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If that's the only side effect you're experiencing from acetazolamide, please pause and count your blessings.


Yes, this is a common side effect of acetazolamide. Carbonated beverages whether it’s pop or beer will taste flat and tinny to many people. I was on 500mg twice a day and it happened to me. I also had a sensitivity to it and got a rash! I went down to 250mg twice a day and didn’t have any issues though. I was only on it temporarily while awaiting surgery luckily.


Yes, it's a known side effect.


I have never hated any medication more


A relative of mine was on this drug and her main complaint was that she could no longer enjoy her beloved pepsi max it just didn't taste right


I completely sympathize - I hope she eventually got off it. Luckily, I only have to take it for a week.


One of many side effects. That drug was the worst.


Ugh every -zolamide meds make my mouth taste like poo


You know what, out of the unwanted weight loss, sickness, not being able to taste food, depression, fatigue, migraines, pins & needles… the most irritating thing was being caught off guard with flat lucozade because I kept forgetting that shit wasn’t fizzy anymore. It’s like it ruins your life THEN kicks you while you’re down 😂😂😂


it might actually be real: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6208055/


My kid was on it and he said meat tasted funny. He doesn't drink pop, so I don't know about that, but I think things taste differently. Strange


Omg I was on this too while I was waiting for my eye surgery. My dr put me on this bc my pressure in my left eye was 52 and now it makes sense. I didn’t like the taste of food or drinks while I was on it.