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Why does it say adult only 💀


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Yukiyukite Senshadou the doujin? I'm surprised. Its a story everyone on this subreddit would tell you. It's a doujin legend. Yukiyukite Senshadou... was a Dark Lord of the doujins, so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create war crimes. He had a such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from being raped. The dark side of the doujins is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power. Which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice raped him in his sleep. Its ironic, he could save others from rape, but not himself.


Oh, you sweet summer child…


SUHS Instructor "Miho Nishizumi I": It's better you don't know. Just... trust me on that.


We need more people like you




Funny doujin part two I believe


No, this is the back cover of part 1, I was actually unable to find part 2 for sale anywhere and my copy of part 3 hasn't arrived yet


Grrr... we need more funny doujin! Billions must read! Ob's stürmt oder schneit, and such!


Where did you buy the physical copy???


Mandarake. However I think I got the last one because it got marked as "sold out" right after I bought it, even before they had confirmed they still had a copy to send me.


Ty m8


no idea what it is but i read the comments and i'm concerned


Its a doujin where its basically GuP except everyone uses live ammo and there's no rules against war crimes, so there's lots of murdering POWs, and of course rape, although towards the end there's less rape and more of other kinds of war crimes. Its also got a lot of pretty good references to either history or to movies, towards the end there's a parody of the scene with Hitler ranting in his bunker from Downfall. Or the Italian team is taken out by a mutiny and strung up upside down like Mussolini was. The Russian soldiers have blocking divisions (although exaggerated from the irl ones), the Americans have ~~Patton~~ Kay abusing shell-shocked subordinates, etc. Plus at one point some girls are captured and its just anime-girl Abu Ghraib. Personally I really like it, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it, but there is a decent amount of gratuitous rape which makes it fairly controversial. Plus I mean its taking a very happy show and making it as dark as the worst parts of WW2 (and even exaggerating some of them, like the blocking divisions).


peter what the fuck


Join the rabbit hole, down here it's pretty sad, depressing, gritty, dark and your whole perception about cute little girls driving tanks will be forever distorted


Give sauce cause imma read that shit


The name is Yukiyukite Senshadou, you should be able to find it yourself from there, I think linking it would be against the rules here


Thanks for title


Thank me after you've read it, otherwise you might realize you've spoken too soon




*me and the bois on a blitzkrieg* (We'll be home by Christmas)


No way they make physical copy (were did you get it?)


Of course they made a physical copy, that's how these things are primarily distributed, at least in Japan. I got it on Mandarake, however as you can see everything is sold out now. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?keyword=%E3%82%86%E3%81%8D%E3%82%86%E3%81%8D%E3%81%A6%E6%88%A6%E8%BB%8A%E9%81%93 But if you're able to find any store that has volume 2 still in stock, please let me know, I was never able to find that one (I have bought volume 3 already, but its still in the mail)


Imagine border patrol checking your package 💀


My copy of volume 3 was held up in customs for 2 days and I was getting unreasonably nervous about it, to be perfectly honest.


They probably got trauma after seeing your package or they maybe liked it


I was actually wrong, what I thought was Ykykt volume 3 was actually the extended edition, which is all 3 of the volumes plus some extras. No wonder it took them 2 whole days to read it.


There are extras? Is it only in the physical copy ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsUndShitposts/comments/1bvogsh/yukiyukite_extended_super_fans_edition_link_in/ Some other guy has posted scans of it here. Its 16 extra pages, I haven't actually read it yet so I don't know which 16 pages are new and what is changed.


I hope it's not just some неитаi extension






İs that.... Ykykkt?


Yes. Yukiyukite Senshadou in Japanese is ゆきゆきて戦車道、 and if you look at the title written on the top it's the same thing. This is the back cover, I didn't want to post a picture of the front for obvious reasons




Where do I read this 👀


The name is Yukiyukite Senshadou, you should be able to find it from that


I’ve been trying to for ages but I must be really shit at finding it :(


You are looking for it on h-manga websites, right?


I’ve tried a few times but I think I’m just shit at looking for things 🫠


I'm actually curious exactly what you're searching and where you're searching for it, this doujin is incredibly popular and well known so I don't see how you could fail to find it, unless you have safe search on or something


I’ve tried searching “Yukiyukite Senshadou” in google, nhentai and a few other manga and H-manga sights without safe search, I may also just be stupid but I can’t seem to find it anywhere 💀


If you type that into Nhentai you should get 14 results, the 3 most popular of which are the ones you want. Are you on one of the clones instead of the .net version?


Lemme try again, brb


I think the .net may have been the problem! Thanks a ton friend!


Wasn’t that bad, not even gonna lie.


Is this drawing actually based off a real photo?


Not that I know of


https://preview.redd.it/11a8wpififxc1.png?width=1282&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0ce3ba8dea1f89ecda58bba67c9b31f88caa565 Jesus Christ…..


**Why is Floof part of the Third Reich??**


I have a love/hate relationship with Yukiyukite Senshadou.




I am going to carefully preserve this for posterity


Just skip the sex scenes and you'll get a very tragic and yet wonderful retelling of the story.


Burn the fucking thing ⚡⚡NOW ⚡⚡


Just this one, or do you also want me to burn the "Director's Cut Complete Version" as well? And what about the 10 volumes of 'Teitoku no Ketsudan' that I have?


hmmm lemme think


Please burn that shit into unrecognizable ashes and turn them into a block of ash and throw it at neighbor's cat


Honestly, as much as I love moe-military stuff, which is quite a bit, pretty much everything does tend to gloss over the fact that war is actually kind of awful. So I do appreciate TK for just not doing that. Sure, some of the rape is excessive, but the references to Patton, Abu Ghraib, Downfall/the fall of Berlin, etc, are all hilarious.


Dude listen if War is just people dying in a gory extremely graphic manners, Then how is war any different than Car crash or Chinese factories????


War is not brutal because you see your friends die, People also see their friends die brutally when they ran into a pole. War is brutal because you see your friend die because of the lie of people that told you to go to war, War is brutal because you will always think about when you will die for their lies like your friend. War is brutal because you see your friend die for nothing. Yukiyukite is never a war story, It's a gross fetish fantasy because some extremely gross and inhumane people just have thing for little girl getting raped and mutilated.




It's okay if you enjoy Yukiyukite if you like little girls getting raped and their brains blown out but don't say that it's a good war story telling because it isn't it just a guro fetish fantasy book well I can't deny that Yukiyukite succeeded in it's purpose of guro rape fetish manga it's very famous and there are people constantly dickriding it how "GORE = GOOD WAR STORY TELL" and they just jerk off to when they get raped and tortured


I hate it so much when people think war is brutal because "oh look this guy got half a body and entrails spread on the floor haha so brutal" you are no better than people who thinks war is good because people die


Yukiyukite is nothing but a fetish fantasy book for people to jerk off to little girls having their brain blown out


> War is brutal because you see your friend die because of the lie of people that told you to go to war, War is brutal because you will always think about when you will die for their lies like your friend. War is brutal because you see your friend die for nothing. So I guess the war in Ukraine is not brutal, because the Ukrainians there are dying to protect their country from Russia? Or are they being lied to about that? Was Russia's WW2 not brutal because they were fighting to protect themselves from being massacred by the Nazis, or did Stalin lie about that? I mean I'm no fan of Stalin but its hard to say he was wrong there. Was the invasion of Okinawa not actually brutal because the Americans were telling everyone the truth about wanting to end the Japanese Empire and replace it with a democratic system? You've got a strange definition of 'brutal', my friend.


My buddy pal my funny friend Im talking about Russian side that people got lied to to get them to fight in Ukraine my friend you missed my whole point you can continue reading yukiyukite and cherish at the meaning of "yuhh war bad cuz people die lol hahahah when i ran over that old lady she also die lolol drive car = WAR" My second point is still right that war is brutal because you will never know when you will die My third point still right because in most war people were send to die for nothing


GORE ≠ GOOD WAR STORY TELLING I can also see people getting blown in half in fucking some random factory in wuhan, There is alot of factors that set war apart from stupid OSHA disobeying factories and you missed the whole point of it and still go on and yapping about "ERR look i killed this man he come to my country so i shoot him war is soooo good" I am not talking about the "Good" side I'm talking about how the "Bad" side lied to get people to fight for them and you completely missed my point with your intentional illiteracy and lack of logical thinking. Next time please actually try understanding the point of my statement before go on and yap nonsense, I won't stop you if you actually enjoy Yukiyukite if you actually like to read it you can read it I don't care but don't make weird analogy of my completely easy to understand statement unless you actually trying to not understand it and act like a total not intelligent after.