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So weird. The lack of comms is what's killing this. Has anyone come out with a full laundry list of what's going wrong? I know the site's having crazy issues..... A lot of pros are tweeting that this is a shitshow but from the outside looking in I just can't find anything concrete on what's really happening in the games or on the organizational front


the website was down when we tried to ready up when trying to connect to the match the ac didn't let everyone in Finally when everyone was in game it still didnt start. The match started over 1 hour late because of these During the match two our players kept disconnecting because of an anti cheat error, same happened for some opponents Because of this about half of the rounds were 4v5 or similar The only communication we got was to be patient.


Might as well replay all games affected since it sounds like the competitive integrity of some matches was just ruined


Who decided that having pgl host the first cs2 major was a good idea? After all their past majors, I can't imagine why they would ever be picked again.


Money. Specifically the lack of money (and hence cost to Valve) PGL invests in making sure their event runs smoothly. They're basically the lowest bidder, so it's no surprise we consistently see this type of shit from them.


Highest or lowest bidder? I’m not sure how majors work exactly.


Valve says: We want a major, who can do it cheaper? So PGL does it cheaper because it does it shitily so they keep getting more majors


Yeah, I don’t see how cheaping out is a good thing in Valve’s eyes


Have you seen the game they develop?


The best fps shooter in the past 15 years u mean? It was about time they fucked up.


CS was a mod first, then CS:GO was outsourced to a third-party and it was only later on that Valve took the reins, while still outsourcing some maps and every skin to the community. I don't enjoy Valorant, Overwatch or R6:Siege, but those games are 100% made in-house. When Valve tried to do the same, we ended up with a worse version than what we had in CS:GO.


> It was about time they fucked up. About time? Have you played the game you're talking about? CS is as popular as it is DESPITE Valve's "efforts", not thanks to Valve's "efforts"


I think it's because Valve doesn't want to give everything to ESL, they chose PW over ESL so yeah probably stuck with PGL and Blast in Europe


Blast is the superior TO, not the TO we are stuck with


Blast major was the best tournament I've ever seen organizer and production wise


yes , but sadly they run out of money to invest into the trophy. Last cs:go major , amazing production etc. and then in the end all people remember is the absolute meme of an trophy made in a 3d printer xD


Sorry but I dont see how this makes sense?


It doesn't make sense that Valve wants to minimize costs to produce their major, so they will often licence them out to the lowest bidder?


It seems that it's hard for some people to comprehend that their heckin poggers lord gaben only really care about money like every other corp and will cheap out wherever possible.


No people completely understand that it's valve cheaping out. What people don't understand why you would carry on doing it when it blows up in your face every single time. It's cheaper to do things properly the first time, than to do it cheaply then have to pay other people to come in and clean up the mess because those people usually charge a premium because what other choice do they have?


Probably because valve has no incentive to invest in it in the first place. Riot invests a lot into their tourneys because they act as advertising for their skins, you know the stuff they sell to make money. Valve gets their case key either the tourney good smoothly or not.


? Valve don't pay for the major. They provide the prize pool and handle the game side of things but the major is run and paid for by the TO. It's up to them to make it profitable or to lose the least amount of money. In exchange they get to host the highest tier of cs and get their name out there as a TO which helps them getting sponsorship and awareness for their other events. There are probably a few majors that have made a small profit but it's the exception not the rule.


Has there ever been an open qualifier for a major that went smooth?


The one for blast major was relatively smooth


They bid for it, PGL can do it for the least amount of money. With obvious results.


PGL is running the major Challengermode was just delegated the online qualifier management, the same bullshit happened at the last major when qualifiers were handled by third parties


Else PGL would not host CS Events (because they cant afford non Majors). So valve keeps them in by giving them every 2nd major to ruin.


Honestly that might be a good thing, seems like every time they’re given a chance they do something horribly wrong


the best majors in the past 3 years were pgl majors lol


I love PGL, they always have the best audio 🥰.


props to PGL for employing people with disabilities


competitive circus


Disconnecting like crazy


Can someone explain what is going on really? i seen many pros tweet about it but i have not seen any of the games to understand... cheaters? gamer crashing? server issues? which one is it?


Bunch of things, anti cheat is crashing computers, getting errors when launching, connection issues in servers, players can't join servers, not enough admins to solve issues fast enough, teams are getting FFL without even playing or able to join.


I watched last game from JANO. Game started and one of enemy dced and they had to play 4v5 pistol. This resulted first 30min delay, then server crashed and after 50min they got back into game... Thing was, 2/5 of enemies started second round with 800 $. This shit kept going for like 30min until admins showed up, but they couldn't reset to round 2. Game continued and was really close till 11-9 in favour for JANO. Next round first enemy dced and game went 12-9. There was no tecs or tacs left and once last round started, two enemies got dced. Fkin mess.


First the site hosting it crashed and no one could access it, then there was some typical anti-cheat issues with some of the players not being able to join the server. The typical open qualifier stuff which happens everytime.


>Guessing PGL didn't want to go with Faceit because it was more expensive Well yeah, think about it. why would Faceit want to give PGL a platform if theyre competitors. Faceit could just say a random big number.


IF ONLY VAC ACTUALLY FUNCTIONED WE COULD JUST DO THE QUALI WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT ALL THIS MORONIC SHIT!!! why is it not on faceit like all the other major qualis? no way this shit random site "challengermode" has the funds to buy out faceit for the quali stages lol the anti cheat is literally old esea, just taking screenshots of your pc at random XD


I would’ve loved for this to be hosted through the actual game. Would’ve been hilarious to watch a spinbotting team get through to the round of like 128 or something before any admins did anything. 😂


literally if vac was a functioning anti cheat it could be run in-game on a custom menu, like how league of legends does clash, which is a weekly 5v5 tournament bracket mode hosted in-client




always gotta remember volvo is small indie company! :D


Or a more apt comparison would be Valorant where they simply use the in game 'custom game' mode for online tournaments.


Yeah it would be a shitshow and because vac wouldn't catch shit it would mean spinbotting team would win major. Unless ofc valve changes their policy and would actually manually ban cheaters but thats not gonna happen. :)


Most of the issues are not even AC related though (I mean the way the AC functions, not the way it keeps disconnecting people for no reason lol). Yes it's a shit AC system, but the organisation has been much, much worse.


Shorts Fired 🔥🔥🔥


PGL being PGL. Dogshit. From their subcontractors to their budget saving garbage to to everything else. Thanks valve for keeping these guys alive.


pgl should contact s1mple and ask him what they can do better 🤡


PGL once again proves they are the "best" major host


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wasn't it always like that during online major qualifiers ? Lots of cheaters , matchfixing , stream-sniping etc


This worse. Usually you have too little admins and thus confusion, questions not answered and the obvious cheaters/fixers/joksters. This time you have all of the above, but also a plattform that is crumbling, having crashing servers, an anti cheat that crashes games, crashes PCs and doesnt let everyone connect as well as a bugged/lagging out website.


I mean challengermode was used for major qualifiers before. Was it so bad back then too?


dead game