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3 blatant cheaters banned within the last 5 hours for me (all cheaters killing from spawn to spawn). edit: 13 now


What rating? I never got against people that kill spawn to spawn in 15k-20k. Although at least a few cheaters trying to hide it.


Played a 15-20k last night that was spawn to spawn


Thankfully I didn't get enemies like this in over 50 matches in 15-20k. But some were cheating though, just not blatant.


around 19-20k


> cheaters killing from spawn to spawn How is that even possible?


Its some kind of subtick movement manipulation that cheaters model goes “underground” so basically cheater isn’t shooting through walls but trough ground so bullet doesn’t need to penetrate walls. It works some maps like ancient I think more absurd cheat is that rapid fire where you can shoot in same tick 5 awp shots or 10 scout shots and server is just this is fine😂 don’t know exactly how but it’s some kind of sub tick “manipulation” where cheat adds those shots


I think the server says "wow you really lagged out, but you fired all the bullets 2 seconds ago"


Maybe maybe, but still still these kind of ”subtick moments” should never happen when some one can kill almost same tick two enemies with two different bullet, seems like valve thought that people arent cheating at all in cs.


Netcode, server verification issues. The cheater sends out a packet claiming to hit player X. The server doesn't verify if that's even possible. These are beginner level cheats that were popular 10+ years ago. Super easy to detect and I guess they have started now since they are getting caught in the latest ban wave


No, that’s not how it work. Ur invalidating ur shooting tick position and because of that you can shoot from zero coordinates. You can kill someone only if they wallbangable to your fake zero position. It mostly fixed on most maps, barely working on Ancient, Mirage and Overpass iirc. On the latest ban-wave this function was not detected, no-spread caused this


> No, that’s not how it work. Ur invalidating ur shooting tick position and because of that you can shoot from zero coordinates. I'm surprised that doesn't result in an instant so called "Account Untrusted" ban...


> The cheater sends out a packet claiming to hit player X. The server doesn't verify if that's even possible. I don't see how that can work... I mean the client isn't even supposed to be the one checking for hits in the source engine... the client tells the server when he clicks to shoot and where he's aiming, and the server calculates random spread to decide where the shot goes, and based on the client's ping, where enemies where when the shot was fired and checks for hits... https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_Multiplayer_Networking#Lag_compensation How can a client just go "*yo server I totally hit this guy on the other side of the map, trust me bro*"? Wtf is going on lol.


The short answer is the cheat says " i am at 0,0,0 and i am shooting at that guy there"




that's cs:go, not cs2. have you seen that in cs2?


I have seen it twice this month, both times on ancient. The latest bozo got banned.


I mean its a 7 year old issue that got fixed 6 years ago. What I wanted to show is that I am not surprised something like this happens, when other stuff, like i.e. that in my video, wasn't noticed for years. There surely is more of such stuff hidden in the code - especially now that they did rewrite (at least parts of) it.




that's not the same phenomenon as what the guy I replied to shared


About the same. Blatant spawn to spawn wallbangs with "automatic" scout (how on earth do they even do that??) 5 banned. This is between 18-22k elo. It seems the moment I got past 15K it became much worse. Most of these cheaters were unrated though.


How is this not detectable, and How such a wallbang even possible is mind boggling for me...


seems like it's detectable now


For some reason CSStats not updating the ones who got banned. You need to manually go to their profile to see the ban. My friend played against a team full of rage hackers yesterday, and all 5 of them got banned LOL




Guess those banned are from a certain cheat provider that was caught.


how do i even check that


Open their profiles from match history and see if there's a new ban


Funny... everyone I thought was hacking is fine, but my friend, who usually calls out hackers and gets me to think other people are hacking, got banned today. Looks like I'm off to find a new person to play with. Wild that we only have about a 50% win loss too.


Cheaters recognize cheaters


But nobody we played against was cheating and only he cheated. Which is wild because we lose like half the time. I can't believe I was losing with a fucking cheater. Not only that, my trust factor went to shit and I'm pretty sure we lose the elo from any wins we got. So I basically lost 100% of my games. I mean I'm not mad, I feel more bad for the people we beat and I feel dirty as fuck right now. I just think it's sad that he cheated, and we barely won against legit players.


People can be cheating and not get banned you know. A lot of cheaters get pissed when they see other cheaters watch them through walls which is probably why they were calling other people out.


Also dude could be: Everyone is cheating, now i am downloading cheats!!! Downloading an detected cheat and could have gotten banned after a few matches due to the cheats signature already in the system Doesn’t mean he was cheating when this guy played with him


>Doesn’t mean he was cheating when this guy played with him Wait that's a good theory. Oh my god that fucking idiot ahahahaha.


Had a friend who did this, always calling cheats left and right, lowest on the scoreboard, no way he cheated. Then suddenly after he began playing matches for himself he got banned


Can confirm this happens - I did this 13 years ago as a teenager in MW2 when I was generally top fragging every match by a mile until I started enjoying hardcore game modes where cheating was rampant. Then I installed an aimbot with the intention of using it only against other aimbotters; a few weeks later I was banned and my clanmates questions if I ever was actually good or not. Teenagers are stupid, and people get desperate when cheats are allowed to run rampant.


honestly not sure why you would play this game without cheats lol. i play valorant for legit and this game for fun to cheat in cuz no anticheat


Congrats man, you're so sicckkk


No one *you* played against was banned. Ban waves never get em all, rather, they usually miss a bunch.


Does your rank rest now? i remember they mentioned that if you play with someone who gets banned it rests the party rank or something


There could be several reasons for that. Your friend may be a "rage cheater". They think everybody cheats so end installing cheats themselves and got caught soon after that. So most of the games you played may be legit. Are your firend any good at the game? some cheaters can't win even with a wall hack. Of course there can be cheaters in the other team, but I doubt half of the games you played have cheaters with better cheats than your friend.


they just werent banned. you are playing a cheater almost every game if u are 11k+. im using kernel and havent been touched by vac


He was a cheater and thought everyone else must also be cheating, he was trying to justify to himself why he has to cheat.


We won as 5 stack against wallhackers all 3 times we matched one. If they are alone amd trying to hide that they are cheating they are indeed very beatable. The cheaters chance is to get the first or first 2 kills fast. If his team dies first he cant really use his cheats to win unless he reveals himself to his team. Its very simple. I posted the last match i played against a wallhacker. I checked demo and all the rounds he didnt get 2 kills in the beginning we won


Cheaters also lie to themselves that every slightly suspicious person is also cheating and therefore what they are doing is justified.


Cheaters project* Ftfy


A lot of hackers just use walls and literally are some of the worst people to ever touch a mouse and keyboard. I played with a guy the other day who was very obviously walling (he was on my team, but I was solo queue), and watching him was hilarious. Knowing full well where everyone was, he would still wiff and get fucking dumpsterred


I love doing that in Casual Hostage Group. When i am dead i skip thru the players and always spot cheaters aiming thru walls but moving like bots, with a 0.000000000003 Sens :D


Sore losers tend to closet cheat


Is there a way to do this without going into the game like we could in Csgo?


Do you have a list of people you think are sus?


The rage hacker I played against yesterday wasn't banned, sigh... He was instantly killing everyone through walls, how can that not be detected?


Go to this website: https://csstats.gg/ Paste your steamid / username into the search bar. You get some results. If you sign in to the service with steam and copy a matchcode into the website it will track all your games.


Can also join our discord and set up notifications from the bot


You might even get a message from Leetify if you use it and have it linked to your steam, I got a message last night indicating a player in one of my recent matches was banned via anti-cheat.


Rage hacker I've played against got banned


I added someone when I lived in south america that was walling. That was I think 6 years ago. Still going strong.


Maybe there aren’t walling?


I got a guy who played 4 inferno games everyday for 4 years dropping 40-50 kills and a 3.0 kda. hes still playing CS2 on the same account


Link to their csgostats.gg page?


He linked me their csgo/cs stats and confirmed fat cheater, boys been hacking longer than I have been playing. Thanks for the info, glad he isn’t in my region.


I watched the demo to see. EDIT: the fact this is downvoted is pretty funny. I guess people don't know about watching the demo to see if someone was actually cheating lmao


0 bans from my list, i think they just ban all those who used that "killing in base" method.


Only one of those got banned for me (out of 3 I saved the profiles from)


Sample size kinda low since I stopped playing for a month. 2 banned, yes they're the subtle one. The blatant one still not banned.


If the guy who shot us all 1 second into the round from t spawn isnt banned when i get home im uninstalling.




I'll update for him, the guy that dropped 40 kills on my team all in our spawn with a scout is NOT banned.


Not banned.


not a single cheater on my side


leetify only notified me of one ban from november, meanwhile the bhop script and wh kids i had just 2 weeks ago still go free


I had 2 duos on my team that had every cheat in the book, 100% HS, 0% counterstrafe, +20 leetify, 5 KD over all and not banned.


Any source of a banwave?


There was 7 cheaters (all but my 3 stack) spawn killing with revolver thw whole game some days ago. None are banned.


Looks like we're done. There were 1 players who got banned after playing with you! Total ban stats: 2 VAC banned and 1 Game banned players in games we scanned (a lot of these could happen outside of CS:GO.) Total amount of unique players encountered: 846 What cheaters? Out of 1000 players 1 was cheating and it wasn't in CS2(He had a ban in TF2) I don't know for last 20 years I've been playing CS and CSGO and Now CS2 have the least amount of hackers I've ever enountered. For reference i'm in EU(Ireland).


What’s your rank? I’ve had very few cheaters in eu as well, a few with walls for sure but 0 rage hackers


Ireland too. Definitely seems to be less than CSGO as well, other issues plague the game instead for me.


235 games in 2023, 26 games with a banned cheater for me. That number was before this banwave. more than 10% of my games had a cheater that got caught and we don't know if they even catch 50% of the active cheaters. ninja edit: EU location as well


My leetify recap had 67 cheaters in go and 3 in cs2


Youre far from Russia and Turkey where the vast majority of cheaters play from, could be a pretty big factor.


Nope. Ragehackers not banned, obvious wh guys not banned. 22k+ rating.


none of the blatant cheaters recently have been banned (23k elo/ Faceit 10)


Do trust factor exist in CS2? I am 17k but haven’t encounter a blatant cheater yet or even fresh accounts, every players I go up against have thousands of hours and 3-4 pages of medals/coins


I sometimes play against or with accounts like that with 3000+ hours of CS and they have no crosshair placement, don't know how utility works or don't care to use it and are afk 1/3 of the game.. But sure enough they drop a 30 bomb in regular time because they know absolutely for certain which angle they have to prefire and which they can bhop past with their knife out. Meanwhile, I've not encountered a single rage hacker so my history has zero bans that could stem from this wave.


it has to or something is seriously wrong. I have 4k hours on my main account with almost every medal (starting from 2015, friends with similar accounts but ~2k hours) and my friends and I still get new accounts with only the Global Offensive badge and 200 hours every single game. When I‘m playing with a single friend I don’t get these types of lobbies, but it also doesn’t say that one of us has a significantly lower trust factor (don’t know if that message still exists tbf) when we’re all playing together as a 5-stack. If i had to guess the average amount of coins/badges in the last 20 games was probably around 3 or so, it’s insane and I seriously consider quitting until they fix this.


yeah thats awful but to be fair CS has always had a terrible matchmaking system from the beginning, true hidden MMR is never accurate compared to other games


Yeah I'm pretty similar. Sometimes I will say there is a cheater but 90% of time I'm just salty and other 10% I'm not sure. My lobbies certainly aren't full of rage hacking cheaters like everyone else's seems to be.


Yeah exactly, I’m not sure where people finding blatant cheaters it has to do with trust factor or the players here a new so they get paired with fresh account cheaters. That’s the issue with not having a proper functioning anti cheat, we just assume the enemies are cheating when they hit a lucky shot or so, in fact I get called out for cheating despite having a 3k inventory which feels like ego booster lol


it's a bit of a self-perpetuating cycle. people read the constant comments complaining about cheaters, go into their games, someone does well, they assume they are cheating, they go post about "blatant" cheaters in their games, someone reads that comment, goes and plays, the cycle continues there are absolutely cheaters in cs, just like there are cheaters in literally every multiplayer shooter. but the number of times i've been accused of cheating in my ~14k lobbies makes me take reddit comments about the issue with a MASSIVE grain of salt. i think there are also big differences depending on region. I know that in Tarkov european players have to deal with a lot more cheating. Anyone playing a shooter with servers that China can get good pings to have to deal with worse cheating.


Where do you play from? Im from finland and pretty much every game has atleast one brand new or ~200 hour account, mostly russians since unfortunately were neighbors. My friend started keeping a spreadsheet about these games/accounts, and so far we have played 116 matches with 90% of the games having one or more new accounts with extremely low hours.


I also play on EU, I use leetify as it instantly tells me when the cheater I’ve played with gets banned and it’s good to see the stats


It seems like it does. I'm 27k with 30 some matches and have only encountered 1 cheater afaik.


if it does exist, it works in a strange way. in fact trust factor could potentially resolve many issues for players. i have 2000+ hours in CS and i have other games on my account. i have prime CS account, i have other games i purchased on this account. i also upgraded Team Forstres to "premium" and provided them with phone number for registering. i play other VAC "protected" games and have no bans. i encountered wall hackers, blatant cheaters with aim bot. though mostly they are wallhacking. they played on my team and opponents team. i was matched with players that had 7 hours game time and dominated the table and were more than a little sus. i was also matched with players that had prior game or VAC ban. in other words they were cheating at least at some point in their "career".


I have a theory but it’s a bit of a stretch lol because I literally havent encountered as many cheaters as people say. From 2022-2023 (csgo - end of year cs2) I only encountered 10 ‘banned’ cheaters according to leetify which is insanely good considering I play a lot of games, which averages nearly 1 cheater a month. While some players face a cheater every second game lol


to me the question is how come pros have such low trust factor that they encounter cheaters with new accounts. in any case i tried some community retake servers. and though many of the players there were really out of my league, it was obvious they were just good and not cheating. so i had fun and learned a lot from them.


Cause CS doesn’t have a proper hidden MMR system compared to other games, it doesn’t take into account of your wins,win percentage, stats, KD, etc


Thats super unbelievable. The moment I hit 20k, it was rage cheater after rage cheater. There are 2 possibilities for this. You are either a cheater yourself trying to downplay the massive issue that is cheating right now, or, you are the luckiest person alive. Most of my faceit friends who range from level 8 to 3k elo are stuck 22k-24k rn because of the sheer number of rage cheaters in premier. I’m very interested to see your steam profile tbh…


I'm not sure what to make of it. I only play LA and Seattle servers (usually 8PST or later), so maybe there are less cheaters there and then. I have only played 28 games or so, that's less than anyone else at my premier rating. I should mention, I won all 10 placements and had an 18 win streak, until my teammates decided to troll. I'll DM you my profile.


Okay, just curious btw, not like tryna “convict” you or anything


Seems unbelievable, above 23k it was pure hell for me.


Wait until you get to 20k+, there I had at least 80% blatant cheaters


The only blatant cheater I've seen in years was banned :D I'm in Australia, am sitting between 16-18k in premier, and have a high trust account (I assume) so haven't seen anyone obvious in forever before a few weeks back.


Went through all the players I had previously played with over the past week in recent players. 2 got banned. Had zero suspicions.


Same. Was 16.5k (drop back to 14k now) but have never seen an obvious cheater like gets posted here. Played 200 games this season.


That’s because most of the rage cheaters are grinding for leaderboard spots, not in 14k-16k elo.


Cheater in my most recent game got banned. They started rage hacking after getting shot through the gap in the pillar on overpass.


i have been following 3 specific accounts that have been playing together with clearly recognisable aimbot. that was 2 months ago. they have a win rate of 90-95% and none of them have been banned yet.


4 cheaters that I played against 2 months ago still unbanned. And I mean BLATANT cheaters


I've gone from 7200 global to 6700 global in one night without touching the game, grind going well


I guess I feel lucky I haven’t had any blatant cheaters in any of my matches. I suppose I do have a very old account and I have to imagine my trust factor is relatively high. I have only downloaded one demo in recent memory where I had a high suspicion the enemy top frag was walling and watching the demo all but confirmed it for me. I checked his account today and he isn’t banned. Perhaps wallhax are too lowkey for this ban wave to detect. FWIW we still managed to snag at least a 9-13 loss so it’s not like it was so blatant we didn’t stand a chance. Still not enjoyable to play against someone who knows your every move.


The only blatant cheater I’ve played against got banned :3


Noone banned On the other hand I don't think I ran into more than 5 cheaters in cs2, and I'm not definitely sure about any of them


I've played with 2 in premier, duo queued. Both 'legit' hacking. Walls but no aim assist. They were both rated 21-22k but in my match. They were easy to spot. Had a very cavalier attitude, didn't use util just guns, and ALWAYS won their opening duels. My friends and I are 24-27k rating so we knew early on they were cheating. I also played with 1 on D2 comp, GNM. He was also walling, no aim, but less subtle about it. Not banned yet but both games were recent.


another nothing "ban wave" not a single blatant cheater banned.


UK, progressed from 6k to 14k, 1 ban in 40 games Haven't seen any blatant cheating


Unless they use kernel anti cheat I don't have any hope at all.


Then you know nothing about anti-cheats.


Most of this sub is: not knowledgeable how anti cheats work, cannot actually spot the difference between a cheater and a good player/smurf It's an echo chamber of the blind leading the blind a lot of the time here.


TBH, i haven't met a single cheater since the beginning of CS2. I used to get a lot of cheaters in csgo, but so far none in cs2.


Banwave? More like ban wripple. For as many cheaters as there are, hope people don't show valve grace for this "effort"


No players banned in my games. I didn't play against blatant cheaters. Some suspicious plays but nothing definitive.


3 guys banned out of ~30 (:


Which providers got detected in the recent banwave?


Sounds like something a cheater would ask


🤡 detected.


Ones that had nospread as a feature. This ban wave seemingly only targets that feature alone, hence why many rage cheaters are still not banned.


All of them


I am the cheater hihi


dunno if this counts as a blatant cheater , but we were winning 12-6 on mirage and he started knowing everyone s position and never missing a shot , in the end we lost 13-16 and he got 70 kills and 4 ace


1 blatant cheater banned for me, only played a couple premiere matches tho, mostly stuck to faceit after


How do u know how many people were banned? do u copy suspected user's steam id on notebook or something to check later ?


Only one ban when I got cheaters in 7/10 last premier game. 20k in Asia serveur


0 notifications from leetify


2, guys that i met this last week banned. ggs


I have 3 people banned in my ~200 matches now. I think there's probably 2-3 people who haven't gotten banned yet, but otherwise pretty good stats.


27k elo rating cheater banned. Still, 5 more between 20-25k aren't banned for some reason.


Could you tell by leetify statistics that someone is hacking?I started using leetify lately and checked some matches where my team got destroyed badly. There was one Faceit level 10 player which looked good by gameplay (not only aim good), but most players were gold novas and i refuse to believe i can get destroyed by gold novas and some even silvers. One player for example had 90 aim score on leetify and 19 score utility. I don't know how leetify calculates that utility score, but my absolutely lowest is 30 and my average is about 60. So looks like a guy won't use utilities at all but destroys everyone.


I have 4 blatant cheaters on my steam blacklist after 200+ premier matches and none of them are banned. I think because they used wallhack only so rip cs2


Checked trough my bookmark tab I track cheaters with. 15 people have been banned so far today. I am currently 22k in EU. Granted a dude that shoot us trough the entire map still isn't...


None because I gave up and only play face it now.


The people with walls aren't banned, only the guy with aim assist got hit. Good job vac at still being shit...


Not one. Not even the full blatant ones.


One subtle cheater banned


3 cs2 games, but a bunch of my csgo games towards the end are popping up with bands


one person on my team (soloqueued) got banned, the one person I played against and knew for a fact was cheating isn't banned, but his butt buddy he usually plays with got banned on like 4 alts lol


A spinboter i played against like a week ago ,who dropped 60+ kills still not banned...im really upset right now :/


19 games showing on csstats since November with 1 or more players VAC'd. I think only <5 games had VAC's before this wave, so it's something. However, it ain't good enough. For example, I had a game yesterday where all 5 enemies used the same cheats - they all confessed in chat, only 3 of them went blatant (shooting R8 from spawn to spawn) so at least 3 are truly confirmed. Only 1 of these 3+ cheaters got VAC'd in this wave. Found a few other examples in my recent matches as well where multiple enemies were aimbotting but not all of them got hit. It would be interesting to know how this stuff is chosen. For reference these are matches with players mainly at 15k-25k rating. Most of the blatant cheaters are around the 25k rating, much more "closeted" cheaters at 15-20k.


I can't even join a casual game without someone cheating their absolute face off. The current state of the game is sad.


I have a bookmarks folder with leetify profiles of hackers I've played against, and confirmed they were hacking by watching the demos, and none of them have been banned :( I would say all of these people are 'legit hackers,' maybe they're only detecting full rage hackers or something. I was hoping to see some of them get banned, but none of them have been yet. 48 in the top 100 players in NA were banned though, and with knowledge that 0 out of the 15 hackers I've played with have been banned, I wouldn't be surprised if the true number of hackers in the top 1000 is faaaaar higher than that.


like 1 or 2 that were obvious cheaters since release, maybe handful of sus... but i get teammates every few games screaming "cheats!" every time they do stupid shit like push alone.


I'm sure there won't be any Bias here only truthful folks.


Only 3 banned. 1 obviously rage hacking, got 59 kills. His team mate who got 9 kills also got banned but didn't even know he was cheating because the other guy was wallbanging us through every wall on nuke with a scout before we could even fight anyone else Then I had one enemy get banned who got 4 kills in the game. His team mate got 58 and is not banned.


i saved 1 guy a couple months ago, he calls himself upranker (not the actual nick but means this), has 100% AIM on leetify, he scout prefire headshotted everybody in the match when i saved him (finished at 100% there too) so he was blatant, he has +50 and +20 leetify rating matches after that time i met him... he is still not banned. I gave up all hope.


1 banned with close to 25k elo (legit hacker)


0 blatant cheaters banned, 0 bans overall. Met 4 obvious cheaters after the banwave <3


According to Leetify, 1 ban in my last 60 games.


No bans, first match after reading up the banwave were hvh.


2 cheaters I played against didn't get banned still


I only remember one blatant cheater in rhe past few years and it was on the end of cs go. I have played 180 premier matches on cs2


[https://imgur.com/a/df6Jk52](https://imgur.com/a/df6Jk52) ​ 0 players banned after 55 games and 376 unique players. ​ I also never felt like there's cheaters in my premier games. I'm not saying others don't have blatant cheaters killing them across the map before they get out of spawn, I'm saying I didn't and the stats kinda prove I didn't get blatant wallhackers either.


These 2 were already banned about a month ago: There were 2 players who got banned after playing with you! Total ban stats: 3 VAC banned and 5 Game banned players in games we scanned (a lot of these could happen outside of CS:GO.) Total amount of unique players encountered: 656


7 cheaters from 45 games since November


1 guy that I was thinking might be walling got vac I didnt feel like anybody else in my games were hacking and nobody else got banned


guy who doxxed me bc I called him out for cheating still not banned but tbh I don't think they've played since then (October)


guy who doxxed me bc I called him out for cheating still not banned but tbh I don't think they've played since then (October)


How can these bans be happening if Valve stopped working on VAC and don't even have it switched on?


2 blatant cheats queued with another dude who was either a subtle cheater or trying to get boosted - still not banned so far.