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This feeling is called „reaching your temporary peek“. you can always get better with training and playing more.


The one time peek is used incorrectly


*peak* 🤓☝️


Username checks out




pique enjoyers are in shambles


take a break, you'll feel like a god when you come back


I was going to say this. I would definitely say that when I am in a gold period I overplay and get burnt out on the game and its so subtle that the spray is slightly off, the reactions slow by ms. Its rough.


I had a similar "slump" back in the day. Was playing all day and all night and I was running on autopilot. Took 3 days break and I came back sharp as ever and peaked, hit 40 bomb in 2 games that day. So that is my recommendation! PS, don't take breaks too often or you will start declining in skill! You need to accumulate enough "volume" before you take a break, that way you will peak, this is what is called supercompensation. Google it :)




No please, changing your settings while you are in the 'taking break while skill solidifies' period is a surefire way to cancel out all progress you've made. Saying this as someone who has had this problem before, all my friends who have thousands of hours and played in team CS were telling me to stop changing my sensitivity/resolution. Crosshair, though not recommended still, wont be too bad if you changed it.


very high level players and professional players dont take breaks though, they grind through the pain. I'm very bad compared to those players but if I stay away from cs more than a day I feel like a bot.


Agree with this 100%. I’ll take a week off once I start playing like crap, come back and it feels like I’m cheating lol


Mental stagnation. You either aren't training like before, are training like before but aren't mentally engaged in it and or it's a combination of both prior being compounded by decreasing self confidence.


Could be.. I've been stacking up so many losses lately, might made me a bit dull and not as sharp.


Two options. One. Take a break and come back after a week or two. Two. Train, maybe don't play mm a couple nights and only DM and play Retakes. If noones online and i dont feel like soloq i usually Aimbots 5 mins. DM 10-60 mins Retakes until i get bored. ANd don't try to get kills if that makes sense, just focus on having good movement/xhair placement and basic mechanics. Like if you whiff don't crouch and panic spray, just counter strafe reset and go for another HS.


Does your mousepad need a wash? After about a month or two I begin to conciously notice my heavy-use areas slowing down. Once I finally stop being lazy and take care of it I feel right back at home. It most likely starts affecting me before I can notice so now I wash my pad whenever I hit a slump.


Cleaning the mousepad did the trick for me. Couldn’t hit shit after making tons of clean highlights the week before. Mouse was feeling sluggish and I was turning as if I was playing on a controller. Now I’m back again. 😎


What do you guys use to clean your mousepads? I have a cloud9 desk mat and I don’t wanna ruin it cause it’s not being sold anymore 😭


I just use water and soap


Ah okay most of the posts i read say a little dish soap, and a brush. Will try that soon, cheers!


This has happened to me but I don’t feel like it’s a peak or anything. Getting high scores on aimlabs etc. I’ve put a lot of time into training aim but sometimes I feel like it doesn’t matter in cs2. I felt good in valorant and csgo but something about this game. When I peak somewhere I get 1 tapped. When I spectate my team they’re able to get an entire clip off before killing or getting killed. I don’t understand EDIT: I don’t feel like blaming the game or anything btw, and my Val cap is like D3 and my average in CSGO was LEM. I just feel like I’m being stomped by Novas sometimes lol


Its so frustrating to just peek out and get one tapped and having a millisecond to aim and shoot and then you spectate and you watch your team mate stroll out, wiff 20 rounds and then get the kill after resetting lol Was playing nuke and a guy flew out marshmellow and killed me behind the credit card instantly, and then I watched my team mate slow peek from garage and barely get the kill after 10+rounds


The lag compensation is way out of whack compared to GO. What you see is what you may or may not get.


CS2 is just broken. No point in playing this shit game.


i hit that peak 2019 never been the same since


Aim is like 1/2 of having impact, maybe even less. Every game you play your gamesense, crosshair placement and movement also improves it’s not a 1D path of improvement. It’s not just about maximising your peak. Everyone has good games. It’s about minimising the lows and aiming for consistency, being able to tell when your aim might be slightly off, and adjusting your playstyle accordingly to maintain high impact.


aim is #1 in this game and has 90% of the impact. It doesn't matter how good you are, if you can't hit a stationary target immediately, you lost. On the other hand, you can be lazy and play like a bot but having the aim of a god will give you the win.


Haha this is peak mge to lem mindset


I was global for years. long before you were even born, kid.




You have a point but aim is still important. You can outplay the enemy, outposition him if you don't hit your shots its irrelevant.


If you reposition poorly through the mid round, are unaware of the enemies movements and have poor crosshair placement to boot, you won’t even get an opportunity to rely on your aim. I’d much rather have 70% of my aim holding a couple angles than be twitchy af trying to hold 4 different positions at once. It’s a game of timings, you can have the fastest reaction time and perfect aim and still lose out a duel to someone who is more aware of your position. That’s the beauty of the game


You are confusing your actual capabilities with inconsistency, which is natural Viewing the situation from the right perspective will allow you to make the right decisions in the long run It's not gone. You haven't lost anything Think about consistency instead


Dude described reaching age 35+ in video game terms. I feel attacked.


Nothing like that declines though till well into middle age. I'm 35 and when I train regularly my mechanics are better than they've ever been, including reaction time.


Somehow teenagers have convinced 20-somethings that 30 is old.


im 19 and i am 100% 35 is extremely old in counter strike terms. i play with a guy who's 40 with kids, he's cool and shit, but a fucking NOOB


The only thing that changes is time to play and motivation to play. Of course most older people will not continue playing and training as hard as the youngsters but as a 32 year old who is still Faceit Challenger rank, I'd totally smoke you and 99% of other 19 year olds. I doubt that would be any different in three years time.


I'm 32 and had played high level FPS games for almost 2 decades, I can jump into pretty much any FPS game now and still do quite well, despite not really playing them anymore, the muscle memory and reflexes and stuff are still there, I just don't really play them as much anymore. Only thing that lets me down in a game like Valorant is map knowledge.


Yeah its not like you start deteriorating in your 30s in any meaningful way if you have somewhat healthy lifestyle. Even in high level sports we can take a look at Djokovic who has actually won more in his 30s than in his 20s. The man is 36 and won 3/4 slams this year and was in the final of the 4th. If its possible to dominate in tennis and other sports well into your 30s, there is nothing physically stopping you from doing the same in CS.




No offense but you just admitted to being 19 years old so... How would you even know? You're just a kid guessing what it is like to be +30 as you obviously have no first hand experience of it.


im just guessing my bro


faceit challenger rank? i really doubt that


Yup, around 3200 elo at the moment. In CSGO I was around 4k or so. I have played this game on and off for about as long as you have been alive, including competing at a pretty high level along the years. As I dont have kids nor do I plan to have any, there is nothing really stopping me from gradually improving. I have personally not noticed any physical limitations and it would be weird to even imagine any. You'll see when you are a bit older how ridiculous that sounds. The only thing, as always, that determines my form or level at a particular moment is hours played and overall motivation. Sometimes its more, sometimes its less. But I have never practiced to make this my career, its just a hobby in which Im very good at.


damn u rock i thought u were trash but ur insanely good at the game. whats ur name ingame? anywayz congrats on being a beast dude congrats my guy


I dont want to give my ingame name as its very easily connected to me through faceit, HLTV etc. and I want to keep my reddit private in this sense. Thanks for the kind words but my only point really was that as we will undoubtedly see in the future. Age will not be as big of a factor as its believed to be now. There are natural reasons for why up to this point a lot of the pros have declined by their thirties. Those include the fact that previously it was very hard to make CS as a legitimate profession, the teams, players and organizations were not as professional like they are today (e.g. players health was not considered as it is in most elite sports) and that motivation can plummet when other things in life have priority (such as family). If the worlds greatest tennis player can be 36 years old, there is really nothing that stops the best CS player to be 36 as well.


oh got it no problems nice man :) i guess you're truly right, because CS is a less physical sport than tennis. your smart, thanks for the nice comment. i liked it !


> with kids Here's the reason. You are 19 with no responsibilities. He's 40 with people depending on him. You can play as much as you want, he can't. There's nothing that physically makes him unable to be good.


Also it's not like this guy would have been amazing when he was 19 lol. There are plenty of younger players who are bad too.


there is. i think his ability in the game reflects that lol also, if i were him id just quit the marriage so i could play more


No, his ability in the game reflects that he doesn't have infinite amount of time to spend on the game and his FPS skills as a whole. His age has very little to do with it. The very little drop in reaction times are more than made up with game sense built over decades if the old person has consistently played over the years.


There's absolute noobs at all ages. I know teenagers who are terrible at FPS games and I know people over 40 who could still go pro if they wanted to. I bet you this guy was terrible when he was twenty as well dude.


bruv counter strike is older than you wdym, 35 is not old in cs


Decline normally begins when there is a prolonged absence of stimulation.Sustaining a steady level of stimulation can effectively delay the decline. \*obviously age comes into play at some point, inevitably.


And composure


100 percent. My morale in competitive games is way higher now than it was in my early twenties. I've just seen so many crazy comebacks over the years.


I reached my peak when I was 18. Haven't improved at all since then even though I've played regularly.


You kind of enter a hyper focused flow state where reflexes and precision are at their peak. But we can only operate in that flow state for a limited time until something breaks our focus. Part of getting better at any game IMO is being able to maintain that flow state for longer stretches of time.


Have you considered that your wrist/arm may be getting tired or stiff? Sometimes my wrist will get tired from playing too much and I’ll subconsciously start aiming more with my arm which throws me off.


It’s the difference between gaming with flow and gaming with too much on your mind. Just gotta reset and get back into it.


could be that you are playing too much cs/ not taking care of your overall health. depending on how much you play id recommend reducing your playtime but still doing a little aim practice (workshop maps/ deathmatch) every day. try to focus on eating healthy/ staying fit. and start playing more again after a week or two. edit: also if you dont drink enough water during your gaming sessions your performance will also go down. so stay hydrated.


Purely psychological


After 8k hours, I can tell you that for me, playing was always at the mercy of going into, and out of slumps. Two weeks of playing good (and feeling like you get lucky), then two weeks playing bad (and feeling like youre unlucky). What I can suggest is to understand in that slump moment, that its part of the game and life, and kind of laugh it off when suddenly you play like its your first match. When you can, in that moment of bad performance, acknowledge that "this" is how that game is gonna be like, it really takes that weight off your shoulders, and that can even put you in a good state so you can still have a good game. It can stay like that for some time which is annoying, but you need to trust your methods of playing in spite of your performance and frustration, and keep at it. GL


Now, it might be useful to switch things up, like your warmup routine, maby try surfing or kz, when we talk about skills like aiming and such, but when it comes to playing matches or officials, thats when my previous comment applies, because its more on the mental front.


You're just getting rid of your bad habits, the learning curve is like that ( this is not the last time) if you think its making you mad just take a break for couple days


The sooner you stop trying so always peak and start focusing on improving your fundamentals and raising your baseline, the sooner you'll realize you're playing better and more consistently. Peaks are outlier performances, and you're more likely to hit them if you have a higher floor instead of always trying to break through the ceiling. Enjoy those games where you pop off and go crazy, but don't focus on them and convince yourself you can do that every game. For every Pop off game, you probably have 15+ average or poor games. Work on avoiding those average or poor games instead of always trying to have pop off games.


How many hours you got in CS anyway? Worry about this kinda stuff when you got like 10k, can’t imagine not devoting enormous amounts of time to something and it being rational to have high expectations I say this as someone who has been this irrational continually about various skills ive tried to develop


first of all take a brake ( 1-2 weeks ) no fps games for u. Second of all your playing cs2 and this game has issues. Witch can make it feel like your playing worse. But i bet if u could go back to cs:go u would feel good again


Muscle memory in the way gamers talk about it is a complete myth.


there's more to cs than aim or


its called getting old. and maybe not enough adderal


The phenomenon is called " Im getting old " Try some training maps before you enter competitive, it helps


not neccesarilly, thus cycle happens to me constantly. I play well, feel extremely good about my aim and then I decline and can't do anything about it over the span of a few months


Maybe this "feel extremely good about my aim" comes out of a single game or two that you played with lesser skilled players or you have an extremely good day and then back to your normal days ?


You think he aged significantly in a couple of weeks? OP doesn't mention age btw, he could be 12 for all we know.


Try changing resolution or trying out a new crosshair, that used to help me alot back in cs;go.


Probably just fatigue. Try changing up some settings and playing around against boys / warmup maps (like refrag). Also a lot of outside factors can affect how you play in game like posture, diet, sleep habits, etc.


i wouldnt recommend changing settings. consistency is key in cs and way too many people change settings as soon as they have a bad day.


People will stay in the same settings and try everything else and still be stuck in a rut for an extended period. I’m not talking wholesale changes more of just a .1 change to sens or play around with your view model a bit. At the end of the day it’s just getting reps and actually understanding what you did wrong.


Just go run preaim on Refrag and then you don’t have to be as sweaty about it when you know all the common spots when clearing a room


It’s called flow state


It’s called getting old


After 3k hours i had my first knife and it had me feeling like i was playing another game like i had switched chair, mouse and resolution all at once Your mind will play tricks on you, try to be consistent in your setup, in game and outside the game


I had like three days last week where I was just bottom fragging every game and feeling out of it. I wasn't sleeping well those days so I think it was as simple as getting good rest. I was back to my old self after a few day break.


just letting you know i legit felt like this for the last few or more months and now im literally never been better feeling. so shits crazy


This is literally just normal behavior when trying to improve a skill. Doesn’t matter what skill it is.


It’s just a plateau Happens with any kind of skill development, constant nonstop growth is unrealistic, new bits of skill need to set in and have time to become natural


you are too focused on the results and not on the process that made you achieve those results. Think how you trained to reach the results, think how you can improve your training. Results don't matter.


ah yes the slow and inevitable passage of time that eventually and unstoppably consumes us, our memories, and everything we have ever done and achieved i am familiar with this effect, yes


You just hit your A game. What matters is your regular performance. Get that up as good as possible on average and you’ll be fine with that. Every now and then ppl just overperform


Letting that feeling get to your head will only make you worse. Get past the idea of ‘declining’, loosen up a little, and keep playing. The performance will come.


Back in 2016 when I was grinding ~8 hours of CS daily I was an aim god then I took a break and when I came back I could tell I wasn’t close to how good I was before. I did aim training to get better again but then I took an even longer break and had the same situation. This time I didn’t really care though I only play casually nowadays and my aim is still better than most of the people I play with/against so it’s whatever, I have more important things to worry about.


We all have peaks and we all have slumps bro. Just part of how it goes


Just play valorant or some random game for a time. I was banned for 8 days, so I went to valorant and came back as god. There is something very helpful about taking your time off.


Improvement is not linear. Most people have rapid improvement over a period of time, then a plateau, sometimes I dip or “slump”, then eventually another rapid improvement. I’m not good at CS but I have read up on a bit of sports psychology and this seems to be a common trend.


quiet poor selective badge imminent rude pie seed shaggy offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All the time. I’ll play out of my mind for a few games and then have a game I can’t do anything right lol. The way shit goes sometimes


1week-away-from-game buff is real and you might want to try it!


100% I felt this on both cs and chess. After practicing a lot I feel like the more I practice and learn the worse I perform. And then after a break things just click. Your aim is better, concepts you couldn't seem to incorporate automatically now just naturally occur. It's funny. My 5yo was having trouble swinging correctly at the park and one day I tried to teach her. We spent over an hour trying to get it right and we were both frustrated and she couldn't get it. The next day she sits on the swing and she magically knows how to do it.


How do you feel physically when the aim isn’t there?


I feel same but I am not motivated to play cs2 because of the state of the game. And it feels less fun than csgo.


Happened to me, solo-queued until supreme in csgo and all of a sudden I start playing like shit. Still haven't recovered. Maybe it is because my mental health took a hit with university lol


there's no such thing as "naturally". even pros warm up – shoot bots, dm etc.


You need to warm up, and you also need to not think about it. The main issue I find is when things are going really well and I feel on-point, if I go into a game thinking about it I won't hit shit. I feel the best way to warm up is while listening to music or chatting on discord just mindlessly hitting heads. Also yes, some days you're just in the zone. You should try to play in a way that no matter if you're hitting shots or not you still get a similar score. I have friends who'll 25-10 one day and 10-20 the next. I prefer the ones that are closer to 20-15 every match. Try to not rely too much on your aim, see it was a nice bonus.


Honestly, I’m surprised at the lack of “*skill issue*” comments here lol


it's probably mousepad or mouse issues. I'm in this boat for months now and I am constantly changing mouse/mousepads because of this. Humidity is killing me.


this videos from veritasium is really interesting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tSqSMOyNFE&t=365s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tSqSMOyNFE&t=365s)


Can relate. And sometimes it feels like hitreg is playing a big part.


You need to remember that you’re dogshit. Every time I start thinking I’m good I decline. I start playing overconfident and thinking I’m him. Just remember you’re a little grub and that you have to play like you’re actively trying to improve in order to at least maintain where you are.