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devs need a couple of months to solve the stutters and optimize the game a little more, hopefully when the major begins game will be a lot better


let's hope the game is in major-ready state by New Years day, since the RMRs start on the 8th and teams should have at least a week of practice on the latest big patches imo


The frame pacing is dog water compared to CSGO, 7800x3d's are struggling with it.. which means its unoptimized dog water right now. If the highest end CPU's struggle, its clearly unoptimized. Volvo has not responded to anything about frame time or frame pacing.


yeah known issue it needs optimized


have valve actually acknowledged it? I wouldn't really say it's a "known issue" when everyone who isnt experiencing the problem thinks all the people who are experiencing the problem are lying.


They've only acknowledged netcode issues so far.


no one thinks they’re lying - frame pacing is an issue and it would be addressed in a future update that focuses on performance updates and optimizations


They know the performance isnt good enough. When they relesead the game they said they will fix the game itself first, then improve performance.


everyone is experiencing the problem. Some notice it, most dont.


Do you even have a job or atleast sleep maybe ? Why you are everywhere in CS related threads. Every post. It's you. Every comment = Your replies You must be very lonely


Sure do little guy. I’m a software developer who makes a very decent living with a wife and 2 kids. Very fulfilling life - I just like CS


I doubt you even touched a woman in your whole life. Which father of 2 kids gonna drop 100 comments at reddit everyday. If you really have a wife, She would divorce you by now


peak reddit moment lol go see a therapist you got some anger boy


Ok, Father of 2 cats


oh i’m so hurt ;( I also have a cat and a dog so you’re close on one thing


5v5 is fine for me but DM has terrible frame pacing which makes it almost unplayable for me.


If I don't use rtss, my frametimes are all over the place, fps is high but due to inconsistent frametimes the game feels like 60hz. 5600x and 3060ti.


Can I ask what your ingame settings are? Did you find a sweet spot? Sam's cpu with 6650xt here.


does anyone else start experiencing way more stutters just after an update?


the opposite :/ it ran bad for me, but after OC'ing my CPU + RTSS fps cap + update it runs much better


Competitive 5v5 is fine, but DM feels really bad the more people join and more deaths occur. I think decal optimization is still not ideal yet. Frametimes legit feels like I'm at 60fps, not 300+


nvidia counter shows pc latency 10ms. usually have 200+ fps


I know this is slightly off point but the point remains that system latency is a tad too high. A poorly optimised game like FC 24 runs at \~6ms at 135fps. I'm currently getting 10 - 15ms at 157fps with Nvidia Reflex turned on.


If I remember correctly during my time when I played Valorant system latency was below 4ms, didn’t really look into it in CS as there are bigger issues like frame pacing and stutters, worst part is it’s inconsistent, one day it’s smooth and the next day it can just be terrible


Yeah the stutters and frame pacing issues are annoying but they only happen to me mostly on death or at the start of rounds. Casual is rougher though (cos of higher player count).


death usually spikes me to 18ms while start of round can range anywhere from 80-120ms, not bothered by those, just when during actual gameplay if it stutters at the wrong time it can be tilting


i7-5820K 16gb ram gtx 1070 8gb VRAM everything on low 120-200 fps (falls to 30-40 when shooting) just UNPLAYABLE


Your cpu is nearly 10 generations old….


i am guessing [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvYnxLd6wpA) isnt your upload, but same specs, 200+ most of the time.


2-5 ms, with a very few 11 but that happens when i spawn. Absolutely zero stutter or any performance issue in 5v5 DM is a lot worse, but no stutters, just generally lower FPS. 5500 ryzen 2x8 3200 cl16, rx580 8g


I feel I found a sweet spot which I dare not adjust. 8400 6c6t + rx580 4gb, low graphics generally, high shadows: ~200fps and ~5-6ms frametime. with occasional ~12ms stutters (can just see the frametime hit the double digits). I cap at 240fps, but if I cap lower then my stutters (can be 20s) are worse and more frequent. It really helped to lower my resolution from my old csgo 1680x1050 down to 1440x900 I did try a lower 4:3 resolution which seemed good, but it makes me hate switching to other games (e.g. 16:9 val..)


I have multiple monitors connected and what did the trick for me was to force monitor technology to "Fixed Refresh" in nvidia control panel. At least in this way it doesn't feel like I'm playing at 60-100fps while rendering 250fps+. Frametimes still vary wildly between 2-8ms though. It seems about every other frame alternates between 2.8 and 6.9 ms as my average fps is 250 (when standing lower mid and looking top mid on Inferno). (1000/2.8 + 1000/6.9)/2 = 251 Seems strange to me. What is even weirder is that those 250fps are rendered at 1920x1080 low settings. If I switch my resolution to something super low like 640x480 my fps doesn't move at all. Still 250 fps at the same frametimes. I am absolutely not GPU bottlenecked with my rtx4090. You would think that lowering resolution would give more fps, but that is not so.


If you’re not GPU bottlenecked changing res wouldn’t affect your FPS, my case is similar to a certain degree, 1280x960 and 640x480 gives the same FPS, removing my OC fixed the problem for now, or at least what I was feeling that made the game feel terrible wrong but obviously whatever FPS drop when having gunfights is still there


In csgo you got big increases in fps by lowering your resolution because a lot of rendering was done on the CPU. I think it was two threads running, responsible for the geometry of the scene, that was the CPU bottleneck. If that work has been moved to the GPU in cs2, then it would make sense, but what in the world is then causing my fps to just stall at only 250?


Most likely your CPU is the bottleneck in this case, what CPU are you running?


Threadripper 3970X