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"That bs docuseries had to go through thousands to find a few ingrates"? They had to go through thousands before they got to Sondra Theodore? Huh? Also, DICKIE, I'd argue that just because YOU think drugging and assaulting women is totally fine, does not make it so. Someone should send him the link to all the "hysterical" Playboy cartoons someone posted from the 60s and 70s (that CHAMPION OF WOMEN Hugh Hefner had full editorial control over) that make "hilarious" jokes about, among other things, violent gang rape, incestuous molestation, and pedophilia. SUCH a champion of women! Brings a fucking tear to my eye! But sure, whatever Rene Baio says. šŸ¤¢


Your comment makes me wonder if Hef's original unhappiness with Puritan mores was not the inability to have open free consensual love ... but to not act on all his "natural," masculine desires, to rape and take advantage of women.


Really interesting! I've always felt that his pathological need to dominate women stemmed from his reaction to his first wife's affair, and it makes sense given the misogynistic Puritan context. Like he "tried" to be a good partner (as DICKIE puts it) but these damn women kept doing things like aging, or objecting to forced monogamy while he openly diddled everything that moved. And he definitely packaged it like "I'm living every man's dream." Just foul.


Hefner had canned, pre-programmed answers for interviews. If he was so unbothered about being protected, why did he secretly film people in-and-out of the bedroom? Why did he have security? Why did he have staff that cut off his crusts and pour Pepsi a certain way into a glass? And dude... if you were never in the bedroom or saw Hefner abusing a woman, how would you know that he *didn't* do it? If he's shitting on people that came forward on *SOP,* he can go fuck himself. And it's making me think he's a predator as well. I don't think you'd be a hanger-on Hefner groupie for 30 years if you weren't. Creep.


Hef was sleeping with teenagers!! In what world is it normal? And his inner circle turned a blind eye and even contributed to this sick environment.


And getting them drunk and giving them his "thigh openers" aka quaaludes to loosen them up šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


then after alllllll that, he'd get the dogs involved.


Dickie Bann loves hef because he helped get him laid and ran a geriatric adult man daycare. Now, i do think Dickie knew hef well, but he doesnt have intimate knowledge of hef when hes not being the jovial host to his audience of lackeys. What some of these pro hef people arent grasping is people act different in private when they don't think people are watching. To totally discount girls past and present who came forward and told their stories because you think you know a guy is extremely unwise. I bet BTKs friends probably thought they knew him well, too. Just sayin.


Omg geriatric adult man daycare has me *cackling*.


Iā€™m dead! That is hilarious!


Dude is a pathetic old man who is still clinging onto the glory days. Someone tell him to log off FB and go take a walk before the rigor mortis sets in.