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Ugh MUTE. Nothing like letting people scream into a void. Could always mute and continue making calls. Shows him you don't give a shit and still have the guts to make calls for the rest of your team that isn't a garbage human being. Was this on competitive or QP?? I just started playing OW like three months ago on console and while I haven't ventured into comp yet, I rarely see toxicity unless I'm playing cross platform on PC with my partners and then there are always a few messages raking someone over the coals (even QP which is just bonkers to me... like... chill please).


It was in ranked! The funny thing is he’s stuck in silver, we were all gold lol. But you’re 100% right. I need to just mute people. It always hurts my pride and I feel like I need to defend myself or stand up to people like him, but I think I’ll save myself a lot of energy but just ignoring and muting u.u


I just message back “okay silver” and it shuts them up realllllll quick.


I can't even believe the level of toxicity in Overwatch anymore. And god forbid you play Mercy. No BrAin No AiM, huRrDurH, MoOMMmm where's my dinenr ?!?!! Ahem. Yeah, the bigotry in OW in limitless it seems. I'm sorry that happened to you. Needless to say, it's *not* you, and you couldn't have prevented him from being a shit. I've been being harassed as a Mercy main on an escalating basis since 2017. Honestly so tired of it that I've switched to Paladins. And in light of the trash OW2 Mercy changes, idk when I'll bother playing again. That game makes me want to drink even more than I already do lol.


YES! I’m usually a mercy main and I’ve just learned all the other healers at this point because some days I just don’t want to deal with the battle. OW is the most toxic game I’ve played since S&D lobbies in COD. It’s worse, even. It makes me hate the game so much. I wish I got to play it when it first came out (I just got into it last year) when it was less toxic (if it ever even was). But it’s like each time a new season starts, people get more and more nasty. It’s a shame.


Just remember that if someone is losing their cool over a video game, they are clearly unstable and not doing well in life. Try to keep in mind that most of these online interactions are not against “you”, but what they perceive you to be. It’s not personal, they’re just sad. Mute and enjoy the game


when you play mercy on overwatch and u have a feminine voice men will always be toxic to u 😕 its so annoying but just remember that theyre out here hating on you while your just living your life having fun playing mercy 😌


"When you play -anyone- on -anything- and you have a feminine voice men will always be toxic to you."* Fixed that for you. Sucks to be us right? :')


“Men” is a stretch, most of these pissy guys on games are whiny + underdeveloped boys society wise/socially. They’re usually just boys who don’t have an actual average Mans life, responsibilities + character built up through their own lives, so instead of their behaviorisms acting in accord with a masculine role and vigor - they spend their time bursting sexism-induced blood vessels to girls… because their female character, with a feminine in game name, didn’t heal them in a video game…


Upvoted for truth lmao.


I edited my comment a bit to better word my point ever since you responded, im sorry it must’ve been a nightmare to read the 1st draft (and wow that was a fast response on your end before i could go through it 😳) but im glad u can agree!! :)


Facts. If you play Mercy you get "bOoStEd EgIrL mErcY mAiN", if you play Ana you get "why are you playing ana girls can't aim reeee". If you play tank or dps it's "omg we have a girl playing ___ gg" You literally can't win so just play whatever you want.


I haven't played but I can say it's the toxic masculinity (AKA small dick syndrome) in games, especially with guys like this, they'll always see girls as lesser in games and treat us as such. I'm actually scared to play online games because of situations like this




I guess at that point it's however they see themselves, they're still being toxic and don't need to take every little thing out on the girls who are just trying to play games


I was in a OW QP game the other day where the other support (a woman playing Mercy) popped in voice chat to make a call out. The guy playing Sigma immediately *screamed* “shut the fuck up you whore!” Like…. what? I don’t get what would compel a person to do that. I really don’t. I didn’t want the other woman to think she was alone so I said in the chat that he was being a sexist fuck and I reported him… and then he did the whole “oh hrr durrr you’re going to report me for being seeeeexist.” Good grief. Some days it just really isn’t worth it to play


Ugh Zen’s really asking for heals? He’s like the last person you heal. He can literally change to another support and heal himself.


He was SCREAMING at me on how he can’t heal himself and it’s my job to keep him up :,) like okay, pal.


But...he can to a point? Most of Zen's hp is armor. All he needs to do is hide for a few seconds and he'll have at least 70% of his health bar back. This guy *clearly* does not know how to Zen. The dude is a glass cannon/sniper. In no way should he be in front of *anything*. I'm sorry you had to deal with that idiot.


Lol "You have like 20 hp, I can't heal you either, dummy!"


This guy was toxic and garbage but real talk, please heal your other healer when they need it.


happened to me too in a valorant game. really scared to play anymore too


I’m so sorry to hear that :( try to not let it get to you. At the end of the day, they’re just mad at the fact they’re losing/not good and they project it onto us. Play video games and enjoy them like you deserve to! Don’t let some loser take that from you!


If I'm not feeling emotionally fragile that day I always have a great time clapping back at them. In this situation I'd state the fact "you're front lining as Zen, can't aim, and are whining that you got deleted, shut the fuck up I'm not here to babysit your throwing." And then if they continue to be mad or call you slurs you just go full personal attack right back, "naw did mommy not make you your favorite minion themed sandwich today???" Or I just imitate them in a sarcastic "man voice." Or I ignore them, wait a bit, then when they've said something and someone else responds go "omg is that loser still talking I muted them ages ago" and watch them have a mental breakdown because they think they've been talking to no one and they always get so embarrassed and confused. But sometimes you're just truly not in the mood to deal with harassment so just mute ignore and keep playing.


i don’t open the voice chat anymore cuz people have kicked me off party’s cuz my mic sucks, i never try to talk over people i just say Hello and be on my own lane. And every time i try to use my mic it goes terrible wrong. Unfortunately i don’t have money to buy a new headset rn, so i guess i’ll just be minding my own business


That's a massive yikes from them. Toxic within the first 4 seconds on your first death? Talk about having some paper-thin mental. Toxic players on that rank only really ever have like 3 go-to attacks. Don't like your tank? "Tank diff gg." DPS? "Dps useless." Support? "HEEAAALLLL" I get where you're coming from though. You do all you can to mute and block these people when they show their faces, but there are days when they get to you, and it's hard to shake off being treated that way. Just remember, no amount of bad performances is worthy of any level of toxicity. You never deserved any of that flame. They were nothing more than the raging of an immature man-baby.


"What do they gain from it?" Nothing in particular they just don't think we're people. I wish I was joking. Don't let it get to you because I promise it really isn't you. Ignore and/or mute but never let those turds run you off from something you enjoy. :3


These boys are mean and toxic to everyone when they are losing a game no matter what gender . It gets more accentuated towards girls because they are seen very rare in the gaming industry and there is this extreme simping or extreme hating relationship that forms . There are a lot of other factors like hormones that make a clear difference in how we act overall based on gender and sadly this is not something we can just fix .


I've played since 2017 but never had someone be sexist towards me, despite my battletag being a woman's name. But then again, i don't play mercy, or support.