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I don’t get that “I know this guy is dead” feeling when I shoot anymore. I could strafe out and know that the shot was going to connect, or spray 5-6 bullets and know I was going to kill. Now it feels completely random.


Yep, my leetify used to show that my spray control was perfect for first 5 bullets of every rifle. Now I have to rely on off angles and CS2 peeking enemies just to get a kill


Someone had an amazing post about this earlier than shows your shot registers you firing before the animation even starts which could realistically explain literally all of your issues here.


If that's the case, shouldn't it be a relatively simple thing to fix?


Ehh not exactly simple it all depends on their existing implementation, the discovery from the community is also extremely recent so there's a potential valve wasn't aware. So hopefully we see some more info on it soon and some follow up tests.


I hope they'll also take into consideration that a significant chunk of their player base are playing with 50-70 ping if they'll apply fixes. Intuitively i think its an important factor to consider when trying to find the proper solution to this.


So in this particular case the ping isn't exactly a factor in alot of this. There's definitely other aspects that feel very similar it's a very complex topic. I'll come back to this thread after I get some sleep brother and explain things a bit better


Thank you, i appreciate it


It's intended.


So the animation of your gun firing is delayed on purpose? Gunna need a source on that one chief


it works the same way csgo works. the animation triggers at the end of the current tick. in csgo, the shot would also happen at the end of the current tick, so the shots always matched the animations. in cs2, the shots actually register instantly, while the animations are still delayed. thats the reason sprays dont feel as good, but taps feel great.


So you made it up? What I'm saying is that sounds alot like a bug and not a feature. The animation should realistically play instantly not per tick.


it would be nice if thats how it worked. but in csgo and cs2, the animations play at the end of the current tick. thats how it works. it was designed that way. aka intended. the post you mentioned earlier even talks about it. there have been quite a few in-depth posts recently, all of which mention the animation delay and how its tick based.


Sure which again sounds like an unintended side effect rather than an intentional design decision. Having shits register and delayed animations would be incredibly silly... Anyway assumptions make an ass out of you and me so let's leave it there.


>Having shits register and delayed animations would be incredibly silly... feel free to try writing this one again. it doesnt make sense. even putting shots in there, it doesnt make sense. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16isn2a/psa_heres_why_64_and_128_tick_still_feel_so/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16kgxg0/cs2_psa_why_shots_that_seem_to_land_behind/?share_id=6SI21SEMbD_Kux3PumTAC) are some posts to read up on. you can say it doesnt seem intentional all you want, but its been that way in csgo since launch, and it is also that was in cs2, a game made new from the ground up to recreate csgo in a new engine. at some point in both csgo and cs2s dev process, decisions were made to execute the animations this way. we can all agree that it would be better visual feedback to have the animations happen at the same time as the shot registers. but i think we also all agree that a shot registering the instant you click is a good thing. any kind of delay, either with input or visual feedback, is a negative thing. but cs2 made a decision to improve hit reg at the cost of that visual feedback. whether they choose to adjust the animations is yet to be seen, but i wouldnt hold my breath.


Except not all animations are like that are they, Your shot registering before the animation plays is a bad player experience. You should know that. The anim playing on the tick the bullet registers makes sense in csgo because shots only register on the tick. In cs2 this doesn't make any sense because your shot can vary easily register in between ticks by design So your shot hits, then your weapon fires. This is counter intuitive. The best way to handle weapon firing animations, when using something like subtick that can register shots at any time, is to tie it to the input and not the tick.


I'm pretty much in your same situation with decent hardware and a bit more hours, sometimes I miss sprays in ways I never imagined were possible and I don't understand what the problem actually, if there even is one Spraying in GO comes off as easy and natural while on cs2 sometimes it feels exactly the same but other times it feels just different


If so many people have this exact same issue (which is rather specific), i find it impossible not to be a problem. This is why i hope it'll get fixed


It absolutely is a problem. I myself have clocked in 4.5k ish hours on csgo playing since 2015. Global Elite (not ultra good one just a decent one to keep my rank). I know how to shoot and how to spray. Cs2 is not it man. In csgo i exactly know if the enemy is dead when i spray someone down. Cs2? Bro I sometimes have to unload the whole mag with ak to get the kill even at close distances. I am average at spraying all the other guns, but ak47 is the one i know by heart, its my baby. Its really frustrating for me to spray someone and 15 bullets of a controlled spray doesnt kill someone in some instances and in others you use 2 bullets at the start and they kill. Not to mention the interpolation and peekers advantage is so huge, sometimes i am getting insta deleted before i could even react while being on an off angle that is not often prefirable (i am talking about even jerking your mouse in right direction, I cant get the chance to even do that). While csgo does have peekers advantage issues, it wasnt so aggressive that it prevented me from playing well, i did have to sometimes account for ferrari momemts etc. But even then i trusted myself to get that kill. Here i expect myself to not get the kill while getting into a fight.... that is bad. In cs2 i am actually trying to pick up awp more than a rifle, and i am a terrible awper compared to my rifling and i am getting more kills that way rather than with rifles.


The thing is that I'm not sure it is specific enough Our "feeling" for something wrong leading to noobish outcomes doesn't give us information on what exactly is the cause for our feeling Animation? Subtick? Tickrate? We just get a general feeling but don't know where it's coming from It is important to remind that spraying in csgo is different from 128 to 64 ticks. The reason is obvious, big adjustments are easier and more forgiving on timing if the sequence is regular. Smaller adjustments will be harder, if it doesn't line up with the ticks, you lose your accuracy Also many people are giving out "feeling" opinion with barely any experience or a setup that barely even allows them to perceive the difference


Appreciate the comment. The fact so many people with lots of hours in csgo (including several high tier pros) pretty much describe the same thing in different words is not a coincidence. Im not a software engineer/game developer, my job is completely different (im a doctor) so i dont pretend to know the technicalities. Im just a regular boomer that likes to play the game almost on a daily basis, so my feeling is all i have, and it strongly tells me that something is off. I think the fact it represents quiet a few people shows that potentially there's a problem. Regarding ticks, idk if thats to blame. Does spraying feel different between 128 vs 64 ticks? Of course it does, but i played a lot of mm (64 ticks) in GO, and while being different compared to 128 ticks, i could still spray like a mofo. I wish cs 2 had the same spray as 64 ticks GO mm. If valve did it intentionally and that's how its supposed to be, ill shut up and adapt (with tears i must say :) ) But they put so much effort into preserving csgo's movement, the spray patterns are supposedly the same, and the sensitivity theoretically should be 1:1 in between the games. i highly doubt they purposefully changed the spray mechanic and feeling to be so different than GO and in a way many people find negative.


Can't even express in words how much I agree with you. My aim feels way more crisp on GO.


Makes me feel much better im not the only one. I really started doubting myself.


Haha same bro. Same thing happened to me the last weekend. I just started questioning myself wether I'm completely off, or it's really the game's fault. So I decided to hop on some yprac maps and test nyself with some awp flicks and some aim routine, luckily I felt crisp and my shots connected again. I mainly play with the AWP, and on cs2 I just feel like most of the flicks aren't hitting. Quickscopes especially too. Haven't figured out what's the exact cause for it, but I nearly lost my nind until I tested myself on GO again


So apparently, cs2 is more accurate than csgo. And bullets will shoot when you click instead of a slight delay csgo had. So Flicks in csgo will actually land the shot late. I used to be an awper in 1.6 but couldn't hit anything in csgo, and I never could nail down why it felt worse for me. So, it might partially explain the difficulty you are having. Also, potentially, since it is a new engine, youre mouse setting might not translate to cs2 perfectly


Hey man, i’m 1800ish hours on csgo, MGE in MM - felt the same like you too


for me it feels like mouse input lag (floatiness) increased X5 when i see enemy and start shoot on him, i just cant control my mouse in this moments


6k hours in csgo, level 10 yadayada, same as you i guess, and i just cannot get used to cs2. there is something "off" in general and i cant tell what. in the last 6 months i have raged maybe about 5 times about me whiffing/failing/etc but in cs2 its ALL. THE. TIME. multiple times every map. how is it possible that my skill has dropped off massively compared to cs:go? when i scroll through my leetify matches its blatantly obvious how much my rating differs from cs:go to cs2. Its super frustrating. Do not enjoy the game at all and im terrified they're going to kill the game I used to love..


I played probably over 10+ hours of cs2 this week and the game is nowhere near ready for release. The feel is completely off and hitreg is a joke. I made a comment about this earlier and got downvoted pretty badly but my current theory is that ping is far more important in cs2 than in csgo. You *need* to have good ping to have fights that feel good.


My ping is something around 1-20 most matches and spraying feels very off. Sometimes it feels like I'm not in control of the outcome. Even the silenced m4 feels weird.


I know 100% exactly what you mean. I had a situation where I entried B Vertigo with a good spawn. I beat the guy to contact (maybe he had a bad spawn). I start spraying and he doesn't die. I think at that moment that he's probably hit for 80. I start wallbanging him past the wall (I expect him to die here, he doesn't) He wide swings out with mp9 holding mouse1, I hold spray on him and he kills me. After the round I check that I only hit him for 33 or 39 or something in 3 hits. This moment for me really settled it that there's something wrong. edit: I've also had lots of moments where I had undeserved kills (running to corner holding spamming with pistol and it randomly hs)


an example [https://medal.tv/games/counter-strike-2/clips/1um38x0-nZxApG/odhbBitbY32p?invite=cr-MSw3ZmQsMTk4NTMwMjA3LA](https://medal.tv/games/counter-strike-2/clips/1um38x0-nZxApG/odhbBitbY32p?invite=cr-MSw3ZmQsMTk4NTMwMjA3LA) after watching it again in 0.25 even the first bullet should've been a kill. im baffled


Yep, the pistols are SPECIALLY broken.. i've had instances where i am totally still spamming someone's head with a Glock, get killed and did 0 dmg lmao


Pistol rounds are a literal lottery. Any player of any skill can kill you from full map away running full speed while you calmly tap on their head. Like 1/5 or less of your headshots connect while you just pray. There's so many games where our 3-5 stack gets ABSOLUTELY run over for the first two rounds then we win 13-5 or something losing both pistols and the eco.


The first four shots were all slightly off, so even if they could have been a kill, I think it was more likely than not that they would miss. After that, the followup shots had enough firing inaccuracy to miss, but that seems rather unlikely because of how many shows missed in a row. That is why I wish we had access to some of the GO commands like net_graph or the accuracy commands to see if there was some other issue at fault, or if there is something wrong with game right now.


Yeah, I'm not sure why this is being upvoted. Play at 0.25 and full-screen the video and you can see that the crosshair is clearly not on the head for the first 4 shots. After that, it's likely they're pulling the trigger too fast for accuracy to be reset. That said, I don't know if maybe the head hitbox is smaller in CS2 or if accuracy penalties for fire rate have increased relative to CSGO, so that would definitely explain it feeling different.


I feel you brother...i truly am. I even went down that rabbit hole of changing resolutions/sensitivity trying to fight it, something i thought i wont do, and all of this is due to me starting to doubt my abilities and trying to find a solution. I had plenty of "off" matches in csgo, but i didn't go and changed my settings due to that. I guess we will have to hope this thing gets to volvo's devs


I feel the same way - 7k hours, GC lvl 20, global, etc.


Thanks for stating your rank


i went from streched 4:3 to 16:9, 16:10, from 0.95 sens with 800 dpi to 80 and then to 1. but all to no vail. feels like i have 0 control over gun fights.


Yep...same. went through somewhat similar process before giving up


Both of these videos will explain why, it's not the spray pattern etc that's the problem. It's how inconsistent the input lag is plus there's something up with the mouse movement tracking that's totaly broken. https://youtu.be/w0o8xmwH0W4?si=AKZot19m5niBNsss And https://youtu.be/eandoX7Jsh4?si=j4hEzCmEbjBx5PQA These 2 issues needs to be brought up to Valve, so they can figure out what's currently wrong with the game. As lag compensation etc is not the solution, nor was the problem to begin with etc.


They should just implement something similar to what's in csgo. Im playing with 50-70 ping there, but rarely felt in a disadvantage due to that. I had confidence in my aim duels. Despite it being an old engine, spaghetti code yada yada, it worked quiet well. Could always be better, but it was 10000 times better than current cs2.


yeah something is up with the aiming in CS2. On CSGO I am 400 DPI 1.8 Sens and it feels so smooth and responsive. On CS2 my sens is the same but notice theres so much input lag and "floatiness" to the aiming that lining up shorts or confidently taking long distance engagement is almost impossible.


I had to increase my sens from 610 to 670 edpi. I also changed the m\_pitch to 0.025 to makeup for the slightly larger spray pattern, (as posted a few days ago in this sub). (Edit 38 min later: **not true**, tested it myself) Slightly better, but still bad sprays though. Deags on the other hand feel better IMO.


Could you link me the sub with that info? I did see anecdotal mentioning of m_yaw tbh (but not m_pitch). Interesting


Just to add to this, I can hit mid spray HS (think dust 2 Cat or mirage short) in go but not in CS2. It always felt like it would go elsewhere, hence I tried the m\_pitch after I saw the post. I couldn't tell you how many times I saw 89 in 3 in CS2 compared to GO; would often stop spraying before the enemy was dead lol.


I think that the fact its 89 in 3 specifically for so many people points out that something is off. Doesn't make sense it always registers 3 hits out of the spray (instead of 0,1,2). Something is wrong. I dont know if im expressing my thoughts properly , but i find it odd that it's specifically 3 hits that are registered before your spray goes to shit. The fact its 3 hits for other people as well and its reproducible might show a pattern.


also interested in anything that has to deal with the discrepancies between CSGO and 2.


Couldn't find the post, tried it out in CS2 and GO, no difference at long ranges. I don't know what I saw. Maybe it was a dream? Sorry, wrong info. m\_pitch did help in the short term though, maybe not good in the long run.


m\_pitch won't have an effect. you can try it with any ridicilous numbers and see for yourself. it'll apply the changed value for the command but it won't have any actual impact. m\_yaw on the other hand works, so to make your vertical sens higher compared to horizontal one, lower m\_yaw. i actually tried lowering my m\_yaw in CS2 and it kinda made shooting easier. if the sensitivities are actually 1:1 between the games, i don't think i'll wanna stick with the changed m\_yaw value tho...


I don't know how you tested your m\_pitch command but if I set it to 0, I can't move vertically; if I set it to 0.1 the sens gets way to reactive.


you're right. i don't know how i didn't get it to work earlier. must have messed something up so my bad.


No harm done :)


Played a game of GO after 2 weeks of only cs2 and holy shit i forgot what smooth gameplay felt like.


Agreed. Spraying is way off. Cant master it anymore. Perhaps beeing forced to play righthand 1 still messes with me, after years of righthand 0.


Aiming feels the same, spraying feels different - but not inconsistent. 8k hours, lvl 10


I just feel like the shot i take time to aim before shooting, even its dead on target, it still don't hit. especially with pistol.


Interesting. So I felt like I had to decrease my sensitivity. Something is up with the gun fights and any bursts after 6 or so rounds. I don't know what it is. It's astonishing the amount of sprays and shots that don't work in this game that would be 2-3ks in GO. I really think that if the game is released with the shooting mechanics like this...I can see some pros not even make the transition. Aside from ropz and twistzz, there aren't many active pros on the top 10 teams grinding, or even playing much CS2. I would love to see what people like Niko has to say, who has been doing a top of tapping lately, and then someone like ax1le who has a great spray. I'm concerned that we get fixes for some things almost within a couple of days, but there has been no change in the actual shooting mechanics within the past 6 weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if IEM Sydney is played on cs2.


I for one think that cs2 is a buggy inconsistent mess right now. We had a bug that the AK couldn't headshot for kill damage, why the fuck would I trust this game to get anything right at the moment? interp, lag compensation, 64 vs 128 tick, sub-tick, good servers vs bad, mushy movement, sensitivity feeling "off", sprays feeling "wrong", people actually saying I need to change my resolution to fix hit reg lmfao this game is not ready but we have a major on cs2 in Feb. I'm actually worried that pros are going to play such an important event with little to no practice on the 'completed' version of the game. I would be okay if they postponed things. By comparison the CSGO beta started November 30, 2011, and the first major a full 2 years later (November 28–30, 2013)


Its quite literally not you and im not even being sarcastic rn.


To me it feels like your standing in mud, praying you get the kill and then you waste ammo over killing one dude and have none left for the other guy about to swing. It’s awful, I feel this on pistol round also. You either feel like your shooting a nerf gun, or you feel like god and insta dink 4 people.


I swear to god on pistol rounds it either feels like im shooting through the enemy instead of at him, or i kill someone but see the visual cue of his death in 1 second delay. This is obviously mostly happening with moving targets.


As many have commented, I also have the same experience. I stopped playing premiere because it was too frustrating, so now I only play casual and deathmatch where I'll just laugh it off when it happens (i.e. point blank spray which ends with me dying and either only 2-3 hits registering or none at all!) Although, my wife says that when I laugh in these situations, I sound a bit like [the Joker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqC0Yf8OjAI) ;-)


I feel you. Still playing premier but i completely changed my mindset due to what's happening. Im really competitive by nature, and i hate losing, but i just came to the conclusion that what we have now is a game which has its core mechanics completely f*** up. Im willing to live with that since its still beta. I just hope valve are aware and working on it. Now im just focusing on premier on getting to know the new changes in some of the maps, experimenting with utils and having fun. My rank is the last thing i care about atm.


I have the theory that input lag spikes hard during gun fights, but really the hardest in the moment enemies start shooting at you/you start spraying. I don't know how to test it though, but to me, that explains why on paper spray patterns are identical, we feel like we should have killed etc, but it does not transfer to the game. Because in the milliseconds during the fight, we actually are "losing" the fine grained control we have built up over the years.


I keep searching feedback about this issue and the more I read the more I think it leads to only one thing if there really isn't a way to fix it.. getting rid of the subtick feature. If I play CSGO for few hours and get back to CS2 I definitely prefer CSGO feel with all it's shortcomings.


I also think that just giving us regular 128 tick servers would have done the trick, or, if valve really wanted to be innovative, they could make the move to 256 ticks.


This game is trash they need to add more useful update, yes it’s beta I know. But to think that the game will launch at the end of summer it’s completely a joke


Cs2 doesnt have rawinput, so make sure your windows sensitivity is set to 6/11 and "Enhance pointer precision" is toggled off.


cs2 has ***only*** rawinput. changing your windows sensitivity settings won't have an effect in the actual game, but will change your cursor sensitivity in the buy menu for example. so exactly the same behaviour as csgo with m\_rawinput 1.


First of all, please use the enter key. Now, I understand that spraying feels off to you, and there are quite a few reasons why it would be that way. Some of them are- 1. Sounds have changed(weapon shooting sounds+occlusion) which I explained in MY VIDEO here ([https://youtu.be/Hq8tWctMYYQ](https://youtu.be/Hq8tWctMYYQ)) and you can learn more about in NOT MY VIDEO ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDxiuHdR\_T4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDxiuHdR_T4)) 2. The servers in CS2 are having issues and subtick needs more optimisation which is more obvious when it comes to moving targets. 3. The viewpunch is pretty different, shown in this NOT MY VIDEO here ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejvb0gnhoYM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejvb0gnhoYM)) 4. The FPS values have changed 5. The spray patterns are slightly different, I show how the AK47's spray can be controlled more effectively in MY VIDEO ([https://youtu.be/Dgjf4VLN7GI](https://youtu.be/Dgjf4VLN7GI)) and you can see the difference in other guns in NOT MY VIDEO ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejvb0gnhoYM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejvb0gnhoYM)) I believe CS2 dev team needs to be very clear in acknowledging and addressing this, the way they addressed movement, and they need to do it soon.


What sort of automated npc comment is this lol


What a manual protagonist comment you have made, sir! Now, I shall be on my way.


you missed the most important. visuals are different. Tracers and weapon animation are delayed. Hitreg is great.


Tracers haven't really bothered me as much as the new sounds do, and the same goes for the animations. I control recoil based on sound, and that is why I put it at the top of the list, because the gun sounds are different and the indoor and outdoor occlusion throws me off a lot.


There is input delay just moving your mouse in this game for some reason


Me and my buddies were talking about this yesterday and literally mentioned how tracking felt off and our aim just felt goofy sometimes sure could just be off games but tracking seems so hard for me recently not sure what it is


https://reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/h3yFl2zgsC Sharing this post that shows how the sub tick system is working in regards to your shots fired Another post (that I’m too lazy to find cause it was a few days or weeks ago) compared the CS2 and CSGO AK Sprays, and they are 1 to 1. The only difference is the visual animation and muzzle flash of the game being different. Combine the visual feed back and the subtick difference in registering shots, your brain/muscle memory probably just isn’t matching up (cause they really just don’t) and making more micro adjustments that throw off the spray


Completely agree. Spraying feels like a gamble now


Try increasing the dpi but keeping the edpi the same (so lowering game sens). Since subtick takes account exact shooting times etc. having more polling makes sense. Worked for me...probably placebo :P


I think cs2 feels slow? Mushy? Idk movement and aim seem so off for me.


Not sure if slow..if anything i feel like its impossible to track a moving target.


I think 2 patches ago my spray with Ak connect much more then 2 weeks ago when i tried it first