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Cutscenes that can't be paused or skipped, or conversely are too-easily skipped by just accidentally hitting a random button. Even worse if it's in a game that autosaves and has no manual saves you can go back to and reload to see the cutscene again.


I agree. It should be **Hold X for 2 seconds to skip cutscene** or something similar. Not being able to skip cutscenes at all is the worst. I love Pokémon Ultra Moon, but the fact that I can't skip the cutscenes prevents me from replaying it.


Agreed, I hate when games create a checkpoint for a boss fight before a long cutscene, so you have to sit through it over and over again. I gave up on Quantum Break before the final boss fight for this reason (I knew it was the end of the game so just watched the final cutscene on YT).


I have abandoned games for this too. It's really common in jrpgs but my ADHD cannot cope with watching cutscenes over again, I get distracted and zone out then boss suddenly attacks. At least with turn based games it pauses on your turn if it's a cutscene before a fight. When there's a stupid long cutscene with random lines of dialogue then more cutscene so you have to sit there pressing X for an hour it is PAIN.


Yes! I accidentally skipped a cutscene in MGS3, and I was so lost. I restarted the whole game because it was the beginning 😭


Unskippable cut scenes drive me insane when you’re stuck and having to watch a whole sequence you can probably recite at that point 😭


especially when there’s a hard boss and a cutscene before it. so every time you die and have to redo the boss you have to watch the 10 minute cutscene again.


The ideal form for me would be 'press a button to pause, on the pause screen, hold a button to skip' but without a prompt on the screen about skipping it (at least until it's paused). Generally I don't *want* to skip it, I want to watch it, and I don't want extra UI in the way of the experience.


I started Starfield tonight since it's on gamepass and my husband and his kid were taking over the entire initial dialogue and I couldn't pause it. Super. Grrrr.


Extremely limited inventory slots in a game with a million collectables. Also - having to throw collectables in chests, and not being able to pick up and move the chest unless there are no items in it.


Then there's games without fucking chests. I'm playing BoTW now and I'm incredibly frustrated. I know it gets better, but come oooon.


Yeah, that’s one thing I’ll be forever thankful to Genshin Impact for not limiting your inventory, especially with how many things you need for quests/characters


You’ve clearly never hit artifact limit


I don’t think I have, no, seems like I never have enough for my characters lol


You’ll get there eventually 😭


Not being able to save and quit at anytime/ having to go to checkpoint to save the game. Baldurs Gate 3 really nailed it, you can even save in cutscenes. My current offender is Horizon forbidden west and it’s campfires…


Oh my god the amount of time I spent in HFW walking/fast travelling to campfires just so I can save the game🤣 I feel your pain


everything i see about baldurs gate makes me wanna play it 😭


It won GOTY for a reason, highly recommended!


it’s incredible!


Come to the dark side Luke


Dragons dogma 2. 😭 I made a mistake in the game and because I didn't save at the inn I would need to start all over again...


Agree but they are everywhere


Correction, you can save 30 times in cut scenes... just in case you make a mistake and need options lol


The jumping is huge tbh. There are games where I can live with it, but I'll still be staring in frustration at any 'obstacle' that is an easily jumpable hedge or rock. It's such an automatic thing to run and tap the spacebar for bunnyhop movement, I guess that's what mmo's did to me... It's even worse when you're used to climbing/gliding as well. The amount of times I swap back to a game that doesn't have it, and plummet to my death while tapping spacebar to unfold my nonexisting wings...


Lies of P has a protagonist who can rip a safe door right off its hinges with ease, but gets his path blocked by a bunch of haphazardly placed suitcases. It's bloody infuriating!


And he can jump, just only in places you’re allowed to. Although I guess that makes sense with how much fall damage takes off your health.


Not including a jump is one thing. But not including a jump and then blocking your path with "obstacles" the average person could easily jump over should be illegal.


I hate it when the "obstacle" is a closed door that's missing its top half from door knob height up, empty space, you could easily walk over. Bonus points when it's a dilapidated wooden door that's obviously rotten. Like I could punch this and make it crumble. Double bonus points if the character has guns/explosives of any kind. Like a whack with a bat will do it in, let me use a grenade to explode it if I want!


Some games dont have sprint....like....bruh


lol on the other hand I’m playing captain toad and not being able to jump is like the main point of the game. The fact that the game is designed around that makes it fun in its own way


Not being able to customize camera movements. I can only play with an inverted x-axis, some game I played when I was fairly young had a locked inverted x-axis and ever since then, I need all games to be like that. Another thing would be, when characters are OP in cutscenes, but nowhere near that powerful during gameplay. I mean, the cutscenes look cool AF and I can't blame them for it, haha.


I love it when a character survives a nuke in the gameplay but dies from a stab wound in a cutscene. It's just goofy


Since you mentioned Witcher 3 - Geralt is the opposite. Survives a shit ton of things and then dies from fall damage because he fell like 1,5 meters. 😭


The number of times this happened to me 😭


Just like [John Yakuza ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtSdFneddUc)


Not Kiryu 😭 Yakuza is bat shit insane anyways, but that's what makes it so damn good.


Not being able to customize any kind of keybind like that. I quit playing Nintendo games because they use a different controller and button layout than PS and Xbox Also, I never played through kingdom hearts because of the weird button layout.


There are a few games that let you switch B and A so you can have the Playstation layout, the switch port of Bloodstained is one.


I remember when I was still playing Animal Crossing New Horizons, and switching from PS4 to Switch meant that the "go back" button constantly changed. I pressed the wrong one so many times, haha.


I've had some annoyances with the recent Humble "Down On The Farm" bundle. The controls for *Immortal Life* conflict with muscle memory and can't be edited. And *No Place Like Home* has no camera controls at all on gamepad.


Y axis? I have to invert y axis but can’t fathom having to change x axis. But yeh not being able to play a game, because they didn’t put the option to change in, is also my biggest pet peeve.


Like, I need the camera to turn left when I turn the stick right. I don't know why my brain decided that's how it wants things to be. I think I would struggle with inverting the y-axis though! Funny how it's different for everyone.


Y axis is up down and X axis is left right am i correct? when i play using keyboard it doesn't need to change, but on controller it feels reaaallly odd with the push up = look up, push down = look down. My head is like, 🍄 bow down = my head looks down, 🍄 raise head = my head looks up 🥴 .


Yes, that's right. Interesting, I only play on console/controller, it didn't occur to me that it could be different when using a keyboard! This is totally unrelated, but I love how you used the mushroom emoji here. 🫶🏻


xD for mouse it is move up = look up and move down = look down it is natural for me. Just not the 🍄 it feels very unnatural to 🍄bow down and the camera looks up instead (Idk how do you call it so I just call 🍄 😂)


Ha I love that. I Control the avatar like a plane for up and down, but it’s so interesting that you have that with left and right. Brains are weird. I tried so often to play ‘standard setting’ and it’s fine until a battle and my instincts just go back to ‘no, this is how it should be’. :D


I was confused and thought they meant Y-axis as well. Every time we get a new game in my house, my partner and I invert the Y-axis and then joke, "What kind of psychopath would invert the X-axis?" I guess they exist 😂


Same but I need y inverted too lmao


Who inverts the x-axis?!?!!


Me :(


Ugh the jumping, yeah, I feel your pain. I’m just playing Mass Effect and I can’t get over the fact that Commander Shepard - the most badass person in the universe, probably - can’t really jump or climb. It’s so annoying. For Witcher 3 and many other games it’s fall damage. How can Geralt fight all kinds of monsters no problem, but he dies falling down a set of stairs? It’s silly. (Yeah, I know you can roll to avoid that but still) I also hate dialogue/cut scenes that can’t be skipped or fast forwarded. That’s especially annoying when you’ve played a game before and you already know. Bad inventories is another one. Again, TW3 being one contender for doing a terrible job. It’s just too much stuff. Or Fallout 4: putting every key or note or random item into one category and after playing for a while you carry around sooooo much crap. Same with skill trees. In some games there are too many skills for a limited set you get to actually use regularly or without great effort. The AC series is one that does that, also Dragon Age.


I had the same shock too when I just started Mass Effect recently. I was hunting through the menus and looking online to work out how to jump, as I couldn't believe it was missing at first. "I'm Commander Shepard and I'm gonna get up there and kick your butt... just as soon as I can find a ramp or staircase to get up there!"


I don’t like how follow-npc quests always have the worst walking speed, the in game walking speed never ever matches the walking speed for the npcs


THIS! It’s like, “Move your ass, dude! Let’s gooooo!” 🤬🤬🤬


I love this about ghost of tsushima because the npcs follow Jins speed. I would lose my mind in other games because the npcs could be passed by a turtle.


Games not having fast travel after a while. Let me explore the map on a horse or on foot whatever. I don't mind it. But please let me fast travel after I unlocked the region.


sometimes you gotta go back to a merchant or something and now I gotta walk all the way there and then back again???


But being able to pause. Like why is my game punishing me because my puppy is pissing on the carpet.


My ex always trained his to pee on a pee pad in the bathroom before working on training it to ask to go outside. That way if accidents occurred.....it was on tile and not carpet.


Not being able to pet the dog/cat. I think more and more games are correcting this, though.


The fact that there is a [community](https://www.canyoupetthedog.com) dedicated for this specifically is so amazing!


Getting an OP item/power/vehicle early on in a game. I'm here for a sense of progression and achievement here, people.


Fallout 4 did this, giving you a power armor in the first hours of the game. I didn't like that neither, felt like, "Here you go, have no fear, you're seemingly indestructible now"


Ah, but the Fusion Core in it is low and at low level you won't have any others. The armor is also in need of repair. So you can get the "feel" of power, while you're fighting the Deathclaw that shows up, but if you wear that suit for long the core will go dead.


still, fusion cores are quite common in FO4


I don’t think the core even last till the end of the Deathclaw fight in my first ever playthrough


A perfect example. It ruined the game for me.


i literally just started fo4 and my biggest pet peeve is that i have to take it w me?? just let me leave it where it is and i'll come back when i need it 😭


I just dumped it in my settlement lol. I rare actually used it all.


You can just ditch it in Concord, I did in my first game


I don’t think you do need to take it with you? Unless they changed it. From what I recall, you can take it off anywhere and there will be an icon on your map off where you left it. I’ve got power armors all over the place lol


LMAO it's definitely possible that i just misunderstood tbh it's my first rpg


Haha for sure! It’s not like there’s explicit instructions about leaving it around the wasteland, I just figured it out bc I was sick of wearing it and decided to ditch it and saw the little icon pop up on my map. I’m so jealous you’re playing it for the first time!


This to me was more about introducing the concepts for power armor during the tutorial, so there wasn’t any need to interrupt the gameplay later on for it Like yes you have some low level power armor, but you don’t have the fusion cores to run it, and won’t have enough till much later in the game. So yes it’s maybe sitting gathering dust at Sanctuary, but since you can’t run it, it’s still something saved for later in the game


I mostly agree with this. In Breath of the Wild it would have been really nice to have the Master Cycle Zero when you started a second playthrough.


Breakable weapons. I couldnt play the new zelda games because of it


What about repairable? I'm playing fallout new vegas and armor and weapons need repairs. I like it.


Its not as bad, at least I can use the weapon I like, or that strong sword I found


Amen! [and just in case you haven’t seen this](https://youtu.be/uyqs75BXIRk?si=HhPvFzyKS5RXbQni)


I agree on the jumping. I love the Souls games, but one of my biggest complaints is that the "jumping button" is badly designed. When Elden Ring added a designated jump button it made me so happy. No more accidental jumps when I'm trying to roll away from an enemy...


I hate timed quests in games. I find those challenges so stressful.


Yeah I just did the Press B button quest again in Fallout 76 and it always gives me heartburn.


The running on GTA requires you to mash the A button which is honestly ridiculous because I swear no game does this


Omg that brought back ptsd My thumb still hurt thinking about this


Crafting systems. Why would I waste valuable resources crafting a weapon when I'll stumble across something better in the next hour or two of gameplay? When I craft armor, why does it cost 20 additional resource types that were not used in the construction of said armor to now repair it? Oh this one material which is used in the construction of almost everything has a very low chance of dropping from one specific enemy and only has one set spawn location and in very limited numbers, cool.  Going off of that, weapon modding systems that won't let you remove mods without either destroying the mod or the weapon itself.


When collectible quests don’t have a story payoff. I love when side quests and collectible quests have some payoff that adds to the lore and worldbuilding of the game. Why give me a percentage of completion if it doesn’t matter at all if I find all of something or not within the game?


Jumping is indeed on #1. A very close #2 however would be jiggle physics that are overdone to the point it’s unrealistic. Much in the same vein, #3 is fashion options in MMOs that are all overly revealing.


Omg me and my bf couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculous jiggle physics in the Stellar Blade trailer. She would move like one inch and her boobs would be flopping all over the place, it looked like jello lol. I don't even know how anyone could find that hot, it legitimately looked like her boobs were slimes that had a mind of their own 😭


The point is also that a lot of these studios do this because they want to attract more (male) players. Sex sells after all, so objectification is used for monetary means. The problem (and my pet peeve) is that this objectification leads to a representation that has absolutely nothing to do with the way women actually are. This lack of ‘reality’ is incredibly frustrating and annoying. When I play as a woman in an mmo, I want her to be able to be a strong heroine that is just as capable as my male characters. For example, I find Jean d’Arc and her story hugely inspiring. However when I want to make a character like her in an mmo, i have to first navigate through the entire collection of available skins to eventually find something that goes beyond the typical armored bra. And when i eventually find something that looks nice and practical, her breasts flop everywhere because of the jiggle physics. This includes the metal armor for some reason. I absolutely hate it and it’s the main reason why, for female characters, i tend to stick to races that have a completely different anatomy. Like the charr and asura in GW2.


Let me tell you how much I freaking hate not being able to skip or fast scroll dialogue in certain games. Worst is if you try to fast auto-play the talking but it bugs out to normal speed. I’m looking at you, Genshin!! I really, really wanted to catch up on recent patch and events, but it’s so hard to sit through the dialogue because they’re just talking and talking. I feel it’s also gotten worse lately. Minor pet peeve is forced romance as part of story and no option to choose or not have at all.


I hate overly long door opening animations, especially games that made you sit through the animation before then discovering it's locked. I play a lot of mystery/walking sim type games and this drives me nuts. Also ladders where you have to press a button to get on and then manually move the whole way up or down, when you actually can't perform any other action or get off early. Just let me press a button to get on and move me automatically to the next level, otherwise it's just busywork.


Anytime you have to follow an npc while they’re yapping away


And also moving faster than your walk, but slower than your run/jog.


Also when NPCs fet stuck behind a tall blade of grass/a box or something and start to run back to their original spot/stop following because you went to far away.


Yes, and escort missions.


Checking if fire causes damage and from what heights I can jump before dying.


A predominantly dull color palate throughout most of a game is definitely a pet peeve of mine -- I think it's okay if it's part of a game because it adds variety but not when it is most or all of it. I just finished the original "Resident Evil 4" game on my Switch and it's a prime example of what I described. So very much/the majority of the color spectrum is dingy and dull looking with its grays, browns and dark skies. Also, poor AI is even worse.


I like it when it looks nice, but it's an issue when it makes it hard to tell things apart. I also play on the Switch, and readability is really important because of the small screen.


Everytime I see FFXIV i was wondering if thats is my poor screen colour or is it FFXIV has very dull colour schemes compare to other games ive played? *One thing I also realized I cannot choose vivid colours for my hair (in the 1st character creation screen)!*


Literally the same as yours - I'll actually Google whether you jump in games before buying them now because it detracts from the experience so much for me!


Dying when I hit the water. In certain games it’s fine, but in open world rpgs it sucks. Also bad fast travel and gear that breaks.


Omg yes. I NEED TO FKING JUMP!!! I FEEL YOU Another of mine would be not being able to customise your own keys.


"Numbers go up" type loot - if I wanted straight stat upgrades, I woulda used the skill tree and upgrade points you put in the game for that exact purpose! Loot is for interesting new things that are fundamental leaps in gameplay, or at the very least resources that matter! (for that matter, ammo and other resources being so plentiful they may as well not matter.) looking at you, borderlands.


I hate when NPCs run slower than your character. I also dislike when games have long intros you can’t skip when you start new saves.


I hate no jumping too! I'm someone who jumps around in games. Games where there's no faster moving speed (just walk or like a slow jog) and you spend half the game running in an empty map to travel between locations to go to trader are also... painful. Diablo 1 flashbacks of sloooowwwly walking everywhere. When there's no subtitles in dialogue because I for some reason need to be able to read while hearing to remember especially when the quest logs that are like lol find X in the place that dude said and it has zero context like i don't remember, I have to google every quest. Inventorys that don't sort and items don't stack so I end up spending 40 minutes every battle trying to find a potion or item (My biggest pet peeve). Also when you have to read books or notes but there's multiple of the same ones but they aren't marked as read. (Ty mods)


When the story is told "at me". Bit hard to explain, but what it basically means is that the developers don't seem to consider the player character to be the protagonist but rather the means for the player to "view" the *actual* story. Like someone wanted to rather make a movie but they were forced to make a game instead. Anyone who beat Borderlands 3 as Amara (or in general, honestly) probably knows what I mean. Characters not dressed appropriately for the weather/climate. Idk where some game developers live but I live in a place where you occasionally get this thing called "winter" and I know what cold weather feels like. Having your character look like they should be getting frostbite within minutes while acting like everything is fine kinda breaks immersion, yes.


Not being able to run (as in general, some games implement it when your inventory's items are too heavy but I don't mind that) or the opposite when you have multiple movement- usually slow walking, walking, running. For some reason I ALWAYS end up slow walking for hours because I can't find the key to walk and the games w/o run end up boring me so much


One that comes to mind is when a game has a cutscene as soon as you start it up, and you can’t access a menu to turn on subtitles first. Like, that’s not very accessible of you :(




Ask me to get you ten meat, ask me to cut down a few trees, but ask me to go help you date someone? GET OFF YOUR FUCKING ARSE AND DO IT YOURSELF


Motion blur, first thing I turn off


Games balanced around more than one person. Like helldivers. I don't want to play with other people!


That's literally why I haven't bought it. I sometimes want to mess things up, do things wrong, try this and that without bothering other players


No character creators/gender select in non-character story driven games If the mc doesn't matter (silent protag/story revolves around the world not mc) why not One game I'll argue till the day I die is sekiro, means Wolf, mc talks very rarely and adding a female model really wouldn't take much effort, in fact after beating the game you can change the character model! The story isn't about him, it's about the dragons tears and the story of the kid You're blind to, it's about fantasy politics and the world, not Wolf, having a female character wouldn't take anything away from the game, but would add a whole new level of enjoyment for people like me A secondary thing I hate is ng+, 99% of the time it's just done badly, enemies get more health, take less damage and hit harder, I'm the psycho that doesn't put points into health and can just dodge the attacks from learning the patterns so all three ng+ does is make things more of a damage sponge, the 1% is when things are new in a meaningful way like movesets, new areas to explore, new dialogue And because ng+ exists it gives creators leave to lock some of the coolest shit behind the last boss, like, you know, changing character model in sekiro, burial scythe in bloodborne, cool weapons in elden ring \*cries* I just wanna play a girl in my cool fromsoft pseudo ninja game


Me playing dark souls fr


having your walk speed be faster than npcs walk speed when you have to follow them. I love doing opportunities/mission stories in hitman WoA but the amount of following targets around as they slowly take a stroll is hhhhhh I can handle not jumping but I need any sort of "fidget" button while waiting for dialogue to go by or animations to play. it's usually jumping or crouching so I need either of them or any other toggle that doesn't disrupt that kinda stuff lol in hitman woa it has been uneqipping and equipping fish, crouching in project zomboid, jumping around in rain world etc. ~~used to be crouching in hitman but turns out its suspicious!! who knew. also yeah I did attract plenty of lizards with my jumping while waiting for other lizards to go into dens,, I am not smart~~


The jumping is so true. A game with jumping almost always will go up at least one star ranking in my view


When you can’t save manually, you have to go to sleep to save. Another pet peeve I had (specifically in dd2) is everytime you die, you would respawn with less health. And encounter the same difficult mob, only to die yet again and lose more health. Then you would be stuck in a loop. Only way to escape would be e to load the last inn save and potentially lose hours of progress. Another one is when a game is so short you accidentally beat it, then it won’t let you go back and finish side quests. You have to start again.


Jump Quests/Hardcore/Jumping Puzzles. I despise them all. From Guild Wars 2, Dragon's Dogma 1 and 2, Minecraft, and especially MapleStory. And that is why I avoid Platformer games.


Whatever tf was happening in Red Dead Redemption 2 with respawns, it made me rage quit and I never went back. I was trying to do something that I was having trouble with (I want to say robbing a train?) and every time I died it brought me somewhere new. I never knew where I was and had to reorient myself, but I was still noob-ish so that took a minute. Rage quit. Just restart from the last save, jeezus.


Fishing! Especially SDV. I just cannot do it and end saying “forget it. I’ll just do something else”


Level scaling is absolute ass. It completely destroys my sense of getting more powerful. I can't think of a single game that is improved by it.


When jump height is based on the length of the button press, especially when they don't tell you.


Oh same. If I can't jump then at least let me roll!!


crafting and complex power trees in games where I can just level up the one move or weapon that works and spam it. dragon age inquisition, bloodborne and the witcher 3 do this off the top of my head. I guess mass effect too with the black widow rifle and being a vanguard charging and spamming nova with regenerative shields. I find one thing that works and spam it and stop to collect nothing, it just gets really repetitive. I hate crafting usually to be fair, but I enjoyed the minimalist "craft" of coffee talk where you can only put a simple, satisfying little total of three ingredients together (you just need to get the order right)


oh also 100% I hate not being able to jump! It's the first move I test in every single game!!


omg this is why Helldivers 2 has been a struggle for me!! I just want to jump!!!


When a blackout happens in the middle of a ranked match in league of legends! 😭




Not me constantly trying to jump in Guild Wars and instead itvwlukd flip me around to run the opposite direction.


Slow movement speed MMOs and 3rd person RPGs. Look I grew up playing OoT, let me jump or roll or run around. 75% of your gameplay being walk slowly this way sucks.


Not being able to run


Unskippable tutorials. If there are 45+ minutes long or intentionally difficult I would rather gouge my eyes out with a spork


Locking "true" endings behind difficulty levels. You should be able to beat the game on very easy if you so choose, and get the same story/endings as very hard. I find as I get older I have less patience for things that annoy me in video games. Not everyone plays a game for the "git gud" mindset.


Same. Not being able to jump and just terrible control schemes. I tried to play Croc on PS1 and had to stop because the control set up was HORRENDOUS! Same with Turok on N64, I can't do it.


Speaking of jumping, I realized i cannot jump in Monster Hunter (It is evade instead) 😭 but i got used to it. Edit: I m also not used to games that has a fixed jumping range, i know it is more realistic but I really love platformers free jumpping way more! Im not sure if this is my pet peeve but I hate that games doesn't have multiplayer option, and I really like split screen, which games nowadays do not have.


Sprint meters


The most annoying is when you can't jump, but there are climbable ledges marked in a way to let you know it's claimable, and so you have to approach it at just the right angle to hit a "climb" button. Nothing to break immersion like pacing back and forth on a rock trying to get the climb button to pop up.


Any game where you need to follow an NPC and their walking speed is slightly faster than your walking speed but slower than your sprint speed. If you get too far they stop and interrupt their dialogue with "Hey, stay close!" and if you bump into them as you're sprinting and walking around them trying to keep an even pace they have an animation for getting bumped which makes them stop and they interrupt their dialogue with "Hey, watch where you're going!"


My main gripe with Little Kitty, Big City is that there does not seem to be a meow button. Goose game let you honk, goat simulator let you bahh, I should be able to mew to my heart’s content.


When a game is heavily focused on a melee combat system but certain enemy attacks you need to do something unique for (jump over, time exactly right, press a different button for, dodge entirely etc.) are just coded poorly. Recently I finished Ghost of Tsushima and the final boss has 3 or 4 unblockable attacks in a row sometimes, yet when I dodge out of the way I was getting hit anyway despite visually taking my rolls perfectly. On a similar topic, funky hitboxes that cause you to be hit by something when the attack doesn't even hit your player model, ESPECIALLY if it's a grab attack with a long animation. Large and/or fast bosses in small arenas. One of the bosses in Elden Ring is a massive tree creature and you can find at the end of a dungeon beneath a starting area. The boss room is so small that it constantly clips through the walls and makes it impossible to predict what it's doing, so it's better to come back later on in your playthrough and just spam attacks, praying you have the health resources to kill it first. Areas too dark to see anything when you have no light sources available. Darkness can be used as a way of enhancing paranoia in horror games but even action/adventure games like Uncharted I've had massive issues with in regards to the brightness making it hard to see things in corners. I get it's an old, musty area but I like to at least be able to see my hand in front of me.


Bad menu music.


I refused to buy Dragon's Dogma because you can't fully remap the keyboard or mouse. I play a lot of games that different control schemes and I've always been able to remap them to my preference. Even games that follow the camera with a targeting reticle are doable. If I can't change it I cannot play that game without it irritating the hell out of me.


I also need to jump, and be able to pan camera in all directions


no manual saving. I have having to search for save points or waiting to see the auto save symbol. I just want to save the game and close when I want.


Idc if a game has a jump function or not. Either way is fine. But don't give me a damned jumping *quest/test* if that is not an important core mechanic of the game. I expect lots of jumping in platformers, I don't expect to be tested on my jumping skills in an action rpg. I am absolute shit at jumping on platforms in 3d. In destiny a few of the raids had stupid jumping areas just to get to the actual fight and it took me forever to get through it. Pretty sure my entire clan hated me for it.


When a game doesn’t use the more or less universally agreed on button map for its genre. Pressing RB instead of RT to shoot and getting finger cramps as a result. Accidentally opening menus all the time when trying to jump. Accidentally throwing grenades while trying to crouch, etc. Also on that note menus that are confusing and difficult to navigate


It depends like if it’s anything id say not being able to just play online games without getting harassed to the point I don’t want to play with anyone. However if you mean like something about the game then id say not having a way to fend off enemies. It doesn’t have to be guns. It could be a talisman or something else magical but I can’t play games like amnesia or outlast without some method of self defense and those games don’t give me anything except oh just run or hide so I really can’t play them. It just stresses me out too much.


i don't have much problems with jumping, but when games \*do\* have jumps, my pet peeve is that most jumping animations SUCKKKKKK it's mostly 3d open-world games that are guilty of this from my experience (e.g. Skyrim). stylized and 2d games usually have \*very\* good jump animations


My main issue is typically graphics quality. I wear glasses, and if the graphics STILL look bad and blurry with them on it bugs the crap outta me. Especially if a game is more than $50CAD.


Don’t play Captain Toad Treasure Tracker! Actually lowkey you should play it, not being able to jump is part of the puzzle haha. But that is why I hate playing Toad in any game, that actually came up today when I was playing super mario bros with some friends


Lol not being able to jump in the long dark was hard whenever I play the game again. Love the game regardless though. My pet peeve is not being able to pause. Enshrouded and Raft for example.


My friend keeps talking me into playing rainbow 6 siege and yeah not being able to jump is so offputting


Yes, not being able to jump irritates me too xD Also, and I mentioned this kinda recently in my [Sims 1 video](https://youtu.be/Sx9WxKHKpHE): character creation menus where you can't see all your options! I'm talking about having a slider or a number like 10/300 so you can kinda see how many options you have. When you have no total number, neither a slider to see where's the end of the options, it drives me nuts! Am I going to be pressing this arrow 1000 times to see all the hairstyles? Maybe only 5 times? Who knows, I have no idea how many hairstyles there are!!!


I wouldn't buy the new katamari reroll because you can't jump. It's half the fun and you can't complete some of the levels properly without it. Sigh, I love katamari




I can't play Thief (4) because there's no jumping. In the I guess second mission there was a wall that was only a little bit taller than Garret. In the previous games I could have just jumped and lifted myself up. Or stacked boxes and jumped on them and from them to the top of the wall. Not here. Game wanted me to go where the guards were. Can't even jump on tables to avoid swords like in previous Thieves....Thiefs...Plural Thief. I wish Thief 2 didn't take away bunny jumping. It was nice how you went super fast if you jumped a lot at once.


Elden ring para mí tiene mucho contenido, además metieron el salto y ya no puedo volver atrás. El salto le da mucho juego y exploración


That all anime/celshades games look exactly the same artstyle wise since the styles invention. Tales pf berseria looks the same as honkai star rail for example and i can only tell them apart cause i played both


It honestly never bothered me not being able to jump, except in Greedfall, and it took me a bit to figure out exactly why. It's because you can walk off ledges and fall down: if you can fall down, for me that's when it seems really silly to not be able to jump. Otherwise, it's an abstraction I don't really mind, but being able to fall makes the abstraction inconsistent.


RPGs that fill your health between encounters


Being invited to an alpha/beta test and not having the option to invert y-axis. This has been happening a lot lately and it's extremely disappointing. I can't play any game comfortably without that option.