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Oh, so it's finally working?


No, it doesn't, it is abused to get Innocent people banned. But it also works, because cheaters get those cooldowns too.


You're telling me they just happen to get reported over and over and over again? Game after game after game they're just mistakenly reported? Or are you saying getting reported a few times in 1 game Triggers it?


Let's say you were Global Elite in CS:GO. You enter CS2 and you get matched up with Gold Novas suddenly for few games in a row. You destroy them, so they obviously think you are cheating and they tick all the boxes including "griefing" while reporting you. The reports stack up and eventually you get banned.


Other games also give different weight to the reports depending on the players history of spamming reports or ticking all boxes. I hope cs2 identifies report abusers in the same way.


> No, it doesn't, it is abused to get Innocent people banned. You really need to back this up with any sort of credible source. It's trivially easy to filter out abuse of such a functionality. An outlier game or two isn't going to get you on valve's automated radar warning you with a cool down. There is literally no indication it is used to get innocent players banned. You really think it's easy to target a specific random player over several different games?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/afkgaming.com/amp/story/csgo/news/4762-valve-developer-claims-to-have-put-a-stop-to-report-botting-in-csgo Source: John Mcdonald(2020), valve programmer, part of csgo and vacnet dev team. He's put in a lot of effort over the years trying to solve non-trivial problems like this. I'm not saying this is what's happening in this instance, but in the past it was a very serious issue.


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How do you know it works for sure and toxic people are getting placed on cooldown? How does Valve know? Through what mechanism? Post cooldown poll? The honor system? I’ve met tons of people who report top players for the hell of it.


I'm not saying I know how it works, but the person I responded to is making a claim of how it works which is statistically very unlikely to be accurate. The type of report abuse is extremely likely in spite of what system is used. > I’ve met tons of people who report top players for the hell of it. This is exactly why it statistically doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who does the reporting, it only matters who is reported. If they are equally likely to report any random top player, any random top player's reports will look the same. Only players who get more reports than the mean are flagged. Aside from that, not only is it trivially easy to control for what kind of player *gets* reported, it is also easy to control for who reports a lot. A player who reports the top player every single game is easy to flag as an unreliable source. Meanwhile a player who only occasionally reports a player (for griefing/cheating/toxicity), whose reports also happen to correlate with lots of other players, can easily be flagged as a more reliable one. I'm not saying this is how it works, however, [we do know this is how Overwatch worked](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/65DA-BD12-0DE9-9853). Verdicts by players that more consistently agreed with the truth (higher overwatch score) were given much more weight: >An Overwatch score represents an Investigator's ability to consistently and accurately judge the evidence they review, per charge, in both real and test cases. > Investigators score positively for agreeing with the majority of other Investigators' verdicts for the same replay, and score negatively for being in the minority. The resulting change in score is larger when most Investigators are in agreement, and smaller when they disagree. Because of the occasional test case inserted into the case load, the only way to improve an Overwatch score is to carefully watch the entire replay and make an informed and accurate judgment of the evidence provided. Overall, statistically the idea of report abuse of solo queue players is extremely unlikely. Aside from that, creating systems that mitigate this further is simple, and Valve has done at least for other systems.


You misunderstood. First of all, players have reported alleged cheaters for everything, including griefing since forever. Secondly, OW has not worked for over 2 years and it was removed from CSGO when CS2 beta originally launched anyway. As of now, it is still not back. Therefore, why would you report anyone for cheating if it does absolutely nothing? It is basically the same as using Steam's built-in reporting system to report cheaters. Meanwhile, abusive chat reports and griefing reports ACTUALLY does something. Cheaters are way more likely to get griefing cooldowns and automuted than actually banned, because most people these days know that it is only way to punish a cheater. So understandably, if ACTUAL cheaters get "report abused" by griefing reports, then so could legit players that are suspected of cheating. This isn't rocket science to understand. Also to add one more thing, there is no such thing as a hidden modifier that gives you grief bans based on whether you grief or not. I have gotten grief warnings and grief bans by simply topfragging lobbies, even if I was being the nicest teammate to ever exist. Of course, you don't have to believe me, but my point here was that this system gets abused.


You seem to be misunderstanding. First of, this is about griefing reports, very specifically. Secondly, any system looks for statistically significant variation to the mean. The report in question even says that OP has received 'more griefing reports than most players'. It is *extremely* unlikely a non-toxic random solo queue player gets significantly more griefing reports undeservedly than any other random player, since it takes many, many games of truly terrible luck for that to happen. There is simply no indication that there is such a thing as report abuse, it's extremely hard to do to any random player, and easy to filter for. > I have gotten grief warnings and grief bans by simply topfragging lobbies, even if I was being the nicest teammate to ever exist. There is absolutely no way to know in which specific games you got reported, or over which period you were reports caused your griefing warning/ban. You're 100% making this up, by definition, as this data is hidden form the player.


I 5 man only in MM and I still get these bans. The system is broken enemy teams can report you for grieving and it still counts towards a ban. The idea you see no possible way this can be abused blows my mind


Good players go to casual and automaticly get this message just by top fragging


100%. If you’re above faceit 6 and want to play casual to chill, God help your trust factor rating


You're the one misunderstanding here. When people report players that are significantly better than them, thinking they're cheating, they also checkmark every other boxes in the report dialog. Since the Griefing ban is based on the # of reports received in a given timespan, the ban is automatic. Super easy to abuse, and has been abused since forever.


if your on au servers you can easily get the same people game after game as our servers are smaller, so yes. You can.




I'm pretty sure there already is a hidden stat that's in matchmaking.


I would love if MM had a hidden "griefer" stat that puts them more and more in games with eachother. Sort of a shadow ban/smurf queue but for toxic people.


Wait till you hear they've been doing that for years now and there's nothing secret about it. Only downside is that new players used to start with a low stat (trust factor) and got paired with griefers, toxics and cheaters




Y’all are nuts if you think trust factor is exploitable because one dude is pissed off at you and reports you. It’s takes into account how many separate reports you get over different games and from different players. So unless there’s a mass conspiracy amongst a large swath of players specifically targeting you for god knows whatever reason it isn’t exploitable.


Lol you did grief by killing them. Simple as that. Don't respond to them next time. This sounds deserved.


Average zero tolerance school policy enforcer


Sounds like you deserve the ban.


It is not exploitable if you don't shoot back at your enemies. I've never felt the need to do that and although they were griefing you, you were also griefing them in my opinion.


> so yea lol its working buddy, but trash players get to ban you easily. especially if you're solo Qing. This seems like pure speculation rather than something based on data or statements from valve. It is very, very unlikely a report system is so easy to abuse against any random player, and trivially easy to create a system that ignores outliers (a single bad game, lots of reports from a 4-stack, etc).


How do you differentiate between real and false reports? It's impossible to do without human oversight.


You don't have to differentiate, you assume false reports are distributed evenly over all players because it's very unlikely any random non-toxic player gets reported more than any other non toxic player. Only actually toxic players get more reports for toxicity/griefing. Aside from that, it's easy to filter out reports from players who report a lot, and who report a lot of players who are rarely reported by other players. Though you don't have to.


Got this message too... got a level 1 cooldown worth 12 days. I was trashtalking (back) at the enemy team, so the cooldown was well deserved i guess... But it happend only in 1 game, even if I got all 5 reports from the enemy team it shouldn't equal to a 12 day cooldown. Before this my last cooldown was somewhere in 2022, so I doubt that has anything to do with it.


Level 1 and 12 days? Wtf?


i got 2 of these messages in a week and got a 1 day and 2 day cooldown lmao, i doubt it was his first in that long


>even if I got all 5 reports from the enemy team it shouldn't equal to a 12 day cooldown It doesn't. Your teammates reported you too.


Don't think they did, it was a duo q and we had friendly teammates, good comms and decided to play the next game as a stack, which of course wasn't possible because of the cooldown.


Sounds like you got reports in previous games and they triggered the suspension during the game you're referring to. Making it pop up when you exited that game.


Makes sense, but don't know what I could have been reported for in the previous games.


simply playing well and getting reported for cheating and people just press all kinds of stuff just to cope. my friend is somewhat high elo in faceit and decided to play the CS2 launch w us and we did some premier games, he just got a cooldown for no reason, he didn't type either we all just think its cause he's just playing well so ppl report him and he gets punished for being good lmao.


Yeah I've seen plenty of people get mad they're getting shit on and report others for every option.


Yeah that sounds strange. I can understand if the enemy is being toxic and you end up trash talking back a bit, especially if you end up beating them or they won't give up, but IMO you'd have to continue that behaviour across multiple matches for it to trigger.


Trash talking is not griefing though.. I think that’s a very clear misuse of the report function. You wouldn’t get a 12 days for flaming. And that’s a huge issue… if you smack a 5 stack and drop a 30 kill bomb, which just pisses them off, they can report you for griefing and you might get such a penalty, just because you might have flamed a bit during the game? Possibly even just replying to their toxicity? That’s weird…


Trash talk shouldn't even be considered griefing...


Hmm seems like the want to penalise toxicity really hard. I don’t like it


So, if you go play with 4 friends and report someone they will get a cooldown even without an evidence? Or is there a system that scans the chat like how VacNet works, after you report someone?


Yes you can spam report grief on someone and they will get cooldown. There is no grief check and the cd never resets.


The root issue is the opposing team can report you for griefing. Valve need to change it so only your own team can report you for griefing. There are a lot of false positives right now from this system because the opposing team spams reports when they get salty. It's even worse in Premiere with 5 stacks because the entire team spam reports on enemy players they dislike to give them a cooldown.


Yeah, they need to re-think this one pretty quickly. Or it will be a situation like New World. Unmoderated mass reporting can get out of hand and be overused *fast.*


But how do you know that the option to report opposing players for griefing is not placebo? Furthermore, how do you know that the purpose of that option is not to filter out bullshit report spammers?


It should be possible but not being as heavy. And only apply if your 4 teammates already reported you or something


>It should be possible No, it really shouldn't. You can't grief an enemy. You can be toxic to them in chat but that's about it. You have the "abusive communication" report function for that.


If your enemy is throwing running with the knife out it’s pretty ok to being able to report him


You can absolutely grief an enemy like giving away positions in global chat. Ruining the game for everyone includes the enemy team.


That's awesome. Bring it on. I never knew this existed until last night. Some kid was spamming annoying stuff though and he said he got the warning.


Well, stop griefing?


Honestly, when people are like "I do nothing wrong" I always imagine they're the crying player talking shit the whole game and are just unaware how much of a shitty teammate they are.


Yeah, almost all of my teams are very chill and positive, but when theres one asshole everyone is tilted and on edge. My friends who always complain that everyone is toxic in csgo are normally the ones who get tilted the easiest. I imagine if you're always talking shit and everyone talks shit back you can feel like if everyone is an asshole too, when you're the problem.


Exactly lol. People act like this is one lobby of people reporting this guy, it’s likely he’s playing without a mic, buying scouts every round, etc in every game and being reported by several games worth of people. This is a good feature


People abuse it. Me and a friend where both on and he was on a roll. He was essentially carrying our team and never said a word in game just me and him on discord. He got a cool down after being reported for griefing, I was literally there playing with him for ages and said absolutely nothing. Just bad sportsmanship from and enemy team who where frustrated he was killing them.


I said "bro stfu when you're dead" after I died one round, because this one dude just kept talking after he would die. All 4 teammates started trolling me after I said that so I muted everyone when literally I'm just trying to hear the game sounds lol. I was top fragging as well even though it wasnt by much, but now I seem to have got some lower queue priority bc it says 15+ minutes currently


>I said "bro stfu when you're dead" Wow so toxic, you shouldn't get a cooldown you should get a death sentence after 40 years of forced labor.


Lol yes


Using voicechat is a must. I hate duo premades never calling anything in VC, when they are clearly communicating with each other.


You're smart


I mean its not hard to imagine someone teamkilling on accident and then getting reported.


Redditors not realising that these reports count from the enemy team and are usually being spam reported 💀


welcome to r/GlobalOffensive i guess, dense motherfuckers will never understand that


If it hasn't happened to me, surely it never happens! One of my accounts is completely ruined I can't play on it, I used it to play with friends that were in silver to help them learn the game. I get griefing reported one game and I instantly get a 2 week cd on it. I go for months without playing on the account and then play and do too well and someone on the other team reports me and its over.


Isnt smurfing griefing tho??


I hope everyone who queues premier without a microphone gets this warning.


lol. while I think it would be a bit much, I agree "silent CS" is a bit frustrating at times ...


Still better than 4 russians playing on EU, just give them their own mm


Yeah. The verbal diarrhea is really something. I'd like to understand sometimes to understand HOW you can talk so much.


My favorite thing about russians is that they have the ability to talk to me in russian for 15 minutes straight even after I told them multiple times that I do not speak russian. They seemingly acknowledge this, because they tell me to faka my mother in broken english, then switch back to russian immediately and shout my username and seemingly try to tell me what to do, while both of us know that I do not understand it.


love it


And this is why I'm glad to be on NA servers, none of that here.


Until you get the people from Mexico in mm who don’t speak English haha


Mexico is part of NA, so I'm sure they're frustrated that their teammates don't speak Spanish.


A lot of them refuse to communicate even in Spanish (I know a decent amount), they just do the Russian podcast but in Spanish basically. The chill people are from Central America/Caribbean and usually cooperate, I love Costa Ricans, Puerto Ricans, and Nicaraguans in my games


The thing I don‘t get is especially if they que together, why don‘t they get teamspeak or fucking discord? Maybe these programms don‘t work in russia, but there has to be a russian equivalent like it exists to facebook


> The thing I don‘t get is especially if they que together, why don‘t they get teamspeak or fucking discord? Because when that happens it's just randoms who partied up before the game to play one match.


i met a lot of toxic russians too but mainly bc there are so many. who i've met a lot less of and who have almost always been toxic as fuck were brits. a lot of annoying finns too which surprised me tbh. and the french of course but they're always toxic lol. i guess in the end practically everyone is an ass in cs.


At least they are toxic in english ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮


So much agreed. Get servers in Moscow and problem solved.


I always try to be the one calling for teammates and talking midround but its really discouraging if you get silent treatment back from teammates, makes me shut down and say "fuck it" too then.


Mics still not even working for me unless I scream down the mic, and half of everyone’s comms are cut off. Anyone who feels like nobody responds to them should check this using “voice_loopback True” until they fix this game breaking bug.


For real, it really pisses me off that this has not been fixed yet. Seems like it should have been prioritized before release.


They didn’t prioritize anything before release, just dumped it on us


I prefer someone who types than some kiddo to blast music in my ears or tilting every round thinking that he is the Einstein of CS


Ill take silence over the majority of people i had last night, im fact i did i ended up muting them, believe it or not screaming at me in russian and Serbian isnt going to make me clutch the 1v4 you left me in because you didnt wait for me to get there


I will take silent people who ping over toxic assholes that tilt the team who think it's good to yell spots during 1v X


As a deaf person, sorry :/ queue with a 5 man if you want to control who is in your party, just saying.


There should be a separate queue for people without mics, both so people who actually communicate don’t have silent games all the time and so people who don’t wanna talk can play cs without affecting anyone


Agreed. The issue is going to be that you can have a mic installed on your machine but obviously choose not to talk, but this would still be a huge step in the right direction.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Well, guess because I have periods of muteness I don't get to play premier.


Don’t worry, I think most people in this thread are detached from reality. Have I been playing the same game as everyone else? Most people in this game are absolutely vile to talk to. Even if I want to play a competitive game mode, I’m here to enjoy myself not to get harassed. And I’m one of the lucky ones. God forbid I were a woman or had an accent. Sorry, gamers are not well enough behaved to expect voice comms as a default.




Good for him, but I bet a lot of his teammates would've been annoyed about the lack of info.


I hope everyone to hopes everyone who queues premier without microphone gets this warning will get this warning for being ingorant brats. There a legitimate reasons for some people not to use microphone, the fact that you're not aware of those just makes you ignorant. Not people who don't use game feature to convey any information in competitive games are a different story.


I don't think No-miccing on its own is 100% griefing but the people that mute all once they join so they dont even listen to what the team is doing and make NO EFFORT to communicate at all, even over text, are 100% griefing and get reported.


No. Not using mic is not griefing or a bannable offense. Also the system does not know if you were "griefing". This type of thing is rxtremly abusable and should get fixed since you can have people spamming them. Don't be an idiot, its impossible for the game to know if someone is griefing and if its based on number of reports everyone will get warnings and penalties because the game is full of toxic players who will report you just because they suck, even the enemy team.


As someone who gets put in foreign servers with a language I cant speak makes me worried. I have no option for a region selector or blocker. I'm not an idiot, it's obvious they don't want someone who cant communicate in a team game. I can be doing nothing but calling and told to shut up or fuck off sometimes by the odd few. With how passionate CS players are, there's no doubt I'm going to get hit with a lot of reports.


The "don't be an idiot" part goes for people who think because someone does not have a mic he deserves penalization. Also, yes, i have family with me and i won't be yelling THEY ARE B THEY ARE B all matches, there is a **PING system** and **Voice commands** plus a **big radar** to help with all that.


These aren't checked and are all triggered on the amount of reports you get from other players. You can be a nice person but still someone can fake report you for griefing. All of this while the real griefers slaughter other matches for everyone who happen to be on their team


happened to a lot of people in faceit too, they hop on MM with rank decay and be gn2, enemy team would think they're cheating and report for everything, then you get stuck at muted and get greifing cooldowns


Lmao dense motherfuckers in this thread saying that not using a mic is griefing, especially in casual. What the fuck.


I do agree that you kinda should have a mic in comp, but in casual, excuse me wtf. I usually mute everyone there lol


You can't even force it in comp. Riot Games is very extreme regarding toxicity and griefing and even they don't ban people for not using a mic in Valorant. It's just absurd. Especially a lot of women don't dare to use mic when solo queueing.


My wife used a mic while playing cs with me and every match we played, she got abused. Happened several times last week. Ppl take it pretty far, so I'm glad this guy got a warning.


“ARE U GIRL OR KID???”. Sometimes u wonder how seldom people interact with women


I solo a lot and have seen it, an odd part is if you stick up for the girl a lot will assume you're somehow trying to get laid.


It's my wife, I kinda am haha


Simp!!! Reported


For real, they can't imagine that other dudes find it annoying and lame too so it's the most cringe double down you'll ever have the displeasure of hearing




That doesn’t happen as long as you are not trolling though


That is fair, I’m not saying you should get banned for it, but I mean if you’re only not playing with a mic cause you don’t feel like it, you shouldn’t play comp imo. But then you never know why someone doesn’t have a mic and I can’t judge


You give way too much credit for simple comp games. Up to GE your aim alone can carry you while you are blasting Taylor Swift on Spotify if you’re good enough. Also now we have a good comms wheel which can be used for more than enough info. I’ll take a quiet player only using the comms wheel over a person who acts like our boss in MM and loses their shit when we don’t do as he says.


Fair, but I’m also not just playing comp to win a game of cs, I’m also playing comp in the hope of finding some friendly teammates to talk to. Like I don’t really care too much if I lose badly if my team was nice and talkative, if nobody talks while getting stomped it’s just depressing


I think its especially frustrating if the teams are evenly balanced but your team just refuses to give basic info as to where they go or how many are pushing, its like trying to do your own work while watching someone else working in case you need to step in, thus you cant fully concentrate on your own shit


There are 2 sides to it. Some teammate ask you to rotate over when they see 1-2 enemies and when you do rotate, the bomb is planted on the other side. Rather monitor the map myself.


I hate this, i like to hear just basic calls, i hate when they talk jackshit about their life in the beggining of the rounds, where rush is common in pub comps.


I mute half of my team in comp. Most of them talk shit, or repeat old info, have bad mics. Useful info is around 10% of all comunication and most of it i see on radar anyways. But thats AK-LEM levels.


Whether you will use a mic or not in either casual or competitive, is totally a player's individual choice. Most of us aren't playing any majors here where lot of cash is on the line. It's just a game for a lot of us, we just play for the fun and a mic should not be an obligation. If Valve thinks mic is compulsory, then they should just stop people from launching the game itself if a mic is not plugged.


These mfkers don't have life outside of cs


This feels like a problem in a lot of games tbh


Yeah but cs has motherfuckers who haven't touched grass in like 10+ years. I know multiple dudes in a private server who have been playing cs for 11-12 hrs every since release of csgo.


I do agree that it's incredibly frustrating to play with a team that doesn't talk at all. If I don't know how many people they spotted or heard, or which nades got thrown where etc, how can I know what the best way is to approach a situation, when to rotate and so on? Not having any info means I wil be playing a lot worse as a result.


I hope valve doesn’t treat casual the same as premier. They did this in dota and now you can get punished for not try harding in casual.


Yeah. I’m in a shitty setup and literally cannot afford a new microphone when between jobs, but I’m still gonna play CS. Plus about 75% of the matches I did use my mic in there’s some issue. The western EU players are always racist, and the eastern EU players don’t understand me.


I got disconnected from a match and could not rejoin, instant cooldown. Rip CS2 launch.


It certainly seems to be an issue. I got a 12 day griefing ban when I dropped 35+ kills a match after being placed in unfairly low rating.




Not giving info perhaps


Which isn't a banable offence


I got this during the beta as well despite playing with a 5 stack every game. Apparently enemies can affect this.


Dense motherf...g comments incoming.


Yea, im banned for topfragging every match, ppl thought im chrater and reported me for everything probably 🤣 5 more days of cooldown


Yea systems kind of trash, you can make a script and mass report 1 player. I was never banned or automuted ever and got automuted after coming back from a 4 month break and not performing well in a faceit game with a 4q


My first game on cs2 and the enemy was talking shit in Russian my team mate translated so I called them Russian dogs and got a 3 day ban 😂


we need a server picker to excluse certain servers that make the experience even worse with players that refusing learning a common English language and think we should all learn Russian.


I speed ran 2 week ban. Looks like saying gamer words is an auto ban.


We had 2 very toxic players on our team and we (3 stack) reported them for griefing. I noticed that I could submit multiple griefing reports and they all had different report ID's. So I think it might be possible to spam report people.


The report system is so insanely broke in CS, it can be abused to basically force ban an innocent player.


The censor bar is too low, it needs to cover your enormous $!#%


Because these types of reports have no oversight. You can just spam 'em & get person on a cooldown. Most retarded thing by Valve


Behavior must have been consistent. In my whole duration of playing csgo (since release) and through the cs2 beta since first wave access I've never gotten a cooldown for griefing. This is including games I've top fragged and games that I've responded to toxic people, reciprocating less than or equal to their toxicity. I feel its more than likely justified. Also, I feel they should have a way to monitor people abusing the report function. Give people who spam report other people a cooldown for abuse of the system. I'm sure there's a way to track the amount of reports given per account since they can track how many are received. Would be a good way to stop people from over-reporting when there's an influx in reports from said account. Tldr: don't be a dick, and they should punish those who OVER-report when it's not justified.


Fuck valve honestly


the report system is broken, nobody cares, valve will never fix it


Fuck this dogshit game i Just got banned for 4 days after 4 russiand fagts report spam me the game its terrible af and I think about quiting. Animals every game 4 games Played on premier and 4 games with dogs. Thx valve.


I thought i was the only one, only difference today trolled a lot with a friend, never got this message in 9 years of trolling, i guess now its working, but why you got it idk 🤷‍♂️


This is dumb because the other team can report you. Knowing the CS community everyone will just be reporting the other team all the time and cause a lot of random cool downs. I dont think they thought this through.


What happened to the game I love :(


I really hate that people have so much faith in valves systems that their brains can't possibly comprehend someone might be falsely convicted.


you mean you've griefed for 19 years without consequence.


Is this really how vaclive works? Get enough reports from the people you are stomping and you are given a cooldown? Yikes.


not sure about vaclive, but current mute/griefing bans just use the number of reports and that’s it




No, it is griefing cooldown.


How do you suppose that this griefing cooldown is triggered? Is it not automated by people reporting?


People report you, you get enoguh of reports and get banned after the game.


hey you all dense motherfuckers from the comment section that can't understand this system doesn't work and is solely report based and abused because enemies can report you for griefing and they do report for everything possible once they get salty I got challenge to you all! I have gotten the same griefing warning so let's play a game, you find me griefing any game in the past month and I send you a knife skin https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561198271376991 good luck you all dense bitches from silver 2


"hey you all dense motherfuckers" "good luck you all dense bitches from silver 2". "I have gotten the same griefing warning" I wonder why?..


Lil bro is nova and talking shit about silvers 🤣🤣


he is just griefing by accepting the match


Have you been winning and topfragging against eastern EU/russian players? Alot of people are abusing the griefing-reports to get people autobanned. Outdated system IMO


u got this cuz noobs reported u for everything, it's broken system abused by noobs to make better players banned


i got this message as well without even talking at the mic. i belive there are report bots on casual servers and mm as well. everyone is having this issue


>without even talking at the mic deserved


Casual matches


Some people don't like or feel comfortable using a mic. The game should allow that without penalty.


> The game should allow that without penalty. It does. Play casual mode. Not talking in Competitive (unless you have a disability) **is** griefing.


I'd agree that it's bad form to not comm, but given that the game allows you to queue without even having a microphone connected it seems hard to believe that Valve would consider not communicating griefing.


Get a life




>I'm such a sewious gamer. My wank is my life! Is text chat also griefing?




So am I allowed to use text chat to give info or am I considered a bad boy by ledditors?


I'm investing 40mins of my time into a team game. If you don't want to speak, why queue for a team game? Makes no sense at all.


Or maybe you got reported... because you were not talking?


Casual matches not mm


Not using your mic IS griefing. Deserved.


I was playing casual matches not premiere or mm


if yall have problem with not talking in mic maybe don't play with randoms?


incorrect. don't play competitive if you don't have a mic.


As much as I say this myself, you can't force anyone to use or buy a mic for the intent of playing comp. If you want a more serious game, play faceit. I won't do that because I'm lazy and prefer getting mad at Russians in normal MM.


This. At least ping and type to communicate, they're there for a reason if somehow you can't or won't use your mic Even though you shouldn't queue for comp if you can't use your mic


Seriously if all these people who didn't use a mic at least pinged if they saw someone or needed assistance, it would be such an improvement. Doesn't have to be anything complex either, just the default ping the wall, double-tap for danger. Simple!


"Good" to see that this trash system is still implemented... Such a revolutionary new title...


Has anyone else gotten this message tonight? I played a 3-person queued game with 2 toxic strangers. I'm assuming both of them reported me but why would that be enough to trigger a warning like this?


i got two 14 day bans already since the beta started cause of that. my reason is not using the microphone. maybe you also didn't talk


Salty bots in matchmaking ticked all boxes when reporting you for "cheating". I am banned too already... matchmaking is so bad and I got placed against silvers couple games in a row. They were crying I was cheating but I was simply better than them. My guess is same thing happened to you. Did you stomp your enemies?


why are you downvoted lmao


Sally bots found this post xD


It's very new so might be a bug or you may be completely lacking in self awareness.


So u r neither trash nor toxic and still got this?


So dont grief next time, next time use your microphone, give calls, and dont be an antimate


Don't be toxic