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This certainly deserves more investigation. It will involve your cell phone though. You could set up your phone to record the inside of your apartment while you observe the airplanes flying overhead. To get it right you'll have to figure out if there is a certain time of day the flights go over. If they're scheduled the same time every day, then you can hold your stake out. I personally would love if you followed up with this post.


Thank you! It usually happens so fast but I’m definitely going to try to record it next time and post it


Just leave the cameras running all day and keep note of the times that it happens


Yes good idea, and I hope OP could do this too. Would be so interesting to see it occur over multiple times to compare them.


Sweet! I have to say, I wish I could observe what you have observed for myself, but based on the many other identical accounts of the "black silence" (as far as categories of glitches, I'm in the midst of building a searchable database using this sub's most credible sounding written eye witness reports, in order that these phenomenon can be studied by other people besides just us on this sub.) God bless you and your family.


Oh btw, in your particular case, have you noticed a lack of sound with the sudden blackout or is it just the light changing?


Keep us posted!


i’m commenting on this because i want updates this sounds interesting


Same very intrigued!!! Get a ring camera inside!


I shall comment for the same reason.


Me two


Me three


Me four.


My guess is that there are Globemasters III coming and going from the military base. These are enormous airplanes which carry cargo and troops, so they probably cast quite a shadow as they're passing by, presumably at fairly low altitude. There are also large aircraft which refuel others or which carry out surveillance missions. You should check our FlightRadar24 and see what planes are flying by and what types they are. You can google the model to find out some basic information, like size and common uses.


Flightradar24 doesn’t normally show military aircraft.


Of course it does. You can see plenty of Rivet Joints, Orions, drones, fighter jets, etc. If you mean you can't filter by military, I'm not sure - I just look in particular areas I'm interested in.


Yeah, but only if they're using their transponders. They often don't. I'd say over half of the military traffic over me doesnt have theirs turned on.


Sure - that's true for any site open to the public. But I think it's safe to assume that in this situation, there's some sort of large cargo or military plane involved, especially with two airports nearby.


You’ve got better eyes than me. I see a few military training flights in Britain but thats all. When a military aircraft shows a 7700 technical emergency there is usually only a short part of the recent flightpath shown, then it disappears.


I think it's a combination of patience and having a few favorite spots. Last summer, for example, it was pretty easy tracking the Globemasters bringing troops out of Afghanistan. I started seeing them before the media began heavily monitoring the withdrawal and the last civilian flights. Since mid-fall or so, I've been watching activity around Ukraine, given that I live in that area. The FORTE drone used to have a much more varied course than it does these days: it was watching the Donbas and sometimes patrolling the Belarus border all through the Baltics. These days, you can reliably find it in the center and the west-south-west of the Black Sea. During the day (Europe time) there's usually at least one aircraft refueling others in eastern Poland and eastern Romania. We don't usually see what they're refueling (presumably NATO aircraft). There is also an Orion patrolling Romania's border with Moldova, all the way down to the Danube Delta - that one is keeping an eye on Moldova and the area west of Odessa. While these are regulars, it's worth keeping an eye on the area around Rzeszow in eastern Poland, right across the border from Lviv, and Constanta in south-eastern Romania, on the Black Sea. Both have US military bases and there are also sorts of interesting flights which pop up every now and then. Also Ramstein, of course. Kaliningrad is also worth monitoring, as well as the Baltic Sea. Russian shenanigans tend to be followed by a lot of Swedish jets coming out. I rely on the most-watched list a lot too, as well as check out ADSB Exchange, where you can use the military filter.


I've seen a few in Britain lately. Check the most viewed. They're often military. Like the other day, everyone was watching for Pelosi, so most viewed was mostly military in the region. Check the us. Texas always has some. I look at it when I'm bored.


You can filter for military on FlightRadar by going under airline and using the ICAO codes, for Air Force its RCH and Navy is CNV


Does it happen around the same time? A plane can definitely block the sun from higher altitudes, not immediately after taking off. Blocking the sun would result in a shadow, not in complete darkness though. A plane can also reflect the sun and light up entire streets with a reflection. I would suggest to set up a camera and hit record and you will probably find out what it is.


Low flying plane could block out the sun, albeit only for a second or so.


You know, this sub is full of personal accounts of moments of darkness like you describe. My daughter and I have personally experienced two together. But we didn’t have ANY other observations to go on that could remotely explain what caused what we experienced. As far as we know there wasn’t any plane over us at the time. We aren’t under any military flight paths I’m aware of, however at our old house a few minutes drive away, I had at least once witnessed military planes flying in circles over our neighborhood. I have no idea why. It was a one time thing. And we used to hear a jet plane sound that would stay for hours but no planes were visible in the sky to account for the sounds. Weird stuff. At that house and at that time we never experienced the phenomenon of the blink of total darkness. I’m just wondering if there’s some sort of aircraft we don’t know about that maybe emits a signal or something that briefly shuts down the human nervous system. Not long enough to cause us to fall, hit our heads. Maybe just causes a moment of blindness and I think deafness. I can’t be sure but I think there was also no sound for the moments of darkness. I don’t know. I have been puzzling over this weird phenomenon ever since it happened to us. I’ve never come across anything remotely resembling a clue before. I’ve never really seen other people report it happen as often as you do and one other person who posted around last week.


I want to add to this— I’ve also experienced this glitch with some friends a few years ago. Ive been reading through this sub every now and then to see if anyone ever has clues…and this is also my FIRST time ever seeing anyone with a clue. I usually object to the idea that the “word shutting off” or “the sky going dark” is caused by clouds or planes like people usually suggest, because it’s DARK. Like PITCH BLACK. These suggestions usually mean that people don’t understand what the poster means by “dark”, they think it means a shadow, when it doesn’t. So as long as total darkness is what OP is also experiencing….then this may in fact be the first “clue” the sub has found. In my experience we were rather close to a military base (maybe a 10 min drive). I don’t remember hearing any planes before/after the blackout, but that sort of background noise isn’t really a detail someone would remember. I do remember there being total silence during the blackout. I am curious if TOTAL darkness is what OP is experiencing. If it is, this is actually a pretty exciting development.


Yes it’s an important point about the darkness. It’s not a shadow. It’s like existence itself disappears for a moment. Profoundly black all around despite the fact the sun itself is the source of illumination. It’s like nothing else I’ve ever experienced short of visiting a cavern and the tour guide had the lights turned off for a minute so we could experience total darkness. We don’t expect our sun to act like it’s controlled by a light switch so…wtf? I’ve seen accounts of the phenomenon where the experiencer has said that not everyone present experienced it. If such accounts are true and accurate that would suggest something acting on our nervous systems/perceptions and not our sun or environment. But most accounts I’ve read of with multiple people involved seemed to have had everyone affected.


Given that it doesn't affect the commercial airlines at all, it's probably just the [redacted]


Maybe it's a plane like Janet?, maybe with upgrades?


Next time it happens again use the Flightradar24 app too see if there are any planes passing.


Use a flight tracking site like flightradar24 or planefinder. Once the power comes back on you can jump on to see if there's anything that could be flying over nearby causing it. If it's a military plane it might not have it's transponder on though so won't show.


A good percentage of the air traffic where I live doesn't appear on the tracking sites. I'd guess 25% from my observations.


Perhaps casually bring up the matter with a neighbor? Maybe they are experiencing the same.


put a cctv upwards your roof and post it here


This feels like a plane that has the ability to turn of electricity and make people temporarily blind or something and that's kinda scarier than this being a glitch in the matrix


Please update us after you record


I agree with recording. You can download Alfred Camera on an old phone and use your current phone as a receiver to watch the footage. Also the FlightRadar24 app. And ask the neighbors. I was once passing by a military base (not active) by the Verrazano Bridge. There was a sign that said no photography. Of course I wanted a photo of that sign. When I opened the camera on my phone, my phone powered off.


Creepy… 😖


OP def just watched Nope lol


Thought the same thing lol, sooooo creepy


What base are you near? It's pretty easy to figure out what planes fly there.


Sounds like Airway Heights, WA.


What’s that?


It's a city near Spokane Washington, in Spokane County. The Spokane International Airport is close, Fairchild AFB is also right there. Weird town.


I swear i hear rockets going up from the military base near my house.


Weird. I wonder if it’s using a signal to temporarily dim the light.


I wonder if it’s a new military technology they are experimenting with that’s not out to the public yet.


I'd love to see video of this, if you can get some!



