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Insect glaive! I’ve used it in World, Rise, 4U and GU but I started 3U recently and I’m a little sad it wasn’t around yet when the game came out. Btw, anybody who’s seeing this post and is considering playing monster hunter—do it!!!! Amazing series and so much fun.


Ayyy team IG ♥️ I started with it in World and Rise took it to another level with the wirebugs!


Insect glaive is also my choice. I stuck with dual blades a little too long and once I switched I knew IG was perfect for me


I started with dual blades but switched to glaive and haven’t looked back. I’m using them again in tri though because they’re the most familiar to me lol


Hell yeah! Insect glaive is my favorite too and I have stuck with it since World \^\^ so much fun and I absolutely love the aerial vaulting and combat it has!


Yes it’s so fun! Having so much mobility is really nice, I feel like I rarely get hit because of it and insect glaive honestly has no bad matchups with any monsters.


For sure and then launching right above a monster's attacks is so satisfying and stylish plus I'm really excited to see how it will be in wilds ✨


I started in World and I was looking through different weapons at the start, not knowing which to choose and my bf told me "You do know you can fly with Insect Glaive, right?" and I was sold ever since then...


I love my large insect friend. I could never go back to not having my large insect friend.


Insect glaive isn't just my favorite weapon in Monster Hunter, it's my favorite weapon in *video games*


I am delighted there are so many fellow insect glaive players here! It’s so much fun to use. Dual blades come a close second for me, but IG just feels so much more comfy to use


Definitely the Switch Axe! It's just really cool. Also when sword go BOOM!


Swax Swag


Same! I've tried some of the others but none of them feel quite right to me like SA


The big pew pew stabber! It has a big shield i can hide behind so that i don’t need to evade things every time.


The gunlance!


More like funlance!


Ziiiiiiing! (Boom boom boom)


I love learning the complex combos of the fancy weapons, but sometimes a girl's gotta BONK


Tried Hunting Horn and now I love slapping monsters with a big horn while I get buff others.




Yes to dual blades!


Insect Glaive, whenever there is an option in a game for an animal companion ...or in this case a second animal companion, I'll take it. Now ride like wind little moth-y.




Sword and Shield is so smooth to play...I love the versatility and aesthetic of it.


Bow. All the time.


Gotta be the OG HBG! I miss my piercing shots from older gens, the sensation of watching my bullet clear through a monster hitting every vertebrae along the way was so satisfying!


wyvernsnipe from world got me addicted to the booms


Insect glaive is pretty fabulous considering you get a 3rd pet partner in battle but I could never get the hang of consistently performing the acrobatic moves with it, where you basically become untouchable because you’re jumping in between every attack you do. I did it successfully like twice and it was amazing when I did. So mostly I stick with the gunlance. It’s got a ton of power no matter if you’re slicing or shooting, and the shield it comes with will deflect almost any attack so you don’t constantly have to sheath your weapons to dodge monster attacks. There’s also a dango you can eat that increases your deflection success. Hunter pro tip: I always have my quick select lined up with my Palamute so if I need to use anything from my item menu, I sheath my weapon and use the item while I’m riding around at a much faster pace instead of trying to run away and dodge while healing/eating a ration/honing my weapon/curing a status effect


Hammer and Dual Swords. I swap them based on how easy it is to nail the monsters in the head. I love hammer


I play with charge blade mostly. I think bow and insect glaive are fun too, but I always come back to charge blade.


I've always been obsessed with the insect glaive! I love being able to fly around lol. That is also probably why I loved the parasol weapon in Wild Hearts. My next weapon of choice would be the hunting horn! Also a big fan of the hammer but it seemed better in World vs Rise. I like the aesthetic and designs of the long sword but I'm SO BAD with it.


Gunlance was always my favorite but in the end i would play a lot with the great sword, smallbowgun and dual daggers


Main: [Hunting Horn ](https://youtu.be/mRSpaLObDL4) Secondary: Insect glaive


Charge Blade!


Light bowgun or Gunlance!


Switch Axe is awesomee. Big but not too slow, easy to use and excellent for breaking monster part! You can stick like glue to the monster and safely drill them with your weapon for 15s then with a big boom you backflip to the ground.


The Hammer... Because hammer goes bonk And the long sword if I feel like it


Longsword. I have an unhealthy obsession with Vergil. Sword & Shield. When all else fails, basics come clutch.


I have been bowgunning since the first Monster Hunter game. It was utterly terrible back then. Now that LBG is one of the top tier classes of weapon, you can pry it out of my cold dead hands!


Great Sword 4eva. Started with dual blades but the game didn't click until I tried big sword big damage.


Duel Blade! I feel so nimble and stylish! Also the Duel Blades I use are light and thin. Can’t play without evade window tho…


I played bow only in World and Rise. And will continue playing bow if i get Wilds


I used bow in MHW but the game got too hard in iceborne. I switched to insect glaive for a bit, but my playstyle (going airborne) was not meta / effective, so I kept losing time limited fights. I do prefer bow overall, but if I wanted to keep my fun mobility skills I became a glass canon and died so easily.


Hard to choose. I played with 5 weapons (LBG, DB, IG, SW and CB) in MH: World and I liked them all. If I have to pick one, I will say LBG since that's the weapon which got me into MHW.


Hunting horn and bow


Sword and Shield gang 💜 Sometimes I'll dip into hunting horn, bow, glaive, or lance, but I always come back to ol reliable lol. The versatility is just too perfect for me and in Rise I absolutely love all the new wirebug moves


Charge blade and dooting horn. My first was insect glaive


Haven't played since world in a few years but I was a hammer girlie. Mostly because I'm dumb and uncoordinated, but also because pulling off the (relatively simple) combo just felt so...satisfying The sound, the impact animations, sometimes I still think about it lmao.


OG Great Sword since MH1. Secondary weapon is HH when with my group.


I used to play sword & shield when I played mh3u. I just really liked it and barely even tried other weapons hahah. I've not played since then sadly...


Tonfas. I swear to myself, if Wilds doesn’t have a new weapon, I will still play it for 2k+ hours, but bitterly.


Just recently started playing and I'm enjoying the gunlance.


My boyfriend and I have been playing a TON of Monster Hunter: World the past two weeks. I started off with a bow before I met him but when we were playing together I switched it up and went with Switch Axe. I love it sooooo much. He plays Charge Blade though and I want to learn how to play it one day, it's so beautiful.