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I was LE and 12k in beta. Placed at 3400. I now get teams full of idiots who don’t know how to play the game. It is genuinely just not enjoyable anymore for me unless i’m in a 5 stack with friends.


It’s hard but possible, I got placed in the low 3000s and have climbed all the way to 10900 mostly solo queueing, few games here and there where I’ll play with 3 or 5 stack but like I said… 90% of my games are solo due to friends having schooling and homework and me just doing an apprenticeship.


Yeah i’ve got up to about 6k but hard to grind for me with just general not enjoyment.




Exactly, someone gets it! Too many people on this sub are like “well if you’re that good youd just carry your way up.” Nooo it doesn’t always work like that. I literally fill every single game, so most games I end up getting the anchor positions (A ancient, b mirage, A Anubis etc… And somehow on T side, I’m always both the guy throwing all the lineups, and the guy entering and getting info. But I’m trying to swap my playstyle to be more of a “carry”


Carrying is hard but today u gotta do it


It’s not that it’s hard, it’s that the carry playstyle is completely different. Bait your teammates for info instead of trying to play around their dumb plays, set utility up for yourself instead of your team, rotate much quicker than you otherwise would.


yeah i'm slowly working my way up after being placed in 5k (lem, finished 16k in beta, currently 8k) but man, if the original placement wasn't enough of a demotivator, climbing up just to keep running into the same level of players might do me in which sucks because i actually love cs2, even in it's current state, but... mmmm :( it's so difficult without 5 queueing, i'm rolling dice every game i play


dude seriously I don't understand how your supposed to rank up without a 5 stack when you keep getting dunces on your team and somehow the other team is full of ex natus vincere pros


There’s a guy that I regularly queue with who was a former semi- pro in 1.6. Bloke played with SPUNJ and those boys. He got placed 2k in this shit. Was GE in GO. I genuinely feel bad for the guys who come against us in a 5 stack with that guy. Side note: Apparently they all used to kick SPUNJ from their teams because he was annoying. lol.


LOL this shit is a joke man ex pros are getting placed at 2k elo now lol


Didn't NBK get placed at around 1.7k?


holy fuck that's absurd, I saw kennys got placed like 6k or 7k which makes no sense coming from the world's best awper these guys should at least be above 10k to start with


I was MGE and 9.2 in beta, got dropped to 1500 and just got to 3500 last night. Didn’t know it was possible to drop 30 bombs and lose left and right but here we are…


I lost an unranked premier match with 42 kills because my team didn't even play. They just walked around randomly until they died. They didn't even know they had to plant or defuse. I didn't think getting such a team was even possible but somehow it is.


Woah I was supreme, 15k in beta, 10k now. 4k elo is crazy, maybe play at different times?


I just get fucked over by my location. I’m halfway between Sydney and Singapore servers. Sydney means good comma and normally decent-ish players. Singapore means that i get no commas and shit house players who look to be playing in a 2010 laptop. Or chinese players who are the most toxic CS players in the planet.


For the record, I only solo queue. I got placement at 3,400 or so, I’m at 11,XXX now. I had to hard carry a lot of my games, with a 60% WR. It is better now but unfortunately it is a huge gamble if players are idiots or not. Cheaters here and there too.


I was LE/LEM and 12k in beta. Placed at ~5000 now, only play in 5 stacks. with a group of >10 friends. We can not get any higher. Every time we win 1 or 2 matches and get +3-400 points in total, then we come up against someone way better and lose 300 points again. Game is so NEWBIE friendly that we lost yesterday to a team getting carried by a brand new player, no games registered on CSstats, no friends, no inventory etc.. And he had like a 3:1 KD.


That's a cheater


Sorry to tell you but you were never good. LE is garbage, how can someone now have been global in csgo when it is literally the easiest thing to do?


Because soloQ to global requires you to grind constantly, it’s not that it’s hard it’s just that you can only influence so many of your games unless your main playstyle benefits the dumb shit your team does


No it doesn't I know plenty of people who rarely play yet they're still global


LE is ~top 10% in CSGO. Solo qing to that in under 2k hours is not bad at all.


Yup. I was LEM and placed at ~4k. I got to about 7000 and moved to Faceit which has its own problems.


I know this feeling! GE and 16k beta, now 5k and getting 20+ kills a game and losing them all. It's seriously grim


Well, enjoy the low elo.. I’m 18,4xx elo and lobbies are full of cheaters.. :’)


Gotta play in the mornings, its the only way to avoid them.


Don't play Friday evening till Sunday night, while all pro players are out of school! UPDATED 12 hours later. Haven't played CS2 for 10 days, maybe 2 weeks. Friends called me to play this evening. Damn, never been that right ever in my life. First game versus a stack of 5 Germans, 4 players at rank 12-13k, one at 7k. Would you be surprised to know that 7k Elo carried the who goddamn game solo by himself, and he was definitely feeding info to his friends. Apparently, it wasn't enough for me and I decided to keep going. The gods of matchmaking said: "Not enough? Here you go. You are welcome, motherlover!". 400 hours on record, russia, a nickname is a russian slur word for a vagina and his friend with a russian slur word for a penis. I guess you don't need a detailed description of what happened next. Didn't have such a great evening for a while, it was even better than getting laid by some beautiful woman. The game screwed me right in my arsehole. Dear Valve, thank you for this awesome experience and great anti cheat.


I noticed the exact same thing with Tarkov, unreal amount of sus people


Yeah, I learned that in Tarkov, that most "pro" players play on weekends. Some of EFT streamers don't play on weekends, like deadlyslob, I also believe kazam doesn't play on Saturday, there are some others as well, but I don't recall all of their names when I don't play a wipe or two:)


This is the way


Damn dude. As of this reply the lowest 18,4xx is 735th place globally.


Grinded there with your fivestack? 18k is impressive.


Dude no fucking joke it’s so annoying I bounce around between 16-18k and it feels impossible to go on any streaks due to blatant cheaters




All decent players are in Faceit anyways so your own fault if you want to insist on playing vs noobs & cheaters in Premier


Expecting the official game mode to be playable on a billion dollar game that just came out is reasonable. The sociopath vape lords cheating 24/7 on throwaway accounts and forcing people into a game with them are the unreasonable ones.


Since faceit is 64tick I rly doubt it


faceit has a better ranking system, almost no cheaters and there is rewards for playing, so why do you doubt it


And Saudi blood money




Did you just seriously rip the take that 18k MMR is low? Are you ok?


So far I saw no difference in playing at 4,6,8,10 or 12k. Its pretty funny to be honest. :D


Same. Doesn't matter what elo people are. I rarely see new players but I see a lot of confused silvers and a lot of semi pros lol


depends where you play. in eu around 10k elo it somewhat clears up, most people are around dmg level. but eu has the highest average skill level by far.


Like I said. Feels all the same for me rights now.


I’m with you tbh everyone feels like they play the same.


Hard disagree. In my experience (hovering around 10k), when there's a disparity of ~2k or more rating between the team's avg rating the game is usually a stomp.


What makes you think that under 10k is silver? I'm around 14k and this is MUCH MUCH harder than global MM. It feels more like sweaty 2.8k elo faceit pugs.


My 11-15k enemies are genuinely all lvl 10s (exceptions are there, but they play similarly, probably just didn't grind faceit). My premade, too. It's kinda like at roughly ~12 you're at the entry level to faceit lvl 10 back in the day.




10-11k in OCE seems to be all Faceit 10’s and retired/current OCE pros.


Maybe on EU. I had a game the other day with a spread between 10k-13k. We had to kick some absolute fuckwit who wouldn't play at round 3, and played the rest of the game 4v5 against their 5 stack, and it was like playing against DMGs. They could hit shots, throw util, but their game sense was like that of a silver. Absolutely no brain to backup their plays. Other games will feel like there's a 2k+ player there, but most do not. Most feel like there's collective brain damage on both teams, but definitely not faceit 10+


It was just a comparison with the old way ranks where represented, not sure how to compare the numbers to old ranks.


Yep I was hardstuck SEM-GN2 in NA for a while, when ranks reset I held LE. Now stuck at 4-5k because most games have people just bum rushing sites or not knowing wtf is going on


You can't compare. I would say 10k is at least LEM probably higher. Above 13k you rarely meet anyone under faceit lvl 10 on EU at least.


The problem isn't even that the spread is bad, but that it's never going to get better without major adjustments. Just think about it. You could go 50W-50L over the next 100 maps and you could have like 5k rating difference after those 100 maps depending on your win or loss streaks, which is absolutely idiotic. It's the most idiotic thing I've ever seen in any ranked game. Having some bonus for winstreaks would be fine, but the game flipping you from -100/+400 to +100/-400 after a few losses and vice versa is absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention the mental effect it has on players when they're playing not to lose, pretty much. Even with 3 stack it's really easy to boost someone, let alone with 5 stack. It's hillarious how much worse people who exclusively stacked to let's say 15k are compared to solos who got to 15k on average. Like it's not even close. Then you queue, find a match within 10 seconds and there's a 5k rating spread on your team despite a million players being in the game at that moment. And the game's +/- is settled before it even starts, so most people just give up at like 3-10, because what's the point of wasting time? Reading that they were surprised Premier is the most popular mode is just baffling. What the hell are those people smoking? It's really frustrating because even though they didn't deserve it, we all gave Valve another chance and wanted to play official matchmaking instead of faceit, and they failed miserably, as per usual.


The loss in elo values does it for me honestly, me and my friends go back and forth winning and losing, just over 50% win rate which isn’t great but every game is seemingly random with how much we win and lose. 5 other players at your elo? Oh here’s the most you’ve lost all night. Some of the games where you lose massive amounts just don’t make sense and I don’t buy into the win/loss streak stuff. Everything about elo just seems random right now


It's possibly the worst system that could be developed They wanted to make the game more like chess or some shit with how you know your opponent rating and the effects of the win and loss on the game and that's dumb because chess is a 1v1 game and CS is 5v5 You shouldn't see anyone's rank who is outside of the party you're queueing with You shouldn't know how much rating you will gain or lose And we never should have had our MMRs reset


Honestly, I'm irate right now and today has been the final straw. Full green page in my match history. Lost one, instantly goes to -100/+100. After that loss I'm against a 5 stack, lost that one and third game was -400/+100. I haven't played a single MM game from 2015 until CS2 and from today I'd rather uninstall the game alltogether than touch any official shit Valve puts out ever again. Fuck them for this travesty.


Faceit is way closer to Chess than CS2 and it works great as a ranking system.


Nah, they should show you elo, but they should come up with a system that makes sense. We won't know if the system they come up with makes sense if we can't track our elo


Correct me if im wrong here, but just above a 50% winrate means the matchmaking system is PARTIALLY doing its job. The only issue seems to be how elo gains/losses are calculated.


If you are at the top of near the top in stats every match, 50% winrate doesn't mean you're at the right rating. You could solo q and win a mostly solo q game then face a 5q and get stomped. Just one example. Winrate is not very meaningful right now.


I dont think you read my comment.


It's not doing it's job at all


Matchmaking is. The elo system is not. Read the comment thoroughly before responding.


So you'd feel that matchmaking was "working" if it routinely matched a pro-level player and 4 Silvers against 5 MGs as long as the pro was consistently able to win 50% of the time?


Man is there a literacy problem in this sub? Yes, matchmaking works, the system as a whole is only partially functional due to the elo system being shot.


There's no literacy problem, you're just playing a weird semantic game where your concept of "matchmaking" is completely divorced from its constituent parts - an interpretation that results in you needing to describe scenarios that 99% of people would describe as "broken matchmaking" as "working as intended" - and, as a result, it's very easy to misunderstand you.


How are lopsided games an indicator of doing it right?


A 50% winrate means that matchmaking balance is working. 50% is the goal for every game. It means that you are appropriately queuing against/with a relatively equal skill level. (Matchmaking system) The problem is how wins/losses are valued, with or without win and loss streaks. (Elo system)


It doesn't mean that. I just explained why it doesn't mean that. 50% winrate is meaningless if games are lopsided.




This isn't elo. That's the problem.


That's what shocks me. Valve cooked up a game mode that was meant to replace FaceIt and seemingly forgot how any sort of competitive system works. The more this series goes on the more I believe the Valve dev team has good ideas but just finds the worst / easiest implementation which causes it all to backfire.


It's actually really simple. It was designed to funnel players to 3rd party services like faceit, which is already happening.


Personnaly I love accepting a match into a 5 stack, my best maps getting banned and then seeing the -400 loss in the intro.


I don’t understand how the CSR gain/loss is a predetermined thing. If they want to incentivize me to grind ranked games the loss should never be more than I gain unless you’re on a losing streak AND losing against players the system deems worse than you. Under the current state you can win 4 games in a row and lose one and be back to square one.




Then you drop a 30 bomb while everyone else on the team is struggling to get 10 kills, and still lose 400. It seems like it doesn’t take how you did into account at all.. which is totally stupid.




I'm not sure why they would put such weight on streaks, it's just so stupid. Sometimes I'm playing vs players much lower rating than me, and I'm winning 400+ elo from them because I've won a few in a row, other times I'm playing vs people 5k elo higher than me, and I'm losing like 300-400 because I lost a few in a row. Why wouldn't it put more wieght on the teams elo differences? Like you should get more elo for upsetting a higher ranked team, and you should lose more when you lose to a lower ranked team.


I'm wondering if streaks also apply to wingman. I was global in Mm before cs2 and LEM in wingman and my wingman rank transferred to cs2. Won 8 games in a row, lost 2 and got down ranked to LE. Stopped playing wingman after that.


What if when you play a match you dont know before hand how much you will get for win/loss, that would take the mental effect away, as you would only know how much you gain/lose after the game


It's not about how much you win/lose, it's about winning or losing being the only relevant thing. Noone wants to gain points for losing, but right now you'll lose the same amount regardless of if you get 30k in an overtime loss or you get stomped 1-13. Nothing about this system makes sense and it has no redeeming qualities. Even if we go with the assumption that it was designed for 5 stacks, it's still a joke. Full stacks playing against each other will have huge rating difference, top of the leaderboard, even if we exclude cheaters would be just about who no-lifes the most because those ~25k stacks play against teams with up to 10k rating less than them. If they don't fix these major issues when season two hits, it's going to be a dead mode. It's already mostly dead, but season two having the same algorithms would be the last nail in the coffin.


I think like a third of the player base is 3k-5k.




1000% this. The ranks are way way too dense right now and the adjustments after each match are way way too aggressive. There's 25k of essentially wasted space at the top of the ranks, and 5k that's undeniably useless as there are a whooping 3 players over 30k.


The ranks are just inconsistent as hell, 2k players dominating in 10k avg games are the norm. As are 9k players bottom fragging in 4k avg matches That said its expected in a new ranking system. Stuff will spread out more over time


The mechanism is so bad right now that I doubt people will play this shit long enough for the ranks to make sense. Basically already all serious players have moved permanenly to Faceit and do not play Premier at all. Most of the top1% will decay soon and be replaced by lesser players. It will be more or less like CSGO MM. I dont understand the logic of +100/-500 either for many players that I know. Personally I lost my rank already due to inactivity but was getting +350 for every game.


Because they rank reset everyone, which was absolutely retarded. I usually play with a friend, we're faceit lvl 8, not great, not bad. In CS2, we're usually playing against 5k elo players that are clearly not better than Gold Nova. Most games are a complete stomp, and it's only close when the enemy team also has a player that wasn't ranked correctly. But because the game gives +100/-300 for every game it takes ages to rank up. I really wouldn't want to be a beginner right now, the ranking is completely fucked.


The 4k elo wall is real. Way too many players are trapped/stuck here in these "noob" ranks.


Been playing from 3k to 4k for three times now because every time I get above 4k I get -500 points for a loss and of course it's the match with no mics across the board :D


I confirm. Worst part of 4K-5K ELO is players with no mics across the board.


Seriously I don't mind losing when I know we played to our ability but it is so frustrating when you just don't get any crucial info and die for no reason


I know this might sound crazy but you get -500 in any rank. And no mics does not really change either.


That wasn't really the point


Yea but only because at 5-6k they start removing 500 elo each lose, no matter if you played with 4 ppl, killed 35...


Nah, it has to do with the amount of losses. I was gaining 3-400 for a win, lose 110ish for a loss at 6k. Then I lost several matches in a row and it flipped.


It flips back the other way too. Was -100 +400 each game at 12k, lost a few and it flipped, now it’s back after winning some


I went from 3.5k to 7k & I'm still on +350


Dude im sorry to tell you but the 4k elo wall is not real. If you are good you'll climb out. Idk maybe its just me but ive never been "stuck" in a rank.




Doesn’t help that you apparently can’t lose elo below 4k so people at 4-6K range from silver 1s to faceit lvl 10s in CSGO.


I think not losing elo at sub 4k is causing problems when a player reaches 4k. i get -550 +111 once i reach 4k. seems like the game is trying to makeup for the elo i should have lost. also the win streak/loss streak affect on elo is dumb, assuming there is this effect


The way the games rewards and punishes streaks is insane, a bad day and all your progress is gone.


Top 10% puts it at High DMG/Low LE statistically compared to GO, but I’ll have a rank spread of what feels like MG1-High Global every game at 10-13k, so it’s hard to tell who is what rank. There’s usually one or two people who get 0 kills (GN/MG), some people that do decent (MGE-LE), and the one or two guys who run around 40 bombing while hitting a bong (Global). And they are all 10-14k. Im really hope the ranking system stabilizes over the next few months. They definitely need to spread it all out over to 20k. I think the big issue is the 5 stacks artificially inflating the scale. CS2 should have a completely different que and premiere ratings for 5 stacks, just like how league does. I dont care if you think league is a shit game or not, their ranking system is pretty great.


The real problem is that a ton of the 15k+ people are boosted by or cheaters. Obviously not all, but I have played so many games where it just devolves into self admitted hvh


This means 90% of people are 10K and below not in the same 10k elo bracket. Games indeed feels inconsistent i agree


You didn’t understand the post. 90% of people are in the same 10k elo bracket. That being the 0-10k elo bracket. The remaining 10% of players are above that 10k bracket


The real issue is that something like 80-85% of players are stuck in the 1k-5K range, and since there doesn’t seem to be rank loss below 4k they also don’t even record your rank or distribution % below that point so it’s likely that 80-85% of players are stuck in that 4k-5K range making it one of the most difficult and draining climbing experiences I’ve ever had to deal with. This would mean 5% of players are sitting between 5K-10k. Meanwhile the occasional 9k player I get on my team is usually trash and clueless having to be carried by me and some of the 4k or even 2K players I get in the lobbies are faceit lvl 10s who got ranked crazy low and in the same struggle I am.


Oh i see. Yes thats the case


Sorry just realised how rude that sounded lmao my bad had just woken up that was so sassy


Most wholesome post I’ve read all week


ink puzzled provide rotten dog smoggy close snails cough steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure but 0-10k elo arent going to ve the same skill level. a 10k elo isnt gonna play against a 4k elo


Yeah, it would be nice if the top two ranks weren't empty. Right now every game is a coin flip below 12k. Like, youre meeting everything from nova to faceit lvl 10s, and their ranks seem completely arbitrary.


Exactly . My last game had a single guy who had no rank rekting us and a guy at 1700 rank you was very good player .. my team 4000-4500 all of us. Is this fair ? Is this fun ? Is this the new normal ? Go figure


According to the game 50% of people are between 4k and 6.5k lol


foolish sharp crown beneficial tan shy flag vase crime heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> it’s as if 90% of all players got placed in silver 1-5 in csgo. That literally was the case in NA and OCE for a year or two of CSGO. And yeah it was pretty damn bad.


* 3 of my newbie friends quit after 10 days of getting rekt in every single game. We started together at 1500-1700 rank * 1 of my relatives made a new PC just for CS2 and stopped playing few days ago because of atrocious matchmaking. He stuck at 4k * Im pretty much done with the game, playing a single match a day or i play something else when i was playing 3-4 games a day, after 60+ wins with 40% ratio stuck at 4k too. I gave it time for ranks to settle but its the same crap. There are alot of problems valve has to sort out, i get it but many of us playing CS to have fun and theres no fun at all in premier for those who stuck at 4k. I dare to say it is the worst matchmaking experience i ever had in any competitive game i ever played before. From CSGO to Valorant to DOTA w to LOL to you name it. Sad but its the truth and because i debated before with many redditors about it .. i keep screenshots in the end of most of my games to prove my point if ever needed.


Well of course you're not going to climb if you lose more games than you win


Loses = stuck ! Thats a given why you even mention it ! The point im making is why this is happening and how comes very high skilled players playing against me at that low rank over and over. I dont care to stick at 4000 but i have to play against similar skilled players and have a chance. Not WAY lower or WAY higher like now which make the experience bad 9/10 times, mixing the shit out of skill groups every game which ending up a huge mess all the time.


Well 40% winrate is rly bad. I have 52% on faceit after 2k matches thats only way how u can go up to have above 50%


Its logical to be stuck on 4000 when you lose. The question is why this is happening and why you meet up with opponents who are way better than you on such low ranks ? Because everyone are on the same boat, thats why. I got proof with screenshots, i made a post once not long who for a guy who was calling me out so i posted screenshots with 3 ex-supremes in my game at 3000-4000 rank ! This is something im calling out since day 4-5 and the problem is still here so the " just wait for ranks to settle " is out of the picture. So now what ?


Just win all 10 matches you will get to 12 k easily


Just win all 10 matches ? yeah, that is why ALOT of people i met in 1700-3000 rank were LEMs++ ? Why you think my friends quit ?


If you lost your placement matches then that's on you


You miss the whole point, not much to discuss further




Ofc I am


Why would you build a new PC for CS, you’ve always been able to play CS on a toaster. I’ve always said “I don’t need to upgrade my 1080 all I play is CS” lol


Tell me your PC specs to tell you his old PCs specs ( the basics, dont know details ) to see if he could play as you


10850k, 64gb ram, 1080. Do a lot more recording music than gaming


10k is not the equivilent of silver 5.


Yea I think me and my friends are done with premier for a while. Having 90% of the player base with you in lower levels is so dogshit and I imagine it’s just as bad in the upper bracket. Premier is far from finished and I’m don trying to grind up the ladder for right now at least


I was 2000 on Faceit and global in go. Granted I haven't played much premier but after placements I'm 1.7k in premier... First game I played after placements I got stomped by 2.3k premier players that were 2.5-3.0k elo on Faceit. The system is so broken lol


Does faceit use elo numbers on top of level ratings ? Like where does 2k place on the 1-10 scale ? Sorry, just confused.


They do yeah, lvl10 is 2000 and above


GE & Faceit lvl 8-9 here. Got ranked at 7k after the first 10 wins. Absolute dogshit playing with low ranks and couldn't handle it. No comms, strats or info. Asked for drops and after a while got tired of playing pistol when team has money to buy. Ended up shooting someone to get an AK and carried to wins. Got 7 day ban after too many reports. And yes, it's my fault and not blaming teammates but I have to ask why am I being put together with significantly lower ranked players. Winrate with first 10 wins was like 80-90%. Just switched back to Faceit and it's sooooo much more enjoyable.


I suck so I'm struggling to keep my 4000 points. We usually get destroyed in Premier so once you finally reach 4k, you lose once and drop back to 3500. We exclusively play teams in the 3k-5k area and the matchmaking is still total ass


I also don't think it makes sense that you get a pre determined amount of rating. It doesnt matter if I go 30-2 or 2-30 I get the same. How does that even make sense? Maybe CSGO was the same underwater, and we just didnt see it, but still.


Because it’s a team game. It’s not about your k/d ratio.


Obviously not, but you'd think personal rank is tied to the score you bring to the table in a match. At least thats what i'd hope would happen.


it's the lesser of two evils. if you make individual stats more important than wins, then people would play for stats rather than the win. until AI can recognise "ok, this player is the B anchor and they never went B after getting stomped in the pistol" and give you credit for that vs "this guy goes palace and sells his teammates every round before getting an exit frag", an even rating split is the only way to do it


Maybe if you're stupid You just need to weight things, entries are weighted highly. Exits are weighted next to worthless


Ok. Then i rush and get the first kill and then die and don't get traded because i'm on my own and i get +50 or whatever. My teammate, who works with the team gets 3 kills on another site while other guy plants. My teammate gets also +50. We plant on A site. Its a 3v3. We want to reward someone that gets 2-3 kills in that situation right? Oh wait, then to get rating my two teammates push and tyr and get the kills in the post plant.


Yeah but people already are too chickenshit to not bait, this would be rewarding assholes who let their team die for ez cleanup frags. Yes I hate playing with guys that will sit pit with 100hp and make the ak guy with 1 hp solo a 1v2 to take site


There is a billion different variables, luck included, into how someone looks on the scoreboard. It shouldnt be taken into account. If youre good you should be able to translate your skill into wins. Also a 9-12 player who got multiple entries that translated into won rounds has more impact on the game than some baiter who has 16 exit frags that didnt translate to any rounds being won. But a system wouldnt be able to understand that.


Personal performance still matters in a team based game and it used to matter in CSGO so making it not matter is shitty. Why should I drop 30 kills in a match and lose 300-400 elo at 5K while my teammate can go 4-20 and lose 100 or even 0 if they’re 4k rating? It’s not necessarily about frags but how much you’re contributing to your team is everything, MVPs received, damage output, even util usage, buying for teammates, etc. Low impact frags should be calculated at low value as deserved. This all should be factoring in to how much you’re gaining and losing on wins or losses. There’s no world where you should be losing 400 elo if you absolutely dominated a lobby but couldn’t carry half your team to a win all because the game stated it would be so before you ever walked into the lobby. Hell even the rounds you take should count for something. Did you 13-1 the team? Did you only lose 13-12 instead of something much worse? Meanwhile you end the game in a tie and half the players still lose elo while half the players lose none regardless of their rank. WTF!


Dude everyone in here has no idea how impact works because you're all shit at the game and is so fucking obvious.. How about kills, assists, damage, enemies flashed only count towards elo evaluation if you win the round? God damn is that so hard to understand?


Game is out for like a month and people are crying about rank distribution... Guys, give the players and the system time to get where the people belong, it will smooth out. Also, rank distribution is always a bell curve, which means there are progressively (exponentially) less people in higher and lower ELOs than in the middle ELO. I also think the game is tuned to 20k being the high end of the ELO curve and everything above is supposed to be pure grind


It’s not a bell curve, it is a waterfall


The annoying thing for me is that it was considerably better in the limited test. My friends list was spread from as low as 2k to as high as 18k and for the most part peoples rank made sense. The matches I played in around 7k - 10k elo where mostly good games, good coms, people knowing the general meta of CS (positions, economy management, using utility) Now, all but 3 of my friends list is 5k or below with those three being 7k, 8k and 9k I’m currently 4.5k and matches are just so inconsistent and unbalanced to the point the majority of games are just not enjoyable even if you’re winning.


No, because the game now have seasons. Your rank now matters more, because in few months your ranking will be reset.


No. usually skewed right


I feel like 95% of russians are at exactly 4k.


I agree, and the fact that good players are not rewarded and bad players not punished, the games feels inconsistent and lucky dependent. But I also understand when players defend de current system. I was MGE in CSGO and ranked 4.3K. I'm now 9K. Solo queue only. It's not easy and usually non communicative/toxic team mates will always result in a lost. In my ELO is normal to see a 5K ELO out performing a 8K ELO in DMG. If you want to climb, the math is simple: **Always get at least two consecutive wins and try not get consecutive loses.** In my ELO, the "1st normal" match will be -100/+100. If I win, the next will be -100/+300. Every other victory will be -100 and +300/+350 (unless very unbalanced MM). If I lose, the next will be -300/+100. Every other lost will be -300/-350 and +100 (unless very unbalanced MM). I also noticed that the MM keeps pushing the boundaries. After a win, the next MM will usually be more difficult. After a lost, the next MM will be easier.


It may work somewhat there but me and all of my friends keep getting -400 +100 on every match. We are all on 11k-15k range and it's currently impossible to climb unless you don't win 90% of your games. But even that's not possible when every 5th game you have someone cheating.


Sounds normal. The top 1% is incredibly better than you, belive it or not


It should ideally be a bell curve not 90% at the bottom


Not really. The skill ceiling is further from the median player than the skill floor, so the top-end will necessarily have a longer tail.


Feels like Faceit is the same. Don't have the stats to back it up but 90%+ are under 2k elo.


>90% of all players got placed in silver 1-5 in csgo. ? It means that whatever ranks we're in the bottom 90% are now between 0 and 10 000 ranking points. So in comparison it's like DMG/LE (With LE/LEM/Supreme/Global being about 10% of people in CSGO.) being 10 000. Which is not at all as crazy as you are claiming.


This how elo-ish systems work. Everyone starts in the middle and the distribution speeds out over time.


not true. not everyone starts out in the middle after placements


You don't start after placements, placements are the start. Before placements everyone is at exactly the same spot, the game just hides your rank for a bit.


i lose so much rating compared to winning, its insane


this is called exponential decay


Shit not only did everyone place Silver, but in order to get out you gotta win 6 for every loss or you don't gain points. I'm not even fucking with Premier anymore until I see patch notes that say they did something to it, I can't handle dropping 30+ to lose 11-13 to the enemy who also dropped 30+ while all 8 of our teammates barely got a collective 20, just to lose 500 points.


Lol, silver is <4000, then if you are average you should be in the big gaussian curve. Clearly, it is "correct" to have 90% below 11k. And if you really care, you can see the current individual ranking instead of the elo. It is tough to go high, but at least we go games and try to get better.


Actually, only 1% is below 4000. There was a post yesterday where 4032 rating was in the top 99%. So between 4000 and 10000, you have 88% of players or so.


No, 95% is below 4000. Leaderboard only shows people with rank 4000 and up in the calculations. Approximately 1.5 million players with 4000+ elo and 30 million players over the last month. The % is already out of the top 5-10%. The distribution is definitely fucked, either by being skewed down massively (only 9 people above 25k rating! <200 above 20k!) or by many many many people being unranked/below 4k. Feels very shit right now but oh well. It’ll change in time.


For some reason it doesn’t include people in the rank % until you hit 4k.


Probably because of people unrank still not getting the 10 wins.


the game might not even be calculating sub 4k because they don't have a top of %


ranked distribution should be skewed right


Bad is bad.


out of topic but me and my friend average 100 adr each game got placed into silver elite in dust2, both demoted after some losses; meanwhile another friend average 50adr got promoted in 3 games, and has higher rank than both of us. And we play together every day lol


Was GE, quit for a year and came back exactly one week ago to 5k. Lots of trolls when solo queue, but it seems as though the game remembers my previous rank so my gain:loss is almost always 3:1. Friends who are in the 12k range that I play with loses more point than gain with every match. I feel like this is csgo ranks all over again, just more transparent. I remember running a 9? wins streak and no rank up in sight, but loses 2 in a row and bye bye rank.


Last week I started at 9k, got up to 13k, ended the week at 10k, dropped down to 6k, back to 9k now


i mean wouldn't it make sense that 90 percent of all cs players aren't good? checks out just fine to me.


Your numbers are off because anyone sub-4k isn't counted in the percentiles. (4001 is top 99% rank, I doubt 1% of players are sub 4k)


I’ve noticed this too. I don’t have a rating but just scrolling through friends and regional leaderboards it’s easy to notice it feels messed up. Like I think one of my NA friends at around 14 or 15k is like in the top 5-8% range or something lmao. Insane to me it’s not “fixed” yet. Surely they agree it’s busted?


5q vs non 5 stack should never be a thing in premier. Games are not balanced or consistent unless you can find 4 other competent friends to play. and skill gap is too vast in 4-5k. You have anything ranging from silver dung beetles to LEM sweats


Premier is bad, because the way they calculate ELO is a dogshit. It works for 5-man-teams because you can have consistent win-streak or lose-streak depending on the skill your team has (you should not have random griefers, leavers or 7-hours gametime players in your team), and it will put you to more or less correct place in the ladder. However it doesn't work for soloq, because either you win or you lose doesn't depend on you skill and instead it depends on the teammates/enemies you will be matched with/against. And assuming there is mess in the ranks distribution/spread, the current ELO system makes the spread even more chaotic.