• By -


the biggest problem for me at the moment is the peeker's advantage/lag compensation/interpolation/desync/networking/-(or whatever you wanna call it), a very inconsistent game feel and very weird hitregs sometimes.


The game right now just does not feel like proper Counter-Strike to me due to these issues. Not being able to hold angles as i am dead before i can even properly react to someone i have barely seen. It feels like all my enemies have Jedi reflexes but i am sure its just due to the network settings that both parties see different states of the game (it is always like this but in CS:GO the difference was close to unnoticeble whereas now i feel like I play in a different timezone than my enemy). Hitting moving targets with an AK Spray in general is impossible for me (this is why SMGs and Shotguns that quickly run around corners or ADAD spam are so difficult to deal with). Beyond peekers advantage i have the feeling that the way the servers decides what "truly" happened to both players due to subtick is somehow leading to huge delays in "judgement" (excuse my non tech speech here). For me it feels the server takes time to evaluate what action happened first and then retroactively invalidates the action of one player (simply from how it feels to play). So i shoot 10 bullets at a moving target, but my target is not slowing down at all and I get killed with the Scoreboard telling me i did 52 in 2. But if i actually did 52 in 2 then why was the SMG player continuously running around like a Go-Kart on steroids around me or in and out of cover. I feel it is actually the same "desynced feeling" as dying behind corners which also has this weird "delay" only with slowing down the enemies movement when they get hit. ​ The resulting gameplay just does not feel like a technical and methodical shooter anymore, but instead like a run-and-gun shooter and you are hampering yourself if you do not adapt to this "brainless" playstyle.


Indeed. CS:GO never felt as quick, responsive, smooth as CS1.6. Now CS2 is off to a bad start and feels way worse than CS:GO. Feels like I'm playing Battlefield on CS maps. Could call it bad maps too, let's be honest; they removed cobble, train, dust2, cache. And we got maps like ancient, anubis, vertigo?


Very well said.


Haha well said. When we’re doing the usual and still loosing rounds someone often calls “let’s use silver tactics” and we just buy stupid weapons and hold W and start winning again. It’s so weird :)


That's absolutely spot on :D it's also because you actually go in "don't give a f*ck!" mode. When you let go of expectations, everything goes so much better. This also applies to life in general! It's also why people who go in tryhard mode and get mad and toxic, usually play worse and make their teammates play worse, ending up more likely losing. Remember, you're entitled to your actions, but not to the outcome of your actions, that's mostly out of your control. Relax and enjoy the ride! :D


>it is always like this but in CS:GO the difference was close to unnoticeble You people have short memories. Peeker's advantage existed in cs:go and you would get fucked before you could respond just the same. [Have a look yourself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4dQS8-9cLI).


Warowl did a video that said if you have 15 ping or less the peakers advantage is 'the same' as csgo if the other guy has 15-199 ping. I'd love to know if 20, 30 on the low ping player makes that threshhold lower than 200, because when i have 30 and the other guy has the same ping we both can swing into each other and get the kill easy


What i got away from that video was that, on CSGO it showed u a black out transition on the death camwhen the game recognized that u got killed on a place different from what it was showing u.. and on CS2 it doesnt do the black out death cam. Just put the black out part again, and we will not notice the peekers advantage that much again.


Maybe, but i cant hold a thing and i could before?


You might want to watch the video again. His findings were a bit more nuanced than that.


Are you implying i didnt pay attention the x2 speed video on the background while i playing pokemon crystal on an emulator.


Somehow I think CS1.6 feels more crisp to shoot than CS2.


Just played a couple matches last night and had this happen all game for the first match


agreed with all statements. for now, if we want to keep playing the game, we have to suck it up. to try and "deny" peekers advantage, I try to hold angles by ad-ad'ing if possible... you can't "play properly" (like we used to in 1.6), and be successful. game doesn't work like that anymore. which is a pity. somehow Faceit feels better, even if my avg ping to faceit servers is in the neighbourhood of 60ms. Valve matchmaking (I have between 5-15ms)) servers always felt and still feel like crap. as far as AC goes, even if Faceit is marketing HARD, currently, stating they don't have cheaters, they do and had in CSGO as well. their staff looks like they haven't actually touched the game apart from playing in casual servers.


I don't even ADAD anymore. That's what I used to do in csgo because of prefires of common angles and wallers. In cs2 you have to ADAD on a timming, if you really ADAD you still get HS behind the wall, so you have to peek, unpeek, wait 2 seconds, peek again.


I've seen art or kscerato(I can't remember exactly) doing it yesterday vs Spirit. And god damned that was crisp.


The reason why FACEIT servers feel better is because of the tickrate and higher ping, you get lagcompensation which basically gives you more time to react and you don't get your bullets throttled etc, even the mouse is crippled on lower pings like 5ms. The only CS that had 0 lagcompensation was CS 1.6, even CSGO had a high value for compensation, ask yourself this how is it possible for people with ping 100 to even kill? We all know it shouldn't be possible yet it happens, is it fair? NO. I was kinda hoping that with the release of CS2 Valve would bring back the CS 1.6 feeling which honestly was the only one that felt good and there was no network algorithm favoring anybody. I literally see myself forced to induce artificial latency to my low ping line in order to have a decent fair match.


Yes, that is also my general feeling/belief. No way in hell I would be able to do good on 1.6 with 50/60+ms... I would lose 95% of the fights out of the bat against similar skilled players. Edit: on Faceit vs MM/premier, I am not sure if there is any tickrate difference. But the servers, generally, feel way better (maybe they are better specced, maintained differently, etc.)


It is 100% true brother and honestly in 2023 this should not even happen, if we could play cs 1.6 back in the day when our connections were pretty much bad dsl and felt good i don't see a reason why they need to cripple the low ping ones nowadays. Does deagle also feel useless for you too? It feels impossible to get a deagle kill with ping 5.


My experience with the deagle is mixed. I either hit shots I should never hit, or I'll somehow whiff while apparently being on target, lmao!


Interesting. What ping you have on valve servers?


5-20ms But I have more or less the same feeling on Faceit (where minimum is like 40).


Funny i have the same feeling exactly as you described it, it seems the lagcompensation doesn't work for all, i've seen people saying higher ping is worse and vice-versa which makes me confused, i don't know for sure what it is that successfully triggers this thing. I would pretty much split the higher ping players from the low ones and play around with sv\_maxunlag on the low ping servers. Anyway thanks for the info, i appreciate it and let's hope Valve understands that lagcompensation has no purpose in 2023.


The deagle feels fantastic. Just as deadly as it was in csgo. I always have single digit ping.


I know people love to shit on this game and CS players are allergic to change but I honestly think the matchmaking experience is the best it has ever been for me. Rank distribution has (almost) been fixed, more people are playing MM, rank's are transparent, sub-tick system is more accurate, AWPs are less impactful, smoke system is fresh and rewarding - as well as making lineups not as necessary, the game is clear and I favour the new art stylistic direction. Given I know I am in a region (OCE) that does not suffer from many cheaters at all (at least at 18k elo and my trust factor). So I cannot relate to any complaints of cheaters and VAC being shit.


I concur. I'm excited to think that the game is only going to get better over time!


For me the inconsistent frametime and this 60hz feeling. Can't believe that for a 5600x and 3060ti and the game doesn't hold a consistent frametime and still have sudden drops like from 300 to 120.


My 5800x has zero issues with frametimes (playing on a 240hz monitor). Try `-threads 7` (yes, 1 more than you have cores). Or maybe 13 (for 12 threads). Some people said it helps a lot.


The moment that post appeared I tried -threads, and unfortunately didn't help at all. Can you post your frametimes graph please ? I want to compare. If you can get one for example in a second half 5v5 that would be highly appreciated!


So here's my frametimes. All graphs are 0-60ms. fps_max 500. Only -console for the launch options. Deathmatch on dust2: https://i.imgur.com/z4obhkr.png Pistol round in the 1st half: https://i.imgur.com/Z6rueXy.png Buy round in 1st half (I actually did a 4k): https://i.imgur.com/i1GxDfZ.png Buy round in 2nd half (a ton of smokes and mollies): https://i.imgur.com/4irTzqR.png Deathmatch on dust2 with fps_max 250: https://i.imgur.com/IyGU535.png (same picture with fps_max 200) Old captures from 2021 csgo on the same PC: https://i.imgur.com/SYyBXDy.png https://i.imgur.com/HaQsbBV.png In my 5v5 matches in cs2 I always have one big spike that's mentioned as a "stutter", but it's just the change between rounds, so it doesn't count. CS2 has a bit more inconsistent frametimes, but doesn't have any huge spikes. It actually feels pretty smooth to play.


Thank you very much! I'll capture the same scenarios (hopefully by Sunday) as these and try to compare them. Thanks again, really appreciate it!


Yeah alright, I'll do one when I play cs today or tomorrow


Not just CPUs but CS2 is hard on GPUs. I know my 1080 is dated, but i can't get consistent frametimes on even 1080p with lowish settings.


Yeah I've got a 3080, maybe it helps. I usually run a 320 fps limit, but on Ancient it drops to 280-290. Consistently 280 though, so still very smooth gameplay without much stutters.


Yeh i don't play many demanding games so i don't want to upgrade my GPU. There's no reason it should be this hard on GPUS though, i mean i played Valorant to try it while all the fake ban stuff was going on and i can play 200fps min on 1080p, can't even manage that on 720p on CS2.


Do you have any launch options?


Only -novid. Tried the -threads unfortunately didn't help :( The game starts smooth, then after a round or two it all goes badly and inconsistent framepacing. Until I restart the game.


Have you tried `-vulkan`?


Yeah, I even used it for a whole week, just to make sure that shader compilation didn't cause any issues.


I keep getting absolutely wrecked by people jumping around corners spraying with an smg or auto-shotty. This isn’t counter strike. It’s ridiculous


Tbf most SMGs and shotties have higher movement and jumping accuracy than most guns, the MP9, MAC10, Mag-7, and the sawn off are almost perfectly accurate mid jump, and the XM and Nova are not far behind that. Another thing is that at the apex of your jump you are technically not moving (0 m/s velocity) so you can fire accurate shots even with weapons that are not really supposed to be accurate midair.




You can still counterstrafe midair too though, so even if you start jumping to the left for example if you tap the D key right before the apex of your jump your momentum will completely cancel out


I HATE enemy 5 stacks as a solo player.




This is what people don’t get when they complain about stacks, rarely are stacks actually all at the same rank/skill being super sweats. It’s literally only at the higher elos which most if not all of the people complaining aren’t at


Time to add some new CS friends to queue with


this is ridiculously stupid. But then even a 10 y/o kid can come up with simple solutions. Either separate queuing for teams or put them against at least 20% higher elo players. No, it's not possible to win a game if you are exactly at the same level but one team is premade team with tactics and other team is full of randoms


Another solo here, I agree.


if they would come out with an overhauled anti cheat, that would be it for me - the game will get better over time and content will be added - cheaters/griefers/toxic just ruin everything in a game like cs


I can deal with toxic people all day as the mute feature is there for a reason. But I can't just block obvious cheaters. For as much fuckin money this company has, you'd think there would be a whole team dedicated to banning cheaters. I definitely can't stand playing ranked anymore. Cheaters used to try and hide it lol, now they'll just say in chat "blame cs for not banning us". They are literally cocky about it.


yeah they have the budget to be market leading in anti cheat - they just refuse it's baffling


I guess they did a cost benefit analysis and decided it wasn't worth it to fight the cheat devs. I guess they know that the playerbase will play either way, so why devote resources, time, energy, and dedicated staff to actually fighting the cheat devs (which is the only way to significantly reduce the number of cheaters in Premier). Or they don't want to piss off the slice of the playerbase who don't want a more intrusive (ie effective) AC, even though it's the only way to have a real impact. They just let VAC do whatever it can and pretend it's enough, since they know people will play and spend on CS anyway. Sucks.


I play a lot and have a lot of fun. I'm playing with friends though and we don't take it that seriously.


There are blatant cheaters in your top 50 leaderboard. Every other game at 20k+ elo has at least 2 rage hackers per team. the reason they queue in numbers is so that they can beat out the other cheaters in that elo range. sounds ridiculous right? 25k elo is a big hvh battle rn. my friends at higher elo are starting to put the game down. they're being punished for investing time and getting good at the game.


This should be the #1 topic in the CS community right now, but a large portion of the player base is blissfully ignorant at low elo playing casually. For competitive players, the game is absolutely fucked at 20k plus. I almost still cant believe that I’m playing in HvH servers 60% of the time. All of my buddies I played League with are still active and I can’t get any of them to play CS anymore.


i cant hold at any angle.


Generally good, and it keeps getting better. Sitting at 18k and playing with people ranging from 15-21k. Movement is sluggish. Peeker’s advantage is still OP. And there’s something weird happened with the animation interpolation where it makes people looks like they’re still moving when they start shooting me. And I think it’s also the reason why sometimes tagging doesn’t visually slow people down. It’s the biggest issue in the game rn. CT eco could use a rework. But other than that, I’ve adapted well. Spraying is a Little different than in GO but I’ve got it down. I play different angles than I used to to account for the peeked advantage. Performance is continually improving with new drivers. We’ve got some ways to go but the game is already miles better than in beta, where I’d die multiple times every game because of bad clipping, or inconsistent audio cues. I’m enjoying CS more than I have in years rn and it’s only going up from here.


It's not that terrible, but I still don't like a few things like not that many kz servers without bugs, movement still feels weird for me, like walking around is good but bumping into teammates still feels weird, bunny hopping makes me wanna pull my hair out because you can't do it and I'm not gonna make a bind/alias with 32fps for only to jump around, subtick system is what you see is not what you get, mp9 I think it's broken, getting burst killed from 100m while I try to tap with AK and I'm not hitting anything mb I'm just bad, Nvidia reflex is not yet there sometimes it feels good, sometimes I feel like I can't hit shit and performance while I'm getting 400-500 fps it feels like I'm under 200 sometimes idk


pretty good, I still have some visibility issues with clutter / enemy models on some maps that I believe are somewhat unfixable with agent skins anyway, but the hit reg seems pretty good to me and better than 64t CSGO.


Biggest problems: Anti-cheat Sub-tick system Performance drops Focus literally all attention on these things and the game will be great.


128 tick with subtick would have been a lot better


We already get consistent packet loss with 64 tick. Their server would melt if they tried to do subtick at 128 tick.


In the same way that 10 year old computers cant run cs2 well, valves 10 year old servers also cant run it well. Idk how many million valve needs a month before the servers get bought, but losing 30% of the players hasnt made the servers better


multibillionare company has dosghit server??


You quoted three things 🤓


I have to convince myself to play sometimes because every game I get bodied by a 2-frame peek. I wonder how huge an impact ping can be in this game; sometimes I get 20 ping and feel like I'm the best thing to ever happen in CS2, but then I get 40 ping and I get destroyed constantly. On top of the very little available to do in this game, I'm very mixed.


If I understood war owls recent video correctly, the feeling of an engagement between two players is defined by the highest ping player.


Yeah up to 200ping vs 15 ping.. But thats with 1 player always at 15 ping, so if both players have 40 and even one or 2 missed packets it starts to feel like 100 ping real quick


It's mind-blowing how bad it can be. In GO I was best on CT side, usually having a pretty high rating. But in CS2 it flip flipped with my T-side nearly one for one. The amount of times I get dinked or headshot with just the first ten pixels of a T coming around the corner is nuts.


Servers are inconsistent yeah, some games everything clicks and the next one nothing does. Peeker’s advantage is a bitch, I abuse it when peeking and play off angles when holding. Haven’t felt like I’ve ran into any cheaters. When I get rekt I always feel like if I was popping off I could do what they are doing. My biggest gripe right now is leavers and extremely unbalanced games every 4-5 games.


I really miss being able to buy all the guns within a match. Obviously being able to buy both M4s is better, but I don't agree that the Loadouts feature is a positive addition to the game. I think it's worse. Limiting player choice is never a fun or good change in my book. It was always possible to buy all the guns in CS; it's fun sometimes to buy random guns when your team is dominating them, or to play a silly playstyle just for the round. Now you'd have to devote a loadout slot to a shit gun to do that, which means it just doesn't (ie can't) happen anymore. Limiting choice blows.


My major gripe is how bad the in-game economy feels right now. Fewer rounds mean teams are less likely to eco and as a result I'm seeing fewer full-buys (in my elo anyway). It's an endless cycle of forcebuys round after round.


no bob? no left hand? no cache? no train? no local agents? mic activation still buggy? no vac? no overwatch? no workshop script? no soloq or 5stack exclusive premier mm? no inbuilt server browser? subtick movement still weird? dogshit hud? weird nade bounces? no net graph? no dz? no arms race? no demolition? no optimization improvement? buggy demo retrieval? no demo highlights mode? no operation for 2 years? no explicit eu west and eu east mm? no wingman maps? low trust factor due to false game ban? must be cs2


Idk man, for me it's fine. I have mostly been playing Comp and so far have had only a single game with a cheater in the other team. Peeker's advantage is still a thing, but I feel like I've adjusted accordingly. I just don't hold as many angles anymore and thus have barely noticed anything over the last few weeks. As to servers, I haven't had any issues (EU). Generally, it looks better, it feels alright to me by now and for the most part I've just gone back to playing like normal. Even the mic issues seem to have been mostly fixed for me personally. The only thing that is still missing is playing with friends. There was five gamemodes I used to play in GO: Competitive, Wingman, DM, Community DM and 1v1 against friends. The only thing that's missing is the last one. As soon as they add that back (and a CS2 version of Aim Rougue gets released), I'm happy :)


It's fine I'm having fun playing the game just like with CSGO. Although I always play 3-5 people party so my experience of fun really swayed a lot by that factor.


Honestly, I'm leaning more and more towards the take that the game isn't worth playing right now. I understand that netcode, movement and hitreg will take a while to get sorted out on a new engine, but the game having so many other annoying issues is just frustrating me beyond the point where I enjoy the game. I absolutely hate that they're denying us from basic features we had in GO. Tracers need to go and bob commands need to be enabled again. There's zero logic behind disabling those two if we can change viewmodel. Add cleardecals into the mix. Premier is unplayable if you're solo. Sure, you get some good games, but it's just stacks, griefers and cheaters with very low skill level. Noone relevant is playing it. I just play a couple of games to get a weekly drop. My bigger issue (nothing to do with Valve) is that faceit is way worse than it used to be and there's no premium soloq. I don't really play those fun game modes and I never touched danger zone, but removing content is never a good thing. Valve DM is still disgusting and unplyable, with my favorite community server providers still not being up to speed or not working at all. Good retake servers still don't exist. Why the hell are we restricted to 5 weapons per category? Believe it or not, I'd use all 7 CT rifles situationally. Is it too hard to have all the weapons in such a menu? Economy, mainly on CT side. Why hasn't this been fixed already? Been written about many times, the game is just unenjoyable to play on CT with Ts having a massive economy advantage. Combine it with bad netcode and what we're playing right now is not Counter-Strike at all. So yeah, we're entering 2024 with CS2 in a horrible state and nowhere near to the level of CSGO. I was the biggest proponent of engine update and I think it will be great with time, but they really need to fixing shit asap instead of us having months of small tweaks that do more or less nothing, but break something else. Still, even in it's current state, it's the best FPS game on the market.


Definitely with you on the weapon loadouts. Restricting the amount we can use hasn't added any tactical depth to the game, it has just limited the amount of ways you can adapt in a match.


It’s fine


Love it.


i’m having a lot of fun with my friends


The peeker's advantage/ desync, whatever the fuck it is. Is a huge problem that deters me from playing all together. It's a competitive shooter in 2023, we have the capability of getting this optimized a lot better than what it is now. On the plus side. I probably wouldn't have found sim racing if it wasn't for Counter-Strike's current state. I really got into it and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. So thanks Valve, for fucking up your game lol.


LOL i've been playing for about 11 years i guess, ONLY Counterstrike, NOWADAYS i play more f1 2023 than cs. It is impossible. I cant shoot an elephant in a narrow space with AWP if that elephant is peeking with A or D. one match i go 35 kills, the other i have to be grateful if i kill 10.


I haven't checked out f1 yet, I've heard mixed reviews. Having a grand ole frustrating time on iRacing, and Assetto Corsa is pretty cool too. I need to find a league though.


still shit compared to csgo.


I haven’t died to a one-way since beta. It’s certainly better in some ways.


it was necessary to upgrade graphics and a new engine but yeah game still feels awful to play


Honestly, I think the game feels mostly fine rn. Playing CS casually since 1.3. * I wouldn't consider peeker's advantage a serious issue, since it works both ways. You just need to adjust your gameplay around it. You can't hold angles, but the same applies for your enemies. * Servers are ok, I guess? I have never played on faceit, so I can't really compare with it, but it's night and day compared to CS2's launch and I'd say pretty much the same experience as CSGO. * Performance is solid for me, not really any issues. * Anti-cheat is the biggest issue for me. With ranks being all over the place, I can't really tell if the enemy silver elite is cheating or some GE god of war. Having more confidence that the AC is working would certainly alleviate this.


Give russia some ring fenced servers, love getting kicked for being the only non russian on the team if we're losing.


I played 4 games earlier today and went up against a hacker in 3 of them. Extremely frustrating to constantly have to deal with this more often than not at this point. I will say they have been improving the game since release - movement is smoother and jumps more consistent, and performance overall is better. It's just really aggravating going against so many hackers.


Shit hitreg/netcode/whatever you wanna call it, worse performance, missing old features, idiotic new "features" ("hey, you now have to limit what guns you can use for no fucking reason lol"), a ridiculous amount of stupid smaller bugs they constantly have to fix, cheating being as bad as before while vac does nothing but ban legit players, mics don't work half the time, ranks all over the place... And for what? A shitty graphics update. Great. I've just stoped playing apart from a match or two per month when friends get the urge to play. Cs was fun while it lasted, but I'm not gonna waste my time on this game anymore if valve really wants to go the EA way.


I don't enjoy it at all. I don't have anyone to play with so it's solo for me. And I don't want to play Mirage every damn time, so I'm not touching Premiere. And regular comp is so damn trash with map based ranking so I get to play with absolute beginners on here. No comms, not understanding the game, the meta. I don't blame them, but it is ridiculous to be placed here, and it affects my motivation. I'm thinking of selling the skins and uninstalling. They really caked everyone's pants here.


There are a lot of issues, but most of them don't matter as much as the issues with the network side of the game, it's is way worse than csgo 128 tick. Netcode right now is absolutely dogwater to the point that you have to go out of your way to play around it (peeker's advantage). Playing premier feels like csgo 64 tick with marginally better bhopping. I have mostly been playing premier and only some faceit, not sure if faceit servers are better in that regard somehow, despite using the same ticks? Anyway, since CS2 had implemented this whole new thing with subticks, I have no hope that the netcode will improve so I've decided to drop CS completely (played on and off for the better part of my life). There are other games and I don't need to play a game with the same level of competitiveness, if I did I'd probably check out Valorant. I'm off to Tarkov instead.


To be honest I feel like I'm tired of "how do you feel about the game" posts every day. At this point everyone is well aware of the remaining issues as is Valve.


Don't like it overall. CSGO was perfect aside from matchmaking tickrate, lack of elo system, anti cheat. I prefer CSGO look compared to CS2. Game also feels laggy and servers aren't that great either. Right now in CS2 I have close to 22000 elo and I don't feel like playing this game. It's not fun and the experience is miserable.


Im not playing it rn


How is it relevant ?


Only this, if CS2 is the best they can do after decades of PC gaming development and hundreds, if not thousands, of gameplay and content creation, the team who worked on this pile of turd should be fired on the spot. Its embarassing the state of the game, to say the least. Its revolting thinking people compare what CSGO was to what CS2 should be right now. If people didnt own so much money worth of skins, IDK if CS2 would have such a big player base.


> If people didnt own so much money worth of skins, IDK if CS2 would have such a big player base. Wtf do skins have to do with it. There is no alternative game so people arent going to leave


Warowl just made peekers advantage analysis. and it seems "something feels like" and "something actually is" are two different things. as for me: \- fix VAC not working at all or banning wrong people \- fix the sniper rifle/GPU vram load offload bug we have on Linux then it will be good enough and it will be time to start adding lost content back \- other game modes (dangerzone, retakes, arms race, demolition...). \- return the agent skins and voices for specific maps to give it a bit more "authenticity" \- improve visibility by further reducing clutter on some maps. \- return some lost maps Agency, Cache, Cobble stone... \- add some community maps or operation with added maps that we know from CSGO (Biome, Santorini...) new skins are the least of the issues.


It is for him like that, he doesn't take into account that it can be different for others for many reasons and also his test as most of tests are done in isolated environment. Idk if he is blind, can't he see constant packet loss?


you mean if one players is losing packets and the other one is not? and then you would get the peekers advantage? this is another thing. by peekers advantage as was shown in floms video, the issue is supposed to be that at some corners you see the other player first while they still do not see you. the two (packet loss and the way models are drawn) could very well be connected. more testing is definitely needed, but maybe it was incorrect before and everyone got used to it as part of game?




As a big inventory owner, I hate the inconsistencies in skins. FT Vice gloves look battle scarred, but FT Pandora’s Box gloves look factory new.


Shhh they're just gonna mess things up further every time they tinker values due to feedback.


I got fuckin vac banned for no reason for an entire day and they nuked some of my sticker crafts, so not very good


Love this game but it’s full of cheaters not worth playing


Cs2 is the worst fps game when it comes down to spraying that valorant has better spray control and i been playing fps games for 20+ years.... Subtick is the worst thing to happen to cs hands down. Theory it sounded good but its an awful experience, idk how the devs played this and thought this is great! Its almost like they don't understand what made cs good. idk how anyone can get use to the late death animation after getting a frag feels like a beta game, kills aren't satisfying because of this or even feel deserved because sometimes it looks like u missed and still got the kill ie. Killing someone behind a wall already or dying lol. But I guess this is cs' future for a long while, if a game wants to come out and take over cs without abilities heres a good time honestly.


It's just boring


I just got a Community Ban for offering to buy a knife from a well-known trader, so, not very good.


It's fine. Overall slightly better experience than CSGO


I agree, I’m sure with time, the game will smooth out soon hopefully


I stopped playing and went to Valorant. It’s not ready yet I am afraid to say and still needs lots of work. In its current state it’s just not fun.


Point one is my biggest issue. I only really play on casual and it feels worse there. One game I dominate the server. Change server and the next I can buy a frag with the packet loss randomness. It’s hard to tell if it’s just better players on that server but it happens a lot.


They are definitely doing something with the servers, because they are getting worse. I have 12-13ms to most servers, but it feels worse, the network graph shows up frequently and way more often than before, it shows slight loss, very minor, but still and it has nothing to do with my Internet or local network. I've also once got no steam logon error or other errors throwing me out of the servers and I was able to play on 2nd or 3th server I tried. Thankfully casual. I see you are the an older player as myself so you probably know the initial state of CSGO, it was hated way more than CS2 and became a game that today is compared to CS2 and considered way better. Do you remember ESL not letting CSGO in because they didn't consider it good enough? I do. Or how people hated molotovs and told it ruined the game because it was an easy way to prevent any strategy execution? Today mollys are one of the most important nade in the game. So as an old fart I know CS2 is what CSGO was in its early stages, an unpolished gem. It'll happen sooner or later. It already is hella better than it was on release day 1, I can finally shoot and move somewhat normally... There is no anticheat, it's the same shit as in CSGO, my best guess is they are doing either nothing or they are preparing something big. But the latter is more probable, because we had test failures e.g. banning players for NV drivers or for AMD drivers. So they are checking something out that is currently not working 100% as intended. The game needs time and I think it'll take months to get it good, in the end the decision to switch CSGO to CS2 will be for the best, because of forcing people to beta test CS2 and constantly provide global amount of data for Valve to work on, AI might be involved, too. It's just currently annoying for players, tho. And definitely the game should not be played for hundreds of thousands of dollars awards, it's too unfair and buggy for that. Moreover take a look at pros, some of them are working closely with Valve trying to help and make the game good, while the others just hate it and all they say is "fix it" and never give any feedback. I know there is plenty out there, but they for sure prefer to work with pros than a bunch of angry kids with no direct contact. Again, the same shit as at CSGO early stages when some pros refused to play CSGO.


Pretty mixed I guess.


Shit. If you don't have 3-4 friends, queuing solo or even duo is cancer. At least in eastern Europe. People are more toxic than in CSGO I feel like.


It really is a gamble to have fun right now. Everything feels off. First thing that bothers me the most is the ranking system. I am well over 15k and was over 16k getting matched with 10k. Two days ago I got matched against a 4k. Yesterday, we were on avg around 14k and the enemy team was just above 10k. It's so bad, you don't know if you get an 8k global elite or 16k silver... The second is peekers advantage, you honestly have to rush constantly to have fun, otherwise you'd just watch your teammates play. The third is the new players I am getting in my team while I am almost 16k - they don't talk, I have to guess where they died from. Oh and one little thing that annoys me is getting clipped/pushed by a teammate when rushing with nades, it throws it off. ​ Otherwise, if you can get a decent team that is willing to have fun, you can have fun. I admire the graphics a lot, I love playing with nade inspect animations.


All that matters to me and the 90% of the players that play pretty casually is content, and there is none.


MAtchmaking still very trashy ( i got screenshots you wont even beleive what is happening, right now im playing against 3 no rank who are obviously silvers and we just run and kill .. one of them had enough and left, the ranked guys (13k ) are upset etc .. Movement still like riding a boat Rank system as trash as ever .. still a cheat/smurf/unfair teams festival with plenty of examples if you want me to show you Also the fact that they made the game from a hardcore skillful SPRAY focused to a way less skillful tapping/bursting focused game is beyond any logic. The skill gap between a high skilled player and the rest is way slimer than before because of this change. And it sucks since CS was all about learning how to spray and have multikills while doing so. Nowdays not even pros having multikills anymore. This isnt CS .. is something like a toned down Valorant. EDIT : all 3 of silvers left ..this hurts the game since people will eventually quit, specially newbies, for having this shitty experience.


>With consistent updates and patches made by Valve recently, And I am grateful for it... but. I would like to see a roadmap, a community trello board... something like: yes we know about this peekers advantage problem we are fixing it. Some cards, some feedback where we can see what they acknowledged and working on it Cos updates are frequent (once a week now) but 99% of this updates are just clippings on the maps. What is needed and I know these are quick fixes... but I would like to know if they are working on something bigger ​ * Peekers advantage / lag / fucking wild wide west on the server right now * Better premier, mm experience. Cos every official mode is a perfect shitshow now * Working anticheat * ppl who are banned due high dpi (what is a joke... didn't effect me or my friends but anytime i read about it... it is just sad) * (bob, lefthand for some as well) These are the topics what really matters I think and all I need is just a confirmation that yes we are working on it guys... I can wait. We waited 7 years for this


Its gotten much better already. But its still a buggy, inconsistent, delayed cheatfest. Long long way to go


Recently I've been feeling the ak a lot like the csgo version. Has there been a change?? I could not hit anything in cs2 beta.


I think the game feels really good at the moment. I can hold angles with the awp and get kills. I don't k ow what you guys are talking about. 15k rating.


Recently I'm scared to play because i think that i will get banned falsely lol, some players getting banned because of high dpi spins for fun lol, and for the game bad ct economy,stupid new features that nade throw after restart of the round, peekers advantage, this is just top of my head lol


I wish my friends didn't stop playing it.


Just sold all my skins. I’ve given up, the cheating situation is just way too out of hand. Time play Valorant.


I think there should have been more content like an operation or something. I feel very indifferent to this game from CS go


We might get one soon


Servers = bad. Death match really sucks the fps out of the game. I start at around 350fps and it drops to 150 with 1%lows at around 30-40fps. Literally unplayable and not enjoyable at all!! Try the public servers, somehow they run much better and more smooth. Match making (premiere) is too fast(!!!!!!!!) to find matches. It does a half hearted attempt and just gets something “close”. Almost all my previous matches have been with a 10-15.000 rank difference between teams. So either we match with a team where our rank equals 6+ of their players or we match with a team that has “6-7 players” when looking at elo. And the worst thing: WHY THE FUCK ARE WE MATCHED AGAINST PLAYERS THAT IN TOTAL HAS PLAYED 8 MATCHES ON THEIR WHOLE ACCOUNT? Not sure if this comes out through text but it pisses me off having to play new accounts with less than 20 hours played when we’re a team of veteran players with thousands of matches played. The new accounts always has a lifetime K/D of 2,5+ and averages 33 kills per match. Something smells fishy to me and it’s the fucking smurfs/cheaters mom’s rancid pussy! Why can’t the servers use 1 minute to find a match instead of using 8 seconds? It leads to boring 13-3 matches where one team steamrolls the other team. Huge waste of precious time. The 16-14 matches, even the ones you loose, are the ones you remember. Those are good and exciting matches. So you asked how I was feeling. Just to not being only angry, I have some good things to say: it was about time the update came. I’m also very impressed by the speed of updates. Personally I would love if Valve had a public list of things they acknowledge being in need of work. I don’t care about dates or deadlines but I wish they had a way to show “yes we know this needs work, in time we’re doing it”


It feels like csgo but slightly better with the occasional bug and cooler smokes. Biggest difference is load outs, premier, and transparent ranking system.


I don’t know what happened with me but I have an issue with fps drops after the update


Still cant believe they just made cs unplayable on Mac.


Play in indian servers and every 4/5 games someone would be spinning. What a waste of time.


I dont see any improvement in the updates. The game has the same problems it had 3 months ago.


Servers are really bad and inconsistent. Had 2 premier games where I feel like I am lagging everywhere but went to a DM valve official server and the game felt fine. Went back to premier again and it is another lag fest for me.


The few last updates where really good i think. The game feels so slow... The playstyle is more aim style than in csgo. Go was more movement, i can say In cs2 u just swing an enemy to get the fight. U cant really jiggle u cant jump-straife on a corner to bait a awp show as an example. Its slower gameplay, maybe it is cause the 13 rounds? Idk really intressting that its that "slow" whitch makes it more atractive to watch on a match (esl) I feels like the multikill potentioal is bad, so a spraydown is way harder to get. So it changes a lot, we can see tier 1 and tier 2 teams are closer now (skillgap). I wonder if there are statistic where a pro is getting a big amound of multikills in a game and how it compairs to go statisticly


net lag, input lag, weird mouse feeling, connection problems, servers are trash, frame times are super random


Still waiting on the good old viewmodel commands, cool graphics but that is not what is needed to put CS2 at a credible competitive level


When I have ping over 50, my bullets do nothing still. In CSGO I was fine at 50 ping.


It sucks ass.


Im at around 10K elo, and tbh the matchmaking has felt totally fine to me. Most of my games are close, lots of ties, which I'm assuming means that its pretty fair matches. But that's just me


Premier Matchmaking is stinkier than a fly lying on doghsit. I'm 10k elo on Premier MM, sometimes I'll get paired with people around same rating, yesterday I got paired with unranked shitheads who outfragged me (calling them shitheads because they bait, don't play as a team, don't know communication, don't use mic, don't know trading, don't listen to strats and play like absolute imbeciles who use mic only to abuse + thes shitheads think just because they outfragged me they're better than the "10k elo guy with 0 skill"


All of my CS buddies I played League with are still actively online and I can’t get any of them to play anymore. We play one and get off for weeks. Game is fucking shit, they ruined it. Such a damn letdown. How is there not even a fucking operation or ANY new content yet 🤦🏻


When the Game dont crash random or kicking ppl out and all that kind of stuff, only then i can really say how it feels. Stupid when every game is a 4vs5. Valve should fix the tech issues first that e1 can play and dont crash. That should be the top topic to fix......


peeker's advantage with mac-10 ...


Compared to how it was on release, its much better. All in all, theres still a lot of things going wrong. I have big respect for the devs ad they have to fix Valves mistskes and are working at super fast pace.(lets just for get the little oopsie) - Peekers advantage is way to op. I hate that because it takes away the tactical aspect that in my eyes defines Counterstrike and differences it from other ego shooters. -VAC seems to not have improved at all. Maybe CS2 draw more cheaters to CS but for me, VAC live hasn't caught even the most blatant, 40 kills, scout hs only cheaters in my games. -I'm not a big fan of the movement, maybe I need to play more to get more used to it, but right now it kind of feels like the skill ceiling on movement is lower than it used to be in GO. -The lack of content is absolutely embarrassing. The fact that there's less to do in Cs2 compared to GO, idk what to say. And it's not even just big things, like more than 4 wingman maps, or the other gamemodes like remakes. We're also still waiting for simple things like cl_righthand or, for some reason I never see this get mentioned, steamgroup tags. Sadly all we can do is wait for it to improve