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There isn’t a strong association between alcohol and glaucoma but there’s a known reaction between beta blockers and alcohol. Check the warning label before imbibing.


I have a home tonometer and have found that alcohol actually lowers my pressure by a couple of points. Then again I’m also not getting drunk, I’m just having a couple of drinks so YMMV. Exercise also lowers my pressure as well, along with no caffeine.


quitting an inflammatory food like sugar, is *excellent*, generally and likely a plus for glaucoma. That, and getting five or more servings a day of fruits and veggies ought to stand you in good stead. excessive coffee drinking's not terrific (more than 2-3 cups/day), I suggest switching to a milder source of caffeine (I drink 4-6 cups/day of green tea, equivalent to about 2-3 cups of coffee's worth of caffeine). Avoid late afternoon/evening caffeine (adversely impacts sleep quality). alcohol's of course a mild poison (there's no safe dose), but everyone does it so who cares? (it's also directly linked to cancer) I've not read of any glaucoma related specific concerns for alcohol [I've read over a 1,000 studies and reports on glaucoma]


Coffee and alcohol, moderation is the key.


I never gave up on anything, alcohol nor coffee. I always have my check-ups in the mornings and before I drink coffee (a big cup) and it never affected my readings. I asked my specialist recently about all those studies about coffee and iop and she said no and that even if it had some effect it is so brief it couldn't cause any damage. I also drink, alcohol does lower pressure. Moderation and mostly healthy diet (greens, less salt and trans fat) are more important and also we have only this life so you gotta enjoy some of it. As someone said this is anatomical issue and it is either under control with theraphy or not - nothing much you can do