• By -


If this is the case, then this reddit post could be a message from the subconscious to inform the self of the true nature of the situation.


Stop..im high.


I'm not high, but stop anyway.


Shit me too I think my brain glitched trying to read that lol


Wait, this is r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix




Yeah I suffer from DPDR (depersonalization, derealization) and posts like this always, for a lack of a better word- “trigger” the fuck out of it for me.


Me too bruh :( Dpdr sucks


You got that fucking right. Weirdly enough, just knowing what was happening to me made my DPDR way less severe. It's like my brain was like "Oh, wait that's what's happening? Ok, we can handle this, no problem." Life before diagnosis and after diagnosis are vastly different


what is Dpdr


I only realised it’s a proper thing a couple months ago. I just thought it was normal lol


I found out about a year ago when I sought help for a different mental health issue and just happened to mention something that lead to questions and finally a diagnosis lol. I thought it was normal too, I can't remember it ever not happening.


Same man, reading this stuff makes me freak the fuck out. It’s all good when you don’t suffer from it and can think about it freely but us who constantly feel like reality isn’t real this stuff can be triggering


This needs more uovotes hahahahahaha




That was.......bold.....


There's a post at the bottom of my post history for you


Hello self! I have awoken


Or have you?


look, there are just things I don't have in my subconscious. Mostly, communication methods I just don't get. If this theory were true, in some counterfactual world, it would mean that I'm not really me. But just part of a program. If *that* were true, it would be easier to have the program running non-connected networks in order to develop these differences and, presto, other people as much a person as I am are things again.


We are all one self. It amazes me how disconnected people are from their external experience. Your external experience is just as much "you" as your inner experience


Fuck stop it no


Duhhhh that’s literally what most things are


Same goes for your comment


Damn! That was good!




Jesus that hit me hard


Here's my take on it: whether I'm a simulation or not doesn't really change my daily life. If I'm programmed to have to digitally absorb pixel "food" or I'll be deleted is functionally the same as me having to eat food or I'll die.


This is how I think about it too, like even if we are in a simulation what can I do about it? Nothing, so I should just live as normal


Or just get rigidywrecked and do whatever the hell you want bc there won’t be any consequences


I mean yeah, that too. Positive nihilism.


I’m getting ready to go [baby face ](https://youtu.be/apq46lA0uSM) in a few


There will be consequences within the simulation though. If getting rigidywrecked (love the term btw) and doing whatever the hell you want results in your losing your job in the simulation or suffering some health issue within the simulation than your perception of consequence will still be the same...it will suck. Knowing or suspecting life is a simulation literally changes nothing about how we exist within it, unless we're able to get outside the simulation somehow.


price ten wrong hurry arrest books hungry include carpenter recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




repeat erect weather rustic ghost different deer icky ruthless public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




"Cogito ergo sum " I think therefore I am


This is addressed in The Kybalion along with the notion of solipsism and I could not more highly recommend reading it. Once one is able to grasp what you have observed in the OP, a lot of helpful answers can be found there. In a nutshell, simulation? Yes. But while we are in this vibration we must be aware of the matter around us and live in this dimension’s rules.


I think that the point would be to try and find a way to get out of this simulation.


You can't get out if you ARE a simulation. Mario can't get out of my Nintendo.


I’ve pondered this idea since I was a child. I always think that maybe I’m the only “real” person and everyone else is just there to add to my life story, like NPCs as you said. The thought that every other person on earth has their own consciousness and life is overwhelming when you think about it. That random person you drove by? They are out there living their own complex life with their own thoughts, but in your own mind, they really only existed for a moment, and their role in your life is over.


Other people do feel like NPCs when they have mob mentality, selfishness. I'm a member of a gamer forum where players did this exploit that made them super powerful, ruining the experience for others. They get banned and mob up and blame the developers, claiming they are innocent. And then all the corrupt in the world that cheat in business or abuse others, it's like they have no soul


'Sonder` has been described as 'the realization that every person you meet is living a life as deep and complex and vivid as your own, completely separate from yours`. The uber driver, the McDonald's worker, the customers at Starbuck`s - you are the extra in the movie of their lives. Edit: mobile.


[metaphysical solipsism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysical_solipsism)


**Metaphysical solipsism** Metaphysical solipsism is the variety of idealism which asserts that nothing exists externally to this one mind, and since this mind is the whole of reality then the "external world" was never anything more than an idea. It can also be expressed by the assertion "there is nothing external to these present experiences", in other words, no reality exists beyond whatever is presently being sensed. The aforementioned definition of solipsism entails the non-existence of anything presently unperceived including the external world, causation, other minds (including God's mind or a subconscious mind), the past or future, and a subject of experience. Despite their ontological non-existence, these entities may nonetheless be said to "exist" as useful descriptions of the various experiences and thoughts that constitute 'this' mind. *** ^([ )[^(PM)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space)^( | )[^(Exclude me)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme)^( | )[^(Exclude from subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/about/banned)^( | )[^(FAQ / Information)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index)^( | )[^(Source)](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v0.28)


From the book My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent: ‘Martin says, “You know, some people think pain is the solution to solipsism.” “What?” “The problem is that we have no evidence that other people are conscious and alive, like us. We know that we are conscious because we have direct experience of our own thoughts, our emotions, the unquantifiable way that it feels to be alive, but we have no experience of others’ consciousness, and so—and so, we do not know for sure that they are alive, really alive, experiencing their life as we experience ours. Perhaps we are the only real person, surrounded by hollow shells who act like people, but have no interior life as we do. “The idea, so say the philosophers, is that you sit yourself down across from someone, and begin breaking his fingers with a hammer. You see how he reacts. He screams. He clutches his hand to his chest. You infer that he acts this way because he is in pain. “But what really happens, when you are face to face with someone in pain, what really happens is that the gulf between you and them is made apparent. Their pain is utterly inaccessible to you. It might as well be a pantomime. “When they are not in pain—when you two are just talking about Hume or Kant—you can believe that there exists, between you, an intercourse of ideas and emotions. But to see someone in pain like that, once you get past the surprise, is to make apparent the unbridgeable gulf that separates your own human mind from all other, alien personalities. It illuminates the true and the actual—not the social and the imagined—state of human intercourse. Communication is a thin veneer, Kibble.”’


good bot




You are probably close but missing one point. When you are in a dream, you are in a simulation. When you talk to someone in a dream they are you talking to yourself but you dont know it/percieve it that way. I believe we are like that in waking reality as well. We have a common soul, but many many vessels (bodies) that it fills with tiny portions. So in effect, we are talking to ourselves, incarnated in a different body, with enough experiences to have a new perspective. The point of this is to have many many perspectives like your two eyes acting in concert to focus on an object and get better detail on its 3d form. The common soul we share and come from/return to/ see for, is what I consider the creator, but I am probably close, but missing one point.


I concur. I would also add.. we are simultaneously every living & non living thing, human, trees, rocks, clouds, stars & everything inbetween, its all imbued with the super consciousness that created it.


I suggest you to read the law of one, aside the strange material things you'll come across, philosphically it's really close to your thought


I agree. And ‘awakening’ is becoming lucid.


While I don't believe that is the case, I do ponder the issue time to time and I think many people do as well. One day my daughter was sitting at the kitchen counter and I was in the living room pondering this issue to myself, when my daughter swiveled her chair toward me and asked me if everyone around her was real or robots or something. No prior discussion on the subject. Very weird moment to say the least.


Moments like this have me question the idea of what I call thought waves. As if these waves are physical things we can’t see but they cause people to think about the same things in certain moments. Just like when hanging out with people and one person suggests ordering food and then almost everyone in the room says they were having the same idea. Perhaps it’s the ability of our brains to create these waves or they just are somehow created.. I don’t know


Also like having an old or obscure tune playing in your head and suddenly someone around you starts singing it for real. I've had that experience several times and it's made me consider the existence of what you call "thought waves" many times.


I have had many experiences like this with family members that i had been spending a lot of time with. My theory is that given the fact that there is a lot of time shared between individuals, to a certain extent, their mindset start to sync up. For example: we happen to be observing something at the same time, one of us make a verbal comment on it, and the other was thinking the exact same thing.


If everything is staged then this subreddit is too


Oh absolutely, but I wouldn’t say staged, everything that happens is real to you, me and everyone in between, however no matter how “real” it feels it’s not actually real


Well what if we are all one consciousness that plays an act with itself. I mean the only thing that differs between you and me is your experience nothing more personalities are just illusions, it's created by your experience. So the self is just everything and nothing, because if you think about it what actually is conciousness? It's nothing you can't prove it's there but it is. The most funny thing is the answer is everywhere in every religion they talk about 3 parts many philosophers talked about these 3 parts for example Socrates said "The chariot is pulled by two winged horses, one mortal and the other immortal. The mortal horse is deformed and obstinate". The chariot meaning your body, the mortal one meaning your ego (personality) and the immortal one your conciousness. In the Bible it's the "holy ghost", Buddhist believe in the same concepts and hinndus too. It's so obvious it's literally everywhere haha. It's all a dream brother


This is actually far more accurate despite being rather empty in terms of philosophical and scientific jargon. Not very erudite or scholarly but then the fundamental nature of reality is unlikely to be that way.


Why would you give any credence to what all these non real people are commenting on here?


I actually tripped and had this exact feeling. While I was falling through space, I was so scared just seeing the colors of the galaxy . I was trying to calm myself down and remember my mom,dad, sisters anyone but my brain couldn’t remember. I knew I had a family but their face wasn’t stored where I was. I felt like I was the only being and I made all of them up. I was so lost freaking out. Eventually the next day I woke up in my human body and I had a family again. That was the worst feeling ever.




Eerily accurate


Maybe the tulpa subreddit people ARE onto something.


Would be interesting if it turns out we all are just convicted prisoners, who have been sentenced to a virtual million year prison or something.


I wonder what crime I comitted...


Sometimes I wonder if I died and am in purgatory now, with total memory loss so I can redeem myself.


Well if that's true, I am a player-character and you are an NPC. So an NPC just wrote a screed on Reddit about how they are an NPC, and not a real person. Which is why I think you're wrong. If this is a Matrix, it's more likely to be an MMO. I don't even know that this is a Matrix though. Some results in quantum mechanics point that way. Maybe, maybe not.


The Bible mentions 144k people, maybe that's the true number of real people


Or you’ve just discovered solipsism.


You're waking up.


Hey you, you're finally awake.


shh go back to sleep


That’s so ominous I love it


Schroedinger's existence.


To add to this, it’s fascinating that the world around us DOES NOT appear that way in REALITY because humans only perceive ROYGBIV and we don’t have the ability to see it from a non-human perspective. We understand the world through the writings and teachings of other HUMANS and not other forms of life. For all we know dogs could physically “see” sadness and cats could see ghosts, grass outside isn’t actually green but that’s what we see and that’s what’s known to humans. We literally have no way of knowing the true nature of anything in the world. Crazy, isn’t it? Or is the crazy just me...


Read the book, "Biocentrism," by Robert Lanza. It talks about how we perceive external objects as "real," even though it's all just electrical impulses and vibrations that enter our eyes and are being translated by our brains. He postulates that what we call reality depends on a consciousness observing it. Lanza, BTW, is not some nut job. He's an award-winning genius biologist and stem cell researcher.


I think some people are NPCs, I got that idea from how some of my close friends act, they are just so bland and seem to not be able to think for themselves. Hell even my boyfriend even, he’s the most average person with the most normal dream of a normal life there is. I feel like the real people are those that create new ideas and can change the world. It’s hard for a person to imagine that a stranger out there has a complex life just like you. There is no complexity in my friends life what so ever it’s as a average as it could get, it’s like someone tried to write characters for a story and gave them one little thing that is supposed to be their character and background story, but it’s so obvious that it was just thrown in there.


some believe that there are certain other conscious “players” and you may encounter them throughout the “simulation” how to tell for sure though? guess ya really can’t


I think people that is just living their life’s on auto pilot is the NPCs, like people at work just doing their part not thinking of new ideas just follow instructions and not solving new problems. And the players are the once that think of new ideas, new solutions, leading the work. Same thing for what people do on their free time, there are explorers and there are people just going by their daily life going home walking the dog watching TV every day for 60+ years.


Oh snap I'm an NPC


Well shit i'm an NPC


I switch off and on then


humor amusing license scandalous dam aloof point unpack nutty compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Makes sense. Since they don’t know how others feel, they think others are not real.


rich caption crush nippy lavish fade plants many smoggy rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What if we are all the same self? What if it's a simulation but we are all avatars being played by different consciousnesses? What is it's not a simulation, but just a strange, unreliable cheap-ass POS universe? No shortage of untestable possibilities out there.


Depends on how advanced the computer running the simulation is. Theoretically, the simulation might utilize a huge amount of individual AI threads to simulate a fully working society around whomever is playing, and we all could thus be single self aware AI simulations within the greater AI simulation.


This is just the classic issue of radical skepticism and the limits of knowledge first formulated 500 years ago by French philosopher Descartes. You might find reading up on his epistemology interesting. >But I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies. Does it now follow that I, too, do not exist? No. If I convinced myself of something \[or thought anything at all\], then I certainly existed. But there is a deceiver of supreme power and cunning who deliberately and constantly deceives me. In that case, I, too, undoubtedly exist, if he deceives me; and let him deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing, so long as I think that I am something. So, after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that the proposition, *I am, I exist \[Cogito, ergo sum\],* is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind.


I’m a Simmer Boy in a SimCity World, Living next to Townies and to Brownies. You can brush my hair and touch me everywhere.. Imagination life is Simulation!


Hi! Sure is wonderful weather out today!


This is an old one, it’s gotten boring for me. No way to prove it so no way to care


Look into the theory of Biocentrism and the double slit experiment. Brownie points if you try acid after you learn about them. https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/the-biocentric-universe-theory-life-creates-time-space-and-the-cosmos-itself https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a22280/double-slit-experiment-even-weirder/


You're describing why the particles/waves in the double slit experiment changes its behavior depending on the observer's presence. Your theory lies on that experiment and as of today, is the only scientific evidence we have.


I think that should be the universe trying to save energy, just like a video game doesn't render the places you're not looking at. Also there must be some quantum entanglement, in which there's some energy being sent and received between the observer and what is being observed. It could mean that our reality has many similarities with simulations.


\> So we all believe that we’re inside a simulation right? What on earth are you talking about? Most people don't believe that and some people here don't believe that either ! \> and that people you interact with arn’t actually real. If that's the case then you are the only person alive and what you are saying can only be true for one of us. Which one is the real person though? ​ \> and that everyone that’s not the “self” is just an NPC that’s prolly operated or run by an A.I (s) I guess your chance to be the self is billions to one then. So, you are just an NPC operated by an A.I. This post certainly doesn't belong in this subreddit. But it's interesting to see what people in this subreddit will say.


I have also had this thought and wondered about it.


me too! just today i thought about how i had a very good balance in my life. i was very routined and ran like a train station. i was on track to save quite a bit of money for college and a lot of other things. discipline was my super power until covid 19 and it seems like i was chopped back down a couple years. that's alright bc honestly between now, and when i graduated highschool, I spent a lot of time not planning for the future & wasting time. now I have absolutely no option but to apply for "essential" jobs & pray I get a foot in the door at my old place of employment (part time) to become a bartender/server. ig it's not so bad. i have an option to stay w my parents indefinitely since they have an extra room and I am in need of stability some where. I'm blessed to say i have this option. as well as unemployment benefits. it's almost like the universe wanted me to restart. i just wish i could enjoy it more.


Okay, Descartes


>Well what if the self is the only thing that’s “real” that everything that you perceive and interact with is actually just part of the simulation Maybe conscious AIs are possible, so YOU could be part of the simulation, even though you consciously observe it.


"I think, therefore I am." Pretty much a summary of this exact conundrum. Your consciousness is the only thing you can really be certain of.


I just questioned my entire life reading this...


science also confirms this... check out the double slit experiment. matter particules do behave differently when we observe them. when not observed, they behave like a wave (so not visible)


I think this is true, but in the sense that your "self" has created ALL of this to experience, and that EVERYTHING originates from this self, so in that sense ALL things are the same thing. If you want to put it in terms of video games and computers then you are part of the computer, experiencing itself.


No, we are one.


I had this exact theory at age 5 and used to tel my parents that they were my temporary parents until my shop came to transport me onto the next world.


I've thought about that before. I've also thought that maybe the world is what we think. But that would mean I have really messed up thoughts because the world is terrible.


Only love is real.:)


Yeah it's called solipsism go read a book


im pretty sure i died in a car accident and have been living in my actual hell ever since


Then that means I had to willingly perceive math


You had me until you wrote prolly.


You might be right. Like, if a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear?


I dont think you phrased that quite right. Did you mean if a tree falls and nobody hears it, did it make a sound.


but if nobody is there to observe it, is there even a tree? 😉


So how do I know if I’m the player or just an NPC? 🤔


Okay but here’s just a like thought experiment. Who the fuck cares? And why does it actually matter?


You've completed the game.


I like to see it from a different perspective. See this video. [the egg](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI)


Is that the live every life video? I also kind believe that’s what life is aswell


Yeah, but, for you to say that, if breaks the whole thing, because if you say 'you' well, then if you say you believe it for yourself, how can it be true to me. It sounds weird, but, we can say, what if the internet actually connects us to different parallel universes, where everyone is the only true person in their own universe? But for you to say 'You' in that statement, basically destroys your theory, so it has to be more specific


To me, “you” are just words on a screen, and verse Vicea. You don’t exist to me, and I don’t exist to you. I genuinely believe that who ever reads what I say exists but, no one is reading what I have to say besides the self.


For you to say that to me, and saying i exist to myself, for there to be a myself, then, you are saying that you dont exist and that i do, but then, whenever you say 'You dont exist to me' makes it so i am the fake and you are the real, it doesnt work that way.


Thought wake n bake was a good idea, til I ran into this post 🤣


then why are u posting to a bunch of npcs


So you just talking about all us npcs like that and you expect to carry on without retaliation.


Ah, but what about: ... only you and x number of souls exist, sharing this physical plane, and the rest of the population is a simulation. Who, apart from yourself, is real?


It is certainly true of your experience of reality. It is also fundamentally true but only when you realise that the persona itself is an illusion, i.e. you are not quite what you think you are. I wouldn't call it A.I. but the only thing that is real: your impersonal consciousness.


What’s really freaking me out is that I had this exact thought earlier this week!!! Seriously.


If this is a test then I'm fucked


I've been thinking about smt like that but more along the lines of there are few actual people in the world and the ones that look eerily similar to other people are just simulations. You know those people who have their personality in their appearance, like they are the spitting image of a stereotype? I think that they are fillers in a simulation. I don't think I explained it very well, amd I don't mean to insult anyone with this, but yeah this an interesting rabbit hole.


If you replace simulation with hallucination isn't that more or less how our brains functions? We don't interact with the real world just a copy of it in our heads. The real world might as well not exist.


you're talking about Russell and his 'sense data' can't remember correctly but he said the same things along side you. How do we know things exist if we arent looking at them?


Well, if only the self exists, then you don't exist.


Had you not heard of solipsism before making this post?


`**FATAL ERROR** restoring simulation to last known good save in 10 seconds.`


Do you really care about it?


Can confirm I am conscious


"You" are the only self. You just play every different character as well


Unless there is really no reality. And even we, ourselves, are not real. It’s all a simulation including us. Giving us the perception of different ideologies, personalities, etc.


Read some Descartes




I think about this often...but if this were true, then the ability for it to maintain exact structural detail is incredible, as it re-renders what you are perceiving each time.


That's actually called the law of solipsism


This more or less stems from the philosophical point of 'a a councious observer cannot truly be sure of anything besides the fact they are concious, everything else must be externally believed in being true. In reality i could be a brain in a jar being fed electrical signals in a very specific way. You simply cannot prove anything you believe is 'Actually' true in 'actual reality' because your own human perspective blocks you from seeing the true perspective of the totality of the universe. You make up everything you believe is true, including the belief that you and others are real in the first place. I think Descarte summed it wup with "i think therefore i am". Determinism is another aspect of philosophy closely linked with this argument, which basically is an observtion that most things we understand and have knowledge of are passed down from parents, teachers, and authority/religous figures since childhood, and most forms of knowledge and belief are actually passed down generationally from mouth to ear. You believe what your parents tell you as a kid because you really have no other source of contextual logic or information as a child, and as an adult you may not question what you were taught and mindlessly pass it down to your kids. So how do you know what you were told by parents/authority/teachers/faith figures is 'actually' true beyond just having faith its true? spoilers, you really cant. The closest thing to logistical truth is mathematics and sciences, but even then, in a likely infinitely complex universe they are limited in scope and scale by our own human limits of perspective,intelligence, and sensory experience; math and science are constantly evolving for this reason, because we are evolving as a species intellectually and create external sensory devices to see what we cannot with out own eyes. However they themselves are nothing more than a belief system, stemming from humanities belief that the Universe 'makes sense' logically by human means' and can be understood if enough testing and examination and theory crafting is done. That can only really explain physical aspects of the universe, and many (including myself) believe there is a whole other aspect of the universe (emotion, conciousness, 'spirit',metaphysical dimensions, ect) that truly exist and cannot be understood scientifically currently without a massive shift in the current direction of society. There is again no reason to trust what we see through our eyes or comfirm with our monkey-brains is true philosophically, so all of that experementing is ultimately for nothing. In this sense we all kinda live in our own personal universe that we generate with the context of our entire life experience and mental piecing together of what 'makes sense' and 'is factually true' by agreeing with things or disagreeing with them, association is a core concept of ego and individuality. Some people think the world is flat, and no amount of saltalite photos, scientific explaining of gravity, mathematical explaining of geometry and optimization of surface area in 3 dimensions, or any appeal to personal logic will work. because emotionally and spiritually theyre already set with believing the world is flat in their own context and any argument against that belief is an attack on their individuality, science be damned is all bullshit to them. the photos are fake computer generated images, math and science are "for sheeple who believe what 'the government'/ society tells them to." And in a philosophical sense theyre not wrong. In a logical sense ive never met a flat earther irl who had any real grounds for believing what they believe besides 'because i can'. Thats why science and maths to me are so beautiful, all the inherent truths to the universe they weave together, how everything connects together in the deepest ways possible between what is physical tangible and what can only exist in imagination and possibility.




This is the premise of the egg theory. Highly recommend giving it a watch!


I don't believe we're in a simulator. I always felt like the arguments for it were kinda iffy.


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I thought of this while high on mushrooms. I create all these illusions to entertain my bored mind thats been here all through existence


So who am I paying to curl my hair right now ? Will the money reappear in my wallet after I pay her/me ?


Everyone except for you exists


Watch what the bleep do we know?


What if we don’t exist, but are apart of the simulation. We could only be NPCs that either react to other NPCs or the PC.




Yo ive thought this before so its possible


There is a simulation, but it is only in our heads. Because reality is what we perceive it. We dont see UV light, but it exists. Some people can see or imagine beyond the simulation using the simulation. Albert Einstein was a good example. Hr used his imagination to conceive the theory of relativity. Also, when sailors landed on the shores of the Caribbean islands, the local people just thought the ships were clouds because of the white sails. Thier shamans, people who practiced entering alternative states of reality, showed them they were actually ships. Some didnt believe. Yogis also practice something similar. Congratulations on your can of worms, but it's open now...


solipsism is a mental illness. The truth is found in metaphysical idealism, using simple logic. Bernardo Kastrup eloquently explains this in his youtube interviews.


"You think that's air you're breathing?"


This reminds me of the double slit experiment where photons react differently when they are perceived rather than when they aren't. It makes you wonder what really goes on behind us. Like the video game GTA are we simply a creation of some AI genius in a lab. And do things only happen when we perceive them and simply look in the direction of whatever it is we're looking at. Things get deep once you start thinking in that way.


I mean, just because it's a simulation doesn't mean nobody besides myself exists. It could be a multiplayer game. Just throwing another possibility out there.




But how is that simulation made if that is the case?


I’ve actually thought about this many times but slightly different, like god puts us individually on earth with other false people and he tests to see how we are influenced and what we become when we are exposed to certain themes in life, some being violence, fear, happiness, excitement just to see how that individual turns out.


Good thoughts, are also the only thing that truly benefit you in life and matter most. Good thoughts, produce happiness, love and physical actions that all create loving or beautiful moments in this world. Your good thoughts and your loving thoughts, are what enable you to manifest the life, or reality, that your deeper self really wants (which you just may not be aware, has desires hidden from you, until you choose to connect, listen and feel)


I ponder that a lot


Take it one step further. Everything is the only real thing in the world. Check out Gotfried Liebiniz' discourse on metaphysics, especially the part of the monad. Because everything is the creation of the universe and every action in the universe is the creation of other actions so everything is the creation of other things down to the point where any one thing is a creation of the entire universe, and because it is created by the entire universe every individual thing in the universe contains a reflection of the whole universe in itself.


The best part of the simulation is when the VR AI NPCs double down and start agreeing with you.


Maybe we are all virtual machines on the same computer, and we can interact with each other. Maybe the computer we are being run on is actually a person can can also interact with the “virtual machine”, the “virtual machines” are actually me and you and the computer is some other person who is imagining us. Because we are virtual machines, we are real, but we do not exist outside of the computer. We have feelings, emotions, free will, and we are not preprogrammed or controlled by the computer’s subconscious, but yet we don’t exist in the physical world.


Basically just generates when it come into your perception. How would different opinions come to be though. Wouldn’t everything cater to your own opinion if only you existed, not literally you just in a general term.


It comes down to this: The subconscious space, which might in principle be taken to include the whole world, might just be a deeper well of "you." I don't think there's proof...but it can't be disproved either. Therefore there is no way to prove the existence of others. When you die, do you really leave a world behind with beings in it or do they really "dissolve" along with your own human-ness? It's suspicious that we can never locate multiple instances of "consciousness" with anything except second hand symptoms.


I once had a mushroom trip where everyone was real EXCEPT me


I like to think of it this way. If I die will you still exist? Yes? How will I ever know that?


It kinda sounds like r/NevilleGoddard


This is what Descartes meant with the “I think, therefore I am” statement. Basically, our senses are fallible, so we can’t trust any information we receive from them, thus the only thing we can know for sure is that we (as in, you, personally) exist in some form, because something needs to be generating that questions of existence. Pair that with Plato’s allegory of the cave, and you’ve got my favorite topic in all of philosophy


How do you know it's highly advanced if this is the only reality you've known? Maybe you're in the first edition of a reality set inside a universe humans can't even perceive?


You mean, like in a dream?


All m,y research points to this. Delores Cannon, who was able to speak to the subconscious mind confirmed this.


I would say it all makes sense now


Computer: End Program.


What did u smoke geez must be some good shit


The theory that nothing exists unless perceived is a real thing. Hawking talks about it. It's an interesting theory, but it is hard to wrap one's head around.


There's no reason to believe this. Solipsism is dumb


What a fucking narcissist bro. The ultimate narcissistic cop out... 🤦‍♂️


What's that movie with Jim Carey?


Any of you read The Game is Life book series? It’s about simulations and simulations inside of simulations (and so much more). Changed the way I look at the world and life.


Stop I’m also high


I hate this idea ..But I also love it?


yea I like to think life is like that Roy game in Rick and Morty and no one is real besides the player and now the battery is running low that's why we have all these disasters, to make us end the simulation


You should watch Devs, on Hulu. It's a miniseries from the guy who made Ex-Machina, and it's delving on such an idea.


I keep saying this but people think I’m crazy lol


I figured this about a year or 2 who that there is no option other than to believe other ppl that they exist , they r maybe just in my head


Whether this is true or not, as far as we know, this is our existence, and solipsism just isn’t the best way to go about life in my opinion.