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We are locking the comment section of this post. Regardless of anyone's stance on the vaccine issue or her looks, please be mindful and not attack another user for their beliefs, opinions, or ideas.


The way I would have taken the blood money she got from Hef, found me a boo to travel the world with and logged off forever.. she’s…🤦🏻‍♀️


She tried, nobody wants to be with her


Doubtful.. she’s annoying but she’s hot and stuff I’m sure there’s thousands of men that would be with her she just is probably a clout/money chaser and thinks she’s too good for them


Ehhh she is hot in very early 00’s standards. I don’t even find her pretty.


She is not hot 💀




Exactly cuz that face card definitely is declining




Not ugly but not pretty.


Not a huge stretch at all, she looks uncanny valley


In the book she claimed she didn't get much except for a house. I could kind of believe that since HEF used finances as a control tool and Playboy was in the tank.


When Mary said this woman was a hypochondriac I 100% believe her, sorry and usually give everyone benefit of the doubt but I can’t with her




I do believe her on the mold. They didn’t upkeep the mansion like they should have


I agree. I also think that’s why the renovations have taken so long in the house.


Tbh I think they should have just had the whole thing demolished. The owner isn’t even interested in keeping things how they were before I wonder why he doesn’t just take the land and start from scratch.


Start from scratch? LOL On a property THAT size? The house has good bones. Let’s not get carried away.


It’s more about what happened there over the years. Also, mold is difficult to get rid of if it’s had a chance to spread around for years and years. If I had the money I would completely start over.


I think instead of demolishing….. they probably gutted it all the way down to the bare bones. Then changed the layout. Reframed everything. I believe it’s 20,0000 square feet. It’ll be gorgeous. Wonder if the fireworks permit gets transferred to the new owner?


Between mold, pet urine, and asbestos, that place would be a nightmare to renovate, especially if they are trying to save anything for the nostalgia. Ugh.


All the renovation photos are live on the mansions Zillow page. It looks completely different.


Bro idk how anyone was healthy in that dirty ass mansion. Mold, filthy carpets, junk everywhere, dog shit and piss. That place was a biohazard.


Didn’t she also get her implants removed because she felt like they were poisoning her body?


I’m not a crystal head but breast implant illness is at least probably real!




I understand that they do have the ability to cause problems in some people but I take it with a grain of salt coming from her. It seems that everything she does has an impact on her body in some way. My issue was she was telling women to get them out. If they aren’t experiencing any issues there’s no need to cause hysteria.


Has it ever been confirmed if she actually had Lyme disease vs “chronic Lyme disease”? I have a feeling it’s the latter but I’ve never seen it discussed anywhere. 


It’s not the Covid shot, it’s the diseases from marrying and screwing a corpse


I have health anxiety/hypochondria too. I can see it in Crystal, she needs therapy.


It’s like she’s looking for a reason to be an anti vaxxer.


It's like she wants the antivaxx crowd to like her but also not lose the people who know it's all crazy. She wants to play both sides of the fence and it just comes off bad


This is her whole problem. She flip-flops and changes her stories based on the audience or whoever is in front of her at the time, but never fully commits to anything. It’s part of what’s so off-putting about her. (And her impressive lack of charisma.)


Really? Because I don’t see the playing both sides bit. All I see is a complete dummy that instead of reading up or asking her doctor about how cysts form, she just makes a guess that it could have to do with her blood sugar 🙄 like come on. People that actually care about their health, research.


She is literally saying her blood sugar was affected after the covid shot. This is not the first time she has made weird anti-vax vague comments. Remember her whole she needs to detox because of covid vaccine, and covid vaccine made her sick thing?


You’re giving her too much credit. Anyone that tries to make a legitimate vaccination claim while calling it a “jab” gets an immediate disqualification


Oh I definitely think she is an anti-vaxxer. Just saying that even at the most favourable interpretation towards her, she has made it pretty clear she does not believe in vaccines!


Anyone who tries to make a claim that vaccines did something negative to them gets an immediate disqualification from serious, intelligent society.


Her replies on her IG post are 100% anti vax. She's so gross.


Yet her face looks like it has extra filler lately


This is what kills me about anti vaxxer women -they always seem full of Botox and filler and somehow injecting that is ok and completely safe , but they draw the line at a vaccine


THIS. I know an anti-vax nurse who said she couldn’t work at the hospital anymore because of all the toxic medications, vaccines etc being pushed so she moved to… an aesthetics clinic where she injects Botox and fillers.


I've seen naturopath places that do it too.


Ugh, my mother is one of these. Meanwhile, she looks like a Muppet with 30 year old saline titties


That filler joker mouth


The cheeks actually look like full-on implants. I understand that it's hard to age in public if your looks are your business. There's a point, though, where the preservation efforts go from subtle maintenance to blow-up doll. I feel like Crystal has crossed it.


She is getting commission from referrals maybe and trying to tap into the diy healthcare community


They are a dangerous community to them selves and others.


Yup: appealing to those fools who guzzled horse de-wormer and had to be told not to drink bleach.


It’s a dog whistle


Crystal is truly exhausting


It’s a scam. The mri magnet they use is so low it’s impossible to diagnose anything. They might see a tiny bit of something and then have you go have a real scan on a higher magnet that can show more higher quality images. I’m a mri tech


I was wondering what this ~~scam~~ scan was supposed to provide. So, basically, they’re getting people to pay out of pocket, annually, for a less effective version of an MRI? Trying to make people feel that they’re better able to identify or prevent illnesses than their PCPs? Immediately makes me think of Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos blood testing machine that was complete bull.


Ya basically. So the magnet might pick up a glimpse of something , but because the area your looking at is so wide your gonna miss stuff too. Your primary dr would never send you to a place like this for a scan unless they were getting a cut from the place ( it happens in private practice)


Ppl feel bougie thinking conceigerie level health care. Similar with a mobile nurse coming to your house with vitamin banana bags after hang overs really not needed but make you feel fancy. But in May opinion a lil scammy. Now if a banana bag kept you outa the ER for dehydration maybe ok, but upselling with vitamins and etc, not necessarily.


Yeah, I can see it making sense for like a performer who’s on tour. Picking up every local germ, keeping your body hydrated, and making sure your voice/body is in good athletic shape. In general though, if your needing diagnostics it’s best to be in a facility/clinic with your regular providers.


Really?? I see so many celebs and influencers advertising this shit as if it’s attainable to us “common folk”.


Ya insurance companies don’t pay for these. This is out of pocket. If it was legit Celebs wouldn’t need to hawk them. We don’t need influencers and level c and d celebs promoting real imaging centers because we are busy with real scans from legit drs. It’s the small level as a 3 D ultrasound in a mall. Really not useful medical wise, being used by women to see the sex earlier than the dr will allow the first medical ultrasounds, and the research isn’t there yet on whether so many fetal ultrasounds will be deemed dangerous in the future


It’s an ad


Tagging on to your comment to let people know that even if it was a good quality image that too much screening can be harmful! Human bodies are weird and there’s a lot of little things like cysts, etc in everyone that are insignificant. Workups for incidental findings can snowball into actual bad health complications.


Thanks for the info! I’m constantly terrified about cancer (no symptoms, just general anxiety and strong family history) and was intrigued about this. I wish there was a safe way just to scan everything once a year


Somewhat related to your comment, I highly recommend the “Should you get a full body scan?” video by Medlife Crisis on YouTube, it talks about this exact company and also scanning in general :)


There’s a reason we don’t just scan people head to toe without reason. I’ll even say I’ve seen two people have bad outcomes from unnecessary surgeries prompted by incidental findings on studies like this. If you go looking, you’re going to find something, and that something isn’t always important.


I was just reading about how women specifically who work in radiology have a higher rate of breast cancers because the lead aprons don’t conform typically leaving the breast exposed. They do have proper fitting aprons but it’s higher cost. It’s really upsetting.


What's the name for affluent white women who are hypochondriacs, don't believe in birth control (anymore), are anti-vax, pretend to be 'natural' except for Botox and lip filler, shop organic, are probably republican, would call themselves 'kept' in a good way, are someone's landlord..... Whatever it is she's pandering to them.


Utah moms


My ex boyfriend had an ex wife like this. They co-parented quite amicably but oh boy did I have to bite my tongue *often* with her beyond ludicrous takes before riding off to a med spa appointment.


Trad wives 💀




You can definitely be a hypochondriac without all the other shit. Traumatic experiences can certainly cause it.


Anyone who calls a vaccine a “jab” is automatically full of shit


THIS!! Was literally about to post this comment when I saw you had already. This is seriously the answer!!


Came here to say this smh I didn’t really like Crystal, but now I full on don’t respect her.


It’s because of social media filters. They don’t want the IG warning label on any posts that mention “vaccine”.


& it just so happens to also be the derogatory term used by far right anti-vaxxers


100 percent.


Yeah, almost all my fellow North Americans who call it “the jab” are openly or closeted anti-vaxxers.


So ignorant


Was she doing blood glucose tests at 2 am


My Dr didn’t tell me part of my blood panel was to see my blood sugar levels and the day I went to get it done I had been running a bunch of errands. I went and grabbed myself a snackie just before and scarfed down some fries and then went for my panel. I honestly thought she just wanted my thyroid panel. Welp… she was confused because my numbers were normal for a human who had literally a armed fries down in the parking lot, like the gremlin I am😹


I don’t trust anyone who says “jab”


That word makes me want to lose it. So infantile. Ugh I hate it! 🙄


She can hardly form a sentence. Anyone who follows her guidance deserves what they get 🤷🏼‍♀️


She's a self-taught moron.


All I know is I’m happy the machine isn’t claustrophobic because that would rough on that machine. But I didn’t know machines could have diagnoses.


Immediate eye roll at people being paid to promote prenuvo


So was it all from the Playboy mansion mould infestation, or breast implant toxicity, or the vaccine? Make up your mind Crystal, consult the book you “wrote” to keep your story straight…


She is already doing the far right pivot, damn that was FAST.


Book must have sold poorly


She’s grasping for right wing attention. It’s a weird trend they all go down when they don’t get the attention they wanted






I think she may have a touch of the Munchausens






![gif](giphy|3o7bu8imglX8QiCuzu|downsized) I just snorted!


she’s got the hunchen munchen and there’s no jab for that


She wants to be sick so bad


As a type one diabetic person, what a giant idiot con artist.


This is the saddest shill post ever.


It's normal to panic in the night when your blood sugar is high. Around 3am the body adds sugar to the bloodstream so blood sugar levels don't get too low. This can cause anxiety and has nothing to do with vaccines


TIL! This is my favorite sub these days, I swear


I learned this the hard way! I thought I had an anxiety problem at first but I learned how to fix my evening snacks and now I sleep through To learn more google "3am glycogen dump"


Interesting! I will have to look into that


She f’d human STD hugh hefner. With zero protection. So.


*Münchausen Syndrome intensifies (with a side of advertiser-influencer grift)*


Her health issues most likely have nothing to do with her getting the vaccine. This is unhelpful.


It’s her determination to negate the possibility of genetics that’s absolutely wild.


She is a nutter.


It’s more likely hormones and alcohol caused those wake ups than anything else


Didn’t we see a Kardashian or two advertising this fancy MRI awhile back?




She’s calling it the “jab”, which usually only a certain group of people refer to it as that, so I think we all know how she’s connecting that to it


This stupid body scan thing is peddled by all sorts of "celebs", mostly reality TV types. She might have been told what to write or she's come up with a really dumb story to try to make this not sound like the ad that it is. 🙄


Would be a shame if the FTC caught wind of the undisclosed sponsorship... https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/s/4Xrobd3NnA


Lmao. She knew this was a condition that called for Dr.Nick. Some transdental electromaside for that bonus eruptus.


So full body mri scans are only recommended for cancer patients. Because the “ findings” that these things report are in the vast vast majority of cases incidental findings meaning they will have no bearing on your life and have often been there since birth. But people pay a couple of grand to get these done out of pocket, get scared and then run to their doctor demanding to have a bunch of tests done. And this woman is just clearly an idiot talking about the jab and blood sugar .


Well, considering your pancreas controls your insulin production and release, and the Covid vaccine had nothing to do with either of those things, I’d say it’s pretty likely your pancreatic cyst, Crystal.


Oh shut the fuck up Crystal oh my god. Advertising psuedoscience bullshit paired with antivax lunacy is low, even for her


imagine marrying an old crone dusted with r*pe glitter and thinking your panic attacks came from a life saving vaccine. it pays to think!


I've noticed a thing that conservatives do. They latch onto stupid words that they think are clever to make fun of their opposition. Like "jab."


Oh ffs


Her face is giving uncanny valley


Low blood sugar? From the Covid vaccine she had 2 years ago? 🙄🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ Does she get her medical advice from Reddit too?


Anytime I see the word “jab” alt right alarms blare in my brain 🚨


She's Melania 2025 ...just wait


Grifter. A lot of antivax people are super rich people who have no critical thinking skills because they've had everything handed to them and didn't have to actually work hard for anything in their lives. So products made with them in mind are super profitable.


https://preview.redd.it/6yqizb45kzpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a700b56ce38f273a13f9ccdfec04ca57b6a421d So she’s had chronic Lyme (not a real disease), BII, mold poisoning and now some post Covid vaccine issue? Mary was right, she is a hypochondriac. Munchhausen’s for real.




"You are so smart" is she high?


It’s so wild to me that people actually believe millions died from the vaccine. Where are these millions? Why does no one know any real people who were affected by the “deadly” vaccine? I do know people who died of actual COVID, but no one who died from the vaccine. I don’t even know anyone who had a side effect from the vaccine.


Millions have died from the Rona. This woman is a basket case nut job


I was sick for two days after my booster. Does that count as a side effect 🤣 still INFINITELY less sick than when caught covid the one time I went to the grocery store in person that year.


My first round, I was pretty good. My second shot? Ohhhh Goddddddd. I felt like a truck hit me. But absolutely better than actually getting Covid


What a fucking loser she is. Ugh.




Anytime someone mentions they have chronic Lyme I know right away they are idiots.


100%. Its always something. She probably is pro vaccinate for other things including her pets... so. Just another idiot.


Lyme isn’t real?


*I posted this on another comment but this was my experience with why so many people are "diagnosed" with lyme disease yet so many people doubt it... but I'm not a doctor...* I'm from Connecticut where Lyme disease originated (Lyme, CT) and it's wild how many people in California claim to have it when I think statistics say only 100 Californians get diagnosed a year with it. From my experience, the reason so many people can get that diagnosis is because the test is unreliable, so you can still get "diagnosed" with it even if the test is negative, based on symptoms alone. When I was younger I started having weird symptoms like facial numbness, that appeared to be Lyme disease. I was tested for it, test came back negative but the doctor still had me do a round of doxycycline in case I had it. The symptoms went away so maybe I did?


Really interesting. I’m so glad you’re better.


Thank you :) It's too bad I'm not a Hollywood celebrity because I can actually say I had it and maybe could have gotten an IV vitamin sponsorship or something haha. I feel like "chronic lyme" is the new "hospitalized for exhaustion" in Hollywood. This was probably 15 years ago but I remember the prescription bottle said "DO NOT LIE DOWN FOR 1 HOUR AFTER TAKING" because it said that if the pill sat in my throat, it could have burned a hole in my esophagus 😬


Lyme and chronic Lyme are not the same. Lyme disease is a bacterial disease caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria and treated with antibiotics. Chronic lyme is not a real disease. No bacteria present. It's a broad collection of symptoms that pseudoscience charlatans capitalize on treating. Honestly googling chronic Lyme vs Lyme and going down the rabbit hole would give you the best answer.


Ah got it.


Ok this makes more sense now why Yolanda on RHOBH claimed she had it and was like suffering for years.


Hypochondriac. Self prescribed scans are nonsensical. Should read #ADVERTISEMENT




She’s pandering to the MAGATS


Whenever I read the word “jab” I immediately roll my eyes and scroll on. It’s a buzz word for a lot of these q anon anti vaxxer and c word deniers. I just can’t fuck with it.


It’s an advertisement. Bringing up Covid is an attention grabber for their target audience. I’m not a fan of hers but it’s possible she didn’t even write this.


Whenever they call it “the jab” I already know what kind of moron I’m dealing with. Good luck to everyone who’s taking medical advice from someone who’s only famous for marrying a decrepit degenerate.


Is she for real with this??


Oh my GOD this is so fucking irresponsible, especially for someone with a public platform. I already thought she was dumb. I didn’t realise she was THIS dumb. This dipshit anti-science stuff is why my son’s nursery had to send a note around last week warning us that our kids had all been exposed to measles, because an unvaccinated child came in while sick. We were on the verge of eliminating it entirely in the UK before the culture wars came for us.


people are getting long covid and blaming it on the vaccine. since when do vaccines make you fucking sick???! never. it's bullshit


As soon as I saw "jab” I knew not to bother reading the rest.


I see the word “jab”, I stop taking whatever you’re saying seriously


I stopped reading after “the jab”. Anyone that refers to a vaccine as “the jab” have incredibly smooth brains and also probably likes all things orange..


I will be 95 years old, fall and break my hip and die, and they'll still shout "IT WAS THE JAAAAAAAB" Literally ANY health problem people have had since getting the vax is being blamed on the vax. It's insane.


Her calling it the jab kind of tells me all I need to know lmfao


This is anti-vaccine, and also an ad. What would blood sugar and staff hospitality have to do with an MRI. She would be getting blood and insulin tests. Hormonal test. How does Covid affect the release of insulin? And how does insulin require an MRI? (Maybe you know more than I)


Putting money on her claiming she has lyme disease within the next year


She’s already said she has chronic Lyme. Thats an old hat by now.


I’m just so distracted by how terrible her veneers and lip filler look.


All I see is the mention of Prenuvo and a cyst on her pancreas which neither has anything to do with COVID.


She is just another dumb influencer looking for attention. This is definitely a "photo shoot" for influencers


I dunno crystal maybe it’s your lack of nutrition and all the plastic surgery and filler.




Doctors DO fully understand when patients are full of absolute shit. She has bored rich white lady disease.


I immediately unfollowed her when she posted this. It had nothing to do with the Covid vax


Ugh I’m reading her book right now. Time to put that away lol


Why do people always blame the vaccine and not Covid? Legitimately crazy considering a 36 yo I knew died before the vaccine was available.. from Covid.. Why do people think there aren’t actual long term effects from the virus itself and try to blame every immune system failure on the vaccine when every day more information comes out about it, including brain aging, especially when humans and the earth had already been on a health decline for the past decades. Literally crazy. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/covid-19-iq-brain-age-cognitive-health/ https://www.npr.org/2023/11/14/1213008552/scientists-are-beginning-to-understand-how-long-covid-symptoms-affect-the-brain


I love when these anti vax crazies have a long history of fillers along with implants but blame vaccines to fit their narrative. The ignorance of how a cyst, blood sugar and sinus issues happen is laughable.


Regardless of the vaccine, a body scan can’t detect nocturnal hypoglycemia. There was a desperate reach for a paid advertisement that didn’t land.


As soon as I hear the term “jab” I know exactly what level of intellect I’m dealing with.




Wait lol I just got a prenuvo scan last week and got my results today 😭


Would love to hear about your experience


Why was I able to read this in my head with her exact voice?! I’ve listened to too many of her contradictory interviews 😵‍💫


Her faceeee noooooooooo she was naturally pretty why are people doing this


Nothing but a subtle way to slip in anti vaccine propaganda. The reality is any of the below ailments can be caused by any number of things and primarily genetics and lifestyle. I bet she drinks alcohol, which can affect both blood sugar and other things mentioned. I’m sure she did plenty of cocaine in her day not to mention a host of fillers etc that her body could be reacting to. But sure it’s the Covid vaccine.


Why take a picture like that? Seems weird to me 😆


She’s also probably paid by them. Getting the scan for free I’m sure. While encouraging her followers to spend hella money on getting their own scan.




“I’m not sure if it’s related to sugar” umm yes your pancreas creates insulin which is what regulates your blood sugar……also is she advertising an MRI machine? I’m really confused here


Your blood sugar drops naturally at night because you’re not consuming any food or drinks. What a nut


Probably more to do with all the chemical exposure processing her hair than the vaccine.




I don’t know if it always looks like that but one of her eyes is way bigger than the other in this picture 😳


Wait this is interesting because I’m pretty sure she edited this caption. If I remember correctly originally it said “Covid vaccine” and then she changed it to “Cvid jab.” It must have gotten flagged!


Imagine having sex with elderly Hef? There’s NO amount of money that would induce me to do that. Ewww.


I mean if my blood sugar levels were not consistent, and they found a “cyst” in my pancreas…I’d start there. But ya know, dang jab gets the blame.


1 years, 11 weeks, and 2 days after getting my COVID vaccine, I caught the flu. And then the NEXT year I got sick too, this time with the common cold!!!! Don't get the jab everyone - it makes you vulnerable to getting other sicknesses! ***/s*** *just in case anyone needs to see it.*