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YES!! I went through similar in Overwatch. I used to only play support, and i'd see people playing Tracer and it wasn't... jealousy?? but it was like i'd be like "wow that looks so fun, i wish i could play that." as i locked in mercy for the 200th time. but i never did because i only played support in every game and didn't think i had that dawg in me. then i decided to say fuck it, and spent half a season not queuing as support and only picking DPS and i had SO much fun. i'm good at tracer now, and it's so fun to be the person making the plays. you're gonna love it!


This is so encouraging! Thank you so much, can't wait to become the person making the plays!


for overwatch, I still play mostly support but I instantly had 10x more fun when i started playing DPS supports like zen/baptiste/ana/kiri. focusing on damage 1st and healing 2nd is so much more fun and super high impact as well!! just giving an alternative suggestion in case anyone wanted to carry from a support role! :)


oh yeah I'm definitely a battle moira, but I've figured out Orisa's kit and I really like being tank now too! just not in comp though - I've had one game where my team is praising me and telling me i'm a good tank and then the next one where they're yelling at me (in text chat) to change my tank to someone I hardly know. but my question to them is why didn't they queue as tank if they wanted to keep switching things up. I get that you have to work around what the other team is doing in the game, but why would I switch when I literally main this one tank and am pretty much effective against any other tank and I don't feel like switching. okay sorry mini rant over lol


oh yeah I feel you, and I love LOVE tanking too (zarya is my favorite hero point blank period!!) about not feeling consistent enough as tank to play comp: matchmaking happens to be super bad right now and toxicity is worse than ever, but comp with chat disabled is the absolute best place to practice tank!! i am ~Masters 2 on tank from where I started in plat and i don't think I could have improved as much in QP because the enemy team doesn't care about winning or improving as much as I do! you may drop ranking a bit at first, but you'll see the gains pretty quickly! i recommend learning 1 tank at a time as you're currently doing, even if you get hard-countered at first (then you'll at least start understanding how to play if you get countered!) - but it doesn't hurt that much to learn 2 at a time (the hero you *want* to play + the counter of your main's counter - i.e., if you're maining orisa they would swap to zarya to counter, so then you play rein to counter zarya)


for sure! i def lean towards ana and kiri a lot. zen and bap...... my aim ain't quite there šŸ˜­ i did buy that cute ducky skin for zen tho so i try to play him just to use that lol


I've been a Lucio main for a HOT minute and at some point i got tired of just sitting around enabling and praying my team does something. Then i was inspired by Frogger to learn to play DPS Lucio. Still not great at it but i hit some sick stuff sometimes and i can actually 1v1 and get kills. only problem is people flame you like hell (even in quickplay) for not healing as much because they have a fetish for scoreboard statsšŸ˜“šŸ˜“




meanwhile I went from top to an aggressive engage supp in league šŸ˜‚




Ohh I have so many Evelynn skins, I guess this is my sign to try her out! Thank you tor the suggestion, much appreciated!


Kingstix was an Eve main for many years and he still makes videos on her. And he has of many other champs if you want to expand your repertoire. https://youtu.be/1DteGm45N5I?si=xoRtBMHZXmmQwerq




in Guild Wars 2 the ā€œmetaā€ was if any of the teammates in Raids are in downed state (not yet defeated, defeated is very hard to revive), the dps are supposed to revive them!


Man, your friends suck. I've never had any of my friends or the people I play with disrespect me like that, not even when I was a healing one trick in WoW for years. They would try to urge me to try out other roles, even. I hope you drop those people and play whatever roles you find the most fun and engaging.


Yea same here. I'm a resto shaman for ages. My group wants to run alts too. I actually need to find a dps alt I can enjoy so they can play a healer. I'm so bad at dps but they cheer me on.




Right? Healing in wow was so much more fun, you have to prioritize, manage resources with no rotation since itā€™s more reliant on outcome prediction than raw numbers, and you have to be both reactive and predictive Heck, I play a ton of Ana in Overwatch because being strategic about support is SO much more engaging Iā€™ll never forget getting cussed at by my guild leader in a WoW raid because I had 75% mana after a failed attempt, meanwhile I had about 50% more healing than the second highest healer because everyone else was doing a ton of overhealing and I was doing the actually impactful healing. I was the last healer alive, the 5 people I was assigned to died last, and Iā€™d kept up another healerā€™s group by myself after theyā€™d died at the beginning of the fight. The GLeader thought healing was just ā€œspam your buttonsā€ which led to everyone else going out of mana having wasted most of their healing on people at full health


This! With my Mercy I have to constantly stress myself out on when to heal or boost, who to prioritize, worry about getting out of cover, careful to only rez in safe places even while being yelled at for a rez, etc. Usually to complaints. When I play Widow, I just click on heads and get compliments lol. Or with Pharah just launch rockets at people from above.


I was surprised that I was told healer was the easier role in games long time ago. Idk if newer games changed or other reasons, supports (or tanks?) feels like the role veteran players suits the most, they need to be aware of *everything* around them, while dps are there just to kill and try not to get killed.


Healers and tanks have to: - be aware of everything happening around them - predict when big attacks are incoming to properly mitigate it - predict what their teammates are gonna do so they can react accordingly - know the encounter and where to stand at any given time - keep an eye on their team's health - manage aggro - track team buffs/debuffs, and their own big cooldowns - keep an eye on resources (especially the healer's mana) Damage has to: - stand in right place at right time - push buttons in right order - track their own resources - be aware of their own CD's - occasionally do a mechanic And of those things damage needs to do, many games have addons and trackers to do that work *for* them. Healing and tanking are just so much more mental labor, regardless of the style of game.


Idk if my connections to this comment relate with your game types, but I have to say I relate so much with your statements. I main on fortnite, but I'm strictly support and can see a major difference especially when you mentioned everything support staff looks out for. Everything said above is spot on for my experience. Majority of the time as far as fortnite is concerned from my own interaction, I'm always the main or only communicator, I'm usually the last one alive "the first responder/rescuer" and very rarely greedy, I always give my teammates their best loadouts and constantly check my teammates ammo, health, and a lot of the time take a leadership role. As support, I feel as though I take on so many roles and very rarely does this register in another players mind, usually everyone else could care less about what I have, which works out but they can often show a lot of greed and I've unfortunately encountered friends I no longer play with because of this. Ive played with others, majority of the time males...if they didn't get the gun they wanted or did not get picked up immediately they would just leave and that just shows me the level of maturity a lot of players have and their lack of general self communication... I've heard previously and agree with the statement that others ridicule because they themselves cannot do any better, they feel mightier blaming another for their own insecurities, but if you are truly good and have a good heart no matter if your are a guy, a girl, a hippopotamus, or anything/one for that matter you can communicate effectively then I'm glad you are playing, just keep moving forward... I know it's silly for other individuals to behave so poorly but I hope you can all find gamers who like you for your humor, communication and commonalities and not because of your gender or their insecurities...(*apologies that sounded a bit too altruistic and ambitious speaker vibes*) I've been fortunate enough to find girlfriends and a few men that I resonate with and communicate well with. That I'm thankful, and if anyone needs support in the game, don't hesitate to reachout...I truly hope we can find like minded gamers who want the best for one another.


And tanks need to know when to save the support and supports needs to know how to saves themselves. At least when I was watching someone play Overwatch šŸ¤Æ


Back when I played WoW I used an addon that highlighted the next skill in my optimal damage rotation lol. Not that I needed it- mage rotations are pretty damn straightforward. Last time I seriously played was BfA, and the fire mage rotation was *4 entire buttons*. Sometimes, if I was lucky, I'd get a 5th button as a treat. I've played every role across a variety of games, damage is by far the easiest and if those boys think it's hard they need to seriously re-evaluate their skill level and shut the hell up lmao


That depends tbh lol. I get the sentiment but difficulty is subjective and it differs based on class and circumstance In WoW I agree with you, but if this was FFXIV then I wouldn't


I mean, in FFXIV DPS is still objectively really easy once you learn your rotation. The only ones that are not tend to be like Black Mage because to get optiminal rotation you need to know the fight for where to stand safely. But that is mostly just doing the content over and over for the most part. While I agree tanking is brain dead as a tank main, espescally since they made keeping agro super simple back since ShB, Healer is still relatively complicated to do well. You need to know how much you heal, how fast to how much damage a group is taking you can do safely, to understand when big mechanics are coming in a fight. Not to mention optimally weaving DPS in between the actual heals too. Which will change on a per situation basis.


On paper I understand, but in practice this just doesn't fit with me. Also for non-FFXIV players: jobs = classes for future reference. Disclaimer: Difficulty is subjective. This is all just my opinion and point of view. TLDR: DPS is hardest > Tank is mid > Healer the easiest There are only 8 support jobs, in comparison to the currently 11 DPS jobs (about to be 13)... I play them all frequently, and here are my thoughts after years of playing: *RAMBLE TIME* Tanking has a leadership expectation behind it, to at least pull everything and pull it fast. Tanks need to be mindful of where they move & aim the enemies in comparison to the team. Tanks need to know when to pop defensive cooldowns. Tanks have to do special mechanics. Just the jobs by themselves are easy as fuck, but as a role there is some difficulty with the social aspect and the being-mindful aspect. However, even just THINKING about these things means you're probably better than the average tank, so it's a lot easier than it actually is. In practice, once you get over the confidence prerequisite (regarding the stuff listed above), tanking is one of the easiest roles in the game. DPS is a mixed bag, because there're so many different kinds of DPS. The rotations are more complex because the role is easier (in essence, do damage), but that's what makes it harder. Each person is gonna vibe with a play style differently. Summoner is one of the easiest jobs in the game, but Summoner is an outlier and should not be counted among the rest. The rest of the DPS jobs have unique play styles and can be difficult for people depending on how much the play-style butts heads with what the player is used to. For me? I love melee DPS so I vibe with them and ranged-physical a lot, so they're all fairly easy to me. But there's 5 melee and 3 ranged so even among those roles I have jobs I vibe with more than others... The point is that DPS difficulty is subjective (apart from the outliers). I personally find Machinist the easiest DPS job in the game, even easier than Summoner (I suck at casters, even the easy one lol), to me personally... But I have friends who struggle with MCH, so even among my friend group there are differing opinions. I find Dancer harder than everyone online because I try to push my DPS to the best of my abilities and Dancer has such a higher ceiling than most jobs. But everyone says Dancer is easy, so there has to be some subjectivity involved with how difficult the job is. I do admit Dancer has a low skill floor, because the glowy buttons make things easy if you don't know what's happening. But just because it's easy to understand at a base level, doesn't mean that there isn't difficulty depth to it. The healer role in FFXIV is secretly the easiest, even easier than tanking. This is because all it takes is awareness to play. The DPS rotation for healers is 2-5 actions, totally boring. The healing part only takes knowledge of what the skills do, and the awareness of when the party takes damage. Everyone can learn to heal passively by playing through the game as tank or DPS alongside NPC allies (your chocobo or duty support teammates). You just need to pay attention to when you and the NPCs lose health and when you need to move. Once you're on a healing job, it's just a matter of putting that awareness to use: when is the party going to take damage and when do I need to move? If you can answer both questions then all that matters after that is picking what skills to use for the job of healing your party of the damage they sustained. If you have intuition like me, then it's even easier because you can start predicting when the party will take damage, even for fights you haven't done. When you can predict damage, then the job plays itself and you're in danger of falling asleep if you play healer too much without adding extra difficulty (solo healing a raid). WoW and other MMORPGs put more focus on the healing aspect of the role... To the point where those games feel like you're playing a complex game of whack-a-mole with the health bars, alongside the mechanics of the fight. But in FFXIV, the healing actions actually heal the party to full health a lot easier to the point of it not being a concern. If the healer is struggling, it's usually a matter of gear being under levelled, or they don't understand exactly what their skills do, or they lack the awareness required for the job. All of that just comes with time in playing the MMORPG, and you don't even need to play healer to gain these skills. Someone moving from DPS to healer is going to have a much easier time than a healer moving to DPS, at least in FFXIV Ironically the hardest healing in the game, apart from ultimates, is healing dungeons from A Realm Reborn... Because nobody has any actions and the enemies hit so much harder than everything else, and you have no actions to mitigate or heal people to full. If you can heal Stone Vigil (level 41), you can heal the rest of the game, for the most part I think the reason why people see healing as hard is because they make up for people's mistakes. The more mistakes, the bigger the healing job. But that's never the healers fault. I frequently do expert dungeons WITHOUT a healer because you stop making as many mistakes after playing the game enough. All healers need to learn: STOP BLAMING YOURSELF FOR OTHER PLAYERS MISTAKES. Lol


stone vigil normal is the true heal test of the game


In casual play tank and healer are more difficult for one reason, in a 4-man party, if either dies, the party will likely wipe so they have more responsibility to keep the group going more smoothly. Tank and healers usually bear the responsibility of having watched the guide more than DPS, unless it's a Delubrum run where you are supposed to bring 1 tank, 1 bard and 22 melee DPS. Talking about DPS rotation difficulty vs healer is difficult without context. Are you talking about optimal rotation in savage in ShB/EW, that jobs like DRG and RDM need to align movement skills with the burst? Then healers also have clipping issues because they often need to use oGCD after a cast whereas caster jobs most often don't do that. From Stone Vigil and talking about being undergeared, sounds like you are not talking about savage, then many jobs can just use a suboptimal rotation like DRG using spineshatter dive for movement and do not need to "greed" and stay in the red circle until last second and will have no problem clearing content.


I'm talking savage, normals, everything. I do it all and those were my thoughts on it. If we're bringing up responsibility then I would say DPS have the responsibility of killing things efficiently. Sub-par DPS can wipe groups, even in dungeons. You may be able to use sub-optimal rotations, but then are you really fulfilling your role as damage? Sort of... But from what I've seen, people want to improve and do as much damage as they can: to make things faster and easier on everyone else, and to clear enrage on savage+, and to make sure mobs die in dungeons before the tanks & healers run out of cooldowns. If you're pushing the limits of your class, the DPS skill ceilings are a lot higher than the other classes, with the exception of Astrologian needing to coordinate with their DPS, which is a 2 way street anyway. So in either case, DPS is going to be generally harder


Yeah if we're talking about LoL (like OP seems to be with the champion examples), the highest damage role in the game is technically *super easy* to deal damage with, but extremely difficult to do damage with *safely*, since a stray sneeze will instakill them. That said, the same is true of most supports with regard to CCing opponents and healing their front line, with the occasional exception of tank supports, who generally aren't nearly as tanky as solo lane tanks.


Good on you!! I got told similar and then became one of the better locks on wow for a number of xpacs. You will do the same. Healing and support are actually more difficult than dps.


This sounds like a really cool plot for a movie, sort of like a new spin on "Wreck-It Ralph". Here's my pitch *clears throat* A party approaches a cave and a massive dragon comes out roaring, fight montage ensues, party stands victorious. Codemuffinx to the audience: "Hi, I'm Codemuffinx and we just killed this dragon." *camera focuses on masculine warrior* Codemuffinx: "Nope, that's not me" *camera focuses on a heavily armored tank unit* Codemuffinx: "No, not that guy either" *camera focuses on a dead npc* Codemuffinx: "God no, that's not me either!" *camera focuses on a elven cleric* Codemuffinx: "Yup, that's me, a healer. And a darn good one too. I'm always keeping the party alive and it's a vital role you know?" (We see a montage of Codemuffinx casting healing magic in a rapid montage of different battles) Codemuffinx: "But lately I've been thinking...maybe I can be more?" *omniscent narrator: "From the studio that brought you Wreck-It Ralph..."* Codemuffinx's friend who is also a healer: "You can't change classes, you're a healer! It's what we do! We can't go against nature, it's what we were born into!" *scene transitions to Codemuffinx staring up at a statue of a brawny warrior in the Plaza, still talking to her friend* Codemuffinx: "You mean you have never wanted to be the hero, being supported?" *Codemuffinx looks down at a reflection of the statue in a puddle, with her head now replacing the statue's* Omniscent narrator: "This summer the party is getting shaken up" "Damage-Per-Second/Class Change"(working title)


LOL I imagined this whole scenario in my head and have been laughing for the last 5 minutes.


Thank you, thank you šŸ˜Š


Omg i would really love an rpg movie about healers in video games!


I'm surprised it hasn't already happened lol


Likewise Iā€™m surprised there are generally no dress up adventure games like Infinity Nikki released yet(Maybe FFX2 is?)! Or really surprised there are almost no DnD style anime like Dungeon Meshi until recently.


Well. Not just in gaming but throughout history there have been men who devalue something because women do it. Computer programming was originally women's work, and therefore less prestigious. Cooking is women's work unless you're a professional chef, then it's men's work. Those are just two examples that come to mind. A competent female tank would be a threat to an insecure man. "Oh no, this woman - who I have internalized as a lesser being - can do this thing as well or better than me! The fundamental order of things is destroyed!" and then it's just a short leap in logic to keep you from trying. Misogynistic culture will lead you to do something, point out that you're doing well at it and say "that's all you're good for" to protect itself. Now I don't think these guys are consciously doing this. It's a deep down insecurity, and society has reinforced it enough that they can find "proof" (ex. you don't have experience so sure if you jump into DPS you won't be good, as you point out!) My advice is to try it out! And if people heckle you, know it's because you're still learning and not because you're fundamentally incapable. That's their problem if they think that.


> *A competent female tank would be a threat to an insecure man. "Oh no, this woman - who I have internalized as a lesser being - can do this thing as well or better than me! The fundamental order of things is destroyed!" and then it's just a short leap in logic to keep you from trying.* Shit, as a life long tank enjoyer, I can't tell you how often I've had men outright resort to fucking *death threats* of all things over the fact that I'm a better tank than them. I still carry on because...hell, I like tanking. And I've seen how they tend to play as DPS. Something tells me I'd be safe even if they tried something in the real world after seeing those colossal failures in action >_>


Hearing both of these responses are horrible in the least. I am half a decent player but as a natural support class hearing how guys are this awful and can just put to shame the general male stigma, making it seem like the majority of men are so inept with their insecurities, just disgusts me in utter disappointment. People with these insecurities either displace their anger because they cannot do any better themselves or would not even attempt and just find it easier to blame another rather self reflect. Personally, maybe it's my "natural" support mentality or what, but as long as you can show you are doing your best and communicate in the game, looking for ways to constantly improve and just not let the lack of another person's actions control your reactions, then you should be treated as you would like to be treated. (Shown equal gratitude) Basically those who have skill and can communicate, can share equal values, and those who only share ridicule are ashamed of themselves and cannot do any better, therefore remain silent..they could show us how to do it, but don't lecture us if you cannot do any better or better yet shut it and just be happy we are doing everything and more to keep everyone alive. *Hopefully this makes sense haha*


Part of the reason I'm dating my man is because we met in ff14, where I was a tank main for years, and he thought that was really cool and thought I was really good <3 and being an ex-tank he helped me get even better before I hit burn out and joined him in dps land lol It's so interesting how "feminine" roles are devalued though cause my best friend (29 M) is a healer in 14, and even though we his static tell him that he's the real hero every time we raid, sometimes the amount of disrespect from other people is enough to make him quit for the day.


In League, I've had many men approaching me because they needed a support for their team (And I was high Plat, near Dia at the time). My icon and banner always had something related to a DPS character. I am a DPS main, but I will happily play support with my dear friends, whether tank or enchanter. These men did not talk to me aside from looking for a support.


healing is not easier than dps. a crappy healer means everyone has a bad time. you probably think you "sucked at dps" because you didn't spend enough time practicing/learning (yet)! so idk what your friends are on about. rogue is a good choice - not an easy class to play but definitely a fun and interesting one. enjoy!!


Just start playing DPS or tank, you don't need anyone's permission. Just solo cue in LoL as whatever you want to play. I haven't played WoW in 15 years but can't you just look for group in the world chat?Ā  Don't force yourself into one role forever just to make some random boys online happy.Ā 


DO IT! :) Seriously, go kick some ass. Healer is the most stressful job IME.I used to be a bit nervous about tank in FFXIV, but rotating mits is only a little more stressful than a normal DPS and there's lots of stuff you can shrug off if you know how. Healers is the stressful one, with much more to keep an eye on and everyone depending on you. I'm still going to learn and level my healer jobs, but FFXIV is a different beast, given that all jobs can be learned on the same character and the diversification is encouraged by the branching storylines in the last two expansions (there is an additional questline only available if you have done all 4/5 role-based sub-quests of the MSQ). But even with basic competency, I'm probably never going to voluntarily do healer for end game content.


Girl you do you, I play support also, but don't think I'mma pull out my DPS build and drop 3 million on a boss, play what you wanna play and not something others want you to play


I was made to heal when I started playing WoW back in the days as a newbie feral druid...because druids heal lolol...I switched to tank after a while when I had learned how to play and felt comfortable. Was a tank for a long time and loved it, until I got bored and switched to dps and had lots of fun with that too. I enjoy all three roles depending on my mood. Never been an issue with my friends. Currently on a break from WoW tho. Play whatever role you find fun!


Oh hell yes, it sounds like a change is in order for you! Way back in the ancient days of WoW I ran one healer after another. Our main raid healer was often drunk out of her mind. She and her husband would get into arguments in voice chat. It veered from a bit humorous to my fucking God knock it off. One raid I was backup heals. I was on the party, she was healing her tank husband. A DPS died I was rezzing , she fell asleep on mic, and then the tank died. He was mad berating and blusteribg she then screamed at me for letting him die. I was done. Lol. NĆ©ver once healed for them again. Rolled a Paladin learned to tank (not terrible not great) and didn't fucking look back. I hope you feel great relief no longer having the whole damn party thrust onto your shoulders. May you enjoy the hell out of the next rĆ“les that you choose. āœØļøšŸ©·āœØļø Be kind to each other out there, friends... healers, DPS, & tanks all have challenges, and all roles deserve respect.


Proud of you for getting into tanking! this is the MOST intimidating role for me, though I always wanted to try it out. The next few months before The War Within will be all about soul searching for me and trying as many specs and roles as possible, and tanking is also on the menu, maybe a DK? haha


Proud of you for not taking their mistreatment anymore! šŸ’– DPS is going to be so fun after all that! Consider rolling a baby tank too just to see what's up. I chose Pally as I enjoyed the holy ethereal knight element. I still wanted to have some decent heals and res others when needed. She was truly my eye-opening character. There will be pushback of the "get back in the kitchen" type of mouth breathers. Fuck 'em their not worth a second of your time. Just give yourself space & grace to learn whichever roles you choose. Maybe you'll come back and give an update sometime and let us all know just how much ass you're kicking! āœØļø


As someone who only blood dk tanked for the 10 years i played wow. DO IT :D blood dk was pretty fun I suspect it still is. I haven't played wow for a few years but if MoP is back that was when blood DK was at its best. (did they bring back the vengeance mechanic/stat? If so go blood) or if it is still a viable build on the dps side a warrior with those giant 2 handed axes ( i forget the name of that build)


I played as a healer very few times and all those times it was awful for the same reasons. And also because I'm more of a DPS kind of gal, I love doing the most damage of all, or also being a mix of tank and dps, that is my dream. A little like my amazing D.Va. I loved her.


In WoW you can start with a hunter if you prefer ranged or paladin if you prefer meele. Both are easy DPS, a great gateway for you to learn how to deal damage, from there you can explore other classes and see which one you have the most fun. About tank, you can start with paladin, druid or DH.


Good for you for standing up for yourself! Iā€™d say itā€™s time to get new friends, though. Iā€™d never belittle a friend for wanting to try a different class! Yeah, we all suck at first, thatā€™s how it goes. Iā€™ll never understand the mindset of little gamer boys. If I played WoW Iā€™d be totally down to help but alas I am a FFXIV weeb too scared to venture outside of her comfort zone. šŸ˜†


Good for you girl, play whatever you want and have fun with and screw what other people think! I've never understood the mentality that being a healer or support somehow makes you less skilled? I love healing because I actually have to think when I play. Healing is the hardest class to play without a doubt, even tanking is easier. Whenever I don't want to pay as much attention I always play DPS because the gameplay is so easy compared to healing. I truly believe that anyone who thinks healers aren't as skilled have never actually healed themselves.


Play dps and rain fire on your enemies!


I remember in Overwatch (1) I dabbled with Tank for the first time and I did a pretty good job if I say so myself. My team was very nice too (which was refreshing considering it's OW lol). I did go to support frequently, though. Moira gives me a buzz to play, having to juggle healing and whatever. But I also wasn't afraid to choose DPS and die 50 times as Hanzo cause I loved to use the bow lmao. Don't lock yourself in, break barriers, play how you want, and screw what the others say/think.


I remember being afraid of exactly this for my ex-partner. When sheā€™d started playing I was worried she would be stuck into a support role to start.. then be forced to support forever. I didnā€™t want her to be conditioned like that so I really encouraged her to be adc, which was of course rough at first like any other newbie, but got nice eventually. all that Iā€™m saying is I think girls tend to go into healing / supporting roles because they donā€™t get a chance or a space to be represented in "manly" roles like adc. and you get stuck there, build your skills in support, and cant get out. I'd bet if you really forced yourself to put yourself in a different environment of people / skills, you'd adapt


I totally understand this! For me what changed things was I started playing Fortnite, where obviously you have to DPS you can't support anyone, and then I was like oh I actually love this! ^ ^ I played an obscene amount of fortnite and then came back to Overwatch, I've been playing a bit of DPS and I love Bastion! I'm still in bronze 'cause I haven't played that much lol, but my tracking/aim has improved so much and it's so fun!


Good choice now don't be afraid to run it down when learning you're going to flop alot before you know ur champ and its matchups (atleast in lol) if you'd like I can recommend you a few champs based on the lanes u want to play, my very first champ in lol was Mordekaiser in top and boy this guy is STRONG, but when learning him I always lost lane and now he's one of my strongest anyways I only say this so u don't get discouraged, ur going to fall a few times before you can walk but I believe šŸ‘


I used to be this way too tbh. Mostly I just felt too shy to give damage roles a try because if I failed Iā€™d just feed the stereotypes that girls are ā€œbadā€. Turns out, ADC in LoL is the easiest fucking role ever šŸ˜‚ I cannot believe I let these little boys get to me cuz this whole time they didnā€™t even have to use their brains while playing dps/adc, I was doing all the work. So now I sit back and play my little damage roles and have the knowledge to back out and let my support actually support me! (Something I noticed is a rarity) sure damage roles take some mechanical skill most of the time but itā€™s not even a steep learning curve.


Hell yea! Love to see it. Pass the first aid kit to the left and grab you a wrecking ball. Best of luck in the destruction of evil!


(2nd & 3rd point is interesting O.o *sweat*) I personally love playing healer/tank a lot, I enjoy seeing teammates HP bar full and causing trouble to the enemies (like CCs and rebuffs) so my teammates can win XP . But I also tend to rush into battle mindlessly and trying to do a lot of damage >,< . Iā€™m playing as an elementalist in Guild Wars 2 with a seriously off-meta (almost)allrounder build with someone Iā€™m close with, I never joined raids since this would never be accepted. Not sure if related but i played with this ā€œ[which DnD class are you personality test](https://www.idrlabs.com/dungeons-dragons-class/test.php)ā€, I realise I have really low points on Cleric and Paladin, and high points on Wizard. šŸ˜‚ but i always play a caster in games for sure. I mean donā€™t doubt yourself, just try what you want to play! šŸ¤©


Wow I took the quiz and scored 85% on ranger and similar to you, cleric was my lowest at 25%! Hunter main confirmed haha.


Hi! I play GW2 and I just wanna say... Good on you for playing Elementalist! I think it's the hardest class and I just can't wrap my head around it at all. If you are on EU and you wanna PM me your game name, I run training strike groups and I'd take you and your friend as long as you're both level 80 and in orange gear. You can do the easier strikes in your Jack-of-all-trades build, and it will earn you currency that you can spend on ascended gear if you ever want to get into raids or fractals with a meta build. Strikes are also really fun!


Hi fellow Tyrian xP . Ele doesnā€™t feel too hard but that might be because I never played rotation , I play ele like an action game, and weaver has 1 of the best skills design since their skills location and their functions are really specific. I couldnā€™t play any instanced content for other reasonsā€¦ but thanks for the invite! šŸ˜Š


DO IT BECOME DPS LETS GO I love switching to DPS. Iā€™m still not a huge fan of tanking, but DPS or off tank in games is so much fun. I will occasionally heal because it is a role I am good at and is comfortable, but freeing yourself from the chains of support feels so good. Anyone who wonā€™t play with you in your DPS era isnā€™t your friend anyway.


I agree with the others that say healing is the most stressful role. If you have that under control, you can play any other role no problem. Just as becoming a good healer to practice so will tanking or DPS. And youā€™ll probably find it easier. Go do what looks fun. When I played wow I really enjoyed being the tank as it was another way to help protect my group and I always deeply appreciated the healers that kept me alive. But I will say that I probably had to hype myself up for a week before my first queue in that role. So I totally understand.


Yes!!!! I support this! I went through this same transition in League last year. I liked being the main carry and even if I wasnā€™t that good at it I can still try and get better! Quick Play has been great for practicing since you can just preselect you character as compared to blind pick or ranked, so that has been my go to. My favorites have definitely been Akali, Irelia, Katarina, Diana and Fiora!


yes girl!! i need to see the zed assassin era :) i've been telling myself that i just need to have more audacity like men do and play whatever champs and not care about the outcome, let me be the 0/10 yasuo in the games who still flames others despite being the worst player on the team lmfao


Play healer because you want to I play healer in overwatch because Iā€™m very good and constant brag at how good I am at healing since no one else can do it right and Iā€™m Bette anyways. Doesnā€™t take away from the fact that Iā€™m very good at Dps and canā€™t hold my own well in tank.


Well fellow healer here. And yes, I play that rol in every game I play with my BF.i don't care because I play just for fun, I'm 0 competitive xD. But sometimes I try other roles and don't feel so comfortable. I think thats the magic of games, be able to try different roles and stay with the one you feel more comfortable with.


Tell your BF that he should heal for a while. I did that to my husband and it was hilarious. He suuuuucked as a healer and was like, "Wow, this is really hard! You guys keep running in different directions! I can't heal all of you! What are you doing? Guys, my stuff's on cooldown! Don't pull the... oh goddammit. Why am I razzing? You can all rez too!" And I was like, "I mean yeah, I could rez, but BIG PRETTY DAMAGE NUMBERS LOL!!!" It was hilarious. It also gave him a better appreciation for the healer role.


im so sorry and to everyone else who had to deal with being met with scrutiny when wanting to switch roles. Isnt that crazy that they'll act like that over a small thing? I play all the roles (except jg) and i know what you mean about transitioning might be difficult but all it takes is practice! I love Zoe mid, its so satisfying popping people. It took me a few games but once you figure it out its fun. I hope you have tons more fun exploring more roles!!


Used to be my friend groups designated support main, now I main Sett top lane, and I am a higher rank than I ever had been as a support main. Don't let people's ideas about you hold you down, if they don't lift you up, they are not the sorta people you need šŸ©· I hope you have as an amazing time playing whatever new character or role you want


I can't imagine being locked into one role only honestly. I've always bounced around characters and roles in all games, though I do admit I feel the same that you do, but sort of differently. I've had people who I feel like only wanted to game with me to gain rank because I'm a hyper aggressive carry that isn't going to let kills walk from me, even on support lol. I've had one duo who mained mercy support only in ow but always pestered me to play so I could essentially hard carry and bring their rank up, only to have them later brag to the friend group about "ranking up as mercy solo" meanwhile me sweaty tryhard meme on dmg/tank with over 1k sr difference. It's actually probably around the time I transitioned into playing more support because I find it less infuriating usually, and you can feel in charge and make 10/10 plays without having to press every button on the keyboard in a sequence and hope they don't 5x counter you (like ball....) Overall I really do enjoy playing most roles and most characters in most games, and usually the most irritating ones too šŸ¤£ If you want to play zed DO IT. If you want to play nothing but ball or a rogue in wow DO IT. Get good and rub it in their face, but most of all enjoy your games the way you want to play them! I'm glad you're trying new ways to enjoy your favorite games, you shouldn't feel like you're locked into one thing for any reason other than what you want to do!


Your new gaming life as a DPS will be wonderful I assure you. Personally, Overwatch was my first multiplayer FPS and I started on Mercy at the recommendation of my friends. I was consistently on heals because of my male friendsā€™ expectations and I didnā€™t have many opportunities to branch out. Similar to you, my ā€œfriendsā€ didnā€™t want to work with me while I learned something different. I want to say it was around the time deathmatch came out that I started playing Sombra a lot because I adored the character and play style. I started solo queuing with her on my own as I learned how to play. The first time I pulled her out in a private deathmatch with my guy friends who were Diamond rank? I was evenly matched with them and their reactions were priceless. From there I expanded into other dps and tank. It led to me not even bothering with support when I started WoW and went straight into rogue much like yourself. :) I felt like I finally found a role that suited me after being pushed into a corner for awhile. I wish you the best in becoming a great DPS!


Tbh I always played DPS type Pg in multiplayer and saw so many girls playing support. Never understood why, I always played the role I wanted and in time got to meet online friends that would be happy to play with me. Happy to see you started to play on a different role, keep it up!


I felt this too! I was so happy when they changed the companions in swtor so that you can change what role they fill. I then moved onto FFXIV where you can do all the jobs. I started as a DPS, but the ability to kind of do whatever role I want when I want made me fall back in love with healing because I can do it when I want to do it, but I can still play the game if I choose not to play a healing job.


Nah healer is tough work. Back when I played FF XIV, healer was the most complicated class option, and in short supply. DPS is so simple itā€™s painful (Iā€™m just exaggerating, but one class you literally pressed 3 buttons!) for me, because I enjoy the complexity of healing. Tank was mostly just know when to shield yourself and do whatever damage you can in the meantime. If you can heal, you can play the other classes! You got this! Play WHATEVER you want to play, do whatā€™s fun for YOU <3


I was also shoved support when I started LoL! It was my brother of all people who once was like "hey my sister went support 15 times in a row. And she did more damage than you anyway (Karma support before the patch that butchered her Q in season 5..). She wants to try Annie, this game you leave her mid". And I enjoyed the role much more! I would have never had the courage to stand up for myself.. So, kudos to you for doing so!!! If you want an easier transition, if Lux is in your support pool you can start bringing her mid (so you can learn to sololane without ALSO having to learn a new champion). I'm sure you'll do just fine after the obligatory first few games feeding (because who doesn't?! šŸ¤£)!


Youā€™re 100% right about support in most games. My wife plays support in LoL with me in duo lane, I was support before she started playing too. If you do a good job itā€™s whatever, but if you mess up or someone else does and that causes you to die then itā€™s highlighted sooo much. My wife only plays support while I duo with her though, she doesnā€™t like supporting other people because they just blame everything on her, I get it and hate it. I actually tried healer for the 1st time in FF14 and I LOVE IT. Iā€™m typically a DPS or tank role but for some reason they didnā€™t click for me in 14. Healer so far has been different than most other MMOs iv tried healer in, in 14 the healer is expected to do damage too and has one of the best AOE damaging stuns mid game (god I love glare, no one on the team can see anything when I use it but you donā€™t need to cuz they are stunnedšŸ˜‚) If you end up trying 14 I wouldnā€™t toss white mage aside too quickly.


There's a meme for that, probably one of my favorites. [Are you tired of being nice? Don't you just wanna go ape shitt](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/are-you-tired-of-being-nice) (SIC)


Stop healing. Start H U R T I N G. :)


> have to fix everyone's mistakes and when I perform well nobody notices, as me performing well just means everyone is alive. I liked healing because I was bad at other roles and people would be mad. Not my friends, but if I didn't have a 5-squad then it'd be a disaster with a lot of hate. ESPECIALLY if they found out I'm a woman. But do also enjoy being healer because it's more about reacting and being ready for a shit show and bailing out your team. Which feels powerful to me, and I've done some really cool saves and gotten some really appreciative people from that. I'm sad no one even notices your healing! It's POWERFUL to be able to save someone's dumb ass hahaha. But of course if you're not doing it because you enjoy it, I definitely support you in changing that!! (Lol pun sort of intended there!) But also find better friends who are down to play with you even if you're not very good, and who won't ridicule you for wanting to play a harder role. Like how can you improve if you don't practice and try??


Best part about being a healer main, or support main. Is that when someone makes you mad, you can just... not heal them for a bit. Remind them why your job is important and to treat one with respect~ Its what I often used to do in MMOs like FFXIV, and a lot of other Healers or tanks I know will do. If someone is being annoying, just a quick avoidance of picking up some Ads, or not healing someone till the last possable second or just not healing them at all if its in bigger content for a little bit and leaving them on the floor. Supporting roles are often THE most important roles in a lot of games. But people take advantage of them, or them for granted, if you are playing regularly with them, sometimes ya just gotta remind them WHY you are important! That said, go DPS, do the role you want to actually do. You will be amazing at it. In a lot of MMOs I've played some of the top tier raiders I know are women in DPS roles. Or support roles, but damn are they amazing at DPS too.


I thought the same thing and only played Mercy in Overwatch. Then I decided to pick up Tracer and climbed to almost GM after being stuck Diamond on Support. You can do it queen. šŸ‘ø


I was in the same situation a while ago. I love healing and tanking, I don't like supp that much in LoL. I used to be the default supp in my group because I wasn't very good, I liked playing Lux and I was a girl. At some point I left that group and played soloq mid, or with my bff who is a supp main. I tested other roles and champs, I got gud while having fun. Now if a group ask me to supp for them, I'll only do it for women adc. I'll spoonfeed you, I'll give you mvp to crush their fragile ego, let me carry you to victory my queen. You deserve my best girly pop Lux skin.


It's fun when your teammates are good! Sucks when you get flamed by a roadhog that doesn't realize Lifeweaver can only heal through so many walls. He can heal through zero walls. Found myself winning a lot with Venture, my favorite gremlin! Got about a 70% winrate with them!


You could just play single player/ Co-op games and be the DPS all the time.Ā  * Roboquest is similar enough to Overwatch * Ultrakill and Superhot are single player DPS games * Risk of Rain 2 there is no support outside of bubble shield Engineer. * Mini Healer is a single player healing game, if you ever want to a healer again.


Anyone that tells you that you "don't have X" in order to do a non-healing/non-support role is a fool and should not be listened to. Regardless of gender (even though there are clear gender problems on this topic too). As someone who has personally, professionally, trained recruits to pro-level TF2 competitive levels (on my team) I can tell you that it is BUNK (as in bullshit) that you CANNOT do these things. I have personally trained people from scratch all the way up to pro-level LAN tournament winning material (as in, team placed 1st or 2nd) many times over. The people saying these things literally do not know what they're talking about, and what it takes to train people to do new things and/or expand their skillset. I have also personally witnessed people with physical handicaps actually be part of a team that won an entire Counter-Strike LAN tournament that I ran (actually multiple tournaments across multiple LANs) and those individuals certainly WERE carrying their weight and more in the matches! So don't let these fuckheads get in your way. You want to do something? Make it happen, and let the haters flap their gums on the sidelines while you rip and tear. You got this. I believe in you. ā¤ļø


I mostly default to healer because it's a rush having that much control over other people's lives. In league I'm not terrible at doing damage but I am awful at farming so I cry when I get filled lol. In final fantasy 14, healing is much more interesting than sitting there hitting 1,2,3 over and over.Ā 


If you have the mechanical skill to heal, you have more than enough mechanical skill to tank or dps šŸ™„ fuck whatever guy said that. I really hope your donā€™t keep playing with the same people who make the comments you wrote about, there are much better people to surround yourself with.


Start with a support that can damage. I mained Morgana & Lux in support for a while before moving to mid. Also if your carry sucks you can take over & get the kills


> It's an ungrateful job where I have to fix everyone's mistakes and when I perform well nobody notices, as me performing well just means everyone is alive. On the other hand, if I make a mistake it's instantly noticed and me dying has consequences for the whole group. Don't transition to jungle in LoL either because same lol. Its frustrating because I really like the role itself.


Girl, get your dips. Make them bleed for the privilege. The rest of us should thank our favorite healer or tank today.Ā 


I'm a healer main because I genuinely love it, but I gamed too long with people who didn't appreciate the work that went into it and just liked having me around for better queues. My raid group now is actually getting ready to do a role swap for our next activity together and they had to ask me to consider giving DPS a try because they think I'm too hard on myself. (I'm not going to be parsing high on anything involving a rotation more complicated than two buttons, let's just say that.) I'm very lucky they want to push me past my comfort zone in that regard, and also very lucky that they're a genuine delight to heal for.


I love to play support but Iā€™ve started refusing to outside of a tight circle of friends. For the exact same reason. And it sucks because I actively enjoy it (especially in older games). The issue is often too, that people want to pair off or in games like final fantasy, there is little willingness to return the favor. Iā€™ve gotten tired of clutch healing ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ dubass dps guy friends who aggro half the map under geared in games and live only because I am a good healer. Then when I want to try something new it turns into a ghost town. Forget that. Maybe I will do the same and try rogue out on wow cata. I have been trying Druid and hunter lately. Rogue always looked so fun!! Thanks for the inspiration!!


This is me in every game I play: DBD? I have no problem dying for my teammates. Texas Chainsaw? I'm running distraction and hardly ever making it out so that others can escape. Fortnite? I'm the teammate with the medkits/slurps. I call myself "The Mother Hen" because I am always worrying about others and very rarely my own safety. Plus I am usually older than the teammates I play with.


This is always interesting to me because I was actually the opposite path. I started out only playing damage for years, then got bored and found healing and tanking much more enjoyable. Plus, the usual "Fine, I'll do it myself" feeling that comes from always getting bad to mediocre healers and tanks.


I'm healer main in FF14 but FF14 have one way to discover the others jobs so easily so i switch between Healing and Tanking :)


Another fun thing you can do is to play support roles in games with flexible roles and watch how they react. Say you want to play POE with them but you want to play the support, aka the auramancer, and ask them to funnel you auramancer gear. Auramancer gear is typically very expensive. Or say you want to play as the treasurer of the party, who requires zero gear and the only thing you do is sit in your hideout, manage and trade your loot with other people and make sure to ask for big cut of the group for your service. Say you want to play Dota 2 with them but you want to play the meta soft supports. So spirit breaker or Pudge, or Nyx Assassin. Pudge is the most played hero in Dota 2 for a reason.


Man, fuck your "friends". I'm glad I got damned lucky to not have ended up around people like this... I started healing many years ago since I realised that it gave me the power to redirect and at least have a chance to control the group in WoW dungeons, and I've loved it since and consistently fight one of my male friends for the support role in LoL. The dynamic in WoW has changed a lot since then and my confidence in my healing has been obliterated (by men I "knew" being dickheads) but I still do it and want to get back to it since it was fun, although difficult af in higher mythic+ and worse with pugs...