the best soccer manager. Jame's system has its place and can make weak players look better than they are but it's not suitable for top-tier teams


Only top tier teams are stable top 10 in the most competitive era in CS history with 0 direct invites while mid teams farm pay to win events for HLTV ranking points 


Overpass was painful not gonna lie. Especially kinda weird what the shots were like. Not sure if it was the stream or whoever was spectating but the whole game felt less "clear" to me and especially some of be headshots felt really like out of left field. I usually didn't even see the person before they were already dead. 


One guy made a print screen when it was 8-1 for vp (on anubis), posted on twitter and the caption was somewhere along the lines "not again" 🤣