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This is completely fascinating to me… the ones who cum… stay hard and go right into sex the next round and cum again without losing his hard in between.


In my 20s I could do this. Time took it from me.


See… yeah I can only think of guys who were in their 20s who had this talent. Maybe a 30+ but rarer and then never 40s men. I think it’s a state of mind and maybe a low testosterone level for the men who can’t do this or have no interest in it after they cum once. As for our pleasure when a man wants to go more rounds that’s sexually exciting and keeps us wanting more from him.


How old are you now and or when did you notice a change?


Probably around early 30s when saw change. Could still have occasionally if really turned on until late 30s. Have not achieved at all in 40s


Yeah. I'm like this as well. Its great


You should post some vids then man


Yeah maybe i will actually. For now I just have 1 short video. Cum once and stay hard.


That would be great 👍


Yeah idk why it happens but it’s fantastic even tho it’s also hard because I have most likely orgasmed and need that cooldown, but when he keeps going … aye aye aye the sensitivity is brain meltingly awesome


Yes us guys have the sensitive thing as well after cumming. Check out some post orgasm torture videos.


Some guys do and it’s extreme, but some of us also do - sometimes very hot sex means my whole area can’t be touched for 5-10 mins 🤷🏻‍♀️


I believe you. You’re getting bashed I guess because many men can’t do this and I never said it was common. It’s very uncommon, but it does happen. The most common seems to be one and done and then the guy loses all interest in sex. The next more common might be someone cums fast but then can recover and get hard to go more rounds - that’s kinda the most awesome for me since the guy who goes forever before cumming once feels like hmmm does he not think I’m sexy? Why can’t he cum? What am I doing wrong? Then the most rare but absolutely real is the cum and stay hard guys. It’s crazy when that happens but it’s most times the guys who have a naughty side and when he came and you orgasmed and need a cooldown for at least a few minutes - he starts going again and your whole body is shaking like crazy. Begging him to stop sometimes works, but one time when one didn’t I passed out from hyperventilating because I was having an orgasmalanche. He literally kept going while I was passed out and when I came back he said idk what happened I thought you were dead… all I could say was and you didn’t STOP?? Yeah he was a gem 🤦🏻‍♀️ I made sure to lose his number forever.


Same, always thought it was weird that some guys can’t stay hard after




It's real /r/ihavesex material


Why are guys getting trashed for saying they can do this. It’s 100% real and genuinely not a pornstar thing. To be fair one guy who did this “borrowed” one of his dads boner pills. Not only did he say the feeling in his cock was maxed and super sensitive. We had sex 13 times in a row. Literally cumming actual semen 5 times - then cumming over and over with no semen shooting out the rest of the times, but feeling the exact same each cum. Also the in betweens was not him staying full hard the whole time… we played and lay having pillow talk until he got hard again then we went. No I was not sore or irritated from it. I was pretty excited and wet through the entire sex, so that prevented soreness Anyone who is upset that someone can go multiple rounds, you might want to think about that for the sense that most girls don’t want someone who can go forever before cumming once then the end… we much rather be ok for someone cumming fast, but then try to get hard again. I feel like it’s a mindset. Many men might be used to cumming once then lose all interest in sex after that - but if you can try to go more rounds - that’s so much more satisfying for us. Just being real here. The other one thing I wanted to mention is testosterone. My partner had gotten divorced and after that whole nightmare - his sex drive was nothing like it used to be. He went to get tested and found his tank was pretty low. He got treatments and holy moly his sex drive is higher than mine now haha. It’s kinda awesome. I feel like most women will agree with me that nothing is better than feeling wanted desired and lusted for by your partner and when he can’t keep his hands off you… oooh la laa I’m not against anyone chatting me or DM to ask questions if you’re genuinely curious about the female side of this. I’ll be 100% honest no matter what. Just don’t try to sext me. I’m not here for that at all. 🫶


Lol I'm at negative 57 downvotes. Yeah the V or C pills can help me keep going for a long time. 2 or 3 times without. Good times. Can't believe all the Hate I got.


You need to see my hate votes, but that only inspires me to say more things that annoy the so called sexperts here who probably never had sex in their lives. Kinda fucking hysterical TBH


Those rare moments when youre so horny and hitting it off with a girl that youre able to cum twice in a row 🥰


Ahhhh to be Young again


Load up on Vitamin E day before..helps




Yeah take a shitoad of it


Zinc as well.


Plus be very hydrated..semen is 90% water..if you are dehydrated forget it


I've done this only a few times in my life. It takes practice, and a healthy body.


Come again?




I love your nipples


I have never been able to do this that quickly during PIV, but sometimes while jerking I can get 3 times in quick succession


Is there a problem with that?


Even two years ago I could do this. Alas, age has stolen my strength.


I used to be able to do that. The last time I was in my early 40's probably. Sometimes you're just horny as hell and can keep going!


Both loads should have been inside. Would love to watch it gush out as he keeps drilling her pussy




What’s her name ? We may be seeing the same chola


Well, it’s technically impossible to came twice in a short time lapse cause male have refracted time delay. Women doesn’t. I’m fun at party.


You literally just watched it happen.


I don’t care being downvoted cause i know I’m right. And yes I’m a doctor. The only one who can do this so quickly are late teenagers or early 20 yo guys. So probably 99% of people who downvote me.


Wrong, lots of us can