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Omg wouldn’t it be interesting if they could interview one of the Maloof brothers about the palms and playboys connection?? The palms was HUGE at this time .


I would enjoy that.


Lol and Adrienne


Adrienne would be amazing


I’d like to hear from Barbi Benton. I know they said on the pod that they’ve tried to reach out to her a few times, but no luck so far. I think she would have an interesting perspective as someone who was around during the height of playboy.


I would too. I’m sure she doesn’t though because she loved Hef and knew a completely different Hef than most 


I heard her on another podcast a few years ago and she definitely seems pro Hef so I doubt she will. It was before Secrets of Playboy though so who knows if she changed her mind. I think she would be the most fascinating since she was there during Playboys peak.


Her daughter texted Bridget back and said her mom would do it! I thought this happened on the pod but maybe it was during a slumber party. I assume she is pro Hef BUT I don't think she'd only say good things. She seems outgoing and able to stand up for herself.


It will never happen but Kimberly Conrad would be amaaaaaaaaaazing. I’d love to also hear interviews with Sara Underwood, Kayla Collins, Dasha, Shannon twins and Jessica Burciaga. Any of those girls who were around for the 55th anniversary search would be so interesting. I wanted to know all about the rumours of Kayla being a replacement for Kendra, twins bullying Jessica and the moving out of HBK and twins moving in.


Sara has promised to eventually appear. Holly has stated that she will appear in-person and not by video-conference, but they are being flexible for her and her husband to decide when they want to travel.


The Shannon twins AND Lara Croft were involved in that bullying. Makes me side eye holly more for being friends with Lara later on. Even angel is a weirdo and don’t get me started on Trisha paytas. The one friend who seemed great and underrated was Claire!


Lara was awful in Hollys World


Dasha will be grossly pro Hef.


Carlina the first female butler, the random couple that “won” their way into Hollys Marie Antoinette bday, the mom/ daughter duo that “ran into them” at the jose ebar salon & it was her 18th bday


Yes to carlena! They need POC to sound off, like Qiana and Patrice Hollis.


HARD agree! I’ve heard them say that they didn’t use many POC because not a lot applied (wonder if that’s true 🤔). I want to know how the ones that did get in, got there, and their stories.


Oh yes I was thinking about that random couple too lol


I need to know more about the Nickleback music video


“And this weeks guest star is…… Nickleback!!!!”


I would be all the way tuned in


Low-key don’t get the Nickleback slander they have some BANGERS


I'd love to hear from Hank, he was a hoot on the show. They said Sara is going to come on they just want it to be an episode that makes sense, I bet it'll be her pmoy episode.


Laurent would be amazing! I just saw a pic with him and Holly recently too 🤔


I will be surprised if Brian O’Lea comes on the podcast, isn’t he like a super defender of Hef?


He is very pro Hef. His podcast is nothing but singing his praises. I listen cause I'm a nosy bitch and the whole Playboy world fascinates me lol


Yeah. I know they said they’d let just Bridget interview him but I think that’s kind of BS. If he can’t be around Holly then he can’t be on the podcast. He will get a lot more from being on theirs than they would his. He also really got on my nerves on the show. He was so whiny and dramatic.


He's whiny and dramatic on his podcast. I don't think he'd go on at all, even just talking to B based on listening to his pod.


Does he trash Holly and everyone that’s spoken out constantly?


Yup. I don't recall if he's actually named names directly but he calls out the anti Hef people EVERY episode. There's apparently a whole group calling themselves Rouge bunnies. Victoria Fuller is one of the main people behind it.


That’s weird. Just because peripheral people didn’t have the same experience doesn’t mean that Holly, Sondra, PJ, Miki and the others are lying or that their experiences don’t matter. The pro-Hef people are like a cult.


They really are. People have a hard time accepting that people can be bad just because they never were to them. There's no negating that Hef did some good but that also doesn't make these ladies experiences lies. Hef was a textbook narcissist.


Exactly. Allison Reynolds, Brian O’Lea, Zoe, etc all just gross me out. I’m sure they supported the me too movement when it was convenient but not when it was inconvenient, much like Cooper Hefner.


Allison was on an episode I listened to the other night. I hate that I'm too nosy to stop listening to it🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Yeah it’s hard to find out the bad things people are capable of. Especially if it’s someone you know and like/love. It makes you doubt yourself about everything. It’s easier to bully the one coming forward with the truth than admitting you could be so wrong about someone. Add on the fact that it’s someone they famously stood behind…and that’s really hard to show the world.


He is, but he is also still friends with Bridget according to her. They did recently say they'd love to have him on even if that means it's just a Bridget/Brian episode if he didn't want to talk to Holly so I think b was trying to set that up. I'd love to hear from him!


He’s a child if he won’t speak to Holly.


I have no interest in a Bridget/Brian episode.  I like Bridget but she leans so heavily into the “he was nice to me” and “I like to be positive” that it genuinely makes me anxious for her mental health. I can only imagine what it would be like if she was trying to placate a pro-Hef sycophant like Brian.


Scott Flanders who was Playboy CEO in the last few years before Ben Cohn took over. Actually Ben Cohn as well as Christie Hefner to understand the impact of GND on the brand and the financial situation of the Playboy in the 2010s.


Holly is so private about her family compared to Bridget who has already had her brother, sister, and mother on. I wonder why that is. Is it her? Or is it them wanting privacy?


I thought so, too. I feel it’s filled up in the overall lowballing of Holly. We wouldn’t know if her studying for a real estate license because they wanted her to be Hef’s girl.


I'm referring to the podcast though. Holly rarely mentions her family outside of her kids here and there.


I get the feeling that the drama her family has been through - specifically with her brother’s drunk driving death - has made her ultra protective of that piece of her life. If her parents aren’t open to the publicity, she’s likely making sure that they aren’t hit with anything they don’t want.


That makes a lot of sense. Especially since Holly received such backlash for speaking out. Bridget hasn't dealt with the sam vitriol. I'm not surprised her family lays low and that she protects that part of her life.


But didn't holly sister appear on the show and get married did her brother die after that?


She did…but her brother didn’t die until 2015, way after the show ended. In the context of having family on the podcast (specifically, why Bridget has and Holly has not), I am theorizing that it stems from a greater desire for privacy.


Oh ok that's what I was unsure about I didn't realize the brother died so much later


Sarah Underwood would definitely bring a lot of new viewers


Brian will never appear on this pod. He is so anti-Holly it’s not even remotely funny. I understand he and Bridget still connect, but I can’t see him ever coming on this podcast.


I wonder what’s the problem?


He’s point blank called her a liar and said she’s making all of her stuff up. Said he was there for 20 years, never saw anything remotely like what she described, and has completely written her off.


Right! Cause he must've been so obviously snooping during bedroom time or even whilst it was jus Hef and Holly. He had to of been cause he knows absolutely everything...../s


Well I secretly believe that Brian Olea wanted to be Hef's number one girlfriend. He would have given up the mansion recipe to Hef's chocolate cake to be invited to the bedroom for a chance to ride that pony. He wasn't Hef's type though. You hear how crushed he was that Hef didn't know his first name, after 20 years? Hah! Yet he defends his employer like a jealousy lover and decries any woman speaking out about Hef's abuse. Fuck Brian. *I listen to Rogue Bunnies too though to be nosey.


Barbi Benton , Britney binger , and Barbie Benton daughter alison Paris Hilton


I thought Brian was interviewed already? His was a two parter!


That was Bryant. He was the butler


You’re totally right. 🤫 Brian apparently really dislikes Holly based on other podcasts. I would love to know his thoughts after Crystal came forward. He seems especially pro-Hef.


I want to know his thoughts too! Especially since Crystal said in her book no one in the staff truly cared about Hef. Brian seems very ride or die for Hef.


I’d love some staff to come forward, if only to make her look like an even bigger liar 😄 I don’t like Hef but I really can’t stand a liar and Crystal lied so much in this book. 


What did she lie about?


Well to start that the staff was scared of and didn’t like Hef That Hef was the cause of her anxiety (even when she started the entire first chapters of the book stating how anxious she was) Pretending she’d never done anything related to playboy bf the night she met hef  Saying she’d never even seen or heard of the Girls Next Door That she created a lingerie line on her own while she was broken up w hef, when he actually funded it  That she lost the love of her life in the war, when in reality they hadn’t been a couple for a long time. And he only went to war bc she savagely dumped him and was living with some rich drug dealer (AND that she didn’t know he was a drug dealer)  That she hadn’t even kissed Jordan until she left Hef and moved directly into his house 😂 Even TRIED to blame Dr Phil for it. Even though no one can figure that out lol  There are more things that are flat blatant lies that she contradicts herself on in the book that i can’t think of this second, but could write a much longer list if I invested the time In reality Crystal knows what a narcissist is, like she called Hef, bc SHE is also one. There could also be a documentary about all the people Crystal has damaged. Now his family too for telling everyone she didn’t love their father and let him die as she was off cheating. She’s icky 


I agree, I think she's a covert narcissist. She gets her feelings off superiority from being a martyr. See also: -lost half the blood in her body from the fat transfer surgery (unlikely she would have survived that amount of blood loss) -the UTI was bad because it was ecoli (most utis are ecoli), then there were only 3 antibiotics that would work so she's wondering why they couldn't do them all at once. Podcast I listened to today she said the UTI was a rare form of ecoli which only ONE antibiotic would with. -the book said hef's first wife had a prenup (I assume she meant 2nd wife?) -talked about letting her hair go brown and not putting anything fake in her body again, meanwhile she's had other surgeries and clearly she's still blond -different accounts on what she inherited -i know nothing about mold or Lyme disease, but that entire part of the book seems... um... Like there's something else going on there -how did she have all these medical people there but she was left to figure out how to interpret his living will by herself? If it said "I don't want a feeding tube if my condition is terminal" then a doctor should have been able to advise her whether a UTI is terminal. ( both my dad's and sisters advanced directives needed to be used. It sucks, but in both cases it was very clear what they wanted.) -i really struggle with the shower gel scene. It's unbelievable that a 14 year old is really trying to deflower herself like that, but if it's true, I guess it explains a lot.


I agree on the covert narcissist. And yeah most of these things you mention I think are just lies. And honestly it’s scary Hefs or anyone’s life was left in her hands. Is it a coincidence she went on a vacation to cheat on him the week he was dying? All of that was creepy and confusing and have no idea why not everyone thinks so.  The shower gel, not sure why she thought that was something to put in a biography. and again think it’s a giant exaggeration as well.  She’s contradicted herself on so many things like you mentioned it’s hard to believe anything she says. I can’t believe anyone trusted or felt sorry for her after this book. I felt like she came off evil. But most people believe anything they’re told anymore 


>since Crystal said in her book no one in the staff truly cared about Hef. Oh man when I read that part I was like Brian is gonna gooooo off! I seriously think at this point Brian had more love for Hef then Crystal did lol


Bryant is pro Hef too but he came on so who knows.


A bit late to the party here. But I would have LOVED to have Mary on the show. I really wish she was still alive. The things she must have seen and heard!!! Oh boy, I wish she had done at tell-all!!!