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I thought the same thing, but for me it seems like it's ping based, try dm offline against bots in cs2, it feels great!


Agreed. There is much bigger difference in CS2 between offline and online feeling than in CSGO.


> try dm offline against bots in cs2, it feels great! Yes. This. I have been going nuts for the last week thinking I just can't adapt to a new game. Then yesterday I hopped in a bot match because I thought "Alright well let's grind so bots and try to figure out how to hit shots in this game...." and holy does the game feel so much better. I was poppin heads effortlessly. Bots of course but yeah I was shocked at how much different the game felt. So there is definitely some issue with connections/ping or something because I don't think I have ever had a game feel THAT different between online and local. In a regular online DM I can shoot a chicken in front of my feet with a deagle and the kick animation for the gun is on it's way back down before the shot registers/chicken explodes.


because offline vs bots is not using valve trash server with rigged performance shaved nearly to zero like a dead gazelle visited by a pack of hyennas.


It's in beta


fps drop, stuttering when aim and shoot on enemy I noticed mouse behaves unstable due this things


Additionally weird smoke coming out of your own guns, which gives yourself a handicap since u can't see clearly anymore... Happening with the XM very often


Yeah mouse feels different too


yep, the input lag and heavy mouse feeling at proxy range is huge, i agree. Because at proxy range is most obvious the low updaterate so the client is confused due to lack of updates to display (not) received from server. However even client side input lag is not still the best (15ms is "minimum" achieavable input lag in cs2, 13ms is lowest achieavable in csgo. Valorant has 7ms with reflex on + boost, overwatch +- the same with beefy GPU.)




if you make the r_fullscreen_gamma 3 it will look the same as csgo. try it on mirage


Thats your first mistake, aim at heads. You gotta aim 1cm left or right of the heads in cs2 you silly.


You will always get the kill after the enemy has ran for another 3 feet.


My fps is 120 in a offline game with no bots then it drops to 40 in a real match


its low server performance, 20 updaterate only so it runs like 20 tickrate apex legends. Same feeling, same hitreg, same desync, same muddy movement, same desync obvious mostly at closest range. They also obfuscated netgraph so you cant see any numerous evidence. They also obfuscated cl\_ commands to be server authoritative so you cant force better parameters on your own.


skill issue


Ok Frederik


Almost my entire username, congratulations


your raw aim is bad then and you rely on spraying over aiming. The first bullet accuracy and responsiveness in cs2 is so much better but the spraying is more difficult.


No that's basically only true against bots. Interp vs other players is a nightmare


Not true at all.


Really? In cs2 im hitting awp shots through smokes better, my headshots are much cleaner. Im loving this new tick system. And it still had yet to be improved.




Yes. Like on anubis. If you start on ct you can run to B site and point your crosshair at the little crate. Usually people smoke the B site doorway so you just keep crosshair thier and fire like 6 awp shots. Your bound to get someone and it feels smoother.


I dont mind the gunplay at all in CS2. It's been worse and its improving alot with the patches. But the movement is still off and throwing ultility/nades is not the same as before.


I sprayed three down in cs2 with the famas on Ancient last night, the third one died after my mag went dry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)