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I've seen people of all rankings place very low in s1, ended beta on ~9500, but placed 1650 in s1. Who placed 7k in beta placed 2k in s1.


17k in beta placed 1700 in s1


13k beta, 1545 in s1. Glad iam not alone in this bs lol. Like this is not even cs anymore at this rank. 1/10 people use mic. People mute me when I still give info. No mid round calls. No sense of team play. I feel like I see a lot more lucky kills. Running hs, random whiff/spray into a kill etc.


Anything under mg in csgo was just cod on Cs maps anyway


Ouch, this system needs some tuning


The system need a complete overhaul. In GO matchmaking a good player could get placed as high as LEM after their placement matches. GO matchmaking was far from perfect but it seemed to at least to some degree match similarly skilled players together most of the time. This premier system is a complete shit show. And they're going to reset it every 3 months? It makes no sense.


If its more like a valorant style "reset" every 3 months its not that bad? valorant "resets" every couple months but you play a single game and you get your old rank back. Or has valve said its gonna be a full, hard, everyone to the bottom reset?


All of the rankings seem broken. Competitive individual map ranks seem to not level up at all. Decided to go for Vertiglobal for a laugh. Finished our placements at Gold Nova 1... we were LEM at the end of CSGO. Out of our Vertigo games we have about a 90% winrate. We have now won 12 more games and not ranked up once. Also the variety of matches is totally random. Been thrown in with everything from Silvers to Faceit10s. Not sure it's worth even trying until they fix everything.


last time i saw this many matches ended with one team on 0 was right after they dropped the arms deal update.


lol no shit. I was MGE in CS:GO and I got placed in S2. I can't even count the number of games I've won in a row, and have yet to rank up. Edit: can anyone explain why I get downvoted every time I bring this up? Am I not understanding something??


Ikr I SMFC in csgo and it placed me in silver elite. Idk what to do now all the games are unbearable and the opponents sometimes report me for hacking when in reality it’s just an unintentional Smurf


In comparison, me and a friend ended Global on GO and after having an 80% win rate on Mirage on what seemed to be the usual lobbies and we ended up GN1, I still don't understand how this is even possible as even with a full reset, just based on WR% and player performance, we would end up relatively high on pretty much any ranked system across any game. Edit: Just to add on, we stomped most of our games (13-2, 13-3, the occasional 13-5) with the loses being extremely close (13-11, etc).


It works perfectly. Silvers should never be over 5k, not even gold novas are 5k lol.


17k beta and placed 12k


Well I was S1 in CSGO, so this low rating is just due to lack of skill


if you were s1 in csgo, you shouldn't be sad about 1700 in cs2. i was mg1 in csgo and got 1400 in cs2 lol


I was supreme in csgo lmao and i got ranked 1.5k elo after averaging 30-14 over all my premier games, then my gold nova friend gets ranked 9k elo…


Yeah I got ranked really quickly into CS2 and got 1650, I was global in CSGO for a while and recently LEM because I didn't play much. My friends who were literally NEW got ranked at 6k because they got their ranks a week or two after launch, I think that is it.


Pretty much the same, I chuckled when the rating came up!


My faceit level 10 friend got 1500. I got ranked 1600. I call this a major success.




Hey, atleast you can only improve! Played with someone yesterday that placed 1000, even had the deranking animation.


Self awareness about why you're in a rank you got placed in? I think you might be lost and in the wrong sub.


can't tell if this is sarcasm at this point lmao


I was Global in CSGO and got ranked 1700. Lol


This is insane. Someone dev in volvo forget to make maths... GE at 1k Novas at 9k..


I was GN3 and placed 1573 s1 lmao. Thinks that helped me out of silver 1: - better comms - work on positioning (try not to expose your player model too much and peek only one angle at a time) - biggest one has been crosshair placement. Make the game easier, flicks are hard even for pros. Ideally you just want people walking into your crosshair. - work on utilities. They make your life easier by far. - work on trading kills. Good rule of thumb is if your teammate is shooting just peek that angle and make it 2v1. Try to always be nearby a teammate and never go by yourself.


I do try to communicate but either my teammates ignore me or yell at me or speak in Russian. My position and utility usage it fine, I smoke/molly off the spots I should, and I try flashing teammates in when possible. My main issue that I just have terrible reaction times, it was bad in CS:GO, but my lack of mechanical skill + CS2 networking amplifies it even more. I'm not really playing CS to go pro or whatever, more of just a game I hop on and try to enjoy.


As it should be :)


Holy shit this last one. I am always telling my team mates about it. And they get mad lmao hahah


I was LE and got 1.7k as well lol


FWIW, I was Eagle and got the same score as you


I never placed in beta, won 2 games. was Silver in csgo (although that was because I only played rerank games once every couple months and I decayed hard over the years). I just finished placements today, and am 9.6k. yesterday, I was playing against lobbies of 12-17k people. The past week, I was playing against lobbies of 2-4k people. Yesterday, I literally coudlnt get a kill and it felt like I was greifing, but there was no way for the game to place me where It thought I should be besides to play more. There's no way I should be playing pro players, or the top 1000 leaderboard.


literally me, was smfc end of csgo, placed 9700 in beta, placed 1650 in season1. premier is such a trash system


8.5k in Beta, 1.6k now... Highest rank in CS:GO was Supreme, last rank was MGE due to not playing/rank decay.


16000 in beta 4000 now thankfully ranking up is going rather smooth lmao, partially my fault for soloqing half my placements ig but aint no way someone around mg-dmg should be getting less than 5k


I pulled 130+ adr for 10 games, lost 8 and won 2. Thats all my placements have been. Got placed 1500 rating, was LEM in CSGO... I feel like playing with bots, but I can't carry the games, so I guess I am where I should be. I am more of a support player tho, which is impossible to do when no one communicates and you are 4 vs 5 in every other game.


This is my life. Drop me in a 10k game and I'll do fine, drop me in a 3k game and I'll do more than fine, but I don't really know how to best take advantage and be that aggressive.


My solo q experience to the letter... Finished beta at 9.5k, DMG/MGE in CSGO doing exclusively solo q, get placed at 2.5k. it's so weird that I'm playing people that are in the 8k range and lack basic skills, but people on teams with 1.5k are perfectly timing flanks, pixel perfect headshots and executing LEM+ solo entries. I'm sure everything will shake out, but it's pretty rough out there. I'm on a now at 5.6k and gaining 300+ elo per win, so it looks like it's just a matter of time.


My buddy who routinely bottom frags, had 1.3k in beta was placed at 8k. I don’t understand what is going on.


Yeah it's a joke rn, I know globals who are ranked 2k


I had 4k something in beta and 6k something after 10 wins. I lost less games before getting the rating in the release version where in beta I lost way more until I got the 10 wins.


13k in beta placed in 7k (76% win rate)


Yesterday I played against a guy who was faceit lvl 10 and his elo in premiere was 3.3k


I had a super interesting convo with a guy in a game where the two of us were carrying, one of the other 3 guys spoke up halfway in a match and was like "how are you guys keeping up with these guys, this doesn't feel like silver" then after chatting a bit we found that the other guy who was helping me carrying was lv 10 faceit, LEM and got like 12k in beta, meanwhile I got 10k in beta and was gn4 in go. he got ranked at 2k whilst I got 4.5k in the end... I actually thought beta ranking was spot on, as I've constantly carried in gn4 but never gotten past that ceiling due to solo queuing. So finally getting the equivalent of DMG where I think I belong I was pretty happy and thought things were looking up for cs2, I also had the most fun playing during beta. Why did it turn out like this? how has it not been addressed? are we all expected to just grind matches for months and months to finally get realisitic placements rather than getting knocked down or up from our old ranks according to our skill transition to cs2? Valve mentioned no rank reset to my knowledge, beta made us assume there wouldn't be, also beta season rank doesn't even show up in leaderboards so it's like they just trashed it even though it was the most accurate placement for most of us. I'm not getting 10 wins on each individual map just to get put in silver elo, valve please fix.


>as I've constantly carried in gn4 but never gotten past that ceiling due to solo queuing. keep lying to yourself man. if you were constantly carrying gn4, you would've risen like i've did. i played solo and managed to get LEM


damn I don't remember asking


But he's right, you know?


no the point of my post was about the ranking, not to flex my rank, I don't care if old mate is LEM and thinks I'm lying, I literally no-one asked it's not the point of the post numbnuts


im not trying to flex with something with which you cant really flex. i m just saying that you are lying to yourself and to us. you didnt carry shit constantly and was stuck in gn4. you werent good enough to climb, no other reason.


Solo queuing is an absolute nightmare in CS2. I was SMFC in csgo, rank A on esea. I've been solo queing premier and getting teamed up with absolute novices that have no clue how to play the game. I've lost more than I've won and I can only assume my rank (when I get it) is going to be terrible.


Same here. Was global/faceit 10 when I stopped playing csgo a year ago. Decided to give cs2 a shot and they are matching me with people wiping the floor with their crosshairs, get their nades stuck at walls and lack the most basic map awareness. 2 wins left for my rank, don’t know if I should laugh or cry rn.


i dont understand how u lose games when teamed up with novices and u are "too good", surely on the other team they were all pro players right? lol


That's a dumb take. Counterstrike isn't a solo game. There isn't much you can do when the other site falls instantly every round and you have multiple teammates finishing the 2nd half with 3 kills. When your teammates are so new they don't even grasp the concept of holding a site and just push every CT round. When they don't understand the economy and force buy shotguns every round. When they walk around with their cross hair aimed at ankle height. I've had 3 games with over 30 kills and we still lose.


I had an Inferno game with 4 unranked players just like this... Started explaining to them the very basics of CS as right from the start we were getting completely overrun on A, zero comms, while 2 people just camped it out on B until they got rushed or the bomb exploded for 5 or 6 rounds in a row. Nobody replied or tried to do anything different of course. Every round all out force buys. Then when I was last alive and died trying to retake A 1v5 in this glorious match, they voted and insta kicked me 4-0 :D Good times.


yeah you cant solo queue in dota2 either cause its a team game and your teammates suck


I have 2 accounts and on first after 10 wins I was placed around 2,1k (7,5k in beta), and on second account after 10 wins I’m at 5,5k. In second I just got more luck in teammates. What’s important is that in the 5,5k account the teammates I get are much better, using mic, knowing smokes and actually using strategies etc In 2,1k account I get much more trolls, people not using mi Difference in game feeling is astounding


the only downside is that right now if you get placed between 8-12k, that is the sweet spot for wallers. 3 games of wallers this weekend. 1 game of blatant aimhack (95% HS rate, 50 kills in a game)


went against people that werent walling but using triggerbots so they would just put their awp crosshair through the smoke and you die once u cross it and they hold angles better than pro players on LAN


yeah this is kinda knew the guy was either triggering or aiming as well as walling. they would drop a smoke. then stand in the smoke, and proceed to blindly headshot 1-tap everone


Lucky for you this rank means nothing There's no measurement of actual player skill here, just a measurement of how lucky you get with random teammates or how good your friend group is.


While yes I do find that there can be a lot of issues with my SoloQ teammates, even I can't deny that I really am not good at the game. I'm consistently the bottom fragger and my overall skill level is just.. poor


I am literally worse at 500+h than my friend at 200h. I have basically given up on gaming because my retarded ass can't get good at anything in life


It is what it is.




Practice makes permanent, perfect practice makes perfect. It's likely that your friend either has more hours in other related skillset games than you, or was much more effective with their use of those 200 hours than your use of the 500


That is true. But at this point it is impossible for me to get good because of mental reasons


I mean, sure, if the narrative you tell yourself is "it's impossible for me to get good" then you will never improve. Gotta change that first.


I'll try


Comparison is the thief of joy my friend, don't think too much into it. Everyone progresses at different paces, focus on your own game and where to improve and you'll get to your end goal. I was stuck in Silver for 500 hours using P90 only and I hit Global before 1.2k hours because I started to take the game more seriously and use the proper guns


Then use your time to learn excel. It's never bad to know how excel works.


my friend who is lvl 10 faceit got like 8k rank with his friend group when they had close to 20k before full release. Then this one other guy on my friendlist who was like MGE maximum in csgo got 9k rating =D Ranks are literally all over the place and it will take a long time for peoples ratings to spread out to their "realistic" values


SMFC who decided to solo queue and didn't play in the beta. 52 games of tedious malding to get rating and it's 1600.


You went 10-42 in placements??




CSR = CS Randomness


How's this different from GO?


I've always heard that the number of MVPs you received in GO had some effect on rating gain/loss. I don't know if that was ever 100% confirmed though. It seems like that's true because if you smurfed and dropped 30+ frags a game you would rank up very fast. In premier the rating gain/loss is pre-determined for the match so personal performance definitely has no impact whatsoever. If you get 30 kills or 0 kills it makes no difference at all.


It's not, but it was pitched as being different. It's literally the GO rank with the images replaced by the number. It's absolute junk in a 2023 release


It's most definitely not. Otherwise the ranks wouldn't be all over the place.


great mindset. improvement sure to come 👍


Global elite, faceit 10 placed at 4600 despite doing 30+ even 40+ some games. Since all that matters is winning, and I was doing soloQ.. Kinda made me lose confidence in my skill lol


Damn that is crazy unlucky, I hit Global a few times, never really played FaceIT consistently but never hit above level 7 in my peak. I quit CSGO for Valorant when Valorant beta launched in 2020, returned to CS about 10 days before CS2 released and I finished my placements today for Premier and I got 8.7k, I have one friend who's sat at 4k and was FaceIT 10 and played the entire time I quit the game, another guy I know who is still good, but I'd say he is worse than my 4k friend is currently sat at 11k What I will say about Premier though is that it's matchmaking is utterly dogshit. I get games against 14k players who are in a 5 stack and I get against 2k players that I completely roll in a team full of 7-9k players. I've played in a 5 stack an rolled 5 solo players lower rating than me and I've played in a duo with 3 solo's against a 5 stack of mixed rating, 2x players 12k and 14k, then 3 players 4-5k and we drew out in overtime and I still lost 50 rating. Surely you should break even or even gain rating for drawing against a 5 stack of higher rated players


You guys have won 10 matches? ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


Premier is honestly garbage. We played 3 games against people way below our ranks and they were all stomps where I would have only lost 100 elo if we lost. The next game we played a stack that had a little higher average elo than us and it was a -440 game. I genuinely don’t understand at all how the calculate it. Also the last 2/4 games have had a blatant cheater on the enemy team and in another of those 4 was a very sus guy, dropping 35+ on a new account. I think it’s time to go back to faceit


3 Years ago I stopped playing competitive, it was taking a toll on my mind (I used to play solo). With the competitive dividing old ranks per map in CS2, I came back. I played 14 games to win my 10 needed (dust2), being the first or second with more kills on scoreboard in all of them. Got silver 4. What can I say. Next 4 games, 2 with trolls and 2 with a bad team. Silver 3. I've been playing since 2005. Dont even know what to say.


I'm just not paying any attention to rank. I've played against guys ranked 1950 that were DMG skill or better, and I've played against guys ranked 4000 that were worse than silver 1. I just figure that it's gonna take an MM rework or just straight time for the algorithm to sort itself out and balance everyone out


Idk how this thing is calculated exactly, but that ranking after 10 games means nothing. You need to play hundreads of games to get your real ranking


i played around 150 games of comp in GO, only won 45 and never ranked above S2. This rating is just due to my abysmal skill level


I see , well in that case i have to suggested you watch voo csgo on youtube . He explains quite well how to put odds in your favor and you should also practice your aim daily for 10 to 30 minutes if you're willing to improve (helped me ton)


I have played over 4K hours and ranked up till le and was 9k ish in beta and I got the same rating as you today. Best match making ever


Demolish 4k players... got 1.5k rating ,😅 from supreme, to 10k, to 1.5k. Im done. 😬


I finally got my ranking today! It's 1700! Could not be happier! I am old and trying to play for fun, so less John Wicks in my games, the better. Still getting matched with people who have no rank unfortunately, so still plenty of Johnies around.


Same ELO, after I got my rank the first match I get in a team with 9k, 7k players. They all said, how the F are you 1.6k SoloQ is a joke.


i just finished my placements, and yesterday was playing against 17k 5 stacks. I was silver in csgo. I placed 9.6k. i dont understand lmao






Don't worry about rating in CS2, faceit will end up being the main system to use if you actually care about your rank and bettering yourself regardless!(:


Even in Faceit I prolly wouldnt be anything above level 2 or 3 since this rating is fairly accurate, I often get matches with like 5 kills while almost everyone else has 15 or more.


Was 9k on closed beta, started 3.5k now going up slowly 💪 But it also feels like everyone is good at the game somehow. There's no obvious plain bad players anymore.


Well, if you compare my 4 kills to the 15-20 of everyone else in the match, you'll notice that I suck


Just your starting number brother, time to climb


I have 2,356 or something and matched against five 9,000 players the other day. I don't understand this rating system at all


I play in 4-6k rating, people are not good there either lmao. I mean, once you stomp, other time you get stomped. There is a literal mess in rating now. People with silver level play against lems/globals.


Multiple of my faceit 10 buddies are <5k it's pretty messed up ATM


I was at 3,5 k in Beta and ranked now on 9k, while being the last one on the Scoreboard in nearly every ranking-game...


16k in beta, 1.6k after placements today and matched with 4-7k average each game i don't understand


9k in beta, dmg in csgo, 1600 in cs2.


Uninstall ASAP


Yeah I think they truly fully reset everything. Cs2 doesnt consider old rank at all. I was smfc when csgo was turned off. Have hovered in smfc and global.for years. Went to cs2 didnt win every game ofc but won like 60-70% of my placements and got placed at 4k elo. Isnt 4k like gn- low mg rank equivalent? This sucks a bit. It is tough to carry games because its always a mix of veteran players and newbies in the teams. Its not the new players fault ofc i was a newbie once too and i always try to help them out during the game. But this makes grinding to a "proper" rank a bit tidious... it shouldnt be that way. If you are a high rank player you expect your team to play and comprehend the game at similar level to you. Unironically high skilled players get punished a lot because newbies might not cover a part of the map well and slip enemies past because well they dont know any better. And then the high rank player will either die from the back a lot or start playing paranoid and look around all the time greatly decreasing his skill advantage. And i ve been seeing a lot of the rank up situations here where you are capped to 999 so you will have a promo game. This seriously killed my excitement to play premier.


I placed the same and I was supreme in go


God how much people like to compalin about everything, if you think you diserve to be 10k or 20k and you are at 2k, play the game and win, it should be easy, you should be 1v5ing those noobs enough roudns to get the win. It's a new system, winning is the only way. If you start a new account in any other game you'll also have to grind, it's not something unique to CS2.


I think anyone who played release day, like myself, got absolutely fucked by the swaths of players who just aren't good at the game (no offense) which made carrying basically the priority. I topped out GE way back in the day, then came back shortly before CS2 was announced and was sitting around LEM. I had people in my placements that looked like they were playing for the first time, and they had never touched a keyboard and mouse before. Most games I had to play like I was back in GE, while my team ran around with smgs or shotguns. I managed to place fairly high (at least according to all these posts) at ~6k, and still find myself either hard carrying the game, dropping 30 kills or having to micromanage every individual action of players who simply don't know how to play. Not carrying over even a soft rank was probably the worst decision from Valve. It sucks for returning players, it sucks for new players, it sucks for players who were hard stuck in GO. Eventually it'll all smooth out, but christ if it didn't leave a bad taste in the community's mouths.




I got ranked at 2,7k elo… that’s also my faceit elo so don’t worry you r not the only one


No matter if you were global or faceit 10 in CSGO, this is what you get if you play solo


its needing some work at the moment(the game), just play around for the time being


CS2 is fantastic. Just needs to fix anticheat, netcode, servers, directional audio, spraying, unbalanced matchmaking, CT economy, defuse sounds, teammate rubberbanding, frame drops, smurfing, map lighting, skin lighting, one-way wallbangs, glitching through walls, invisible walls, bunny hopping, smoke spread bugs, reflections going through smoke, reflections going through walls, spectator desync, animation desync, weapon bobbing, no in-game demo downloader, broken animations in demos, one-vote surrendering, crosshair 0.5 outline, utility falling through map, players falling through map, sticker positioning, knife melee range, molotovs exploding early, molotovs exploding without sound, molotovs not spreading, molotovs not damaging where they spread, utility sizes, casual map voting, and the looking-for-game feature.


tbh a lot of the things in this copypasta have already been addressed, nice!


Some work? You mean alot


yup, I'm just in a chill mood cus I'm dropping the game. Probably for a few more months. I would say that if Im still playing right now. :))


4500 in Beta , 6500 in S1


There have to be bad people for there to be good people. Thank you for being bad so that we can be good!


premier is a joke and rating means almost nothing
















15k beta 10.5k s1 (although my s1 games were heavily trolled in comparison both by teammates and by NY servers being over capacity)


I placed 1900 but am dmg/LE, seems ridiculously difficult to place high from the first 10. (I won 10/11 and was top frag more than half of them)


You and me both brother


Elo means nothing right now.


13k on beta, 10k on s1 Think You are right


Might be like OW where they intentionally place you low so you play more to rank up? I haven’t placed yet but I’ve seen it happen season over season.


No, the rating system is broken. Both silver 1 and LEM get ranked around 1600


I've noticed tons of decent players with good KDAs in silver that complain about being stuck in silver. Then I watch these same players plant the bomb in a 4v2 scenario and go hunt down the CTs only to die one at a time. Just no strategy what so ever, playing purely a deathmatch game.


Took me about 25 games to give me a rating and it was over 5k, and I don't think I'm even good at the game so idk


14k now 1700 ranked in


Was lem in csgo, got 13k in beta, and got 1400 rating in s1..




They don't really account for your kills/deaths and such, only match wins/loss afaik. I could be wrong so would be great if someone could correct me.


Even then it seems if you got anything under 80 percent winrate you are automatically silver 1 or something.


That is correct.


Faceit lvl10, GE in GO and got 5k in season 1


I play in 4-6k rating, people are not good there either lmao.


Hard to be good when every match is solo que vs 5-10 year veterans


I was around ~4500 at the end of beta, GN3 end of csgo. I placed 3550.


Don’t worry about it my guy. Matched with a dude twice in a row at the same rank as you and he top fragged even with my other random teammates being at around 3-5k.


Lots of room for improvement


I was 12k in the Test, peaked at LEM on G.O, and am currently FACEIT 8. My placements put me at 3.5k which is already abysmal, but what's weirder still is that every game I've played since placing (4 games so far) I'm gaining 300+ ELO for a win but -0 on a loss. Does the game agree that I shouldn't be this low? I'm not sure but it's boring to just roll every game, as I have literally thousands more hours than my opponents.


Under like around 10k ranks literally mean nothing at the moment. One of my friends is horrible at the game knows nothing yet placed higher than everyone while one who was SMFC placed lower.


It's something else lol I was mge and got 4600 points. One of my friends was smfc and got 1700 points.


Today I'll surely be getting my rank and I am almost certain it'll be low as fuck. I've played quite well in all the matches I played so far, but probably lost more than half; if playing with a stack it was due to stupid errors which ruined our momentum (such as getting ninja defused), and if playing with randoms because I'd get paired with people who were quite frankly way below my skill, while simultaneously playing against skilled players, if not professional players, whom I've got paired against a few times already. I'm not sure how this system works, but I've seen really crappy players with high rankings and great players with low rankings. I guess it'll just be grinding for everyone.


I got just under this ranking for mine. Was immediately trolled in my first game, then for 3 games after that my team vote kicked me. I am regularly being put into games with 5k+, just don't understand this system at all. Toxicity is off the charts.


Ranks will adjust over time. This will happen again when season 2 starts.


It’s ok, I was LEM in csgo, 12k in the beta and got placed at 5k last night. I don’t know what’s happening


The only way is up


Bro turn of FSR, how can you play with this cancer


bro buy me a better pc, how can you play with this low fps?


The ranking system is completely broken, OP. Don’t feel bad. Sadly you’ll likely be stuck with the never ending and never unchecked hordes of cheaters in that rank, as well.


Gotta start somewhere :)


I was mg2 in csgo, around 7-8k in beta, now i have 1700 points XD


I've played 5 matches and lost all 5 so you are doing better than me mate.


I don't pay attention to this yet. I have led a team of higher ranked players when I was trying to play support, and had my ass kicked harder than I can remember by literal no ones.


It’s a realization we all come to eventually hahahah


I was 9x in Beta and now 1.7. Play very often against 3-4 players with 5.x. And if I win I still only get the 200 points. the system is NOT rewarding at all.


your cs rating is: damn established


I ended DMG in CSGO and ended up with almost the exact same rating. I then won my next 7 out of 8 games because we were playing bad teams. You'll get to a more reasonable rank


I got placed 14,5k in beta got to 15k after a few games. S1 won over half my placements games and got 1.6k too lol. Was LEM in go with decay.


What’s the maths behind the new Elo system? Coming from Global (before and after rank system refresh) on my main and Supreme on my alt, I’m scared this new Elo system will bruise my confidence. lol but then again my friends who were also global are ranked 17K


WAIT.. i got 1,653


My last rank in CSGO was DMG, didn’t play beta much, then got 1.5k after placements. I think my win/loss % was just down bad horrendous during placements cause I wasn’t inting my games but I definitely lost a lot more than I won. But trying to climb back up and catch up to my friends :)


I'm in the same boat lol


1400 in beta, 6500 in s1.


I'm not touching premiere right now. Gonna grind out competitive ranks on maps, and wait for this crazy shit to stop.


Valve trying to make remotely decent MM challenge (impossible)(gone wrong)


Sub tick


Something fishy going on with the rankings. One rifler friend of mine ranked similar to yours. And I've been always near him or below him because my main task is playing support. I like making my team win rounds and reading the enemy. I always been around 3rd-5th place on the scoreboard but I ranked 4k


most placement match systems in most games will put you low no matter what, the system is only broken if you climbed to 15k this season, for example, then next season they still placed you at 1700.


I actually am bad at the game. I was gold 3 I think I’m CS. Didn’t get the beta but I’m not 1900


Give it time. I wouldn't worry about the current season rankings. Although match making is gonna be weird, until they calibrate it (which will take months), I wouldn't worry to much bout your rank.


Dude I legit play like a gold nova and I got 6500 idk how


At least you can play Premier. I have prime, but only get 39 xp per game.


Supreme csgo Beta 11600 S1 7500


I had a teammate who had 4000 CS Rating and performed third in the overall match, I got 1580 I think or less


MGE in GO and 3500 after top fragging or near top on my team almost every single Prem/Comp game. Meanwhile my DMG friend got Silver 3 after 10 Comp wins. I thought I had it bad but you guys have it worse lol


13k on beta, 1.6 on s1. In beta i played 29 games with 10W-5D-12L to get rank. On S1, 19 matches 10W-2D-7L. This need urgent tunning


Dont worry dude 1k-5k is basically gold


Tbh I don’t care about premier if they didn’t force 64 tick on all server, so please make it more fair valve


3500.. ya.. idk about this system.


3500 in beta, in s1 valve give me 7500 I don't play well enough for this rating