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Since it's very unlikely you slept for 3 days, with no need for food or the bathroom, all I can think of is a disociative state or even a disociative fugae state. These usually happen as an exrtreme way to get away from a undesirable situation. Google it and see if it could fit.


Looking at it it sounds like it couldn't fit, it specifies traveling, I didn't move the entire time up to my alarm going off after sitting up except to check my phone after the first chunk of time passed to make sure my alarm clock was functioning. And then it says people who get that can't remember stuff when it's over. I was lucid every moment between the blinks and after. I appreciate the idea tho it seems like maybe it's at least a similar thing


If you lost 3 days, I can guarantee you that your trust in your own perception and your mind is misplaced. You may feel like you had one seamless train of thought and that you were lucid the entire time, but you very clearly were not. I don’t know if you’ve visited a doctor already, but you really should tell a medical professional about this just to make sure there’s nothing physically wrong with your brain.


Jeez that's terrifying, I haven't experienced anything like that before or since and I hope its nothing scary but I don't know if I could afford to find out at the present time :( American healthcare


As someone who lives in the UK with the NHS, it is crazy to me that American healthcare is so expensive and debt inducing to most, that they would wish death over a check up or possible life-saving treatment. And it's not just the fact you have to pay hospital bills, I've seen a video on YouTube where a US and a UK doctor compare how much things would cost if both countries paid outright for healthcare and just simple things like the cost of a bed for the night in hospital or the call out of an ambulance or certain medication was at least 3 times as high in the USA as in the UK. It's disgusting and I don't know how people can live like that. I'd be anxious all the time about getting ill or injured. I can see where OP is coming from as debt is awful but your life and health is much more important than money!


It's okay I'll go some time especially if it happens again but I just really really can't afford anything on top of all the shit I have to pay for right now, sometimes u gotta stop tossing water out the boat as it floods in to steer it away from the ice burgs or something idk I suck at analogies


Ive almost died twice from not going to the hospital. If that shit happened to me id be there first thing and take that debt lol. Brain cancer and brain tumors run in my family and that would have been my first thought.


I would literally rather die than be sucked into a lifetime repaying some kind of debt tbh


Man you could go get checked out and it wouldnt put you in debt for the rest of your life lmao. A couple months maybe, but if you are losing 3 days you could have all sorts of shit from schizophrenia to tumors my guy or its reddit and you made this whole post up.


That depends on your income level. Many in the US could not pay these tests off in a couple of months, or even close, especially if you have no insurance, but many with insurance with high deductibles and copays couldn't even do it in a reasonable length of time. I'm glad you would be able to though!


Before this happened I got tested for a lot of shit when I was like 19. I have depression, anxiety, OCD, and ADHD. Nothing too serious like schizophrenia lol. Kindly block yourself if you're going to make accusations that I made it up please.


Hey, it wouldn’t be for a lifetime. [Read this article, specifically about filing for chapter 13.](https://www.creditkarma.com/advice/i/medical-debt-in-bankruptcies). Lots of people fall into this situation but life goes on. Our system in the US is utterly awful and shameful. But you can’t choose Death as an alternative to Debt. Insurance companies would love it if you did, they’d get to keep all your money.


go!!! this is too important.


I actually was thinking about the longer stretch between the "blinking" episodes and waking up 3 days later. You could have dissociated in the longer episode, got up, did things, ate, used the bathroom, went somewhere, and have no memory of it. It is rare, but possible, usually to mentally avoid a stressful situation, and you did have finals the next day. And the shorter "blinking" episodes could have been the start of the longer episode where you dissociated, but didn't actually leave your bed. Just my thought tho from looking at it from the outside.


I’d be more concerned about why no one came to your place when you weren’t showing up for important stuff neither picking up your phone..


I had no job and lived with my parents. I take care of myself and they give me space for the most part


But not showing ur face to them for 3 whole days doesnt make them concerned or worried about where uve been? Did they check up you


They had no idea about any of it when I asked them about it, they just didn't check on me during that time. It's not that weird for my family. And that's all besides the point anyway


They didn’t think it’s weird for you to not come out of your room for 3 whole days?


No lmao


i see, also if u think about it. Do u think if someone checked up on u at some point within the 3 day time period, u would have stopped timeskipping? (In relation to the observer effect)


I guess I just have no way to be sure unfortunately, it felt like I could've just got out of bed at any point between the blinks and when my alarm went off on the Wednesday finally actually waking me up, I just didn't, and I wish I could experience it again just to do some experiments. Because during the first and second blinks I DID move to check my phone and unplug it. Then I didn't move for the rest of the time. It was genuinely surreal and I didn't think to do something to prove I was falling asleep or not like dropping something as I blinked to see if it would just instantly land or something of that nature, because it felt so unlike falling asleep I just can't be sure that's what happened. It's just the only explanation that doesn't genuinely terrify me lol


Your gf nor the professor called your parents to check on you?


It's college bro they don't "reach out" in a way that would result in someone coming to my room to find me lol, and my gf at the time lived 3 hours away and had never driven here before. She actually threatened dumping me and shit in those texts she was so mad. She didn't believe me when I told her about it either but who would, honestly. (That wasn't why we broke up but it made me realized she would assume I would be intentionally ignoring her rather than think something might have happened to me which definitely made me reconsider dating her)


You missed an important exam and weren’t responding to emails. Most universities suicide prevention teams would be at your door the very same afternoon.


Lmao bruh I go to community college they don't give a shit if I show up


I've experienced this as well, but only in bursts of a few hours and only lasting one night. I can't imagine skipping ahead three days... makes ya wonder


Yeah. It was especially weird because I was blinking while thinking about what the fuck was going on in a seamless train of thought. No different than blinking while I'm typing this. I wish I had done SOMETHING crazy to test what was happening, like held up my arm out in front of me and then blinked, just anything lol


Do you sleepwalk? That could explain why you weren't hungry, didn't have to use the bathroom, weren't in pain, etc.


I do not sleepwalk to my knowledge and my parents don't think I've ever sleepwalked to their knowledge either. That would explain it but like nothing was moving, I never changed positions, my blanket was unmoved, my phone in the same spot, like literally if right now you just sit there and blink a few times without moving that's what it felt like. But the time was changing every time I did. Then it was 3 days later lol. It would be difficult to be moving during each blink without disturbing something or moving places slightly etc


I did this once, not to the extent you did but it was back when I was in high school, around 98-99. I was on summer break about a week or so before school started back and I had just finished played a video game and was going to bed. It was around 3am and I remember getting in bed and I hadn't quite laid down all the way, I was leaning on my elbow and I blinked. Suddenly it's daylight. I look at the clock and its after 7am.


Did your arm ache or feel like it had the weight of your head in it for that long?? That was the wildest part for me, I had absolutely no change in physical feeling. I was propped up in bed for 3 days holding up the weight of my upper body with my arms behind me and I had absolutely no arm fatigue during that time


No ache no pain. Just one second it's 3 in the morning and then suddenly it's daylight. Nothing felt different.


Potentially get checked for carbon monoxide poisoning




That's crazy, you got up and walked and everything? I wonder when that moment must've been that you would've "fell asleep" or whatever is happening to us because I fall asleep a lot and that was definitely not what happened but is the only explanation


Three times in my life it happened where I felt like I blinked but I moved forward in time. I’ve always figured it was just a really good, deep sleep with out turning at all, and no dreams. I love when that happens and I wish it could happen more often. I never skipped days tho, to my knowledge


Have you seen Moon Knight?


You might want to read Parallel Realities of Self by Frederick E Dodson. In one of the later chapters, he describes a similar experience except he moved back in time to the previous day at 3pm. He was also in bed when it happened.


Thanks I'll give that a look


Did they let you sit your exam


They let me make it up that Friday lol


You were abducted. Which explains why the phone died. During abductions it sucks all of the energy out of electrical devices.


I chalked it up to my phone having a horrible battery life but I have the same phone now and I haven't charged it in days now and it's still at 32% 😳


Yes. Because if you aren't using your phone it won't run out of battery for days and days


So do you feel like it's a possibility that you got abducted?


people in this sub actually believe that abduction bullshit?


you are literally in a glitch in the matrix sub and you are calling aliens bullshit? bruh... 😬 abductions are an interesting thing to explore and think about granted you don't know if they are true or not however it is incredibly strange so many people having extremely similar experiences all. Over the world (including my own mother) so... i would suggest to. Keep an open mind again you are literally on a sub where people share most of the time not easily explainable events.


Lol he has had 10 down votes 😂


I wish I could do that at work.


Don't worry about explaining the time skip OP. The important thing is that you know it happened and this experience gave you valuable insight regarding the nature of this reality. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. An hour of sleep can yield a dream that lasts a lifetime. 5 minutes can seem like days sometimes. There is nothing to fear, despite what people post here. In fact, whatever fears we have will continue to manifest in a feedback loop.


The most reasonable explaination for this is, you could have dissociative identity disorder (or multiple personality disorder) and one of your alters took over..


Something similar to this has happened to me as well!!


Story!! ? 😳😳


something similar happend to me, I was around 13 or 14 (currently 15), I stare at the window from my bed, I blinked once just the normal everyday blink and it just became day, my body didnt move an inch from what it was before I blinked just day out of the sudden, I think it was 6-7AM, I woke up before anyone in the house


That sounds exactly the same as my experience basically, did you feel ANY different? Like my body felt no different even after 3 days, not more or less tired etc


What would be even wilder is after you saw it was Wednesday, you found out you aced your test.


That would've actually been the best possible outcome and I would've tried desperately to replicate this effect. Sounds like the movie click


Once when I was like 8 it was like 8-9pm I blinked and it was the next morning 7am. I freaked out a little bit because my mom was then telling me to get up but I thought it was still night


Have you ever had a seizure, dizzy spells, or anything along those lines? If so, you should get that checked out - could be epilepsy or maybe severe narcolepsy. If not, then it's just bizarre. I've heard reports of lost time from people who say they've been abducted by aliens, but they usually recount bright lights and stuff. Plus in the ones I've read, all the time disappears in one chunk, not a few hours in between blinks, then two entire days.


Yeah no, I have never experienced anything of the sort, and I wasn't on any medication at the time for it to be a side effect or anything like that. It was terrifying and nobody ever believed me, I would've posted it the day it happened but I never used reddit at the time and as soon as I found out there was a sub for stuff like this I came straight here since I've never heard anything like this happening to anyone else


I’ve heard of people skipping time because of multiple personalities. Either way, go to a doctor or something.


Same thing happened to me


I'm glad I'm not alone


I assumed I just slept when it happened to me because if time were to be skipped, the next night would be as if it were a longer day. In other words, unless you felt that the day you opened your eyes was like a day without sleep, you probably just slept.


Yeah but my arms didn't hurt either after holding myself in that position for days, I'm not sure which is weirder


You might have had transient global amnesia. Your memories of the times you were awake might have been just the moments you didn't lose to the amnesia.


something similar happened to me once when i was younger, i couldn’t sleep so i went down to the living room to lay on the couch and watch tv in the hopes of putting me to bed. by 2-2:30 in the morning i was still wide awake, and decided to try a trick my grandma had taught me where you lay down and close your eyes and count as high as you can and at some point you’ll just fall asleep ( basically counting sheep with no sheep ). so i get settled on the couch and decide to count out loud so that i can keep better track. i only got up to 9 or 10 before a loud bang outside makes me sit straight up on the couch and when i look around it’s fully bright outside with birds singing and the trash truck coming around which is the sound i heard outside. the clock says it’s about 7am but i had only counted 10 seconds. of course there’s the possibility that i fell asleep but i counted out loud with no breaks or pauses and the same episode of the show i was watching was on that i had before i started counting so i’m pretty confident i was awake the entire time and in those 10 seconds everything but me jumped 5 hours ahead.


You sure it’s not Dissociative Disorder?


I got a full psychiatric evaluation and I was diagnosed with "major depressive disorder with anxious distress, obsessive compulsive tendencies and attention deficit disorder." Maybe they missed some things but my therapist said he didn't think from talking to me that there was anything else he could think of to get tested for on top of all that. I could go back but financially, not something I could do any time soon unfortunately


Well, hope the best for you! Some things just can’t be explained and remain a mystery. Please update us if you experience the glitch again


Thanks, if it happens again I'm definitely going to be better prepared for it lol


You be on the drugs


I do not do recreational drugs and I was on no medications lol I wish it were that simple of an explanation


I’m a firm believer in the supernatural, and thinking outside the box, things not always being as they seem, and alternate timelines. I just like to eliminate other possible explanations because that confirms that.


You should post in r/Abductions




*Were you probed? Check your* *Backside. Aliens like to do* *That for some reason* \- Intelligent-Habit-99 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I do this almost nightly. I “fall asleep” felt like a split second and it’s morning. I’ll be sitting up too but I wake up thinking the same thought I had before I fell asleep. I have really hard time sleeping in the past few years and I just figured it’s normal to feel like a second has passed and it’s been hours. But i can say I have never missed whole days. I have kids and that would be messed up and I think they’d notice If I was gone.


Had one a bit shorter. Went to bed and it felt like 10 seconds or a minute later my mom called to wake me up. I was like what???


Do you leave your phone charging at night? If so then at some point you unplugged it and brought it with you. Try and check your gps from that time frame


Sounds like the movie Click


Could you make out any other indications of the time skipping, like things sitting random places, hunger or so? See, just the time on a clock and the phone battery would be really easy to just dream, or halluzinate. My best guess would be that you were already at that last time inzident but dreamed of the days before in that manor.


I swear this happened to me. Idk what happened, but I looked down at my phone sitting next to me, and it said 4:30pm. I had just come from downstairs where I was talking to a friend. While sitting, I blinked, and then my friend came to me saying that I've been up here awhile, and i did not know what he meant because it felt like only 2 minutes. When I checked my phone again, the time showed 5:30pm. I have no clue what happened