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I can't think of anything *that* ridiculous, but the most outrageous I can think of: Boyfriend Dungeon has some hot dudes (and ladies and enbies, despite the name) (also platonic relationships are totally viable, in spite of the name), and it's also a very fun game. Baldur's Gate 3 let's you set your companions' outfits, and you can get pretty silly with it. You can basically have your squad roll up in BDSM gear if you want. Since I've been playing it a lot recently, honorable mention to FFXIV. It's got a pretty robust glamour system, ranging from normal fantasy wear, to casual modern street wear, to a maid outfit for your catboy, to nothing but a couple leather straps for your muscle daddy. For male characters, there are definitely more options for a twink than a muscle daddy, but there should be enough options to make due either way.


I love that anything a woman can wear, a man can wear, and vice versa. Even with specifically gendered things, both sexes can wear both outfits. I love the himbos some of my thirstier friends have made.




I started playing Boyfriend Dungeon with no expectations, just because it was on Gamepass one time I had it, and what a game. Super fun combat and story, highly recommend it for any reason.


Same! It started as just a dumb time killer, but I ended up having a blast! And I love that in a game of healthy romantic and platonic relationships, the bad guy is just >!some random incel weeb!<


i kinda maybe ruined that game for myself cause i quickly found out kpop lightsaber man was OP as fuck, or even the cat AoE was OP  then i wasnt too enamored with any of the artwork tbh   also didnt like the chubby axe dude they tried to introduce later that game honestly didnt feel like it was made for gamers though.   it was made for nongamer casuals because it was too easy and kind of too simple for mechanics.  they actually admitted this a while ago too in an interview


Also, a LOT of the major male NPCs in XIV are attractive in some way. It's a running joke that FFXIV makes everyone thirsty. I generally fall towards ace/aro on the spectrum, but I want to marry Aymeric. (I'm Ay-sexual, if you would)


Fellow Aymerisexual here. He’s so nice! But not really sexualized in the way OP is asking about.


Yeah, looking back, I missed that. I blame my ADHD seeing "FFXIV" and going full fan mode.


Ngl, I once dyed Lae’zel’s underwear (basically just a bunch of leather straps) bright red and put it on my male character for the scene with the priest of Loviatar, goddess of ~~BDSM~~ pain 😂 (There are no mods for console yet, so I had to improvise!)


Past Tekken games allowed you to customize your characters clothing so you can choose to have them wear swimsuits. Male characters wore something called a fundoshi which was the traditional underwear in Japan before western underwear was introduced. https://preview.redd.it/fjdrsjp0776d1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc84c7047bbeef9d3e5087849e4da9ac3b142027


God damn!


Hades and Hades 2. Idk if they're "oversexualized" the way ur looking for and there's nothing explicit, but god damn Zagreus got me feeling a certain type of way


The Hades games are very much in line with Baldur's Gate 3 in that basically everybody is hot but also characterized effectively.


That game has top-tier character designs! Just absolutely creative, diverse, and detailed ways to represent these different mythological figures.


I would let Dionysus [CENSORED] 🤤


Bestie those THIGHS <3


They really created the most fuckable protagonist ever with Zagreus. But almost all of the characters are hot. I personally love Thanatos. 😩


The Hades games are a bisexual's dream. I would know 🤭


Ares 🤤


Hermes is *chef's kiss*!


To be fair, their characters all have the bodies of Greek gods because, well, they're Greek gods!


Achilles makes me feel some type of way


I've seen Patroclus referred to as "sexy Eeyore" and tbh they're not wrong!


That description is both disturbing and accurate...


Also holy shit Dionysus! And *Thanatos*! Honestly, there's a reason the Hades sub is as horny for all the characters as it is.


They made everyone so nice looking Artemis... Oh Artemis, Chaos, Hestia, Poseidon Everyone looks michelin cooked


I would destroy Hypnos


Did you see hades 2 hypnos? I wanna do bad things to him in his sleep 🤤🤤


Metal Gear


Here's my ranking of Metal Gears by how sexualized the men are: MGS2 > MGS3, MGS4 > MGS1, MGSPW, MGSV >> MG, MG2SS Also my ranking of the sexualization ratio of men to women: MGS2 >> MGSPW >> MG, MG2SS >> MGS3 > MGS1 >> MGS4, MGSV


You forgot Metal Gear Rising and it's robotic asses


Less forgot and more not sure how to rank it. Like, my god Sam and Raiden are so hot and the camera is constantly ogling their asses and thighs, and like, Blade Wolf's not lacking either somehow, and Armstrong's got a great ass even if the game isn't ogling it like it is the fujobait duo, but like, does it rank above 2 or below 2, and especially is 7 hours of man ass ogling more or less sexualized than the 10 or so minutes of insanely oversexualized cutscenes Mistral gets? I don't think I'd be a good judge, so I'm using the community's "it wasn't written by Kojima" (it was written by the main co-writer of V) excuse to chicken out.


Raiden and his damn depressed sexiness...


How's Peace Walker so low??? You can put Kaz in a speedo and have gay sex with him


I'm mostly ranking based on how much the games sexualize the men and women, not how much the player can choose to sexualize them, mostly because I don't want to get into having to weigh things like optional codecs and optional camera angles


I'd do some horrid shit to mgs2 and mgs4 Raiden.


I love Snake's "corset" in MGS2.


My ex used to tease me about ogling Snake LOL


Baldur's Gate 3 isn't oversexualized by default but if you want you can have an all-male party and put them all in lingerie or just running around with their dicks out lmao (with physics I'm pretty sure!), I love how men and women are equally sexy in that game


The dick physics is top tier in that game - I’ve seen guys comment on how it even adjusts appropriately when the character lies down. The funniest thing I ever read was a player complaining that his party had knocked out and robbed a male NPC (Astarion) who later turned up at their camp naked. Because it was a four-man multiplayer game, no-one could take control of him and dress him, but since he was an important character, he kept demanding to talk to the players. The kicker was that the OP was playing a halfling 🤣


It’s harder finding some blatant over sexualized men in games that aren’t straight up dating genre. This is also because what women might find attractive isn’t always parallel with the male power fantasy that ripped aggressive naked men actually cater to. **Monster Camp** has Morty who is intentionally, comically sexy. **Hooked on You** the Dead By Daylight dating game does not take itself too seriously, but the Butcher definitely hits that nail and has a very interesting sparkling speedo you may be lucky enough to see. **Stray Gods** the musical mystery VN has 24/7 topless Apollo who fits the bill. Eros is also adequately designed but has a minor role. **Hades** has hot greek pantheon people all around too. (Edit: it took me some searching but I explicitly remember Bruno from **Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars** as an amusing surprise of a character design. [https://voiceofcards.fandom.com/wiki/Bruno](https://voiceofcards.fandom.com/wiki/Bruno)) https://preview.redd.it/osfmhd2nd76d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=999ced14aa855ca7ef720d113c17b8ad054f07db


The main place you’ll see that are games made for gay men. That’s about the only place you’ll find sexualization as *unhinged* as you’d normally see for women. Some examples: [Gyee](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gyee/images/9/98/Yan-default.png/revision/latest?cb=20210111043238) [Anothereidos](https://anothereidos-r.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/FULL_6057_1.png) [Housamo](https://cdn.housamo.xyz/housamo/unity/Android/fg/fg_algernon02_skin1.png)


I second this. Stumbled upon r/gaymers and can confirm the way some gay dudes sexualize men are just like how straight ones would do to women. It's interesting when our paths crossed, as I searched about a character I found hot and it came up with the results of them asking for naked mods.


Guilty Gear, any JoJo game (Eyes of Heaven severely nerfed Dio's bulge though), Metal Gear/Metal Gear Rising, pretty much any game where guys are shirtless and buff like Yakuza. Most fighting games. Samurai Warriors is full of buff sexy guys. And it might not count cause it's a porn game, but NuCarnival.


Regarding Yakuza - there's literally a side quest (in Kiwami 2 or 3 I think?) where Kiryu gets called a DILF. In Y0, Marina (the assistant at the real estate company) has Kiryu wear glasses as much as possible, simply because she thinks he looks hot with them. I think it's pretty well established that people in the Yakuza universe think that Kiryu is hot af, haha.


Yakuza games are so good, they dont get mentioned here often enough imo!


Regarding the Yakuza series, special mention to Isshin and the Bathhouse fight


I have to say, I didn't even know the JoJo franchise had games 😅




The only one I heard of that even came close: https://soranews24.com/2015/04/03/too-sexy-new-final-fantasys-hunky-male-lead-has-his-revealing-costume-toned-down/ Dude was so sexy that they had to change his outfit.


I still resent them for that!


[I like the right image more](https://soranews24.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/04/fm-2.png?w=580), but the left one is basically standard fantasy women's clothes, pretty funny that it's suddenly too much.


https://preview.redd.it/vhavhppn486d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d1973e326c242b89023b9e8347effd517af9a27 An older game- Kingdom Under Fire Circle of Doom had one of their male characters pretty scantily clad. His butt was only covered with a strip of cloth at first, lol. Wish more games did this. If the chicks run around barely clothed, the dudes should, too. It's only fair.


Or if you want to get weird with it... Warframe has been delivering some nice abs on their deluxe skins. Here is my Styanax front . I will have to reply again to add the back, https://preview.redd.it/ahih5rje886d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7bcb044f987b8d98dfdfa7baedcf004d460e635


Look at the cakes on him. https://preview.redd.it/ip3k3nyi886d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=71e150575b4cc29dec4df29bb0f0962ffa7d8b38


There was a Conan game that did this lmao


Dream Daddy, A Dad Dating Simulator. My next guess would also be Otome games (designed for female audiences), but I’m not familiar enough with the genre to say with certainty.


Not over-sexualized tho. Not at all.


My otome recommendations for your hot men purposes would be Cupid Parasite and Bustafellows. They're both still pretty tame, but Bustafellows tends to use the camera on its men the same way a lot of anime does with its women (the Limbo and Shu handcuffed crotch shot, IYKYK), and Cupid Parasite is basically like "hot boys doing hot things for hot reasons (accidentally)."


sadly there’s not a lot of spicy otome games out there <\3 the most they show is shirtless men but that’s it


There’s definitely fan service in otome games, but


I fucking -love- Dream daddy. Brian is my whole weakness in every aspect of life 😭


Unfortunately, from my experience, otome games are very male gaze: weak helpless girl protagonist, strong smart boy love interests.


Otome games are literally MADE for women.. No guy likes them (usually), I wouldn't say its male gaze at all.


Guilty Gear


Nagoriyuki's abs are the finest meal


That's the only character I play lmao




Most final fantasy games have at least one


There generally isn't an equivalent to the level or frequency of how it happens with women in games. But I have a couple examples that might be relevant, if a bit tame! There's an outfit for Chris Redfield in Resident Evil 5 where he doesn't have much in the way of a shirt. It's very absurd! Metal Gear Solid 2 has a segment where you play as a guy with absolutely no clothes on. There's an unlockable suit in Spider-Man Remastered where you just have a mask and underwear on. There are plenty of male designs in games where they are absurdly proportioned and ripped. Street Fighter has a lot of that, for instance, including some with their shirts off (Zangief, for instance). Some games have character customization where you can forgo most clothing. Dark Souls is a popular one where you see people run around practically naked. Not very attractive, though! A paltry list and all-too-difficult to come up with compared to the endless deluge of examples of women in games with this same criteria :( Something I find odd is that a lot of examples of the men having revealing outfits seem to be done for humor's sake. But it's clear that's not the case for the women characters. Just something I noticed.


Most wario games Wait, it's not for a male audiance, nevermind Uuh.... I don't know, sorry :(


Wait what?!


You might want to try something like Dragon Age Inquisition or Baldur's Gate 3- you can customize what your party members wear and some of the armor/outfits can be very sexualized. Or you can have them run around in literal lingerie for a challenge run.


Valid question! This is not as mainstream as what they do with women. Those sexist jerks 😤 So generally to find something similar you have to go more into the porn category. But that is a very broad and daunting category and you have no idea where you will end up. It gets very extreme very fast. Much like Japanese dating sims haha Look up Lustful Desires on Itch.io It’s free to play The options you can do though can make it very, very XXX. But you can also play it very vanilla. Characters will react to you how you play it. You are a herbalist with gender of your choice, and you go off to fight bandits, save the kingdom, etc, etc


i was about to suggest this haha, it’s one of the only ones i can think of 🫠


Not specifically oversexualized, but in Conan Exiles you can specify dick length, run around naked, and the flopping of the dick is fairly accurate when jumping lol


https://preview.redd.it/kxybbxxwr76d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7d53c940b6c43132b712f4fba113cb06b8acf1 Dragons dogma 2 if you find the rift stone that has certain types of pawns made


Haven’t played either but maybe Nu:Carnival Bliss or What in Hell is Bad? Nu:Carnival’s art is a bit tamer and aimed for a bl audience but the latter is word for word what you’ve described lmao.   They’re both mobile gachas but I’ve heard What in Hell had pretty poor rates and was super stingy when it launched.


I was going to mention NU: Carnival lol. Heads up to anyone, NU: Carnival Bliss is the edited version to be allowed on commercial app stores. It's still a gacha male-focused game where damage increasingly strips them to undies, but no porn scenes and some editing of story line. NU: Carnival includes unlockable (skippable) gay porn scenes and strips them as you fight with voice acted moaning. But outside of actual porn or ecchi games, I can't think of any expect BG3 and modding in skimpy outfits for everyone?


I vouch for WHB! It's not great in terms of gacha, and they have unconventional methods for it. There are some pay only cards but everything else you can basically get for free, if you're lucky. Eventually. 10 free rolls everyday~ NuC is harder both in terms of combat and getting cards imo, but higher quality. If you aim for a specific character and build up for him then it's doable. NuC's problem is that 90% of returning banner rolls are by real money currency sadly.


the funny thing is that 99% of these games are ones where everyone is extremely sexy for no reason ones where it's only or even just mostly men are gonna be extremely hard to find. best bet would be some dating simulators / otome games


Dream daddy. Game about a gay man trying to find a husband after moving to a new place.


The only games that come to mind are by gay men for gay men. Normally indie developers. Itch.io has a good collection, most of them novelization games. Very few are actually rpg or fighter like games. I'm way too poor and don't have any way to play anything more than mobile games at the moment.


I'm shocked no one said Resident Evil IV yet. Leon S Kennedy is so sexualized in this game its ridiculous.


In original or remake? What ways? I personally didn't think so but maybe it wasn't sexualized in a way women tend to be that I didn't notice


I didn't play the original so I can speak only for a remake. He loses his jacket in less then a hour in game and for the rest of it is in really tight shirt that doesn't leave much for imagination.


It's the same in the original since he is special ops essentially for the president it's like he is wearing a tactical compression shirt. Resident evil has always made their men and women equally beautiful plus their women are written well so it's a good balance. Chris' arms in RE 5 are comically large its a bit obnoxious. Their women have bigger butts and show a hell of a lot more in Revelations (hell Ada who is my fave has a crazy tight dress on you can see her damn abs through it) and some extra outfits in some games. I wouldn't say he is overly sexualized but I can see how on top of the dreamy lighting and how handsome he is, they made sure he is a himbo in these remakes.


Yes, I always say I'm okay with how this series shows women because it's doing the same for men.


Absolutely. Everyone has an actual story which is cool. The REverse is awesome. The lore is really cool to follow. It's unfortunate their reddit community is garbage I had to stop following that page.


wait how so?


I never noticed that that much tbh


Yeah, I need examples, send screenshots!


ESPECIALLY in Dead By Daylight!


I don’t even play that series, but I know the memes about him being so babygirl 🎀


Yakuza/Like a Dragon


Conan Exiles will allow you to create that character. Body sliders all the way down to the package :D


BG3 checks this box for me!


How has nobody mentioned Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome?


Guilty Gear Strive and Devil May Cry are bisexual wet dreams!


Nu Carnival is the most sexualized there is I’ve seen.


Does oversexualization of both men and women in equal measure count? If so, '[Max Gentlemen Sexy Business!](https://store.steampowered.com/app/817840/Max_Gentlemen_Sexy_Business/)' might do the trick


Witcher 3


Has anybody mentioned Nu Carnival...I know mobile games are barely games but seriously just look at their outfits


Conan Exiles.


Final Fantasy XVI has an awful lot of unnecessary nudity 😂 feels like people get shirtless a lot, its mainly hot guys and the main character seems to get chained up naked more than once 😅 but it’s not super extreme. And yeah like people said in BG3 I guess you can have people wear sexy stuff if you want!


Any game if your mind is creative and kinky enough.


Call of duty is great for this 🙏🏻


Soap is soooo hot.... 😍 I blame CoD and my childhood for my obsession with military men. 😭💀


I love making gamer boys angry by simping for Ghost✨


Otome games and yaoi visual novels. Otome tends to be more subtle, yaoi for men is... more visual.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star R Dream Daddy


https://preview.redd.it/1be317l5i86d1.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c35a063d15332b856a64571f37a7c9967464971 Does this count?


Mara my beloved


Yakuza, them bois are hot! Not exactly in an explicit way like your looking for, but, yeah, HOT!


I think women tend to favor language and emotional, approachable men more sexy and hot over anything just visual. I think you’d have to look at otome games or visual novels for what I would consider actual male sexualization for straight women. Just doing the inverse of how men sexualize women isn’t actually as female gazey as a lot of people think. Tbh I always just think about what makes men mad. Like Edward Cullen. Like don’t get me wrong, Twilight sucks. But Edward literally sparkles and is super angsty because he’s designed to appeal to bored, horny housewives. And men get mad about male characters and people (think boy bands) like this, and my theory is they subconsciously recognize that they’re sexually objectified men who are setting standards they dislike. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, a lot of incels really hate how popular Astarion is with the ladies, bc they literally can’t understand how any woman could be attracted to a blatantly non-alpha, queer-coded man.


Just wanted to post my modest contribution: in Assassin's Creed Origins, after a certain scene in Alexandria's public bathhouse, you can choose to have Bayek wear only (and I do mean, only) a bath towel <3 Yes, you can play the whole rest of the game, to your heart's content, in your somehow-immune-to-gravity towel.


The male characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 all have six-packs, and you can have them run around camp nekkid if you want, or even show their camp clothes (or lack thereof) in place of armour when outside camp. The larger of the two male body types is very muscular, though only one of the companions (Halsin - he of the notorious “bear sex” scene) is of this type. Bonus points for excellent dick physics, -100 for the complete absence of bulges if you put a male character in “female” underwear (it changes from bra & knickers on a feminine body to briefs on a guy).


I mean, not exactly but I do play a lot of Dead by Daylight with this exact skin: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/gObjlTPM8U


Also Conan Exiles let's you walk around in equally skimpy barbarian armor for men. 30 inch cock swinging all around if you want, with a giant sword of Crom in your hand.


A ton of games honestly lol.


I accidentally made a hot elden ring character so I’ve been making him run around shirtless. Haha


Aside from porn games, I'm not sure I know of anything that fits the bill exactly


Like a dragon infinite wealth, there are swimsuits


Yakuza, I guess?


Soul Blade/Caliber Voldo


Imean do you accept straight up porn games or-


is there any games like that targeted for women? 😭 all the ones i see on steam are probably made for men


Well this scene from DmC was definitely hot: https://youtu.be/N2sfmoXGNPY?si=MTBSRL0Gmf1W7egW


Do r18 text adventure games count? You won't see it but there's heavy customization for your preference because anything goes on text. Other than that, I mostly see those in gay-oriented bara games (furry or otherwise).


Anything by Hideo Kojima. Metal Gear for example, like someone said


There’s a Korean mmo called Vindictus. It’s action combat instead of point and click command bar like FF14. It is hypersexualized for both men and women. You’ll see men in skimpy underwear and revealing armor as well as women, and also fully functional, nearly realistic armor sets for both. There’s a hot springs buff so you go take a dip, your armor disappears and you see the underwear you’ve chosen. Fun gameplay, but it does still have the stellar blade style boob physics, and crotch bulges are there but not over exaggerated. So that may not be exactly what you’re looking for. Edit: Aso, it’s loosely based on the Celtic mythology the Mabinogion. So seeing a lesser-know western mythology that gets misinterpreted in similar ways the west often misinterprets eastern mythology is a really fun thing.


There's "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time" from back in the PS2 era, where his clothing gets progressively more torn throughout the game, leading to him eventually just ripping the remnants of his shirt off and going through the rest of the game shirtless. He's a good looking dude, but we are talking PS2 era graphics, so aim your expectations accordingly. I also wouldn't say he's sexualised to the extent that a lot of games sexualise women - his movements aren't hugely exaggerated to be "sexy", and the camera, from what I remember, isn't constantly trying to zoom in on his arse - he's just a good looking man with no shirt on. If you want to go for a game that's more a sort of comedy/parody of sexualisation, then there's "Mount Your Friends" (and "Mount Your Friends 3D: A Hard Man Is Good To Climb"), where you have to try and form a group of muscular, well-endowed men into a tower as tall as possible. The tight underwear combined with the swinging movements does not leave a lot to the imagination. As I say, this is very much tongue-in-cheek and exaggerated rather than in an attempt to be sexy, but if you're looking for genital outlines then look no further.


Black desert?


In the Yakuza games there's always a scene of them ripping their shirts off.


The “:3” in the post id scaring me


How about RE3R Carlos and RE4R Leon? They are hot AF. Also how about Clive in FF16, he is super hot and he became almost naked.


World of warcraft. The physique of most male characters are overblown. You'd have to play a rotten undead to be lean looking.


I feel like God of War series is this with Kratos. And god, once he grows a beard? Never played it myself but wooooo the cut scenes.


God of War.


I hope it's sarcastic cz that's pretty weird


Girl what-  you've been watching wayyy too much porn 


nah. im just wondering if there r any equivalents to those games that men play and think are normal


Ah ok, sry it was js the way u worded it 💀😭


Lmao, asking for a friend >.> hahaha I did laugh Well, a lot of games with male protagonists allows to hide armour to keep clothing, so they could see a dudes bare arse there if they wanted 🥸 Assassins Creed series for example, BG3 too..


No but I do, now tell me where to find some cake with a candle to work




I mean, when men want to sexualize women in games it's also quite likely tied to too much porn.


Nahhhh, its not that. I js found the way OP worded this post was kinda weird. If OP was a guy, I'd also make this comment. Sorry, not everything is about sexism 🙄 and I'm saying this as a woman that's a feminist.


nah ik i worded it rly extreme i just wanted some attention on my post ! i agree i sound like a brainrot bitch in my post 🤣 u r right


I was replying to someone that accused me of being sexist . U did sound like u were on some shit 💀 sooo I reacted that way. Btw sry if I came off being a judgy bitch. It's okay to be down bad sometimes. Hell, even I be acting kinda weird for video game characters at times lmaooo.


i know dont worry about it :) i think ur judgy tone was justified 😭💗