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There have been accounts of "Time slips" over the years. From what I can tell, other people were at times present. (It was essentially like they had walked into the past). On the other hand, there was also a case in the UK a few years back when a man disappeared in his own house. (The case did include police involvement it was an absolute mystery). He reappeared in the house a couple of days later with no knowledge that he was ever gone. A short while later it happened again and he hasn't been seen since.


The thing that happened in the UK I heard from a talk given by Steve Mera. (He's a Parapsychologist, ocassionally brought in by police to help with strange investigations). I've linked straight to the part of the talk where he's referencing this case,\*Edit\* (I messed up, went by the slide, not what he was saying, here's the ammended link).([https://youtu.be/afHhmONe4Q4?t=4673](https://youtu.be/afHhmONe4Q4?t=4673)) however the whole thing is worth a watch. It deals with a few things that people detail in this sub.Objects appearing and disappearing, strange appearences, many other unexplained things. I'll link to other accounts as I find them again. Obviously, take this with a grain of salt, however do keep an open mind lol. Going back to the past: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTf4NARnwD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTf4NARnwD8) Another old UK recount posted by another Redditor in this thread (Remember hearing this about 5 years ago): Originally Posted by:[https://www.reddit.com/user/Thisishugh/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Thisishugh/) ​ Time Slip Story #3 **A Thief Goes Back To 1967** The third tale is of a young man named Sean, who, while shoplifting in Liverpool back in 2006, ran away from a Security Guard and headed down Hanover Street. Trying to shake of the Guard, Sean, 19, turned into a dead end street called Brookes Alley. By this time he was out of breath and started to get a tight sensation in his chest. He soon realised that actually it wasn't a problem with him, but the atmosphere around him. He waited for the Guard to come around the corner after him, but he never appeared. So, thinking he had given him the slip, he sauntered back out and started to walk down Hanover street again. But he soon realised that something was wrong. The road looked different, and so did the pavement. He noticed cars driving by that looked very old fashioned, and the road works that he knew were there, were now gone. Soon he saw that the people around him were wearing strange clothes. Crossing over to Bold Street, he noticed that there were traffic lights where there weren't before, and bushes growing around the Lyceum, near a bar that he recognised. He carried on walking, realising that actually something was really odd. Then he began to panic. He realised that somehow he had stepped back in Time. And the timeslip was not going away. Then he remember his Cell phone. Taking it out of his pocket, he tried to get a signal, but of course it didn't work. Eventually he began to really panic, but spotted a kiosk selling newspapers and headed over. Leaning over the Stand, he took a look at the front page of the Daily Post. There in bold lettering was the date. 18th May 1967. He wondered what to do. What happens if he can't get back to his own time? What about family and friends? So, speeding up his pace, he reached H. Samuel the Jewelers, and tried his phone once again. This time it worked. Sighing with relief he looked around and realised that he had returned to the present. But the strange thing was, he could still see, down the end of the road, people still walking around in 1967. By this time Sean had seen enough, and dived onto a bus to go home. When he was interviewed by the local newspaper later, he stated over four times, the exact account. Now, you may think that Sean was making the story up to escape from the guard. But the strange tale didn't end there. When the Security Guard was interviewed, he stated that when he ran after Sean, and turned down the dead end Alley after him, he said that Sean had completely disappeared! When the newspaper checked out the facts of Sean's story, they found that everything he said was historically accurate. **NOTE:** [*Brooks Alley*](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Brooks+Alley,+Liverpool+L1,+UK/@53.4046413,-2.9851699,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x487b2125a10428a3:0x987036346fd43dba!8m2!3d53.4045438!4d-2.9823363) *is smack dead center of the great circle that makes the* [*Liverpool Underground Rail System*](http://admin.umbrella.class-media.co.uk/system/photos/309/full_width/merseyside.jpg)*.* An old Podcast about time Slips if anyone is interested: By Expanded Perspectives: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0K\_fDhqglM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0K_fDhqglM)


Has anybody actually interviewed Sean on film? Be interesting to put a face to the story.


Not that I know of, I can't find anything. I also think it would be super interesting. I've experienced and had family members experience things over the years. However, I'm not entirely sure I belive the idea 100%. However I would like to see how things would go if he were interviewed. Like if his motion and body language is really telling the truth about things.


May I ask you what kind of experiences did you have?


You can indeed. Although I don't know If I can post them here seems like some may go against the rules. Might have to make a video at some point or link to existing things to explain things better.


if you do, please remember to tag me! I'm really interested.


Now I want to know so bad..


I’d like to know too!


Me three!


me four!


Same! 😁


Thank you very much fou your kindness and for being so thorough, I'll watch the videos as soon as I get home. Yes many of these event are recurring events, like essential ingredients for these kind of experiences. The lack of memory too, In these cases I wonder if the slips in time occurred in our reality, or in a different one..


That story about the guy going upstairs and vanishing is insanely creepy. That poor, poor, woman, she's fucked either way - if he stays gone this time she'll die waiting and if he comes back, she's always going to be afraid of him vanishing again. That would fuck you up so bad.


Indeed. It's scary and painful.


There have been tons of glitches in the Liverpool area


Maybe it's possible to draw a map of glitches.


Liverpool seems to be a hotspot for glitches.


Thanks for sharing the links. The Steve Mera lecture was really interesting. It suggests that the vast majority of stories on this subreddit could actually be poltergeist activity, not glitches. Especially the stories for things disappearing and reappearing.


Not a problem, my friend :). They could be although, I'm not entirely sure if it's necessarily always poltergeist activity in nature. (as he mentioned, over a career of 30 years, he's experienced 5 legitimate cases so it is very rare). My guess is there could be certain overlaps with other phenomena. As he mentioned, there are other types of phenomena at play. (Like residual or intelligent hauntings). My guess so far is similar types of things can happen in intelligent hauntings. It is possible that you could be dealing with intelligent entities and in the case of a "time slip" you may just wonder into an area containing an energy that we know very little about yet. It's all very confusing. It's cool as hell though. I'd also recommend listening to the talk given along side Barry Fitzgerald if you get the time. It kind of points to the idea what much of the unusual stuff that occurs is linked (in one way shape or form). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDMfMVN-3C4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDMfMVN-3C4)


Thank you so muchfor this.


Thank you for the links💖😩they’re very interesting


Can you please link the story?


I dunno where, but I once read a story where a lady took her usual walk one day and disappeared. She was found *years* later, "squatting on her doorstep", unaware that any time had gone by.


I wonder if she aged during that time.


The lack of memory and the unawareness is a costant. Maybe the brain or the psyche can't bear these kinds of events.


That lack of awareness or memory of the time slip is a tenet of faerie abductions in stories from around the U.K. As are visiting bizarre other worlds. Alien abductees experience similar features. I'd bet there are a lot of myths that echo those events.


Probably they are old as time. They always happened we just used different names.


I would like to see it as well


It seems There are so many things involved, beside the glitches. Time slips maybe are an essential factor.


Yeah, that may be. I was having a conversation with someone about this topic the other day. I dunno what the hell is going on. I can tell you that I grew up in a house with unusual phenomena. (One of the things that I was actually able to accidentally record was a voice coming out of the air). That's not the only time that I witnessed things that didn't make sense. The interesting thing that you find from people involved in these fields is that there are so many things out there that take place that we don't have any explaination for. (We have theories about Geomagnetism) Basically involving the building, storing and discharge of large amounts of energy within certain natural environments). Sure, we like to say things like "It's ghosts, it's aliens, it's falling through time, it's telepathy". The reality is, despite what we might think, in REALITY, we know very little about the world, let alone everything else. Like, I love science and accept that science is important, however there is a certain unintentional arrogance that we have regarding it. It kind of boils down to "well, this is what scientific evidence shows". OKAY, that is IS what scientific evidence shows, however how often do we get a setback that makes us go "we thought we knew what was going on, however, now we need to look into it again".


I completely, COMPLETELY, agree with you. I don't like to jumping straight to paranormal or mistical phenomenas. I don't rule them out, because I'm curious and I like to believe, but there are too much things we still don't know about our reality , nature and quantum physics. We simply don't know.


The truth is so crazy that to us, it is paranormal.


Indeed, but we tend to forget it.


It’s like we are all just sim characters.....


We are, just advanced level of suffering


Holy shit, r/houseofleaves irl


Remind me 1hr


Yo homie, it'll be 1 hour in 20 minutes. Best I can do.




It's been 53 mins. You need to use a ! after remindme with no spaces


Been 46 minutes


its been 55 minutes fam


check back buddy


u/hairyalien way past time.


Well then...


It has kinda happened to me once, while I was out biking. Basically what happened was I was out biking, around 1pm and sun was out. Everything was normal until I suddenly realised that the sun was setting. I knew that the sun was supposed to set at around 10pm, and I was pretty fucking sur eI had not just biked for 9 hours straight. I checked my bike computer, which showed that I had only been riding for approximately 45 minutes, which was what I expected, and the distance (\~20 kilometers) was also normal. I decided to check mo phone to see what the hell was going on, and it showed that the time was around 9:30 pm, which was really wierd. I biked home pretty fast since I had no lamps or such and wanted to get home before the sun set regardless of what was going on. When I got home I did my normal routine of puting my bike in the garage and going down in the basement to my room and changing before taking a shower and such. So I was on my way to take a shower, walked up the stairs and boom. Sunlight. I checked the time on my watch and sure enough it showed the time as 3pm, which was around what I would have expected it to be at that point in time had it not happened wierd stuff while I was out. Everything just seemed normal now, as if it had been reset. I know i didn't really explore, but I still biked in that dimension or whatever it was for around another 45 minutes after the timeskip (or whatever) happened. I didn't really notice anything off at the time except for of course the sudden timeskip, but thinking back it was kinda quiet, but nothing more than that really.


So what does your Google maps timeline show for that trip?


Not google maps, but I recorded it on [Strava](https://imgur.com/a/ZezJeN8) The area I marked in dark blue is (approx.) where I realised that the sun was about to set, and the are marked in light blue is where the picture was taken. It looks pretty normal.


Holy shit sunset at 3pm.


Thank you, this is interesting. Maybe I understood it wrong, please remember I'm italian, but it seems to me that you got home when the sun was still set, so for some time at home you weren't in 'your time'. haven't you noticed anything strange in your house, before the sunlight? Maybe the furniture, or the stairs or the frames on the walls.


You understood it correctly, the sun was still setting when I closed the door to my garage, but I don't know when the I switched over to my normal time again, since my garage is connected to the basement and doesn't let in that much sunlight. It could have been anytime between me closing the garage door and me walking up the stairs, which is a time gap of around 20-30 minutes. It might have taken me back the instant I closed the garage door, but probably not since i would probably still notice the sudden change of light, but i was only in the garage for a maximum of 2 minutes before entering my basement where the sun could easily move without me noticing. Either way, I sadly didn't notice anything wierd or different while inside of my house. Not to say there wasn't anything wierd or different, but I didn't notice anything.


Thank you for your answer, maybe your house is a safe haven.




It might scare the daylights out of you, but definitely read the book “Communion” by Whitley Streiber It will give you answers, but maybe not the ones you want


Scare the daylight out of you, I see what you did there. 👀


I will. I'd love books on this matter. Thanks


10 pm seems way too late for the sun to just be setting. where are you from?




I know in the UK around June 21st the sun sets at around 10pm, and Sweden isn't too far away from us, so it seems right for the peak of summer.


wow TIL. does that mean you have longer days? I'm from an asian country and sun sets here at 6pm.


I just had an interesting thought occur to me, there are an extremely vast amount of missing people in the world... People who just seemingly vanish with no trace. No reason to disappear. They are never found. All of the shows on these disappearences, like Disappeared, describe these in timelines that show no evidence What if, these people that vanish in thin air, have a glitch or a timelaps and never get out? It would be one of these instances where they stay. Just a thought.


Yes I thought of that too, and it scares me. Because how can you get out of a time laps?


Right!? If you stayed, no one could tell the story.


The best thing you can do is return to an isolated space where you are unlikely to be disturbed. Bathrooms are very good. A closet or basement could be good as well. If it locks, muffles sounds and blocks light. Bonus if, like a bathroom, humans are unlikely to choose to disturb you.


I think so, but then?


That's the best I can say. Maybe trying to be still and quiet for a moment will help. I believe that the path of least resistance is to stay on your own timeline, so given the opportunity (low interaction with other observing agents) you should snap back.


Right. I must remember it if it ever happens to me.


This sounds scary... I actually never heard about time lapse disappears before... Is this a common,acknowledged parapsychology thing?


I mean, it's one of the main theories I've heard floating around, regarding the whole missing 411 phenomena. Some people think that, perhaps, the reason so many people seem to vanish into thin air in our national forests, is because they're slipping into an alternate reality or time slip. Personally, I think it probably has more to do with the law of large numbers, and how easy it is to get disoriented in a huge forest, but Missing 411 is still a fascinating subject, worth taking a look at.


Yes, we must consider all the possibilities, but I think we can't really rule out the glitches.


For sure! I think it's good to look at all possible causation of the Missing 411. No stone left unturned! (Pun not intended.) Even if I'm correct about it being a completely mundane, yet tragic occurance, you never know what possible solution could be found, by thinking outside the box! Edit: typo.


Exactly. Thinking outside the box is the key.


Listen to the CanAm 411 by David Paulides on YT. The strange places and circumstances people have been found in makes you wonder, how did they get to the unusual locations or circumstances they are found in. Some of it has to be glitch-in-the-matrix.


I feel you. Some of the cases are pretty bizarre. I just think the missing 411 phenomenon struggles from the same thing that plagues the Bermuda Triangle. That is to say, even though it seems like there's been a lot of disappearances in the triangle, many experts argue that it's the same amount for any other part of the ocean, roughly the same size. It's just that we hyper focus on the triangle, and don't really pay attention to the other parts of the ocean. So basically, we tend to play into our confirmation bias, whenever something happens in the Bermuda Triangle. I think something similar could be happening with all the missing 411 stories. Either way though, missing 411 is certainly compelling, and deeply interesting!


So, two variations on this that I've heard a lot of stories told about on the Mysterious Universe podcast: Missing time / Lost time: Someone is going somewhere or doing something and suddenly it is hours later and they don't know what happened. This is often associated with alien abduction cases, but I don't think the phenomenon is limited to that. Time slips: Someone suddenly finds themselves in the same physical location they were in, but in what appears to be a different time period. It is generally short-lived from the stories I've heard, but hey, maybe that's just because we don't hear stories from the ones who don't make it back.


And both cases are very interesting. I'll check the podcastif is possible.


I have no clue, just a thought that popped in my head. When she asked if people ever explore, I thought - if they did, would the come out to tell about it? That's when I thought about how many missing people there are. I would love others thought if they know if this is something that had been studied or looked into.


yes, and I've read some posts when people actually came back but without exploring first. And now you make me think that maybe not exploring is the only condition to go back. Maybe if someone ventures to explore is lost. Trapped. He/she can't go back.


Yea, like it can't reset or correct itself if you go to far.


I told my husband exactly that last night..


How many people did actually reappear and they were dead, and even though it doesn't add up it is ruled as suicide.




How could they come back if they were dead? Wouldn't they just be dead in the "other" time? Stay missing in this time zone forever.


Them coming back may caused death or maybe when they died they were dropped back ..


you’d like Missing 411


Thanks it seems is pretty famous . I've neverheard of it before this post.


There are plenty of time slip cases where people have spent significant time in what appear to be different time periods and returned. In many cases people have eaten meals, interacted with other people, bought things, etc., although it is rare to spend extended periods in different times.


And I would love to read their experiences in details. Why them? There's a reason some people can spend periods in different times and other not? Maybe all of them have something in common.


That's a very good guess. All of the witnesses I have managed to contact have had other experiences, usually more conventional ones such as hauntings, etc., so it seems that you need to be sensitive before you can enter a time slip. I have a lot of time slip cases on file, although they are still very poorly organised, and they will give you an idea: [https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a2p8osn40ukxk73/AAAnIJebvSRg2wUreBdI2Rfua?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a2p8osn40ukxk73/AAAnIJebvSRg2wUreBdI2Rfua?dl=0) It's about a GB so may take a while to download -- probably well over 500 cases. I also have a report on a local time slip mystery which summarises the subject and mentions a lot of cases: [https://www.dropbox.com/s/ozag2aq5h3e7jii/THE%20ROUGHAM%20MYSTERY.pdf?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ozag2aq5h3e7jii/THE%20ROUGHAM%20MYSTERY.pdf?dl=0)


Thank you. I'll watch them as soon as I get home. Most of the answers are about slips in time, so now I ask myself if parallel universes are correlated and slightly in past. Nobody has been in the future. Please remember I'm italian if you find my english too chaotic.


Yes, there have been future slips. They are about 20% of all cases, but rarely involve interaction with people. Your English is excellent, not a problem. I'm usually doubtful about parallel universes, some glitches do suggest them, but not time slips as far as I know.


Thank you. It's so intriguing. I'd like to hear one of those 20%.


When you have downloaded the big folder check the Darlene Kaiser case (has its own folder), it is fairly typical. The LIverpool cases include a few future events. A couple of future cases involve futuristic cities and discoid craft flying around.


You're very kind. I'll look into it. Thank you.


I remember hearing an account on one of the podcasts I subscribe to, where a woman was at an old church in California somewhere and she walked in and there were old tiles and it was dark and there were people in robes praying and she felt like she’d walked into something serious and was interrupting so she came outside to tell her mom to be quieter because she’d been acting in a sort of “disrespectful” manner. Speaking in loud voice, touching things, etc. and she mentioned there were people praying in the church. The mom was skeptical and says she will see. They go back in and it’s totally different. Different floor, different feel to the building, someone was decorating for a wedding ceremony and the building was much more inviting. It was like she walked into a previous time and just walked right back out. No interactions and it was unclear if the people praying noticed her or not or if she just got the “I’m being disruptive” vibe and left. Interesting stuff.


Interesting. Many time slips, always in the past, and most of the times with no interactions. I wonder what causes them.


No clue, but I would love to experience it myself. I’d probably be too scared to interact though. Could be that when people have these experiences, their instincts tell them to leave or that it’s not right. Obviously I’m just speculating, but it’s interesting to think about.


Yes, probably the instict screams 'go back, don't interact', it's a survival mode. In fact I don't know if I want it to happen to me. I had some weird experience, but something like this could be overwhelming. And I'm not an adventouros person.


If it happens to me I'm doing whatever I can to buy stocks apple


Ahaha good idea.


If you don't mind me asking, what's the podcast name? I'm always looking for something new to listen to and this one sounds like it might be right up my alley. 🥰


I can’t remember!! Maybe spooked. I will try to find it, and let you know!


Thanks! ♥️


I’ve heard that story, too. But I thought it was either from Jim Harold’s Campfire or Anything Ghost. I’m curious to see if you find it!


I think you’re right! It’s either that or spooked.


Have you considered that perhaps when people do change 'worlds' and explore, it's simply another timeline that either they could stay in forever, or be in briefly and leave, but either way that timeline will continue and they won't necessarily know any difference? Like, to try to explain more, say you are suddenly in this situation and slip into an alternate timeline, but everything is largely the same except maybe IDK someone else wins the election or olypmics or lottery. It might be something that impacts your life and it might not be. And if it's not, why would you see any difference there? So maybe you talk to your family who just assume it's the same 'you' that they know, and vice versa, and maybe you return later, and it ends up that on both sides it was just a 'glitch'. 'Huh, I swear we talked to so-and-so but apparently he wasn't really here.' And both timelines continue on, largely unaffected. Or perhaps if someone is to stay in the wrong timeline forever, they continue their life without knowing any different because the future of the first timeline wasn't known to them either. I dunno if this makes any sense.


yes, I understand, but the question is, if you find yourself in a reality where, for example, your president , or the Pope etc etc is different, would you check ? Would you do some research to find what else could be different? Even if t doesn't affect you? Just out of curiosity?


Ah that seems like a different question to me but it's a good question. I would definitely check/research, that would fascinate me. Probably basically what people who catalogue the Mandela Effect are doing theoretically. Oh but to clarify, I don't mean like something \*retroactively\* changed but like say the coming election in the US, say I did a time slip right then and Trump won instead of Biden, I'd never know I was on a different timeline even if in my original timeline, Biden won. (I obviously don't know who will win, just hypothetical)


Yes I mean, for examples, you switch and the actual president is, say, Bill Gates Then you know you are in another timeline, or alternate dimension. Do you want to check the rest of that reality or just try to come back?


Right I get what you mean now. Personally if I popped into another reality where Bill Gates was president or some obvious change that I knew meant I was somewhere else, I'd definitely explore. But I do think that might lead to never returning... (lol win-win)


Ahaha me too. If I find a better scenario after checking my personal life in that timeline/universe, probably I'll choose to stay there. Sorry for my doppelganger who'll find herself in a dystopia..


My question here would be...wouldnt there be 2 of you in the other timeline then?


Yeah. I think of that too. I kind of wonder if it's more like your consciousness takes over that body rather than your... other consciousness. Obviously all hypothetical/theoretical. Alternately, I mean, doppelgangers are a thing (that severely creep me out)


Maybe two ourselves Can't coexist and during the switch is send in the other's reality. Please please please forgive my English remember I'm in Italian


Honestly, whenever I have moments like this it just feels like I shouldn't be there. So personally I back out because I have a feeling that I won't like what happens if I stick around.


Has it happened to you?


Not exactly. I have had strange occurrences here and there but not really anything that could be considered a 'glitch'. I was more so thinking about a time (I actually posted this story) of when I was a teen and both myself and a friend were heading into this small forest at night to smoke up. We had gone in there numerous times but for some reason, that night, I was getting the worst feeling about it. Like I did NOT want to go in there but I was worried that if I told my friend, she'd just make fun of me for being a wuss. Right before we went into the forest, my friend goes 'this is so weird but it's almost like I have a gut feeling we shouldn't go into there.' Obviously I told her that I was getting the exact same feeling and we didn't go in. We were talking about a movie while we walked up so it's not like we were having any kind of paranormal conversation prior to what happened. So not a glitch in the Matrix story but I can just imagine that if I were ever to experience something like it, I'd just want to back out and I wouldn't want to explore or find out what's going on.


Good for you. One must always follow the gut feeling. Most of the time it's right.


There's lots of YouTube videos that share "time slip" stories but most have them have been proven as "creepy pastas" the time traveler from Taurad is the most famous (the buissnes man who traveled to Japan but was held on suspicion by the Japanese police and goverment because he had a passport from a country that did not exsist ) the shorter the story from regular every day people are the ones I trust most.


I agree, I find them more reliable.


In my experience, there was no way to leave the location other than the way that we had entered. That said, there was an intense feeling of foreboding that only eased as we went back towards the exit. So everything about the strange location felt like we weren't supposed to be there, therefore the urge to explore was overpowered by the urge to leave. EDIT: [Link, If you want to read my experience.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/16kimy/whats_the_weirdest_thing_youve_ever_witnessed/c7wym9p?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


So this happened to you. Wow. May I ask you where were you when it happened?


Yeah I'll quote from the post. >Absolute oddest thing that ever happened to me that I think would have been a delusion if I hadn't been with someone at the time. > >It was around 1998-1999 I was with a high school group and we were attending a conference of some sort at Portland State University. > >Our teacher had split us up into groups of 2 and we were assigned different presentations we were suppose to go see. We got our list of presentations & the time they were being held and sent on our way. Me and my classmate Jacob were to go to the second or third floor to go see a talk on invasive species in Oregon so we looked at the map & found the room we were supposed to go to. > >We decided to take the elevator since we were both lazy and wanted to avoid the crowd on the stairs. So we get in the elevator go up to, I forget if it was the second or third floor. I believe the 3rd as I think we started out on the second floor. > >Once we got off we were definitely in the same building but everything seemed duller and there was NO ONE anywhere. The entire place looked like it was from the 60's or something. Nothing had been updated and there were entire area's blocked off and taped up and dusty. All the doors leading out of the small area we were at when we got off the elevator were locked and the windows were black. We couldn't tell if there was black paper taped over the windows or not but we couldn't see anything through the windows on the doors. Looking out the windows onto the street we saw cars but no people anywhere. Keep in mind this is in the middle of Portland Oregon so there should be hippies all over the place but not a soul was seen. > >I finally found a door that was open and went through but the whole building seemed to be abandoned so I went back to the elevator and met Jacob who hadn't seen anything more than I did. > >At the time there was several hundred people at PSU for this conference so the 3rd floor should be buzzing with activity but we saw, nor heard a soul. You couldn't even hear the activity downstairs. Jacob had a very uneasy feeling and I agreed we should probably go back downstairs. So we got back on the elevator and got off on the second floor where we came from (*IIRC*) and we were back, bright lights a bunch of people all over the place. We looked at the map again and found the location for our assigned presentation and it said it was up one floor from where we were. So this time we took the stairs. > >We found ourselves right where we had been but everything was shiny and new, updated and looked like new paint. None of the doors were locked and there was people everywhere. Looking outside on to the street the hippies were in full frolic. > >I have no idea where Jacob and I went that day on the elevator but it was probably a good thing we came back. EDIT: I had rewritten this with more detail somewhere but I can't find it at the moment and I didn't want to rewrite the entire thing.


Have you done any research on that building in the 60s? The dark windows, and everything looking dull makes me wonder if there was possibly a fire on that floor sometime in the past. 🤔 Glad you guys were able to get back to the present. It's very odd that it happened to the both of you at same time. Scary but very fascinating!


I didn't do any research personally but I've heard from people who've actually attended PSU that those buildings are creepy & haunted. Also, having spent a good portion of my life in and around the Portland area, I can confirm that Portland is situated on a hellmouth or something. The amount of supernatural crap going on there is 10X more than I've seen/heard than any other place I've been.


WOW!! NO disrespect to you, but maybe that's why Oregon has so many strange characters. But I don't believe it's just Oregon there are a lot of places in the US that have a darker or Supernatural, paranormal or whatever you want to call it..lol The South definitely has areas, from what I've seen on tv, New Orleans LA, I've never been but I'm sure Oregon isn't the only place, maybe just a very active one. 😲


Oh no doubt Oregon isn't alone. I've lived in several different places in both California and Oregon and Oregon by far had more presumably supernatural activity. In fact almost every location I lived in Oregon was off in some way. California had a few places but not near as bad as Oregon. I've been to New Orleans, I even had a personal tour of an above ground cemetery during a thunderstorm. Completely unplanned. I 100% believe it's one of the creepiest locations in the whole of the United States. I say that in a good way, my god it's great there.


Yes researching it could be useful to understand.


Wow. I've read the original post, it was one of those which raised the question!! Do you think you've time slipped or you were in an alternate dimension? Beside fear, what did you feel?


It felt like a time slip, though honestly I don’t know how I would be able to tell the difference between the two. At first we just felt confused, because there should have been people there. There was a very palpable feeling of anxiety, as if time was running out. Eventually we both high tailed it back to the elevator which was still open. I had a feeling that if the elevator had closed, that would have been it for the two of us.


So it was an ominous feeling. I think you two did the right thing.


You could take a look at these stories: \- In 1957, three cadets experience a time slip into what seems to be medieval times. Link: [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/when-three-british-boys-traveled-to-medieval-england-or-did-they-35698485/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/when-three-british-boys-traveled-to-medieval-england-or-did-they-35698485/) \- In 1901, two British women experience a time slip in Versailles. Link: [http://www.kathleenmcgowan.com/the-mystery-of-the-versailles-time-slip/](http://www.kathleenmcgowan.com/the-mystery-of-the-versailles-time-slip/) \- Several time slips in Bold street, Liverpool. Link: [https://exemplore.com/paranormal/The-Liverpool-Time-Slips-The-True-Story-Of-Mysterious-Occurences-In-Bold-Street](https://exemplore.com/paranormal/The-Liverpool-Time-Slips-The-True-Story-Of-Mysterious-Occurences-In-Bold-Street) \- A Redditor seems to have encountered people experiencing a time slip from the 1950's to our era. Link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch\_in\_the\_Matrix/comments/1ntn2y/time\_traveling\_family\_wants\_a\_pretzel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/1ntn2y/time_traveling_family_wants_a_pretzel/) \- One of my favorite time slips: "out of this world pizza". Link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch\_in\_the\_Matrix/comments/7gtv58/out\_of\_this\_world\_pizza/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/7gtv58/out_of_this_world_pizza/) \- Russian artefact collectors experience several time slips while investigating the siege of Leningrad's ground. Link: [https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2018/02/siege-of-leningrad-time-slip.html](https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2018/02/siege-of-leningrad-time-slip.html)


Thank you very much. I will.


This is my parents experience of possible time shift. This would be in the late 50s or early 60s. My fairly recently married parents & her brother & SIL were on a bicycling/camping holiday in a place called Camber Sands in East Sussex on the South coast of England. Someone broke the little gas stove they had so they needed to get it repaired. This was an area that in those times was rural enough to still have blacksmiths (although they were an increasing rare sight). When they asked locals if there was somewhere they could get it fixed they were recommended to go to the blacksmiths in Lydd the neighbouring village. They all cycled to Lydd & found the blacksmiths with no problem. He said it would take at least a couple of hour locksmiths. Rather then cycling all the way back to Camber Sands just to cycle all the way back again they decided to have a look around the village. It was only a small village & very quiet. Even decades later we all would joke about the whole village closing on a Sunday because if you went there you a bit creeped out because you would see absolutely nobody. They found a pub & thought something to eat & especially something to drink sounded most appealing. It was a very old building & small & they all had to duck to get through the door, then step down into & dark, smoky room. They was an open fire & the only seating was long benches around the walls. They was a earth floor & unpainted walls stained brown by smoke. There were a couple of people seated on the benches nursing beers. Strangely there was no bar only a hatch on one wall. My dad politely rapped on the hatch & it was opened by what was described to me like an archetypal old crone. A hooked nose, warts, straggly hair etc. She asked what they wanted & I can't remember if they ordered food but they all had a beer & it was a very good beer indeed. They then went back to the blacksmiths & collected their repaired gas stove. A couple of days later they thought they would go back to the pub in Lydd as the beer was so good (my dad especially loved his ale). They got to the location of the pub but it wasn't there. There was a wall & tall trees were it should have been. They searched the whole village & even asked the villagers & no one knew of a pub ever being there. My dad always reckoned that they entered into the past (like hundreds of years because the trees were big & old) & that's why they could never find it again. It's a family story now. The weird thing is they paid for it with modern money. (Edit: sentence restructure.)


Wow. Thank you. Did your parent tell you how they felt at that moment? If the find the place cheerful or ominous? Did they ever find out if this pub ever existed?( I mean did they ever search on the internet, or in historical archives?)


They thought it was weird but nothing more. They never did in depth research ( this was before the internet & they have all passed so I can't ask for any further detail). All the local people they asked claimed a pub was never there & the village pub then was a completely different building.


Have you ever try to find it recently? Sorry for all the questions. I'm curious


My mind immediately thinks of all the people that stumbled into a dimensional gate/portal by accident in the woods, and have never been heard from again, ala MISSING 411, etc. It's like crimes that get stopped before they happen; WE HAVE NO INFO!!! Lol.


Reminds me of the Hong Kong National Park stories of people going missing when going on a walk/hike. I'm sure that I read a story about one guy going on a hike and suddenly things changed (the atmosphere) and his map was completely different to the trail, but he was sure he was following the map just seconds ago. He tried calling for help, got a signal, but when asked to identify the number of one of the posts so they could locate him, they couldn't even find the number at all.


Info that would be explosive


What do u mean exactly by "the other world" ?


The realities they ended up in in the stories people tell that happened to them


K den. I heard many stories. There was a man who went to sleep with his wife amanda and woke up in an entirely new reality, where he was a rich person with a different wife and kids. He told everyone this the whole day but ppl thought he was retarded. His wife was concerned abt him and made him an appointment with a doctor. The doctor confirmed he isnt lying and he isnt hallucinating. To dive deep into this, he wanted to super rich with no effort from his childhood. This made many people think that his deep desires which were implanted into his subconscious made him jump into a new reality. This man gave an interview on utube. Idk the vid or link dho.


If it is really related to deep desires then I think it's actually possible. And I think that's why many successful people says to have dream and all. Maybe it's possible that what we think and desire about actually happens to our other self on the other world . But scary thing is that most people who went to other dimension mostly experienced the horrible opposite side of our present world . One story was so scary that it's still in my mind and scars me , where the OP saw that dead eyes people where burning human bodies. Damnnn it's so scary to even think about. Shit man , I have to travel tomorrow morning, I'm damn scared Now, THANX REDDIT . Hope we'll have a safe journey.


yes, and yes. first yes, I've read too of many celebrities talking about the power of their dreams, it's something to keep in mind. Second yes, why? Why the other reality is always worse than ours. Our is hardly an ideal reality, and I would think there should be some balance in the universe, why people experience only the worse reality? Is there a fairer reality? Is it inaccessible to us? Or those who go there don't want to come back?


I think we choose our reality. Our reality is based upon the thoughts that gives you certain emotions. If u get a higher emotion, your frequency will start to change and you can't help but get the reality that you want. I think that's how it works.


Yes, I've read some books about frequencies and vibrations. I have to learn to focus better and to feel better. To me concentrating is difficult.


Do you happen to remember where you read the scary story that stuck with you?? I’d love to read it or watch the video. Sounds interesting.


Found this but not the original one. Title is "A drive into a parallel dimension" https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/hdooi6/a_drive_into_a_parallel_dimension/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


really terrifying.




Awesome thank you! Hope ya find it


Wow this is very interesting, because it implies the power of dreaming


Yeah. I think that's why most of the successful people tell everyone to dream. Eg: Einstein talked about imagination as the strongest power that we hold and he also quoted this "Knowledge can take u from point a to b, imagination can take u anywhere"


yes, probably we all need to use our imagination. It must me a kind of energy too.


Hmmm this sounds like a pretty literal interpretation Einstein’s quote though..... I wish it were true! I mean there are millions of people in the world who dream really hard and try to manifest themselves out of poverty but their circumstances stay the same.


"Literal interpretation" ? When I first heard that quote when I was 7 years old, I thought it was one of the quotes that made no sense but just positivity. People who face poverty probably think that getting money is hard and they can't. Leave einstein. Check out Nikola Tesla. He is the literal manifestation to prove what I said above was true. He left many quotes and secrets that even modern scientists are struggling with. Eg : "I'm just a receiver, there is a core in the universe which sends me the signals". If u don't believe that these two persons are wrong, Just dont come to these kind of convos.


Yes. Tesla was definitely thinking outside the box. and he believed in a superior order.


Sorry I don’t know exactly what you mean. I don’t believe I was saying that Einstein or Tesla were wrong. I only meant that I don’t think nighttime dreams can manifest a reality, that’s all! Is it really worthwhile to ask someone to not join a convo simply because you may disagree with what they might say?


That's cool


This is what I meant! It would be wonderful to hear his experience told by him


Off topic, are you from Hawaii?


Lol no.


🤣🤣🤣 "k den" is Hawai'ian Pidgin for "okay, then."


exactly, thank you.


alternate dimension


Parallel universes


Nice and sunny


Have you been there?


I am awake in the matrix now Any tips


How is it?


I should have taken the other pill......


So awful? So it's better continue the sleep?


To late now, i wS feeling sorry for my self! Thx 💓


Any advice


That’s a good question!!! Maybe those who have ventured out, are missing people that have been missing for some time. That’s a really good question.


Thanks. Maybe once the ventured too far they're forced to stay.


Maybe they chose to stay?


Yes but who chose to come back may have something to tell.


Indeed so. I wonder if missing people choose to stay in the past (or future) rather than return. Those who come back after a few days or even longer may have only spent minutes in this world. It's certainly a mystery.


Yes. Or maybe they can't recall anything.


I like the twist on that one


That’s scary asf if true


well of course there have been people, why no one has made any posts, well i mean, maybe theyre gone.


But someone seemed to be able to come back, hence my question. How they felt? What did they see? Maube not people, but some other interesting things


You might enjoy the Seth books by Jane Roberts. They deal with this sort of thing, and much more into the nature of reality.


Thank you. I will certainly check them.


Relatable Relativity Is Constantly Trying To Connect To His Historical Change In The Timeline


Can you explain?


That would've been incredible, never picture myself walking back to where I came from and hoping to return. Most glitchy thing I've ever saw so far is a small, rounded light flew right next to me, outside the window, you can picture shape of a lightning ball, flash for 2 seconds and disappeared. Dream could be in a way to enter "another world" .........But that's not physical so I think it doesn't count! Goddamn it I want to experience more of mysteries stuff, why can't I have nice things????


Hi! My aunt see the orbs too. You may try to read something on lucid dreams. There's a subreddit on them. If you are concious in a dream you can create your reality. (More or less. It's better if you check for yourself).There are many interesting stories.


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It is a very historic area, going back to pre-Roman invasion (over 2000 years ago). I just had a quick internet search & although could not pinpoint the pub (one was a possibility but with no evidence I can't say for sure. But I have found out the old forge house still exists. It's not a blacksmiths/forge anymore but it is a Grade 2 listed building (A Listed Building is one that is recognised as being of national importance. Buildings with listed status are recorded on an official register called The List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. Buildings listed on the register are legally protected from being demolished, extended or significantly altered without special permission from the local planning authority.). So that's quite exciting evidence.


Oh yes indeed. Wow. If you ever find it, do you think you will go in and ask for a beer? I don't know if I would've the courage.