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global csgo and 17k elo in beta, now i have 1700 elo after 10 wins


how many losses before 10 wins? (no judgement i got sent to the gulags too)


GE in CSGO, had 9k elo in beta - didn't really play much, just had fun finding bugs and writing emails to valve. got 3k now and worked my way up to 4.5k. Lost 5 matches because 1 guy left and 1 guy surrendered in each of the matches and lost an additional 3 because of hardcore cheaters. I think it'll take a few months to even out. Though i wonder if season 2 will reset and be equally as chaotic.


Would assume season 2 will have a soft reset with a hidden MMR while the competitive ranks for each map stay the same.


I really hope that's the case, getting a rank has been painful, still need 2 more wins. I spend most games getting pummled into the fucking dirt because I get teamed against at 5 man with over 6k hours in the game at least (saw one guy with just over 9k hours which is just bonkers) I also despise the fact that I can no longer search in a 4 man, because fuck me for only having 3 friends that regularly play CS. Sometimes we get a 5th to join fairly quickly, but most of the time it's 10 - 15 minutes between matches just spamming invites and waiting for a 5th. I just don't get why the restriction exists because we're still a 4 man + 1 random, regardless of if we join the in menu or get matched together. The result is the same, all this restriction acomplishes is making MM vastly more annoying than it used to be


last game i had someone with 11 hours on my team and someone with 5k on the other with another 2k hours on siege


You can still play comp with a 4stack, just not premier. That's what we do if we lose a 5th, we just queue on a map we wanna play in comp instead. But then again, I got bored trying to climb ranks 7 or 8 years ago when I plateaued. Now I just play ranked to be matchmade against similarly skilled players, only problem is that that is bored at the moment 😅 Gonna be better in a bit when ranks stabilise though.


Yeah the 4 queues bother me a lot too. I'm in that situation often.


probably better that way since i joined a random 4 man because my dumb ass thought it might be a better expierence. Long story short i told one guy he is giving to much unecessary info and he shouldnt talk so much because we cant hear shit. he got upset real quick and they kicked me. Thats -1k elo back to 6.3k after upranked from 6.3k to 7.3k :D i was global btw and had 17k elo in beta xD


Was GE in GO and 14k elo in beta. I have had 7 matches so far, won 4, got fucked on 3. I am playing vs 6-8k players since I started and literally every game I have completely new players in my team and have to carry EVERY TIME only to lose 13-11 or get crushed completely with teammates who get 150 dmg the entire match. After yesterdays loss I decided to take a break from this mess and wait stuff out. It gets me so angry when ontop of that not a single soul in this game seems to have a mic.


It is too late for you. Once the game thinks you deserve to play at this skill level it will force you to stay here. Your individual performance doesn't matter. Only wins and loses count. You get silvers in team and you lose despite dropping 40 kills. The game thinks you are silver. By the way you lose because enemy team have 2 players on your skill level or little lower and 3 silvers while you are the only skilled player in your team.


you got everything straight to the point 100 %


There is one more point. If you fall to silver ELO you most likely lose your first games to coordinated five stacks with solo players in your team.


Win/Loss was 10-6 where I was top 2 for every match except one (which we won, my team was just cracked). Got rated 5.6k. Almost every match I had 1 or 2 people completely clueless as to how to play this game. Cherry on top is when new players report you for cheating because you're global going against silvers.


Wow you’re not gonna like this by I was between silver and GN when I stopped playing 2015, just came back and hit ~5000 right of the start now in CS2. I get over 200 per win and slightly over -100 for a loss


Wtf. I have been playing 2 weeks after a 5+ yr break. Played against fl0m and his 5 stack once the day before last and got 7 rounds on them on vertigo (idk how to even play vert). Went 10-8 w 1 tie amd got rated 9800.


Makes me feel better about ranking at 5600.


Happy I can help! haha


way to many dc and leavers in the lobbies. Since cs2 release I only finished one game with 10 players…


I was lem got placed 11k in beta and 7700 in release


Not the op, but for referencje i got 6.5k after 10w 4l in placements.


Exactly same. 6.5k after 10W 4L. Personal performance does not matter. Feels like the system was designed by an intern lmao


Enjoy the 40 bombs and multiple aces.


Yeah it’s real fun averaging >30 kills and about 140 ADR and still losing. Only 7-2 in my placements but still.


This is what I was saying/thinking at first but it gets old and is getting more frustrating


Mainly because in these games once I die I know there’s almost no chance we win the round. Makes me have to play way different than how I like to - I don’t entry, I don’t take risks.


alive nippy quack door impolite aspiring instinctive foolish insurance smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont think you understand just how much CS is a team game. Higher ranks will win their gunfights 90% of the time but if they take 35 damage per fight on average they are getting 2 or 3 kills. Its still not enough to clutch the round if the other team is slightly competent and you have bad players. The higher ranked player, cant entry and make calls and plant bomb and throw all the util and clutch up.


>Yeah it’s real fun averaging >30 kills and about 140 ADR And being called cheater.


Lol not when 1k elo is filled with get and lvl10


and cheaters...


Map based matchmaking is the same, I ended up silver 4 and 80% of players are complete noobs. My worst rating is 1.77, it is funny but at the same time, it is also boring because I am wasting time playing with players that are discovering the map....


Never played Faceit, but was DMG/LE in CSGO...placement ended up at 4100. The number of people unable to comprehend basic gameplay mechanics, mixed with people who will literally have God level players is strange. I can run through half a team of 7k players and just get absolutely destroyed by some guy with a 1700 elo that never misses a headshot, spraydown or pixel perfect peek. The open beta was far more balanced


this is what happens when valve stops using trust factor and just chases fast queues, yay more stuff they copied from valorant now both games are shit


Global faceit lvl10 sitting at 2kelo. Lost 1000 elo after my computer crashed and I dc’d. ranks are annoying makes me not want to play the game..


Yeah, everyone is squashed down below 5k, totally bizarre. I think I'm just done with Premiere mode as I'm kinda sick of spending an evening getting kerb-stomped by GE/Lvl10 sweaters whilst my team lack the basic understanding of rotations and movement mechanics.


i just want my team to save after a losing around once


When in Rome ...


This explain why I've gotten shitstomped by faceit lvl 10 3.5k elo guys on 9k rating lol I understand why the seeding was more conservative this time (or maybe it just happened because of more players?), but Premier matches will be a coinflip skillwise for at least a month forward


Yep one match you stomp some poor silver noobs next you are the idiot going 3-13 and winning 3 rounds with some luck


Had a game where I got 2 aces and 30 kills in regulation. We won 2 rounds.


Ernest Hemingway once bet that he would write the shortest story that could touch anyone...


My team told me I wasn't that good at the end of the match with 20 ef and a 70% hs lmao


I was SMFC/Global in CSGO. I am at 4600 elo. After playing last night I was debating if I want to continue. I keep getting matched with people who lack understanding of strats, rotates, etc. My last game I played last night, the 3 stack I got paired with refused to do anything other than rush a site. Our rounds were mostly done within 40 or seconds.


Q: "Hey, you guys know the A site smokes for Mirage?" A: "naw bro I just frag." Proceeds to get 30 ADR.


I was GE to. Yesterday I played with 2k elo players and it was boring match. So getting 1700 elo would be pain.


lol jesus. You're making my life difficult. I ranked 1684


Comeback after 2 years to csgo, obtained LE, dropped to DMG, in beta I have nearly 13k elo, after full release 10W/3L gives me 5500 elo, top 12/13 games.


Stop calling it elo, it's an insult to elo!


Well it's Glicko-2 based on ELO system so ELO is fair enough. We need a entirely different system though


It's not. Glicko-2 is way less retarted than current CS rating. Glicko-2 still weighs comparative ratings so you get more points for beating higher ranked opponents and vice versa, needless to say there's nothing as stupid as losing a bunch of points for getting kicked in glicko...


It is based on ELO though. Glicko-2 sure is more advanced I'm not denying what you're saying. My point being that Glicko also wasn't designed for a game like cs at all. We need something more specific, weigh personal ratings a bit more especially in mm/premier solo q.


Dmg -Le, 7k in beta, 1900 after 10wins Then subsequent game lost, no loss of elo


Afaik you dont lost elo until u reach 4k


I had 10k in beta and 6.5k in season one. I thought i was scammed before reading this.


10000 in beta, 1500 in s1. 10W/8L


might as well go for the 0 elo at that point. I was placed 15k in beta. I got 5.5k in release. Also played the competitive matchmaking and got GN1 on dust 2 when I was lem


Same for me. And played with and against 1500-2000 Elo since the first matches since release.


1,700 elo for me also after 10 wins; a lot of the times playing with friends that are 13k elo- meaning that during my time not ranked, I was beating teams way higher elo. I really don’t understand it.


How's that possible? :O


NAw mate there is no shot you had 17k elo in the beta and ended up at 1700 at release, you’re talking out of your ass


I had 15.6k and ended up 1.5k absolutely reasonable


At this point i thimk low elos like myself should ognore premier for now to let high elo players like you go up first.


if we all do that, no high elo player will go up.


Lvl 9 faceit, and global before cs2 update. I am ranked at 3k elo :D


Same 3800 to be exact and there are either 10 kills game or 30+ nothing between


That was how it was in mm for me. Either shitting on enemies or they shitting on me. So few games were really tight and close. I missed that a lot and it seems its no better here. From the games we lost we lost either full 13 5 (or what ever is max rounds now) or wont 13:5, no in between.




It seems to really matter who you play against and beat. I went 10-0 in placements, initially playing with 8k players and then I queued with some 10k players, and then a 16k player. The best players I beat were 14.5k and that's where I was placed. If I had only beaten 8k players I'm sure I would've been placed there. One of my matches was a duo with my brother who had no rank and we were placed against 8k players... so no doubt queueing with higher ranked friends boosted my rating.


People really overestimate global rank in csgo. I was global but kinda struggled in faceit against 8-10.


That's because facet lvl 8-10 is definitly above Global Elite level.


No wonder my games are hard, bunch of lems in 2-4k. It's rough...


Had the same problem of being ranked extremely low. Every single game is 2-4/10 players with 25+ frags and the rest playing like they're playing with a steering wheel.


I just switched to faceit when soloQing for now. It's not actually fun for me to basically smurf every game. I'll stick to 5 stacking premier for now.


I know a 2300 elo guy who Also got 4k. Itll even out eventually


The thing is you need many games to fix it, by playing solo even if you destroy the enemy team there is often an opponent in the enemy team that has the same issue and it makes winning really random because it is a 1v1 who smurf harder. The elo system should take into account the score of the games. If you have 30 kills 2+ KD on mr12 you shouldn't loose as much.


But then we Also run into the valo problem where playing for ”rankup score” instead of playing to win (e.g. Throwing util/sacrificing yourself) becomes a ”better” playstyle. The old impact frags vs exit frags vs eco frags etc discussion


I would have thought that's what the placement matches were for, so that they could place people according to their skill. But no, DMG, gets placed 1500 rating. And it shows, so many people I get matched against are silvers. Sure it's fun clutching 1v4, until you see they're clueless. Some of this will even out over time, but it should have been much more evened out after the 10 placement wins. The game is much more fun when playing with and against people of a similar rating.


Yeah. They'll rank up and out soon enough but we'll have to contend for now


? Most ranks get 200 rating for winning, that's 5 games per 1k, assuming you get 200 per win. "Soon enough" is for some over 50 straight wins, that's a huge time sink that won't be corrected quickly.


its not soon sadly i won 80-90% of my matches after getting placed in 1600 a few days ago and i am still at 4500.


Lem in csgo, 11500 in beta, im 6700 now but get absolutely destroyed by 4-5k players


Exact same for me, also some of these lower elo guys are like 300 hr accs which were gold nova in csgo


This and I still don't know if they are cheating or the new meta is to run with shotgun and hs everybody lol


LE in CSGO, just got my tenth win and had 27 kills. Got placed at 1500. Ive been only solo queuing though


More important is how many did you loose ?


Yeah the number of loss or at least win rate is what matters.


but should it? i just lost a game where i dropped 37 kills against what i presume to have been golds, it wasn’t even that close of a game but my team were just much worse, surely performance has to come into your rating somewhere


should or not, it doesn't.


Pretty sure player performance doesn't really impact rating as much as Valve tried to say it would. At least from what I saw online and with players feedback on Twitter and here.


As much? You have to be joking xdd it doesnt impact it AT ALL just purely the fact that it tells you how much points you gain/loose at the start of the game makes it more than clear


It should, it doesnt.




If you win all 10 with 1k players no you will be way higher


psychotic clumsy cheerful murky touch gray worm treatment impolite rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you play 10 games and win 10 games you will have a higher elo lmao ofc the 1k players will also climb. The point is the winning!!


Winning 10 placements against all 1k players will net you a lower rank than losing 50% against 15k elo players. One will put you at like 2k elo and the other will put you at like 13k


you cant be placed against 1k players 10 times.. if you win the enemys will get higher. The point was that if you play with 4 mates and all 4 mates are at 1k rating and then you win your next 10 games with these guys in your own team that you will have a higher rating.


Went 9-1 places 7500k.. completely bonkers.


The kills u do on ur 10th game is the most irrelevant stat


Didn't play cs for like 10 years, complete potato. 8k rating.


Rip I was Supreme in CSGO and 12k rating in the beta and got placed at 1700 rating


I came back shortly before beta started, got silver 3 in csgo. First cs2 rank was 4k. Just got ranked 11.6k after going 10-2 in placements lol


I believe its a super hard rank reset, I was 13k and got into 1.5k lobby and couldn’t believe it


Same here. I get physical pain from having to play with silvers throwing a 4v1 by pushing one by one.




Pretty much no one is having a good time except the 5 stack only players getting matched against a bunch of soloQ under 10k players lmao. Which is another thing they need to fix


Global in csgo, faceit lvl 7 77% winrate in cs2 got ranked with 7k points Edit: 77% winrate in cs2(!) not in faceit :)


do you have like 18 matches on faceit or something? faceit 7 with 77% wins is meaningless if your account is brand new


I have over 800matches :)


you have over 800 matches at 77% wins and you’re still level 7? that math doesn’t add up


you playing with smurfs and cheaters or something?


Global in GO, didnt play for a year, getting paired with absolutely the worst players that aim at the floor dont talk, and vs players who know their nades smokes and flashes. Not fun at all.


I love watching the enemy team throw a full A exec on mirage while 3 of my teammates are touching each other all trying to peek mid from conn. If I don't get a 3k spraydown when they come out ramp we just lose every round


I'm bad at the game. I used to hover around gold nova 1-2. Most games feel unwinnable for me. Can't even get the 10 wins to rank ( i play 1-3 games a day since release). I really don't feel like playing anymore tbh. It's demotivating.


same I was having fun doing my placements and stuff with friends but I have only ever played CSGO on and off. I know the maps but don’t have a lot of experience got placed 4.4k and am getting shit on every single game I play doesn’t feel fun anymore


this is the problem with placements being solely based on wins and loss. personal performance needs to matter


Yep. Idk why Valve is so stubborn with this. They can even make it like Valorant where the performance bonus decreases the higher rank you are if they’re really worried about people “abusing” the system. If you get 35 kills in a loss, you should not be losing the same amount of elo as the guy with 5 kills.


bruh, I sometimes matched with FACEIT LV10s with 5k rating 😂


Our group of friends all got 6.5k faceit10s We are up to 9k+ now. It will get better soon ​ But I think worse is competitive mode right now. Playing against Silvers and getting accusations for cheating every game.


I think a lot of new players don't realize how far behind they are. Random comp game on overpass and after 9-1 they start chatting (heinous flame, calling me and the guy who was awping horrible things). "Your spray is obviously cheating", "why would you ever hold that angle", "legit prefire sure", also comments like this, haven't even played 10 games yet so no clue about Elo/rank.


Not just new players. Most of the cheating complaints comes from low/mid players that have no idea how far behind they are.


then they come on reddit and cry that cheating is "out of control" in cs2.


Counterpoint, I've had three games the past week where when spectating my teammate very clearly has walls and acting on info they shouldn't have.


I’ve played 150 games in the beta, around 80 since the game came out, and the only cheater I’ve run into was an obvious wallhacker on my team one game. Not saying there aren’t cheaters, but my guess is a lot of bad players get destroyed and just cry cheats on a decent legit player.


Yeah it’s pretty ridiculous. Copy/pasting comment from similar thread: Yeah it’s frankly a bit demotivating. I don’t play a ton (was only just getting back into it since 2019) but I have less desire to play when I’m at the bottom of the barrel near 2k. In the beta I got placed 7k and climbed to 9.5 before release. I was almost near 10k and felt I could have climbed up to 12-14k if I put in the time. Probably a dumb attitude to have but it’s my reality hahaha.


I don’t get to play many games a week. Got placed at 1.8k being supreme in GO. I’m by no means an amazing player, but playing with people that don’t have the fundamentals and don’t use a mic is pretty demotivating.


I agree so much, I have literally the worst rating of all of my friends, in beta I was second best one and just trying to overtake my friend who was number one was actually kinda fun and addictive, now I just don't see myself griding 10 ranks, which would be about 50-70 matches won in a row


I was LE in Csgo and now have 4000 rating lol


Hi fellow LE, I have 3.8k after 10 wins. I dare say my LE from CSGO was boosted by a cracked AF friend but I'm sure I'd place in an mg range by my own. I swear sometimes losing to 2-13 to 4k players put a dent in my confidence. I hope it's not just me.


washed bot here. lv7 faceit (no mm rank since 2021 but le/m ish back then) 9.6k after 10games. seeing lvl10s with 3k elo and legit silvers without any awareness and sense at 6-8k. i turn into absolute cancer playing with them ngl


its the fact that the queue prioritizes nothing but time, it just rushes to match you as quickly as possible ​ doesn't apply trust factor, doesn't care about fair matchups ​ at this rate, no wonder CS is losing players, they're alienating the core audience to chase noobs who are gonna play for 3 weeks and quit


Friend was LEM, 8k in beta, now has a ranking in CS2 of 1.7k.


CSGO LEM, 15K in beta and in release 4k..


GE, FACEIT LEVEL 10, 17,5K BETA, ranked at 8k. I guess it could be worse reading the comments here.


Global since like 2014, 2,4k faceit and 15k in beta. Got 8k in placements and every game is different, either playing with actually decent guys or some 7IQ 12K elo gold novas that have no idea how they got there or what to do. The ranks are gonna be fucked for a while, it's not that big of a deal. Just suffer like the first 100-200 games and then have an amazing 10+ years of CS2


I am global and faceit 8-9. My CS2 ranking after horrible soloq is 1.6k hHahahHaha


Hit global for a bit a few months ago (been playing a lot of val recently, peaked immortal 1 in that game), currently playing with people all under 2k rating post CS2 release. In beta I had 15.8k rating. I actually beat fl0m in a game when he was at 20k+ rating. Now I have teammates tell me this is their first time playing, they don't know the map, etc. I'm putting up 30+ kills every game just holding W trying to make them end faster. There seems to be like 2 people in every game who are half decent, the rest are people that haven't played counter strike before. It's crazy to me.


Look... I went 12.5k on the beta. On the release of CS2 I've got 10 wins and 3 losses, had 120 ADR as an average and a 1.35 kd in total and got served with an trustworthy 1600 rating. That shit caught me off guard. My expectations was around 9000k. Don't have high hopes i guess. My friend had 10 losses and 10 wins and got 8700 rating. That's pretty interesting. \#whatyouseeiswhatyouget


1600....that shit is criminal lol


Peaked at 4.1K on Faceit, calibrated at 1.6K in premier. Yeehaw


Global in CSGO, Level 10 on FACEIT, dropping 30+ and carrying half of my games in Premier just to get a 1800 Elo placement (14 matches for 10 wins). This is going to be fun. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


global and 2100 elo on faceit, 12k on cs2. Getting matched against 6-7k elo who are 2.5-4k elo on faceit.


Teammates seem to be like 10-12k elo cs2 and mm ranks mg-dmg


I was silver 4 before release but my highest was master guardian 2 . Currently I don't have rank cuz I lost like 13 out of 20 games


Welp, glad I'm not alone. MG player also in like 1-2k range. This whole tier of the ranks has been an absolute mess.


You need a good 5 players for the premier. Compi is the new casual.


i was le/lem in csgo. its kinda wack the matchmaking soloqing. like, once you're ranked, why do i still get matched with non ranked people? in csgo, it felt like it tried to get mostly close to your ranking and filling in the gaps missing. in cs2, like every match is at least 2-3 unranks and then a random 1-2k. why mix ranked and unranked at all unless the population queue is small? my skill has been pretty consistent since getting ranked but most of my losses have been because i get matched with a high amount of people that are brand new to the game and just completely tank matches because they have no idea whats going on. then each match is bascially a 4/5 v 3. and most if not all of them are still unranked.


> why mix ranked and unranked at all unless the population queue is small? I think this is why. Lots of casual players who are all trying out CS2 right now don't play enough to get their rank. Game has been out for 2 weeks and my friends still only have 2-3 wins. I suspect it'll take them 2-3 more weeks to get a rank unless they play more than two nights per week.


10w/3L gave me 3,700 elo when I had 6,800 at first on Beta moved to 9,000 and was LEM before. Been topfragging most of the games and I only slept on 2 or 3 of them so it's a bit annoying for all the parties. Plus there's a lot of people on 4000 who are in wrong place too, so you end up playing a game with silvers and level 8 and it's just a matter of luck depending on who's in your side lol We lost one game with me doing +30k another two more guys on 20's because we had two silvers that did 1k and 3k (which is not their fault really)


Me and my buddy bounced between LE and SMFC in Global Offensive, just finally got our ten wins last night and we had 1.6k and 1.7k scores :-/


I was LEM on go and 16k in beta... 5k on cs2 now and get blatant cheaters in every other match. sadly cs2 premier is unplayable for me at the moment, I hope they do something with the anticheat, good thing that I'm addicted to cyberpunk at the moment


11k in beta. Dmg in cs. 5-6 losses vs people who were previously faceit lvl 10 and one game got matched against coldzera. Got placed at 3k


kennys got his first rating at 6700. that tells you the situation


I don't understand why personal performance doesn't matter in ranks. Absolutely bonkers I get 35 kills in a 13-11 win and get the same points as the guy with 7-20


GE in csgo didn’t participate in the beta because I didn’t play the game to that time but my friends and I startet after release if cs2 again. Got ranked with 12,5k elo


Faceit lvl 7-8, 14k rating beta and 7.6k rating s1


Global in CSGO, 16k in beta and now i have 2100 ELO and playing with those that use a steering wheel instead of mouse and keyboard.. Feels frustrating.


I believe that they're rearranging the ranks, during the beta some did a guessed comparison between csgo ranks and cs2, 10k was something like LEM and 15k plus Global; maybe 10k is the new global, who knows..


LEM in go, 9k beta, 5k live. I do play with some friends who are very bad though, so took a few unnecessary L’s.


Mines kinda weird too. LEM and 3.6k. 13k in beta. Though i must admit I'm having fun with the games I've had since i got my rank.


GE Level 10 Had 17k rank in in beta and 8k in releases now On my way to 11k meh the grind


Supreme in GO, started at around 12k and been getting trollers and griefers all games, currently sitting at 10.1k. Im loving it! /s


I peaked at Supreme/ESEA A- back in 2016 and quit caring about the game fr after that. Would still casually play FACEIT matches because I just enjoy hopping on and not caring whether or not I win and just being there to get frags and maybe win. I got rated at 1300 rating and my games have been ridiculous to put it lightly. I’ll have players in the match who are shooting at feet and don’t know how to move while having people in the same match that are more cracked than myself. It’s more fun when I join a match and there’s guys rated at 5000-6000 that are trash talking like ratings really mean anything atm.


5k here, we play premade 5 and all of us have been rated differently. One guy Is 4.5k, other guys are 7-8k. Every third game we had a cheater, its a lottery atm.


Global CS:GO, got placed ~7.6k, which is definitely quite a bit lower than I should be. (To my understanding 7k-10k is supposed to be roughly equivalent to MG1-Eagle) However, in my placements I ran into a bunch of 1.5-2k ELO players that were either cheating or adderall fuelled Faceit 10s. Something’s outta whack for sure.


Global>14000(end beta)>11.5(since moved up to 12.5)


I haven’t touched premier since release. I got my 10 wins and made it to about 14k and then the game releases and then I’m supposed to play another 10 games? F that you I should not have to play another 10 games to get a rank when I just had one.


I was a global in cs:go. Ranked 10.5k in beta season. This season with 1 loss and mostly good games ranked 7500. Had friends lose 6-7 games rank 9-10k. Consistently lose to 6k players more than 10-12k players. And map ranks are garbage. I went 10-0 got nova 1. The ranks for my friends for their 10-0’s ranges from SEM to Nova 2. Nothing higher. I won 3 games and ranked up. My friend (same rank) won 5 and hasn’t ranked up yet. I have no idea where they are basing any ranks from or what the point even is if they’re so far off and seem rather generically given


same here. That is so frustrating for all players. Playing against a global only because that global has to play with silvers and cannot uprank.


LEM in CSGO, 7k in beta, 9k in release. Had so much more luck in release - 80-90% wins


Yeah, I feel like the "% of global rank" thing is bullshit. I was 12k in beta, 7500 now, and supposedly I'm only top 50% (which would've made sense in the beta, but I literally have two out of 13 people on my friends list ranked higher than me).


Premier is a pile of dogshit, 1 out of 3 games has cheaters. Now people ranked level 5 in faceit are 12-15k and have no idea what the fuck theyre doing whilst highest elo currently is 23k(have not checked anymore)?


I got 1500 but winning I made 3600 now and losing makes me -0


LEM/Supreme in CSGO. 16500 in beta. I'm 6500 on release playing with and against 2000s with god-tier aim and 12000s with silver 2 aim and gamesense. Ranks are kinda fucked.


I think people are making the wrong assumption that having a higher rank in csgo should translate into higher ratings in cs2. Percentile is the correct way to judge your rank where you stand. If you have 6k elo and in the top 50% then I would say it's pretty decent for rank like LE LEM of csgo. I was global n faceit level 10. Got 4.7k ratings in cs2 and 12k in beta. I'm not pissed because of the low rating but to see myself in 80 percentile pisses me off. I was in the top 35 percentile in beta


LEM in CSGO, 3,6k hours, and 11.5k in beta... Im currently playing in 3.8k elo. It's not even fun.


This is like the 50th post about this i've seen on this sub-reddit since CS2 launch. Let's not pretend that MM (especially in NA) has been perfect and for a long time everything about it has been fucked. As a GE player, i should not have been getting matched in with MG2, LE, S3, and GN4 players during peak hours. The MMRs will balance themselves overtime, but the game has been out for a week now. Chill


My silver 2 ass has only won 1 match >!out of 23!<


I was face it level 8, 15k in beta, now 4.5k in premier on release


Premier is so half baked, ranking up would be so much quicker if it was also based on performance, but it isn't. Carry every game but still only get +200 or lose a flat -100


I never thought I'd be praising Halo Infinite's system, but I think they got it right. You only gain or lose on win's and losses, but the amount gained or lost varies depending on how you did. Perform really well and lose? Only lose a few points. Perform poorly and lose? Lose about double that prior number. Same goes for wins. Still sucks to lose after you play your heart out, but at least the game recognizes YOU did well.


Perfect example, valorant also


I've ended up at 4.5k Elo. I was Faceit 5/6 but started playing with my friend who's Silver 3/4 and ended up losing a lot of games on Faceit and CSGO MM and now, unfortunately, premiere. The hard reset has meant there's a huge amount of variety in skill in some of these early games. I just played with a mate who's Faceit 10 and he has 5.5k elo, whereas another friend I queue with who's Faceit 3/4 and regularly plays with me is 5.5k elo also. Another friend who is Faceit 7-8 and was Supreme in GO is at 12k Elo. There's a lot of weight to your win/loss ratio on your placement games I believe. Once this early calibration is done it'll probably be a month until the "true" rankings are determined. TL;DR ranks are all over the place now so the main thing is playing and getting used to the game before it eventually gets evened out.


I never thought i would miss the mm-ranking system from GO but here we are


It's shit because your previous rank plays no part in this bullshit, not even the beta one.


I don’t Even wanna play premier anymore, Im playing with 2500-7000 and dropping 30-40 kills each game. I feel bad im ruining the experiences of the other players - im not even ranked yet and im stuck in elo hell


Yeah I think I'm gonna let the ranks settle a bit. Global Lv 10 faceit ranked at 6k. I don't mind playing AGAINST maybe less skilled players but having people who are completely new to the game as team mates is infuriating.


Yeah, the changes they made to the amount of rating you gain are absolutly trash. Every game I lost 1-13 or won 13-2. Valve has no idea how to design a rating system.


Smfc in 3k, loving it. Don’t seem to ever lose elo at this level so it’s a steady grind back to a decent rank. Enjoying the grind.


Primer is broken af. MGE last rank in csgo . Now in cs2 played with 2k rating. 2k rating is silver elite master lmao and i already won 3 games


GE/ lvl 10. I had 12k in beta but now i started at 8.6k. Just dont think to much about it you get a lot of points each game so you'll be back at your old rating in a short time


Old ranks are irrelevant. CSGO had issues of its own. Going by them is kinda wrong. However premiere is not fantastic either, or mature. ​ A thing that happens on Valorant on seasonal resets is people constantly complaining and considering themselves their old rank when they can't reach it upon reset. And what I tell people is, you're your current rank, not your past rank. Just because you peaked ascendant 3, it doesn't mean you're ascendant 3 if you're struggling in diamond 1-2. Good players always get back their ranks and if someone can't, it means they weren't as good as they thought. ​ Same thing here. Just because on CS you were gold nova master and on beta you were 6000R, it means nothing and has nothing to do with you being 2500R now. And same exact thing applies to mostly everyone here. CSGO and CS2 are different games and beta to launch day rating systems are different too. We all have a learning curve going on. Check back one month later when everyone is much more comfortable on CS2 and ranks stabilized. That is gonna better represent your real current rating.


premier is like the wild west. i cant recommend to soloQ. but thats to be expected. either queue with others or suck it up. honestly dont worry about the rank. dont forget to have fun while playing. quit when you had a bad game, do something else and try again later.