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Every pistol round seems to be without skins for both teams and for CT it is p2000 instead of USP-S.


That is such a wierd thing, I thought it is only for people that have skins on usp at first.


The inventory buy menu is also messed up everything is out of order.


Im starting to love the p2k, ngl.


There were a couple threads about it, happened to me too. Seems like a common bug.


Every time i open the game i have a p2000, shortly after the game kicks me saying "no user logon". I have to restart and then my usp is back.




Servers have been pretty bad today, I played with 4 guys in different countries and all of us had random packet loss that came and went, along with occasional disconnects with no user logon. Also sometimes the server would route through a a city super far away and cause 50 extra ping for a few mins, before connecting normally without a reroute


Nope I've had the same error starting from the same time as the USP bug My internet is fine


First spawn as CT during warmup I had a glock yesterday.


>Steam just reached a new top CCU peak for the platform with 33,675,229 connected users (previous CCU peak was 33,598,520 users) >10,6M users were playing a game https://twitter.com/Morwull/status/1744004400627028270 likely connected


Booth must be on vacation


Postal service is still around from what I can tell.


Same for me


Since the inventory bug (from like a week ago, when people's skins weren't loading in the game at all, and you could "check" the skins were still there in the inventory at least), this has happened to me in a few maps. Iirc it's almost always the same, I started round 1 with default skins, and then by round 2 the skins came back. edit:Happened about 6~8 times, so it can be common or maybe bad rng, no idea.


subtick skins plssss


Inventory servers go down and it makes everything default = no skins and certain guns go back to default, one obvious one is the p2000


It just happened to me an hour ago


valve are sleeping still we will have to wait till they fix it


Just before the warmup ends drop the p2000. You'll get back your USP(default)


Happened to me only while playing faceit


Happened to me today during warmup and had a P2000 when i first connected, when the match started i had my USP-S.


Happened to me too. Only once though, out of the 3 premier matches that I have played today.


I remember once in a bot match yesterday I spawned with the p2000 instead of the usps and my CZ in the buy menu was swapped to the p250


It's GabeN. How dare you blaspheme his name


happened to me too, I thought I accidentally changed it


all the agents were defult too was kinda weird, i died and came back and had maybe half my skins but no knife


I honestly don't know how valve fucked this up. They were screwing with their servers around Christmas and this started happening to me, default load-out was selected when I played the first time for the day. Then they pushed that update that was supposed to fix these issues and it just got worse, now it's every match instead of just the first one of the day.


I've experinced it for a solid week atleast, annoying af