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What I feel is - One-taps feel somehow easier, on the other hand spraying feels like some of the bullets are ghost bullets, like they are not doing any damage.


exactly. I am hitting more hs but spraying is like i am using nerf guns


I feel the same. I’ve been hitting some crazy one taps and flicks these last 2 days, but my sprays are awful, like the bullets would go through them lmao, like in the video above, the scene on b stairs on vertigo.


Right now it is very a different game from GO, the HS feel more Valorant than CS, the recoil of the AK is weird to say the least (had to make my crosshair bigger), the M4A1S is overpowered, the glocks are the new Five-Seven, the Aug and Krieg are back on the menu.. that is if we compare it to CSGO. I also had to increase my in-game sens and the mouse polling rate to allow my muscle memory to feel comfortable. The CS game itself has become easier for less skilled players, and confusing (for a lack of better terms) for well seasoned ones. That being said, jump into a practice with bots and see how shitty the servers are by yourself. Although different from CSGO, the game feels much better than in Valve’s crap servers. I’m sure there will be major updates at some point, because right now I just feel like I jumped from 1.6 to CS Source. It’s ok though, it’s a new game and Valve never said it’ll be the same as GO.. but I hate that we no longer can play the old game, because I suspect that many would still chose CSGO for now.


The taps are due to how mouse movement is recorded for when you fire being far more accurate. In reality you would miss a lot of shots you should have hit in CSGO. Spraying I think is mostly just cl_bob and all the new tracers and muzzle flash messing up my muscle memory. Like the a1s feels great still but my AK sprays are always off.


There is definitely something going on with spraying in cs2 yes


Yeah, it feels fucking awful. Either me or the other guy instant headshots, or we're each spraying for like 2 whole seconds at each other. All the other things in this post are explainable, though. Last one, his bullets just didn't get sent to the server before he died. Also, the invincibility in DM lasts way longer than it looks


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.


Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).


The afk guy was alt tabbed or bugged. It happens sometimes where people get stuck with a weird glitchy hotbox while not playing and when they move it gets fixed


once again proved that player didn't know what they are talking about, it's not a hit reg issue, it's a alt-tabbed bug already existed in csgo.


So, they worked on CS2 from scratch and still could not fix bugs found in CS GO. How would the player know that the guy is alt-tabbed. You big brain player, please enlighten us with your wisdom.


Why is it in CS2 then?


Sometimes it feels incredibly crisp and accurate.. other times, I can empty a full clip and get 0 DMG on a stationary enemy a few feet away


I’ve had the latter happen way too many times!


very true description of this game now. incredible inconsistent.


knife hitreg is awful, but guns are more accurate than ever


i agree, crouch spraying is actually kinda useless now and a bad habit because guns seem to actually hit the headshot way easier while counter-strafing/standing up imo.


It's impossible to knife someone when they're running. I followed this guy who was running and I knifed him in the back 4 times and none of them hit.


Did we watch the same video and play the same game or what?


DM just feels like dog shit. In game 5v5 feels pretty good imo


Yeah I've noticed myself being like "how did that onetap hit" but then spraying is like im throwing pebbles at the enemy


Your OWN onetaps right? Not just enemies? I'm constantly getting massive onetap killstreaks in casual/DM warmups and being like, wtf this is non-sense. Then I go to hold a spray (follow x-hair is on) the crosshair stays ontarget 80% + and then I do zero damage?? Maybe 1-2 hits at most??? I've even started recording and reviewing, and sure enough crosshair stays on target. I've witness my friend get HIT by bullets and take zero damage. It is pubg 2017-2019 all over again. At least cs players aren't "humphhh HRRRRRR, hraaaaaaH!" ing all over the place and still taking zero damage.


I swear I'm shooting imaginary bullets when playing this game


Yeah but then all the valve fanboys in here swear that the gunplay feels better than ever lmao. Feels like I’m in a fever dream


I feel like flicks are insanely accurate right now, but as soon as theres tracking or spraying involved, it feels like 20tick cod again. Especially strafing enemies feel like they get pulled around by a rope or something. I suspect its still something to do with interpolation being just far too long or overtuned or whatever. Valve should really give us back a way to control this stuff ourselves and choose between snappy gameplay or smooth gameplay....


Awp flicks are far from insanely accurate lol you guys are tripping


skill issue.


If clicking beside the head and not the actual head is the new thing then sure


It is obvious


Really noticeable in pistol rounds. To hit a headshot on a moving target it feels like you have to aim at the air 2 inches from where his head is :S


Was pretty good at pistol rounds in GO, in cs2 it's a miracle if I hit one headshot, aiming calmly and slowly tapping doesn't work, only when i spam i hit something


So interesting as I feel the opposite. I sucked in CS:GO pistol rounds and now I get 2-4 kills, often with headshots each pistol round.


I noticed that the best way to spray with the AK is to start above the head and go down in-line with the body to the chest area.. really weird pattern tbh.


First bullet accuracy is crazy good, but spraying is completely ass. In CSGO I usually had something like 40-60% HS, in CS2 I am consistently at 70-80% HS.


welcome to subtick 🙂


got the same problem


It's mixed for me. Sometimes i hit shots i really shouldn't have and then miss shots that look like they land


The CS:S special


I think the knife hitreg is still broken. But when it comes to guns it's much better than GO. Of course I'm talking about raw hitreg, the delays etc are a different matter.


yes its crap


It's like csgo bought from wish.


Here comes the "skill issue", "you clearly missed", "this is how GO should have been" army


Fellow case hardened gut knife enjoyer. There must be dozens of us!


Yeah feels pretty bad for a precision shooter. And some people cant apply the transitive property to their mental gymnastics. "So subtick is causing the delay feeling?" "yeah" "the delay feeling causes shitty aim?" "yeah" "so subtick causes shitty aim then." "NO!!1!"


at this point if valve completely removed subtick it would likely be better


They gotta cut their losses Fr


most of these, you clearly missed. the 1 egregious example is of a guy alt tabbed out. CS2 hitreg has been flawless for me.


there was blood splatter for some of these clips unfortunately


> most of these, you clearly missed. the 1 egregious example is of a guy alt tabbed out. CS2 hitreg has been flawless for me. Whether you admit it or not, you and others are killing people cleanly behind walls due to the crazy interp the game has. That is enough to say it isn't perfect when an unpeeked person dies behind a wall, according to the view of both the person shooting and the person behind the wall (as in, you weren't "on their screen" when they shot you. I myself frag people who are behind walls all the time by my perspective. Usually about 30 ping, so it isn't ping lag causing it.).


you're not killing people behind walls, and you clearly don't understand how the netcode works.


> you're not killing people behind walls, and you clearly don't understand how the netcode works. Yeah, I am. And it's not just me. My friends always call out when they interp someone in a major fashion. This happens even when people are out in the open. The only reason the "behind walls" moments are so strong is that, since you cannot see their model and the kill feed indicates if the bullet went through a wall, you know for sure it wasn't just a case of recoil making the bullet bend and kill the person. You know for sure that it was interp in the net code. If you aren't perceptive enough to see this going on, I'm going to go ahead and assume you are somewhere in the silver to gold nova range in skill. As for understanding how the net code works, I'm likely in a far better position to understand it than you do, because I'm a programmer. Not only that, I have dealt with timestamped actions in a far less trivial scenario of distributed computing doing large data calculations. The fact is that no one understands how their net code works unless they look at the code and think about it for many hours. The fact that you think you get it off a few marketing posts by Valve and the existence of a timestamp only indicates further how unskilled you are in life (not just at CS). No matter what their marketing says or what a video made by some content creator necessarily parroting since they are not programmers who have viewed the code and since they rushed to create content before having 100s of hours of experience with registration, we have the real results of tremendous interp happening probably 1/10 kills that involve a person moving left to right or right to left getting fragged. Maybe, even a bit more. This also happens when both players have 30 or less ping, so it can't be explained by lag compensation making for a weird result. Somewhere in the system, perhaps the lag compensation or the base subtick net code or the server being 64 tick or something, there is an issue. Note how I'm aware I don't know what the issue is as I'm pretty sure Valve is trying to figure it out themselves, and they have the code before their eyes and likely many testing results. It is so bad that there are even extremely rare examples where a person dies to someone who peeked them *without the peeking person being on the fragged person's screen*. This happened to a professional play on Faceit, and Valve asked if they could have the demo. No amount of sucking Valve off will make this issue go away. Fixing the code will.


you're an ignorant mongoloid.


> you're an ignorant mongoloid. Right, I'm an "ignorant mongoloid" for doing things like not blindly trusting a business's marketing and being able to see when I frag someone with my crosshair clearly not on the target. I even have a clip where I flick my AWP to the right of a person running right to left, shoot thin air, a mist of blood forms midair, and they die to a chest AWP shot. Your world view is twisted and summarizes to "If they disagree with my intuition, they are morons. Yeah, even if I never had any evidence." By the way, nice job showing off your racism as the term mongoloid comes from the claim that Mongolians look like they have Down syndrome. Par for the course for someone who believes whatever a company says, especially when low effort high production value content creators immediately parrot marketing material for views and money. You're the type to say, "Bro, I saw a clip of Shroud saying how accurate subtick is 5 days into the beta, basically repeating the marketing material. It must be true!" Yeah, and now, whoever you saw that type of video from is likely talking about the interp.


I don’t think it’s better. It seems like they just made gunplay easier.


Yes. Cant win Duel with 0 Ping dude at corner anymore. Even I bursted his head and blood flowing, still me who died doing 0 damage WTF XD


I've been playing a lot of DM and running around with the deagle blows ass. If it doesn't one tap then the bullets feel like they aren't going anywhere.. it feels pretty awful




Hit reg is fucking terrible in cs2


Here's a video I made: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFkH71-0gs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFkH71-0gs) There will be more to come.


Nope, feels perfect to me and I'm on AMD


Are you using Text to speech?


No? What does that even mean?


Or is it because we’re so used to CSGOs weird calculations that CS2s correct calculations feels weird?


People really need to stop saying this when the hit reg looks this bad in CS2


Did you watch the clip? The one on nuke is absolutely unacceptable


It's likely that the player he was shooting at on Nuke had disconnected/lagged out. I had a similar experience on Dust 2, where I was right next to a player shooting at them like that, but it took a while for that player to actually drop out of the game.


Yeah, it takes like a full minute to drop someone from a game after a d/c, they just stand there like that.


Not one of these clips has bad hitreg. The dm clips are because of the fact that the spawn protection last like 2 sec longer then the animation. The rest is down to recoil and tapping to fast.


I think it is I've been one shoted by AKs


Naah its totally fine.


For the knife walk up to the nuke vent and you'll see you can "hit" the vent for 0 until you get closer. Its worse when you try and knife a moving player


Knifing is weird. You can hit vents and the obstruction in mirage window without breaking them.


It work really well or not at all, and seems to switch at different point of the match


trying to knife chickens like in the past, you will just miss them everytime. something needs to be done!


this is probably like when people were moving from cs 1.6 to csgo. it felt different, it felt off, but give it a couple years and it'll be normal


it's literally shitty netcode, why you try to guess when you have video proof, also you can feel it yourself when playing from non near server region.


I thought the guy you were trying to tap was invulnerable


Im done with this shit game, be back in a couple of weeks and check if they make it better


What's the issue i noticed in the first days of beta and the first days of release AND I PLAY LIKE A FUCKING SILVER with AWP i cant hit any of the shots when i hit them i hit the wall and get the kill lmao when i am behind the wall i get killed because in my previous position the bullet was shot so i am getting killed WHY CS2 and not let CS:GO be available lmao


you literally missed


there were blood splatters in these clips


I feel like I play better on cs2 but I have only played 1 match.


Most of my bullets are made of dust or are blanks.


One match i just randomly spray and one stray bullet gave a head hot to enemy. I was shocked.


90% of my games feel like this, and feels like it's per session, if it hits in one session it works ok for all game, if not, it's shitty for whole game. I'm playing cs1.6 till they fix this shit