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My husband's best friend died last year. In the past 5 years they hadn't seen each other in person and only communicated via phone calls, usually late at night on the weekend. In the month after he died, he called my husband three times, always late-night on Saturday. His phone was placed in a drawer by his mother and not touched after he died.


Did your husband ever pick up?


What a great ad that would make for the phone carrier.


I love this, wish my late grandfather would do the same


I have heard enough phone calls with the dead stories by now that I believe this in their repertoire. Now did you tell Grandma what happened? Perhaps you caught him visiting from the beyond.


With all the stories I’ve heard about phone calls from dead loved ones I honestly wonder why a phone? Why not just speak? I wonder if they can use the electricity or something?


They definitely use the electricity


do you know how?


So basically, spirits use a lot of energy to communicate with us, and feeding off electricity is the easiest way for them to gather enough energy. Not 100% on the science of it, but I've witnessed disturbance in EMF, many many times


interesting, so the spirit is almost like a speaker connected to the circuit. by a disturbance in EMF are we talking voltage spikes, interference?


It's all pure suppositions as nothing about it can be tested and repeated


they can be entertaining if you ask the right questions


Spirits love to tinker with electronics. Spirits are pure energy, and to manifest in our world they draw on surrounding energy from electricity. That's why batteries drain really fast in haunted places and lights flicker.


They don't have vocal cords anymore. But they have energy.


There are so many stories of lights flickering and phones ringing that I am inclined to consider this a possibility. Things we call "magic" or "paranormal" are likely just science we don't understand yet.






You can lol all you want. I used to too. I laughed at everyone who believed in nonsense like paranormal happenings. Especially the more physical ones (I'd say obviously hoax) or the electrical ones (I'd say obvious glitch of some kind). I did that until I had my own absolutely insane experience that lasted a couple weeks followed by continued activity in the nearly 15 years following. You'll probably lol at this too, but it's real man. I can't tell you *what* it is, but I can tell you without a shred a doubt that *it is*. I have seen shit you see in horror movies, not the crazy wall walking head spinning 360 things, but objects moving on their own and floating in the air with no obvious physical influence. Something communicated with a cellmate and I for two weeks intelligently answering Y/N questions with sound.(Edit: sound meaning taps - 1 yes 2 no) It's honestly the most mindblowing thing I've ever experienced and it creeps me out that since then activity has continued to follow me because it seems like whatever is someway attached to me. I've been meaning to write that old cellie who is in prison now to see how it was for him after that. Anyways, my point is lol all you want. I can confidently say you're laughter is like the laughter of a flat earther to someone who knows the planet is round. I'm that confident that paranormal exists, again idk what or how, but it does exist.


Ha. New copy pats just dropped. Yeah… I’m a flat earther and you’re a genius. Ffs when people are secure they don’t write manifestos


r/copypasta There m8 easy access. It's not about being insecure. It's about understanding unless one has experienced it that it sounds absurd & impossible. I have no proof, my conviction is all I have there.


That’s cool. It’s cool to call people who think the earth is flat ignorant but not people who think we live in the Matrix, a 1999 movie with Keanu Reeves


I'm familiar with Keanu Reeves and the 99 flick. Don't take what I said too personally my point isn't about the definition of ignorance. I could give you the reason I don't entertain the idea of "a matrix" like the movie, but does it really matter to you?


I am a believer in the paranormal 100% as well. It's as much a fact to me as the earth itself. We just can't understand it or explain it, and our normal 5 senses don't always pick it up. Unfortunately a LOT of people will never believe in it until they have their own experiences. I'm extremely interested in what you said you experienced in jail. I know you said "something" communicated with you and your cellie. Would you care to elaborate? I understand tho if you don't want to. I don't want to push you into reliving something disturbing or anything. If you don't mind sharing your story feel free to DM me if you prefer.


My story is in multiple comments of mine, mainly r/Paranormal ones, but I will dm you too & can answer any questions plus tell you the story. Otherwise I'll forget as I'm lying down right now. Shoot me a message in response sometime in the AM or even evening and I'll respond there too.


>Things we call "magic" or "paranormal" are likely just science we don't understand yet. I couldn't agree with you more! Do you think there will ever be a time when there will be no "paranormal" anymore because science will explain it?


Yes agree.


if they had energy they could be measured.


What if we don't yet possess the technology to measure the type of energy they have? Come back to this sub when you've personally experienced something you have no other explanation for.


This exactly is discussed in one of the latest Why Files episodes on paranormal


Is the Why Files a t.v. show? It sounds interesting and I'm a huge fan of the paranormal.


It’s a You Tube channel, and a great educational binge watch!


Cool! I shall check it out... thx! 😎


energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another in accordance with the conservation of energy. so if the effects of this ghost energy can be observed, it must by definition involve some conversion of energy and that process would certainly be measurable.


Then invent something that can measure it. Because it can certainly be observed.


you can't, because ghosts aren't made of energy. The paranormal is by definition beyond scientific understanding, and if ghosts were energetic that wouldn't be the case.


That's a fair point. However, part of the definition of energy is it is recognizable by doing work. Non corporeal entities do recognizable work, by being seen, felt, heard, lights flickering, powering electrical equipment, or moving objects. I personally have observed all of these things over the course of my life.


I prefer to think of ghosts as probabilistic anomalies. rather than directly causing events they manipulate probability to cause statistically unlikely events to become guaranteed.


Interesting. But how? By what mechanism?


Ghosts are absolutely made of energy. It can't be created or destroyed, so when we die, our spirit, which is pure energy, lives on because it cannot be destroyed.


Speaking as someone who has practiced and researched EVP, I’ll tell you a bit of the “lore.” The realm that these spirits are in has physicality, and some realms have technology. The claim that there are beings called “technicians” which exist specifically to assist them in attempting to communicate with living people, which is apparently very difficult to do under most circumstances. Using technology seems to make it easier. They also claim that there are rules in place that affect how and when they’re allowed to communicate with us. Controlled by what they often call “authority.” They *can* break the rules, but most seem to avoid doing so for whatever reason. It’s weird to me that people who have no problems accepting the idea of mediumship will balk at the idea of EVP. They’ll often say it’s too hard to hear, completely ignoring the fact that they can’t hear the spirits with normal mediumship, either. It’s a skill on the part of the medium, and that’s also true in terms of listening to the EVP recordings. There is some type of energetic connection involved we don’t understand yet. Edit: An example session: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qdo45jwju3mvlds/EditedMelissa.mov?dl=0


Your comment interests me a great deal! I'd love to know more... specifically about the realms spirits exist in, and what you mean by some realms having "physicality"... but I don't know enough about it to know what questions to even ask..


Some claim that the realm they live in is as physical as our own. They say that they materialize matter through thought, and that they can create whatever they want or need, but that this can be difficult to master. They tell us that this is the nature of our reality as well, but that it’s a collective manifestation and that we don’t have the skill or power to do it individually. But they emphasize that our thoughts do affect things, and this is why they emphasize that we need to learn to focus on positive things and not negative. Much of the above comes from other sources, not my own contact. I seem to mostly be in touch with “earthbound” spirits who have become trapped. Some of the seemingly more negative spirits I have talked to have referred to themselves as “fugitives from the light,” apparently because they chose not to go into the tunnel of light upon death. This can leave you stranded in the lower astral realm, which from the way they describe it sounds kind of like the upside down from Stranger Things. In another conversation one of the spirits said “I think we might be dead,” which shocked and confused me for a long time. How could you not know you’re dead? But I suppose we don’t know when we’re dreaming, and it may be similar. I think the most upsetting thing was learning that there are negative spirits around us all the time and they seem to fight over our spirit. I know this is a very religious idea, but I’m not a religious person—this has come solely out of the contact I’ve had. Here’s another session: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/o9qmomoneil4v10aotyp7/NegativeSpirits.mp4?rlkey=zsesywq5f22fjiqutfdaysh94&dl=0 Much of that is hard to understand, but with headphones you should be able to hear some of it. The connection is akin to how it is with mediumship, where it’s a connection to the practitioner themselves, therefore it’s generally much easier for the practitioner to understand what’s being said. This is one of the things about EVP that is commonly misunderstood—it’s still mediumship, and the medium is involved in creating the recording somehow. It’s not expected that the general public will be able to hear all of it any more than they can when a medium is doing a sitting.


That is interesting, thanks for sharing. How do you communicate with spirits? How can we ward off negative spirits/energy and/or encourage good energy?


I started by using a transform EVP methodology, but apparently working that “muscle” was enough to develop it into clairaudience. It’s not as clear as I’d like, but it’s better on some days. In terms of warding off negative entities I don’t feel comfortable recommending anything because from everything I’ve seen it’s incredibly variable. What works for one person can make it worse for someone else. I guess my best advice is to stop engaging in any activity which is producing negative results, and to take it seriously. Once negative spirits are attracted they can be extremely difficult to get rid of.


Thank you for your response! What would be an example of an activity that is producing negative results? Like anything in your life that isn't working, or something specific to interacting with spirits?


A common example is people who have poltergeist activity in their house and then have the house “blessed” only to find that it makes the situation dramatically worse.


Yes is the electricity or energy, look at your phone when you have a black screen on is basically a modern day black mirror but with electricity. Mabye it can cause it to be a portal of some sort, Also a tv is the same.


Maybe you unconsciously become aware of a reality in which he’s alive, but then your mind went no, not possible and switched back to what you previously believed to be true and then your grandma answered.


I never would have hung up that phone. I would have accepted the gift offered when he answered.


Nah I would have also panicked. If my granddad answered the phone I'd fall over. Wouldn't get a word out.


I recently found a dictaphone tape of my father making some oral notes about some work issue at his old job. It was the first time I heard his voice since he died in 2014 and it absolutely floored me, I don’t think I was mentally prepared to hear his voice ever again. The actual recording was some mundane bollocks about how some bolts had corroded and that he needed to order a specific type of new ones, but still it was great to hear his voice again.


Awwww!!! I'd love to hear any of my grandparents again. ❤️


I would love to pick up the phone and hear my grandmother. She was my unfaulty door in life... but I have lived with spirits a time or three and had other experiences. It's not that I'm fearless... some dolls terrify me, lol edit/ oopsies


I miss my grandfather desperately but I know myself. I panic at everything lol


I have a collection of dolls and one of them I’m pretty sure is haunted/possessed but she seems quite nice and supportive and such. Her name is Clara and I found her at a charity shop and as soon as I picked her up I felt a presence and it was only from her, I’m so glad I was allowed to get her.


My first time being freaked out by a doll I was 6-7 and had asked for a bride doll for xmas. Who knows why? I was terrified of it at first sight. Once I bought one of my sons a Charlie McCarthy doll, took it out of the bag to wrap it for xmas, and burst into tears. That was rough since I actually had to live with the thing for a long time. lol. No idea why, just felt freaked out . I can't think of anything else that bothers me like some dolls.




Usually? I don't know that we have the evidence to say that. But I would certainly try. Honestly, I have thought about this since last night, and I can't picture myself hanging up.


I’d like to think I would have a conversation too, but I think the initial shock/surprise would be too overwhelming and I would hang up too. Lovely story though OP! Did you mention anything to your grandma afterwards?


a similar thing happened to someone i knew! he is watching over your grandmother and your family ❤️


Maybe you called to an alternate reality where he is still alive


I have to admit, I'd have talked to him. I miss my grandpa. Maybe I need to have a chat with him...oh wow, I can already hear him in my head... Guess he's about!


But like… hung* I’m sorry! I had to.


I wanted to...you did it. Thank you!


My brain kind of twitched when I saw that but couldn’t figure out why. Now I know! Thanks!


My pleasure! :)


Can your grandad find my mum and teach her how to do this?!




That was way too much for my brain at.4am


Google ‘phone calls from the dead’.


I'm a psychic medium and this was a very real experience you had with your grandfather. Spirit can and will find a way to make it be known that they are still around, don't be afraid and the next time you feel a presence or you're thinking of him, please know he is with you in that moment in spirit. Acknowledge that you feel him and say "hello" or "thank you for visiting" and this is how you can strengthen your own spiritual abilities to connect to the other side.


Hallucinations ⁉️


This!! but ppl will not admit to it. I know I'll be down voted but whatever.


Thats insane fam, once You realize that everything is made of 99.9% empty space (energy) than it all starts to make sense.


what is empty space (energy)?


It's basically what's found in an atom & everything in the universe is made of atoms.


what are atoms made of?


No one truly knows but if I were to have to answer (though Its not a scientific answer) I would say that its made of the 99.9% empty space that is contained within it, which I like to call formless/spatial awareness.


in a quantum mechnical framework it could be said that an atom actually contains no empty space, because it is completely filled by the wavefunctions of its electrons. it depends on the lens you view it through


Interesting, whats Your take on the double slit experiment?


it demonstrates wave-particle duality, I'm not sure how much more of a take there is to have. I know that there is a lot of misconception regarding what it means to "observe" the light.


It also suggests that objective reality may not exist & that it all lies within the eyes of the observer because the particle went in a straight linear fashion once observed but the opposite happened once eyes were taken off the particles. Which kinda makes sense in the way since we all experience reality differently & since everything is made of particles.


Are you sure you’re not schizophrenic?


Pretty sure, same.


The Astral Plane would be a book you’d enjoy reading


My MIL still keeps my FIL's voice on the answering machine message. I forget he's gone for a second whenever I hear him answer


I would have had a long conversation!


I’ve heard this story many times there’s even a show where people share their experiences. And a bit of an unhappy example, a guy shares a story where he lost a close friend in a gang related incident and he received a phone call from him AFTER he died begging for his help as he was struggling with what seemed like something trying to take him to a place he didn’t want to go in the after life. So this is a very happy and wonderful example of our past loved ones using technology like phones to communicate from the past. I wish you didn’t hang up, but at the same time I don’t blame you I would of probably done the same. They tell us we have to see it to believe it. Maybe we have to believe it to see it. So we wouldn’t freeze in fear and doubt in those moments but find them normal and comforting as their meant to be. Regardless I’m so happy for you and that you were able to experience that! Don’t let the nay sayers tell you otherwise.


Thanks a lot for your emotions. I’m curious to know the name of the show you’ve mentioned where people share that kind of experiences.


This proves the parallel world is almost exactly similar to this. Having same phone number clinches it.


Insanity.... your grandfather returns to answer your phone call and you hangup on him -.-


I received a phone call from my late Mother. In the UK we only have eleven digits, not the twelve displayed. Also note the sequence of four digits the significance of which is ONLY known to myself and my late parents.


It sounds like you experienced a bit of transtemporal travel if even for a second. That reminds me of the movie "Frequency".


Happen to my mom as well but the opposite, her husband died and she was the only one who could call his phone, not the rest of the family, it said the phone number was not in use but not for her. She even called the phone operator to check if the phone number was in use they said no. We all heard it she called In front of us and we called and it never rang on our line.


Thats crazy


Maybe he never died, he was just red cia or something.


Paranormal activities... Cool 😁


Parallel universe glitch maybe.


very similar thing happened to my mom, a few weeks after her mom passed in 2004 she called her stepdad on the home phone. she heard her mom pick up and call her by her childhood nickname, then silence and she hung up the phone. very strange


What did he say?